BaxterR: G’day. any big trades this week?
desmondo: G`day just Reiwoldt to Buddy for me 😉
kosduras: evening lads
wadaramus: For the first time in memory, I have not made a correctional or more importantly a kneejerk trade in R2!
Bazza2014: no trades either
JockMcPie: Prediction – Dusty does his knee in the first half…bad feeling
m0nty: bit of hopefulness there I suspect, Jock
colin wood: Gday boys. Pies by a couple of goals (I hope..)
colmullet: wonder if SC has its act together this week
RooBoyStu: The Teeth Cup, the Toothless Collingwood supporters v The Toothless Tigers
ballbag: whats up Jock? why dont you hope for something positive like re-growing teeth? Pies in for a good chance tonight
Chelskiman: Giving Caddy one more week and then I’ll probably have to offload him.
JockMcPie: Just feel with the tyre pumping all week somethings gonna go wrong
pcaman2003: G’day boys. Let’s hope for a great SC round.
Velo: Pies by 14 points. Treloar to rack up the points.
pcaman2003: Expect a better week from Treloar this week.
J.Worrall: Go Tiges! Pies for spoons!
J.Worrall: C’mon Tiges, give Adams a chance at some points!
zadolinnyj: Gents
lachlan23t: Let’s hope Rance can score some SC points this week
Oli_hawks: he will lachlan
Oli_hawks: does anyone know what has happened to taylor adams?
lachlan23t: @Oli_hawks let’s hope so!
shaker: Edwards you useless cow
Velo: @ Oli Nothing. He started on bench and it is early.
mattmac24: Nothing has happened to Adams?
JockMcPie: Collingwood should have 3 goals…cmon boys
Oli_hawks: so annoyed with him last week, rance and cripps completely ruined my rank!
BaxterR: how accurate do the SC scores look?
shaker: Should have been 3 Edwards
Velo: and then he goals shaker. Always the way
circle52: SC Scores look reasonable wth the +1
han solo: The Nank playing Wank
Oli_hawks: who else has dan butler on the field?
circle52: Have checked against my 5 players
Velo: You didn’t like Adams’ 117 last week?
Yelse: shouldn’t treloar be on more SC
J.Worrall: Yes to Butler afield
feralmong: Yeah got butler on
pcaman2003: C’mon Nank…..lift!
Chelskiman: 6 free kicks to 2. This is last year all over again when the umps gave the Pies so many soft frees.
BaxterR: cheers circle. Golden service
zadolinnyj: Treloar is 23, Martin 24
J.Worrall: Adams getting busy now …
J.Worrall: Frees seem always a subject of concern when Pies are playing!
han solo: Looking like Nank will get his points from possies not hitout. Grundy has him covered easy
han solo: Umpirewood always looked after by the whistlemen
DrSeuss: Come on Phillips pick it up
feralmong: Nank won’t outruck many. All tackles, possies and goals
han solo: True. All he needs to do is ton up for about 6-7 weeks
Velo: Treloar already double figure possies
Chelskiman: Caddy looks lost.
StuL: Ok so butlers a “star”! After so many rich r1 champs in the past… Hunt, mcI, menadue,
Velo: Kicking for goal has been under 7 standard tonight.
Chelskiman: How do AFL players miss from 25m out directly in front? I could kick that and I’m a terrible kick.
shaker: Shower kicking both sides
IHateChat: No future at Richmond Schache!
han solo: Already sick of the sponsorship on the 50 and goal square
Chelskiman: Score is probably fair. It’s been an even game.
Smurf_x: Happy with Nank and Treloar so far!
King_Robbo: Treloar getting fucked again by CD. Intercept mark, score assist, 100% de and he’s less than his DT. Laughable
Roksta: This got the run of umps end of that q
Roksta: Tigs *
Raspel31: Nankervis and Grundy-my 2 rucks being a cheap bugger-not bad
zadolinnyj: Treloar is 36sc. It is sc site issue
Smurf_x: And supercoach scores have gone all Skewiff again
Growlers: What is with these SC scores? Never seen anything like it! Are they just playing with our minds?
pcaman2003: Again the SC scores all over the shop.
Roksta: Trelor all uncontested robbo
cobrakai00: please dont show SC scores until the end.. sick of the whinging
GJayBee: Who will kick the most points? That is the question.
circle52: YYep started fine but now a few wrong
han solo: m0nty stopped pedaling
circle52: NMah CD up the creek more technical issues me thinks.
jaypeee: At this rate no-one will want do play super coach next year
9inch: Grundy!! Gonna be his year.
Jackwatt$: No trades for my team this week. Sandi & The Nank off to a flyer!
zadolinnyj: Treloar 41, Martin 40, nank 38′ Hoskins 24
Velo: Does it really matter what a player has in SC while the game is on?
Jackwatt$: Gonna send m0nty my resume. His employees at Champion Data have been atrocious!
zadolinnyj: Probably does velo considering this whole site was designed for it. That and the old purple name game
han solo: Why else would we be here if not for SC
monkebuket: think its just glitchs – nank on 39 at qt
feralmong: Disposal garbage fro both. 1st to clean up wins
DrSeuss: Phillips get in the game.
jaypeee: thanks Han solo, you’re right
Chelskiman: These frees for Collingwood are becoming a joke.
han solo: Q? If arms chopped for marking attempt does it affect DE% should count as effective kick if player gets hands to it for
Velo: But what can we do with those score in the middle of a game?
Raspel31: Is Cotchin really one? Just joking.
feralmong: I like pies going wide. Please keep doing that.
Apachecats: Velo do you think we just get rid of the scoring and just have stats and chat?
J.Worrall: really one what?
feralmong: Nice up the guts. Keep doing that tigs.
GJayBee: The goal was from a WHE turnover, but he almost touched Cotchin’s goal on the line. Respect.
Velo: Until it is fixed Apachecats why not.
jaypeee: Velo, we can do nothing with the scores but when a player like treloar is killing it and is on 20 points it’s frustratin
zadolinnyj: Was a good follow up GJay
ballbag: hey Butler- give me some service son!!!
LuvIt74: carn Grundy u beautiful thing
nic-n-nat: wow… Treloar’s SC
StuL: Do people like the YELLOW and black?
Velo: Oh I agree it is frustrating, but not much we can do about it until CD fixes it.
zadolinnyj: Massive throw lol
LuvIt74: are these SC scores still up Ship creek
Raspel31: Agreed Luvit-buy my rucks cheap.
Velo: Team, song or jumper Stu?
circle52: Yesluvit up without the paddle
StuL: Jumper. Fluro this year.
Velo: It is better than previous, but no not really 😛
zadolinnyj: After the hawthorn power ranger jumper, everything looks good stu
Yelse: whats wrong with pies kicking for goals both weeks
King_Robbo: And that is why Treloar will never be elite
Velo: OMG Can anyone kick straight for goal?
Velo: hahaha I like it zado
J.Worrall: Treloar is already elite …
BFAsh: OMG. What’s happened to Howe??
J.Worrall: “treloar is elite at ground level” – CD Prospectus
Velo: Sidebottom gone missing this quarter.
9inch: Would be a lot of close games if there were no such thing as goals.
Raspel31: My words exactly J.Worral
J.Worrall: Treloar and Pendles the only Pies players listed as “elite”
ballbag: @23cm agreed
kosduras: super coach scores accurate or still buckled>
Chelskiman: I swear I’ve never seen Moore drop a mark.
J.Worrall: top mark, Moore!
the worm: @jworall. Are you quoting the CD prospectus to prove its a joke, or to support an argument?being sarcastic?
DirtyDawn: Evening all
Raspel31: kosduras-don’t be simple. Blatantly they’re stuffed.
jaypeee: shambles kosduras
Apachecats: Glad i didn’t rush into Butler
Snarfy: Treloar’s disposal anything but elite!
Apachecats: Hi Dirty D
J.Worrall: Moore a goal – great work!
Jukes82: what a shit game!
franklyfun: Where is the lovely lady in th JOCKEY ad this week?? I miss her.
J.Worrall: I quote the Prospectus because I can!
han solo: Clear throw by Goldsack
feralmong: If butler does 60-70 I’m happy for the cash.
JockMcPie: SC mostly right, Treloar, Dusty, Pendles and Nank wrong
AngryRyno: Butler on track for 75-80s, can’t be unhappy with that
kosduras: thank god for that! bit concerned with trelors 28 ahha
J.Worrall: Bruce said “Treloar having a brilliant first half”.
feralmong: Griff mark of the year
JockMcPie: Griffiths good mark, crap kick
Velo: Mayne will miss this left.
Raspel31: Well, 20 possessions aint bad Worrall.
han solo: anyone else’s tv having echo on crowd noise
Velo: Maybe not lol
Chelskiman: That sums it up for us. Miss an easy shot and they take it down the other end and get a mark with a second to go.
J.Worrall: “”Adam Treloar has been dominant”!
J.Worrall: Yup, velo, maybe not!
Chelskiman: 17 free kicks to 11. Lol, typical.
BaxterR: ok. we get it. treloar is good
Rush: Well Treloar has had 20 possessions…
feralmong: Treloar is a gun. Still wish we got him.
Apachecats: Ryno ,Butler hardly got a touch in 2nd quarter.
Velo: Well they missed almost everything else.
GJayBee: By typical you mean blaming the umpires?
J.Worrall: png time, mint0!
circle52: Would be great if Rances SC score for me is correct after last weeks debacle.
wadaramus: 20 possessions at 75DE, only two clangers, hopefully CD are kind to him.
luke394: Paul Roos just said thats the worst 20 disposals hes seen from Treloar lol maybe his SC is right
GJayBee: Broomhead interesting, Freako rates him.
Yelse: richmond full side, pies missing degoy wells eliot greenwood varcoe
J.Worrall: So who hasn’t got Treloar, and why not?
Chelskiman: Have you been watching the game? At least half of those free kicks were softer than an under 10’s game.
stoo: 33 pt quarter for Phillips. Two more please
Jackwatt$: The png was becoming bigger than SC itself! Why did Sir m0nty pull the pin on it?
Velo: Be happy with 75-80 from Phillips.
Jukes82: Pies should be up by at least 30 points.
GJayBee: You are right Chelskiman, some strang free’s in there no doubt
J.Worrall: … and you’re still ahead, Yelse? Should be a lot more silverware in the cabinet then!
J.Worrall: Couldn’t handle the big time, JackdollarWatts
wadaramus: Another good half from WHE, Ramsay not cutting the mustard this week though.
myteamsuks: Treloar sc 59
mickelo: Loopholed Adams, hope his scores right and he can keep it up!
tmcmah: Are the SC stats a bit F’d still?
benzammit: I don’t have Treloar, he is a one way player and I don’t want to pay his premium.
feralmong: Lennon is the new JON.
J.Worrall: Is Treloar’s SC correct?
casey22: mickelo, how can you have a player scoring zero to use loophole?
myteamsuks: @jworrall no
wadaramus: I think they give m0nty a hack SC feed to screw us al over!
Velo: No JW it is 16 too many
mardyb: Nank sc correct?
Chelskiman: Am I reading this right, is Heppell predicted to get 160 this week? That’s the highest I’ve ever seen.
feralmong: Treloar 59 Adams 62.
feralmong: Nank is 61
han solo: fantasy freako has scores on twitter page
Kenny27: Treloar 59 Nank the Tank 61 sc
myteamsuks: Nank 61 sc
benzammit: If Heppell gets 160 he will have a Johnson price hike.
Velo: @ casey22 I have Smith Melb scoring 0 with Shaw as C and Treloar as VC.
wadaramus: Thanks to the on the spot SC reporters for reporting the truth.
benzammit: Yeah Monty needs to pay his
myteamsuks: Fasolo sc should be 0. He looks for himself on the screen too much
mickelo: @casey22 I haven’t traded Joel Smith out.
wadaramus: Hes not far off zero MTS!
tmcmah: how come FF cant get the scoring right for SC?
Yelse: how is adams 67 and trelaor 57 SC DE and possies differences miles apart
RGriffen: another site has Treloar on 39. HS scores are changing frantically at half time so it isn’t just here
wadaramus: Gremlins tmcmah.
myteamsuks: Seriously Ramsay looks better than him, and Ramsay is one awkward player
Jackwatt$: Has m0nty spoke yet? If I was playing my Fanfooty drinking game I’d be totally sober! not even a ‘back to the game’
snagadelic: a
Velo: Will they say Riewoldt is a decoy again this week?
benzammit: Herald sun are doing it deliberately, to get premium membership
J.Worrall: Yes I agree! “a”, snaggers!
chook79: Hey guys sorry to ask (no doubt it’s been asked a million times), but
Velo: yes they are wrong
wadaramus: Nice one J.Worrall, snagadelic obviously going too far with that comment!
Chelskiman: Well we’re done. Collingwood just match up against us too well. I’ll at least be 1/1 in the tipping.
wadaramus: but what chook?
King_Robbo: So pendles has a clearance and an effective kick 40 metres and scores +5 joke
Fizzy343: is trealors SC wrong
feralmong: Wtf how caddy not get a free.
Chelskiman: How was that not holding the ball from the Caddy tackle? He dropped it like a hot potato.
J.Worrall: Surely one of those Tiges tackles shoulda been paid?
CBeezDeez: What’s Ur margin tho Chelsk?
J.Worrall: Robbo, the joke is thee
J.Worrall: Go Tiges!
J.Worrall: I reckon Treloar’s SC is “ify”!
breadly: Why are these scores are off but the herald sun ones aren’t?
J.Worrall: Gogo Jakeroo!
feralmong: Margin of this game will be 1 goal. Just dunno who.
spawnrzc: Treloars nearly had as many posies as his SC score
Velo: zzzzzzz
Roksta: Buckley looking for a job if they lose?
Chelskiman: I went with 21 as my margin.
Roksta: Grundy??? More like Gundy
J.Worrall: Reg Grundy, “a ruckman’s goal”, according to Bruce. Never heard of that one before!
colin wood: Great goal Pies!
wadaramus: He bloody hell should be Roksta.
Hellbent: I have a HS Digital Pass and the scores are screwed there too!!!
Velo: Buckley shouldn’t still be coach, but he is Eddie’s man crush.
J.Worrall: Rioli! Delicious!
RGriffen: HS got different scores to CD for SC. I would nearly take HS ones instead because they ended up right last week
pcaman2003: Is Butler still out there?Very quiet
CBeezDeez: Hopefully Eddie will follow him out the door!,,
Brad_J: Is Alex Rance’s scores correct or not
StuL: Butler happily drifting out of it
daniel87: might be trading in hoskin elliot next week looks the goods so far from 2 outings
Pokerface: is ben griffiths sc correct?
Chelskiman: Beautiful kick, Rioli!
J.Worrall: Rance’s DT is about right!
fonzie: are the sc scores right this week
Fizzy343: not according to the herald sun match centre
Velo: Is Varcoe’s SC score right?
J.Worrall: Are SC points still a bit iffy?
StuL: No fonz
Raspel31: Can there be a permanent banner saying SC scores wrong-aaargh.
fonzie: cheers stu
bunyips: Trealor might crack the SC ton tonight
wadaramus: Stop it J.Worrall.
J.Worrall: Rance such a syalwart!
J.Worrall: *stalwart … in defence!
feralmong: I think griff may have done his shoulder again
fonzie: is dusty having a quiet game
J.Worrall: I think Rance’s SC might be about right!
BoredSaint: If Treloar’s score is accurate I’m quitting SC
Chelskiman: @Rasp, I said the same thing last week.
JockMcPie: Cmon pies, gotta kick more goals
Velo: I thought you quit last week
CBeezDeez: Geez m0nty! Can U ban all thecSC weiners for a week willya please!
Chelskiman: Jack is lifting!
Fizzy343: yin yang grundy lol
myteamsuks: I think the sc whiners are being outwhined by the whiners whining about the whiners
JockMcPie: Collingwood are fucking retarded
pcaman2003: Only 1 Pie with more than 2 tackles.
DrSeuss: Do something Phillips
Chelskiman: How is Grundy a yin yang?
Jukes82: whos the flog that said the game was over?
J.Worrall: If Grundy SC is right, new SC ruck scoring matters a heap!
J.Worrall: that was chelski, methinks, jukes.
wadaramus: Come onCollingwood, improve your efficiency!
J.Worrall: maybe less SC and more the “no 3rd man up” rule
Chelskiman: Yeah, it was me, lol. I’m always doom and gloom watching us play.
Raspel31: It aws chelski-but he’s a nice chap.
J.Worrall: is ok, chelski!
J.Worrall: is fasolo blind?
wadaramus: Fasolo, you are killing us…you hack.
JockMcPie: Kick a goal Collingwood FFS
J.Worrall: why no free for mayne?
colin wood: How are we not winning this by atleast 5 goals…
J.Worrall: fasolo to be dropped nik wik!
J.Worrall: Go Tiges!
SaintsMan: cos ur bad lel
wadaramus: Zacly colin wood.
runt: 7.13 thats why
pcaman2003: Pies losing the plot now.
runt: shit kicking for goal
J.Worrall: Yis, pcaman
Raspel31: Tereloar kicks and makes the tackle-dynamo
Chelskiman: Wouldn’t be a Tiges/Pies match without a bit of push and shove at a break.
wadaramus: FFS Collingwood, convert your dominance into goals!
Pokerface: was Arthy Cou a late out?
King_Robbo: @colin wood- because you’re sh1t
JockMcPie: Fuck Collingwood Go the Dogs!
barra17: When the only players you have are all on fire. Oh yes.
Vinstar: Bucks can’t be the blame for poor goal kicking can he
runt: save your money says the ump. Invest in gold
DrSeuss: Great quarter for Nank and Phillips….
runt: kicking for goal will always decide matches but they just will not spend time improving
Harmes37: Is treloars score right?
Roksta: Broomhead the only player to not kicker point and score
Velo: Playing Sunday Pokerface.
King_Robbo: WHE looking the goods- love his role
myteamsuks: Nank still aiming for 100 , can’t complain about that
Jackwatt$: Just looking at SC scores now. How much are Collingwood up by? 5 goals, 6 goals?
the worm: just once, no dustbin please
Roksta: Pies accurate this q will win easy
thefreodoc: treloar 85 Adams 95 pendles 70
myteamsuks: @harmes treloar is 84 sc
thefreodoc: Treloar 85 Pendles 79 Adams 95
Raspel31: Being a fitness fanatic-burp-think it’s lack of fitness,burp
Velo: Paul Roos said last night that the players practice goal kicking from the boundary and not 30-35 out in front.
thefreodoc: Pendles 79
wadaramus: Pies disposals deplorable.
CBeezDeez: Geezus! That is shite defence!
J.Worrall: Treloars DT is correct!
runt: grigg grundy goldsack
runt: is that God deciding whether it’s a goal? Sounds like him.
Velo: Nice throw from Grundy
J.Worrall: hey runt … what does god sound like?
Harmes37: Thanks guys for treloars SC
J.Worrall: Can Butler kick this?
Yelse: why they keep giving it to schade geezzz he has not his a target
Jackwatt$: @runt haha very funny comment
J.Worrall: I love that kid!
Roksta: Cya Buckley
Chelskiman: Well so far I have the margin right…
Snarfy: BangerButler!!
Velo: Hit more targets than Fasolo
J.Worrall: Rance is very good!
RoughRed: just logged on … whats with the SC scores???
feralmong: Same chelski I picked 21
weca: why collingwood are losing, some of their best players are on the bench for too long. aka adams
Jackwatt$: Don’t know how pies midfield is the best. Don’t work 2-ways as hard as dogs, swans or Giants
Velo: Didn’t you say you tipped Pies Chelski?
J.Worrall: weca – wanka!
stoo: Went sideways, roo to wheeee
jaypeee: is SC still a shambles FFS!
westy501: did treloar flower champion datas mrs?
King_Robbo: Goooood WHE
Roksta: Grundy 3 votes?
J.Worrall: SC is greaty – snafu!
King_Robbo: I’d assume so Westy
Velo: No way that was below knees
J.Worrall: Dud SC scores are a feature, not a bug!
runt: Martin having a rough night
CBeezDeez: I think DEflowered Westy
Roksta: Martin back to earth
Chelskiman: Grigg is the best ruckman in the league, haha.
myteamsuks: So a stupid no nomination for ruck is going to complete the match
westy501: took both the pink and brown flower to be getting these scores
9inch: Give grundy the magnet
King_Robbo: Treloar has gone Home– ps good bye bucks
runt: this designated ruckman rule is utter crap!
feralmong: Prestia butchered it tonite.
wadaramus: Right now, Collingwood suck.
runt: Grundys develpment has been impressive, consistent and reliable as anyone
Velo: It’s something you hear on under 9 field runt..
Roksta: Whe in next week… glad I saved cash
westy501: how many traded martin in this week?
J.Worrall: fail fo u, runt!
JockMcPie: Grundy, what a game
wadaramus: Fasolo, thre points straight, its all your faut man.
westy501: monty how is trloar a gun? acording to champion data he is zac dawson.
JockMcPie: WHE why didn’t I start with you…
Chelskiman: Not again. Please…
wadaramus: WHE gonna outstrip Treloar.
Torz: Missed out big time with WHE.
zadolinnyj: Cape Hoskins
myteamsuks: Cape time!
Velo: Shades of last year?
stoo: Wheeeeee!
DrSeuss: Phillips to Hoskin Elliot this weeks first trade
CBeezDeez: Haven’t gone too early I hope m0nty.
King_Robbo: I love that everyone will chase WHEs scores – winning!!
daniel87: yeah whe looks to good to pass up now
feralmong: Butler giving one back to dusty
JockMcPie: Fuck off Dusty
Chelskiman: Dustyyyy!
the worm: straight thru the chopsticks
stoo: Upgrading then Dr
Roksta: It’s the cash people will be chasing robbo
feralmong: There u go joffa and ur stupid fat mouth.
J.Worrall: No way, Wada!
JockMcPie: Treloar!!!
Jackwatt$: Haha check the game notes m0nty just said simples like that rat on the insurance ad. Haha
Chelskiman: This is bullshit. Can we please just slow it down after kicking a goal and not concede 15 seconds later. Fuck
Raspel31: Who says Treloar not a gun-mind you I picked Tiggers
westy501: treloar goal!!!! negative SC for that
feralmong: Might have to take that back lol
Seb78: Quiet last qtr from Adams
J.Worrall: Oops Robbo!
King_Robbo: Wow he’s alive!!
J.Worrall: Go Tiges!
Roksta: Free to Moore there
J.Worrall: Go Treloar, Adams, Pendles!
Chelskiman: Watching the Tigers is not good for my heart.
proudyy: great great great
JockMcPie: That wasn’t fifty, have a sook Vlaustin
Velo: Moore was holding Astbury.
J.Worrall: WHE having a night out – don’t expect this everyv week, fans!
zadolinnyj: 50 was there. Silly by white
J.Worrall: Are SC scores nearly OK?
Crowls: Caddy what a spud
zadolinnyj: That was high
Chelskiman: Two massive tackles from Cotch this quarter.
Raspel31: That was high Cotchin.
Roksta: Too high tigs got umps on side
JockMcPie: Draw’s on
pcaman2003: Free to Treloar high tackle?
J.Worrall: Cotcha? Gotcha!
colin wood: High tackle lol
zadolinnyj: Treloar 106, banks 128
King_Robbo: Caddy lols
runt: Caddy is like Treloar but without the skill
J.Worrall: Dusty gone busty?
zadolinnyj: Martin 111
Pokerface: you don’t need it every week Worrall. he’s there for quick cash
LuvIt74: gr8 seeing the pies get done
JockMcPie: Fuck off Dusty, junk time points you shithead
J.Worrall: Baing! Dusty answers this critic
zadolinnyj: Sorry nanks 120
Roksta: Martin has done sweet fa… how could he be that
J.Worrall: love to see pies lose :-))
JockMcPie: Feral supporters as well, hate Richmond
runt: Martin having a quiet night but there when it counted
wadaramus: Collingwood you hacks!
Kekkington: JockMcPie I can taste your salty tears
BoredSaint: martin 25 possies at 80% with 2 goals thats easily 120
han solo: pot kettle
Jukes82: pies are rubbish, bucks gone by rd 5
Roksta: Worst supporters jock
LuvIt74: Happy with nankervis, Grundy, pendles, even butlet
King_Robbo: Adams Pendles Nank Treloar WHE- big start to the weekend!
Raspel31: Nah-gave away a few frees Sainter
LuvIt74: Buckley gotta get the Arse soon look out
BoredSaint: then again.. Treloar should be 120 as well
runt: Tigers top of the ladder?
zadolinnyj: SC site just went to bed again
booffo: What did Treloar get in SC ?
runt: Goin to the French alps for a holiday to see the flowers
runt: Tigers play scrappy unimpressive footy but somehow win
Stuart88: Sc scores seem low
myteamsuks: Treloar I think would get to 110
Kekkington: Treloar got 108
Fizzy343: either SC is a joke or trealors score is wrong
StuL: op 4-5 for both times had all tonned up a moment ago in the real SC scores
JackRipper: OMG !!! Rance 45 SC pts more then DT pts. Noone else is even close to that discrepancy. CD luvs Rance.
StuL: teams
Velo: SC not updated yet.
JackRipper: Nope. Approx 138 pts to be spread.
J.Worrall: Enjoy that, runt! Meanwhile, is treloar’s SC correct?
daniel87: 83 what even
Fizzy343: SC is a joke
LeFtBehinD: WTF Treloar SC… are you serious?
J.Worrall: Don’t worry aboutv Treloar – wiat till nik wik!
tommy10: Treloar’s score is BS!! Flower u guys at CD
