J.Worrall: Don’t be Wayward, Hayward!
faisca7: Dont be Spuddy, Buddy!
Heizenberg: Don’t be slack jack
Heizenberg: heres the theme for the night lol
meziare: so shit this in not in free to air, fuckin afl
Xephyrise: bit of a sad situation that it isnt on fta, c7 taking footy for granted as per usual
fonzie: howdy peeps
wadaramus: Don’t get me fumin’ Newman, 80+ please.
SC_brAh: Carn Nic Newman
Lodgy: Don’t make me annoyd, Lloyd!
TheBoy89: Hey Boys I’m new
PLACEBOPIE: newman 0 please 😀
Grazz: Welcome to FanFooty TheBoy89
wadaramus: Haha, good one Lodgy 🙂
fonzie: welcome boy
The39Steps: Wondering how many would be at the ground given the early start. Then realised most of Perth were out of work.
TheBoy89: Cheers fonzie
m0nty: this is a bit of a flood early
wadaramus: Enjoy the FF banter TB89.
TheBoy89: Also cheers Grazz
Breezey: Great start Luke Parker. Two tackles
PLACEBOPIE: swans are up and about
faisca7: lol, haywards wayward
TheBoy89: I’ve actually been watching all of you guys talk for weeks
iZander: Anyone know why i cant watch the game on the AFL site?
boo!: i miss nic natuini cox
King_Robbo: To early for a spud for Newman?
Heizenberg: Hi all
JockMcPie: Newman not even on the field yet, ease up
wadaramus: He’s still on the bench Robbo!
iZander: Is anyone able to watch the game on AFL live?
TheBoy89: Boys I’m a bit of a noob. So how do I get the team logo next to my name
Yelse: hate it that he put jones in defence.. back in the middle please
PLACEBOPIE: watching on fox
Heizenberg: Does anyone else’s afl season pass make you turn iPad upside down?
shaker: Good to see all the stats for the players well done m0nty
JockMcPie: VC on the better Kennedy, 40+ disposals please
Heizenberg: In your profile 89
kosduras: zander i cant at the moment
iZander: damn, i cant either and its not on TV 🙁
Raspel31: Bud’s still not back on the ground?
Heizenberg: Yeah not on tv sucks!!!!
Heizenberg: I’m just viewing scores and gonna watch footy show zander
TheBoy89: How do I check my profile?
Yelse: z jones and newman lift damn
Costanza: Fxtel Play free 2 week trial
Heizenberg: Anyone here do match day for his game?
Heizenberg: I left Lloyd out I’m dying ATM
StuL: Newman will ton up.
wadaramus: It’s only early, but Newman’s got me fumin’.
Raspel31: Why on earth would you leave Lloyd out Heize?
TheBoy89: I’ve got 2 big forwards playing and newman
kosduras: dont need a ton from newman but 70+ would be idea
Heizenberg: Trying to be a bit unique
Breezey: I’m not sure what Newmans doing wrong. Just got on and moving upwards nicely
Heizenberg: Please Lloyd
JockMcPie: Ease up on kids in the chat!! Can’t expect them to pull premo numbers…
Willymack1: Have a crack Franklin
Thedude24: I decided to field Otten and Hamton over Newman coz I think they’ll feast on Ess at AO. I hope it was the right choice
SC_brAh: wow newman went ape sh!t
m0nty: Newman is fine, was just a TOG thing.
Heizenberg: I captained buddy think he’s due to go big
StuL: Go Newman! I’m playing a bye but woo hoo!
Thedude24: Uh oh. Newman on 25, ive screwed up already lol. Oh well, good cash cow
TheBoy89: Newman is playing beautifully
feralmong: Hehe heize I’ve got Lloyd in match day and gaff as c and Sinclair
Yelse: why did i start zac jones over newnman fuming
zadolinnyj: gents! vc on parker
Raspel31: You are either playing games Heize or too much schnaps? Really?
Heizenberg: Please don’t laugh feral
feralmong: Nice zado hope u get a nice vc pod.
Heizenberg: Hi zad
boo!: ladies vc on buddy
casey22: Picked up Lecras in a draft game: lucky me!
Heizenberg: I’m not playing or drunk lol
TheBoy89: Do I go options in my account
Heizenberg: Trying to be unique I said
The39Steps: Rising Star going to be interesting – Newman, Parfitt, Burton, SPP etc etc…..
feralmong: Got shuey too. But buddy and jjk fwd. ohhh.
zadolinnyj: Hey Heiz
Thedude24: I’m not watching but are Eagles getting the rub of the umps like they always do at subi?
Heizenberg: About to have my first drink in like 2 months actually lol
Heizenberg: Sup zad?
JockMcPie: I’d like a 5 goal game from Buddy please
Heizenberg: Me too jock
Breezey: Umpiring seems fine at this point.
kosduras: loving vc on JPK
circle52: Took the VC of JPK and put on Fyfe with Barret out, bad move so far
Heizenberg: Please
Heizenberg: Anyone else
Heizenberg: Anyone else tip seams?
Heizenberg: Swans*
Willymack1: How is that free
TheBoy89: Fml I traded kennedy for sloane
JockMcPie: I tipped swans, dunno why
poolboybob: Guess the umps wanted the kid to get his first goal
tankin: swans getting rub of umps so far
Heizenberg: I tipped cause they will de desperate for a win man
iZander: Can watch on AFLlive now
kosduras: i tipped swans heiz
zadolinnyj: i tipped swans
kosduras: how accurate are SC scores these days??
wadaramus: They appear to be fairly accurate at present kosduras
sammyo7: great kick kennedy
JockMcPie: bang on kos
wadaramus: Hayward Wayward…
Heizenberg: Cool boys
Jackwatt$: Not sure about all these Swan rookies. There disposal seems a bit wayward by foote
JockMcPie: Get a kick Buddy..
Breezey: Swans J Kennedy flying SC
tbrowne: anyone else own JPK but didn’t VC him? Story of my Supercoach season thus far
zadolinnyj: they made the bad sc people umpires so sc great, umpiring bad
sfmmp23: Come on Newman and Buddy, get me off to a good start
TheBoy89: whats your projected guys
Raspel31: He got hit pretty hard early on Jock.
feralmong: 150 match day at quarter time heize. Nothing special.
wadaramus: Oh nice jackwatt$
Heizenberg: Actually 174 it just updated
Heizenberg: Just need a big quarter from buddy to be in contention
J.Worrall: Is Reg Grundy’s SC correct?
Heizenberg: 800 a gMe is good yeah feral?
Stuart88: I got lucky my opponent had JPK as VC butvchanged it as I had Murphy 😂😂
poolboybob: Giles and Vardy are complete duds.
kingcarey2: redden wasnt the first goal kicker, gaff was
feralmong: I reckon heize. Doesn’t happen often for me.
circle52: @tbeowne you are not alone – Took the VC off when other loop hole option arose.
TheBoy89: Lift Kennedy WCE
Heizenberg: Thanks man, that’s what I’m shooting for then
sfmmp23: Hanners cant stick a tackle, hopefully he keeps this up so we can grab him at a discounted price
blues3222: I changed my VC from Kennedy to buddy just before the bounce. I am annoyed to say the least
Heizenberg: Good luck feral
Breezey: Buddy battling with his legs
tbrowne: Leaning towards Sandi up against Jake Spencer this week as VC, looks very nice
TheBoy89: looks like hanners didn’t have beer.
Stuart88: Looks like buddy is gonna stink it tonight after that hit
feralmong: Took ages to log in to SC. to confirm I had Newman on ground.
J_Herer: Mills in Antartica!
TheBoy89: my forwards have real stinkers besides dahl
JockMcPie: Might hold on to O’Meara on the bench and pick up Hannebery at $400,000 soon
Heizenberg: Buddy licking up a bit
TheBoy89: is franklin a trade out?
Willymack1: lift jpk
Heizenberg: My team steady now just need fuckin franklin moving
TheBoy89: lmao just has i say that he kicks a goal
tbrowne: lets go the big bud
JockMcPie: Thanks Buddy, keep it up Newman and JPK
Heizenberg: Yes there we go!!!
JockMcPie: Say it again TheBoy!
TheBoy89: maybe it gives him luck lol. buddy is a must trade out
Heizenberg: Hehe same boy
J.Worrall: SMitch down for the count
Lodgy: Slammin Sammy is hurting!
SC_brAh: lift newman!
Raspel31: Still Heize-Buddy cap is a huge leap of faith.
westy501: mitchel wont play rest of night
J.Worrall: Go PriddyBoi!
Heizenberg: Yes I know raspel
TheBoy89: if newman gets 75+ ill be happy
poolboybob: Duggan potato
Heizenberg: Gotta try be unique man
Snarfy: Jake Lloyd goes alright doesn’t he.
Yelse: wheres kennedy been this quarter
maygs: Has swan Kennedy gone home?
fonzie: jjk over rated
anthsill03: @fonzie yeh selwood is over rated too
Raspel31: Phew, stuck with you after a lean start. Keep going Parker.
TheBoy89: do i trade out jjk for macrae or riewoldt
TheBoy89: hodge is easily the most overated
Willymack1: Don’t trade him at all
zadolinnyj: same raspel. started to get worried
Thedude24: Why trade out jjk? And id choose rooey but im biased. But again, why trade jjk?
TheBoy89: are u kidding me just as i said that kennedy has a shot on goal fml
JockMcPie: Don’t trade JJK….you chose to be on the rollercoaster, now ride it
Heizenberg: Cmon buddy!!!
Heizenberg: Haha roller coaster
Yelse: not even HT and he is on 43 and you complain
Thedude24: Look at this. Perth umpiring at its best
JockMcPie: keep talking Boy, give Newman a revvup next?
kingcarey2: yep, overated
whafc: JJK over rated pffff u fools
TheBoy89: josh kennedy i love you
SaintsMan: Oath Thedude24
Snarfy: Happy now JJK bashers!
TheBoy89: newman is such a waste of trade he was just getting them luke hodge easy touches
NiKsTa92: Thedude what you on about umpiring been pretty even in my eyes
sfmmp23: If Hanners gets down to 500k should we even bring him in, hasnt shown much good form.
JockMcPie: Boy is magic, his targets lift
TheBoy89: u only get hanners if he has a beer
kingcarey2: sydney cant keep up which is where the free kicks are coming from. All there
Willymack1: Aliir loves himself
Lodgy: here comes the frenchman
TheBoy89: newman is a must trade out
Yelse: all sinclair does is grab and blindly kick the ball
bob81: hanners is injured surely
PLACEBOPIE: as long as burton beats newman that is winning 😀
tankin: hanners did have surgery in off season. prob affected his ps
TheBoy89: i need franklin to lift same with newman but im happy with jjk
Heizenberg: Score now Ferrell?
Heizenberg: Feral*
TheBoy89: jjk already has a better score than last week’s stinker
StuL: hanners is sore but brushed it off.
Lodgy: My lads of JPK Yeo Jones and Wellingham doing a solid job! keep it up boys!
IKnowALL: People who base SC scores an saying his injured, lol get your head out of your A@@
StuL: Yeo is still fools gold
feralmong: Slight pickup heizenberg. 350.
9inch: Newmans doing ok. Whats the problem?
TheBoy89: watch murphy have a stinker this week im predicting 58
myteamsuks: where is the worm need to discuss him last week calling people fools for trading out hanners for Murphy
feralmong: Overall rank. 1064.
westy501: agree StuL
myteamsuks: Swans young guys are not as good as recent years rookies. It’s showing
TheBoy89: whats wrong with kieren jack he used to be a top 5 midfielder now he just looks very slow and his effiencey is horrible
westy501: who are peeps tips for he flag?
fonzie: too early to tell i think
StuL: Cats will win it of course. Odd number year. Everyone expects GWS. So they won’t.
Ash777: I bought in fox so apologies for low score hoodoo
jddd: three of sydneys goals have been kicked by the umpires
myteamsuks: Hutchy is terrible on footy show
TheBoy89: does anyone know cats trade targets
StuL: We have trade targets?
feralmong: Yeah cats are keen to get Taylor hunt back.
Lodgy: cats wont need trade targets when ablett walks in the door next year
westy501: i was wrong about mitchell
Heizenberg: Yeah he’s just so so my team
Heizenberg: Footy show has been kind of crap so far this year
Heizenberg: Making fun of hawks skit then was dumb
Heizenberg: Open mouth was pretty good though
Pokerface: footy show has been kind of crap for the last 10 years
JockMcPie: Buddy not moving well at all
Yelse: jones went down by 4 for punching the ball over the boundary as a spoil. how is that right?
StuL: Newman’s score has not moved since about 5 mins second qtr.
SC_brAh: yes not happy!
fonzie: vardy needs a spell in the reseves
pcaman2003: @Stul.Haven’t seen him on the ground even.
Pokerface: has mills lost a leg or something
Heizenberg: Lol
Heizenberg: lol poker face
Yelse: wheres swans kennedy been last 1.5 quarters
Heizenberg: Go swans cmon
TheBoy89: Come SuperCoach Gods
SC_brAh: jpk has scored 17 since quarter time 🙁
tankin: lol at mills
TheBoy89: franklin and newman lift
Heizenberg: Damn Kennedy was 59 actually at qr time
Heizenberg: Rarely players go on with it thought and bust out 180 plus
StuL: The Phantom was still trying to say Mills was a good pick two weeks ago.
SC_brAh: if newman outscores lloyd that would be great
StuL: Yeo will still spud it up after this.
TheBoy89: if newman gets 130 ill put steve dank as my captain
luke394: Those herald sun “experts” are the biggest spuds
sfmmp23: come on buddy get to 90 big fella.
Yelse: need swans kennedy to beat eagles overrated kennedy
TheBoy89: kennedy just got 12+ for a shocking kick cheers sc gods
Snarfy: The two +1’s are the highest scorers for their teams.
bigblain: Loving the breakout season mills, dud effort
StuL: I out ranked most ppl last year so figure I should probably just listen to me.
Heizenberg: Cmon Sydney fuck it!!!
StuL: But you can always use another perspective too.
TheBoy89: pickett is the biggest spud
StuL: Let’s keep the cats dominating the chat!
wadaramus: Come on Newman,flick the switch and go 75+
luke394: @StuL the worst part is those experts have been playing for years and still have no idea lol
Raspel31: What-the two most boring and self-opionated posters Stul
fonzie: cats current best fwd player go
Yelse: Don’t get SC kennedy gets 2 HB and a kick for +1 lol
TheBoy89: im a first timer but im coming 5084 overall
StuL: Raspel31. I liked the bombers, until that comment, now they’re dead to me.
TheBoy89: 5048 sorry
man0005: im a first timer but im coming 3 overall
TheBoy89: man0005 are u sheldon
man0005: 2 sorry
TheBoy89: are u ben
luke394: Hannebery will be the biggest flop of the year he’s so bad so annoyed I started him
Yelse: who thinks JJK SC is BS compared to others
Pokerface: i am ben.
sfmmp23: Good stuff Buddy. Big last qtrs from Franklin and Newman would be great.
Thedude24: Ugh I can’t stand West Coast. Come on Swans, pull off a miracle
Gotigres: Very happy with that quarter as my opponent has JPK and Jones.
StuL: Forget Hanners I think
barra17: Lloyd has been my best pick so far this season
bigblain: Comon newman wake up sleepy head
ronl: Go Buddy. Dominate!!
barra17: Lloyd has been my best pick so far this season.
man0005: Lloyd has been my best pick so far this season
TheBoy89: jjk score is bs but im happy cause hes in my team
Fizzy343: tell us again barra17
barra17: ha. thought my pc failed. my bad, forgiveness prease
daniel87: kieran jack needs to lift his game something chronics 9 possies is not good enough for a player of his stature
Heizenberg: Who’s watching? Swans looking better in last?
PLACEBOPIE: swans are coming
NiKsTa92: Both teams having good patches
JockMcPie: TheBoy reckon you can give Newman a spray for us all
wadaramus: It’s a close contest Heizen, 50/50, Swans maybe nose in front.
TheBoy89: come on yeo next week u are spud
Snarfy: C’mon Gaff. Stop with the Buffalo Girl!
TheBoy89: newman wake up mate otherwise everyone will trade u out
westy501: jack ned tobe ropp
luke394: I take in back Hanners 30 points in 5 mins :/
wadaramus: Newman on bench withE, not sure I will need his services.
TheBoy89: newman we know your new to sc teams but these sc owners are savage
Heizenberg: Thanks wadarakus
SC_brAh: newman should only be there it generate coin
wadaramus: Newman got a nice left foot, somewhat like Malceski
jddd: umpires loving swans!
TheBoy89: sick newman got 9+ a little bit of spark
JockMcPie: Thanks guys, he’s back in it XD
addysstuff: Elliot Yeo, good thanks!!
poolboybob: Commentators doing everything they can to get the Swans across the line
Heizenberg: Here we go
wadaramus: Goal swans, game on moles.
sfmmp23: hanners sllow down mate, keep that price low
AngryRyno: lay off Newman you it idiots, best performing cheapie so far
TheBoy89: come on franklin and kennedy kick one more each and newman get another 9 and you will be better than dangerfield
man0005: Heart for Newman
tankin: boom. boom.
PLACEBOPIE: hayward is cheap too
tankin: star for shuey
Pokerface: lol man
man0005: boom. boom. boom.
NichoB: @theboy89 newman will definatly see that comment and take immediate action. he couldn’t think of anything worse than peo
Pokerface: lets go back to my room
feralmong: Picked wce by 22 so one more goal swans and that’s it thanks.
TheBoy89: newman u have no chance of 75
NichoB: ple trading him out..
Heizenberg: Ffs
AngryRyno: I’ll take that bet @TheBoy, Newman 75+
JockMcPie: TheBoy ur a wizard
Heizenberg: Should have stuck to eagles
NichoB: shut up @theboy89 , you are wrong again
TheBoy89: im trading franky
SC_brAh: 74 atm lol
poolboybob: Papley’s best role was when he dropped the ring into Mt Doom
TheBoy89: haha newman’s on 75
Yelse: some dodgy frees for eagles
wadaramus: lol poolboy!!!
wadaramus: Newman’s E has now been activated.
NiKsTa92: Dodgy frees going both ways yelse
kingcarey2: dodgy frees my ass
SC_brAh: you think jpk can hit 110+?
wadaramus: Well he didn’t actually drop it, Gollum bit his finger off.
Str1k3_M95: lmfao wheres the flog who sed Newman was a bag egg?
TheBoy89: jpk hit 110
Ash777: swans are jumpy and giving away silly frees
Roksta: Jock gone to bed
JockMcPie: JPK out of the centre to Buddy x 2 please?
Breezey: Game Over. WC home
poolboybob: Fair enough, but I’m even more impressed that Paps can mark the ball while missing a finger.
Roksta: Longmire gonna lose it over the free count again?
TheBoy89: there we go im happy with kennedy hes got 110+ and buddy disappointed with buddy and newman horrified he should get aton
sfmmp23: come on buddy, wish i kept Rooey
Str1k3_M95: JPK magnify glass 100%
wadaramus: Frodo ball skills.
SC_brAh: How do you know jpk is 110+ I only can see 102. What’s your source?
westy501: need to sort this free count out…. crowd influence umps too much
Heizenberg: What was the free kick count tonight?
Pokerface: yin yang kennedy. like his gf match
The39Steps: Tonight’s highlight will be Wellingham and Buddy out on the town.
Heizenberg: What the hell has happened to Sydney?
wadaramus: Still a couple of hundred SC points available, should see some positive scaling?
Heizenberg: 23 – 14 just saw sorry
TyCarlisle: Why are people expecting a 100 from Newman. He is a rookie. Literally any score over 50 is good.
pcaman2003: Wet Toast just playing with them
TheBoy89: anyone who think im being legit… im not. im just saying that for them to lift
poolboybob: People got too spoiled with ready made rookies coming into Gold Coast and GWS and Essendon
westy501: sydneys kicking is shocking this year
mjdub: lift ablett!
Heizenberg: I like the boy 89
Heizenberg: What the hell has happened to Sydney???
TheBoy89: im just a wizard that talks crap about playyers but instead they gain points
AntoRyan14: should i take haywards score or wait for houston
wadaramus: Punt on Houston.
TheBoy89: i love heiz
addysstuff: Yeo hasn’t touched the ball and gone up 15sc in the last 10 mins
Breezey: I don’t have a problem with Houston
wadaramus: High DE helps his score naturally appreciate.
Pokerface: so does the fact the games been over for 10 minutes
JackRipper: Strange seeing Newman with a poor 475 EFf with not a single clanger too his name ?
addysstuff: surely he won’t be the loose man every week
sfmmp23: Happy i started with Newman now!
TheBoy89: franklin 2 stinkers in a row well done jjk and newman
feralmong: Damn I’m always 4-5 pts off margin in tipping.
JockMcPie: JPK not enough for the loophole, C firmly on Danger (again)
TheBoy89: if franklinhas one more stinker hes getting the axe
sfmmp23: Lloyd always plays well but just cant take his scoring to the next level
