JockMcPie: If Rance and Martin could cough up a lazy 150 each that would be great.
shaker: Standard McVeigh everywhere at the start then he will fade in the second half
SilverLion: Still have Harry Marsh as a bench player, I’ll spew if he outscores McVeigh xD
lukefield9: @jockmcpie unfortunately it seems dusty never does well outside melbourne
cbbanniste: Parker for 220
frenzy: hoping they score 150 between them@ jock
JockMcPie: this game and the dogs game will make or break my grand finals
lukefield9: New plan: Get as many sydney players in as possible whenever they play at the SCG.
CBeezDeez: Need JPK huge ova Titchh & Hanners
JockMcPie: Need Titch and Buddy to sleep this game as well
frenzy: nice start hanners
colmullet: JPK should be 50SC with those clearances and CP
nbartos: not wrong col – & he set up Mitch goal
nbartos: Shoulda got Rancey in for this one damit
vartic: hanners please you’re killing me
JockMcPie: Cmon Hanners, Dusty learn to kick please
JRedden: the one sydney player i have and its hanners.. ffs
King_Robbo: My opponent has hanners captain. Hopefully he goes sub 80
heppelitis: common chol lift…cive me something for my 125 grand
nbartos: Tackle Kennedy – score will skyrocket
Wends: Cursing bc didn’t get hm in time to take C off Kennedy for Jelwood’s VC… May well get bottle of red out of GF :))
Wends: Don’t want to speak to soon however…
King_Robbo: Of course hanners will go nuts now. Was hoping for a poor score- no chance.. He’s a beast
heppelitis: blues lose, tigs coping it, go hawks to end this nightmare year with a wet dream
m0nty: come on Swans, kick well away
Wends: eewww. Tips heading south Heppel?
9inch: Go big Buddy.
JockMcPie: thats stupid rance…are you serious
Mex13: Rance need a big one, so none of that
Ben_Gogos: @m0nty 30+ point margin ensures the desired result.
Roksta: It’s ok rance won’t lose points
nbartos: no negative points for Rance??
m0nty: I think four goals will be enough.
LewisC123: Loving this second quarter from buddy.
mattmac24: Parker and Buddy vs Mitchell and hanners
Ben_Gogos: Swans can sleep
september: Love to know Metre gained for team. How often Richmond kick backwards would put them last on that list
shaker: Tigers are embarrassing
JockMcPie: Franklin if you could now do nothing that would be great
m0nty: Talia and now Rance having mares in R23.
nbartos: Budvar!
JockMcPie: Thanks for that Buddy….
BestCoast: Go Buddy Boy Come alive Hannas
shaker: How Hardwick is still the coach is beyond me
stoo: 87-12, will be like All Blacks v Wallabies!
m0nty: Swans v All Blacks would be an interesting contest
frenzy: think Brissie has gone past the Tigers
nbartos: Rance should be 20 points less for his brain fade
Wends: AFgby hybrid Monty? Start the game with a rolling maul instead of bounce down.
stoo: Ha monty, Bud and JPK be physical enough, and Swannies fitter…
Hadouken: me buddy, him hanners. interesting…
BestCoast: Tigers are meek
9inch: Buddy hit his SC proj at half time. Its all up from here.
Wends: Hall or Ward on ground for granny?
mattmac24: Buddy brilliant! Gonna win my grand final in sc if he keeps things up
cusch1: Ward
deco: Bench wells, Zorko, Montagna or hall for Franklin?
Mex13: No Rance
Torz: Titch still spending far too much time on the bench.
Wends: thanks cusch, best back in the premo… Deco Montags average pretty good against Lions.
cusch1: Shampson x factor for tiges scoring their only goal hahaha
Roksta: Hey boys ward or mengola 103?
9inch: Tigers window to make 8th spot on the ladder has gone.
Ben_Gogos: What a terrible performance by the Tigers here lol… Deplorable.
Wends: Coaches box running out of red pens @Ben. About to do a welfare check on mate who’s a tigers fan…
snake_p: despicable Ben. Feel sorry for their supporters
Ben_Gogos: @snake_p yeah mate, they’ve been through the wringer.
9inch: Another 9 goals Buddy for the colman
stoo: Tiges nothing without Vickery
cusch1: Dimma and Leppa both packing their bags perhaps?
snake_p: tigers have run up the white flag insipid performance
shaker: The worst thing is they are saying he is staying
snake_p: where’s phillip nitschke, needs to euthanaise the tigers
thommoae: Only 7 witches’ hats?
ballbag: chill fellas. dimma said tiges will make finals next year
Hadouken: get it to buddy
Ben_Gogos: The 22 mares
nbartos: buds kick?
frenzy: with the list they got, they’ll make the finals
mattmac24: Well deserved 22 mares
snake_p: what’s he been smoking balllbag?
Bulky: Richmond have clearly been the worst side in the VFL/AFL over the past 30 or so years. Disgraceful.
thommoae: Nice one stoo … even Tiges fans can have a smile at that one
heppelitis: best list he ever had ballbag
Roksta: Franklin robbed
snake_p: well done monty BOG
thommoae: Agreewith the mares, Ben – except for Riewoldt and Dusty. Doing what they can
Ben_Gogos: I’ll take it @snake_p 😉
nbartos: Riew?? done squat
poido123: sydney 1-39. right in this
cusch1: Heppelitis
thommoae: Seen squat
LuvIt74: Martin and Rance the only two half decent players in Richmond tonight.
Ben_Gogos: @thommoae fair call
stoo: Hawks, Swans, Cats, Eagles, pity bout Freo but great final series coming up
LuvIt74: Evening all
cusch1: just how good did todays game feel
colin wood: Unreal to think the Tigers knocked them off earlier in the season…
Thedude24: Wow why is buddy only 102? Should be heaps more.
m0nty: lol Ben
banners87: Riewoldt and Martin defs the only ones who look like they’re trying for Tiges.
Ben_Gogos: @colin wood agreed, crazy to think.
cusch1: Franklin surely cant catch up to jjk can he? Surely not
nbartos: JPK star
Wends: Evening Luvit
King_Robbo: This is putrid
Warney: sydney going in dry
heppelitis: hardwick applying for job at waverley blues under 9s
frenzy: Lol, dry rasping
LuvIt74: @cush not unless he kicks 8 goals in a quarter so no
Wends: Tigers too much stickiest of the icky at the hotel last night?
Pokerface: its ok tiger fans, hardwick said you are a finals side. you just haven’t won enough
vamos77: Franklin last week cost me in 1 league by having him on the field, this week cost me by having him off the field
stoo: Swannies 200 well before 3/4 time if they’d kicked straight
Gotigres: May as well have 1st gamer Chol as captain.
poido123: i want to see 200. give it to them swannies
PieBoy: Onya buddy
Jukes82: why does prestia want to join the worst footy club in the last 30 years?
stoo: 6 swannies on more than tiges’ best
nbartos: prestia is that good he’ll get them into the finals
Wends: Capt JPK killing it on the one day it counts.
ballbag: @wends more like a unity ring to the forehead from dimma
nbartos: good mistake Wends
Hadouken: whys frankling died in the butt?
Pokerface: dam you giles. id be 3/3 if he wasnt in perfect 9
colin wood: He kicked 2 for the quarter Hado what more do you want? Lol
Gotigres: I have more chance of winning tattslotto than Richmond have of making finals next year. Melbourne gone past Richmond
Wends: Dimma Bruce Lee cross kick @ballbag, knocked the wind out of them
Magicsmell: get some junk time parker! need you
King_Robbo: I think a lot of teams have passed Richmond
ballbag: he beat dem legs, cold as ice
Hadouken: collin wood i want buddy to end on about 170 haha
JockMcPie: Richmond won’t be finals materials for at least 3 more years, so much needs to change
DrSeuss: Games over – time to rest Mitchell and McVeigh 😉
Ben_Gogos: Hahah @Hadouken enjoy what he’s already produced mate!
ben4444: It’s almost like Hannebury doesn’t know about the significance of SC grand finals
Hadouken: i wont be happy until i win. win it all! for the glory!
Wends: They musta just ground their feet on his couch or somethin…
frenzy: c’mon Parker lift ffs
colin wood: same mate all good
ballbag: supposedly Richmond scored 26 points in 1909. they haven’t improved much 🙌
Hadouken: come on hanners, stub ya toe and sit on the pine for 10 mins… please
LuvIt74: That Zucchini is ganna be a star.
9inch: Is Jack volt crying yet?
LuvIt74: Does anyone know what draft number Zucchini was?
cusch1: is fanfooty up and running during finals?
ballbag: @9inch nah but he’s bottom lip is quivering uncontrollably
frenzy: rnd 1 pick 18 heeney
GJayBee: I love women but as a species they don’t appreciate fantasy football finals at all
LuvIt74: as a species?
9inch: Haha Ballbag I can imagine.
LuvIt74: lmao
Roksta: Chol will be cheap next year
cusch1: Chol will be cheap because he scores less often than a nun
LuvIt74: Cheers frenzy
Wends: I beg to differ!!
shaker: Have the Swans gone down to the rooms
stoo: Tiges much improved in 2nd half, cough
Pokerface: zac dawson will probably be cheap. I won’t be getting him either.
benzammit: 3 of their best 5 ex Dawks
cusch1: No i jus tthink richmond finally left their rooms Shaker
Wends: But the bloke I’m slaughtering in the grannie (thx JPK) wishes it were true 😀
ballbag: cotchin going for the Gary Coleman. its a smaller award
King_Robbo: Hanners 80 pts since qtr time annoys me
nbartos: If Rocky had JPKs stats he’d have 200SC
9inch: 1 more buddy.
benzammit: Ha had a sleep in missed the match What the Phuk are the bombers doing?
PT74: Chol just doubled his points with one touch
Apachecats: Naismith on 59 SC has done better than 11 tigers