RooBoyStu: eating Burger Rings for Cooney’s last game, remember the way he proposed to his wife lol
Jukes82: speaking of burger rings, hows ya mum?
JockMcPie: Go Bombers
poido123: they didnt call that free against boyd? that was the other guy
poido123: kick their ass doggies. 100+
Carnster: it was poid
Umpirespet: I see an Essendon tarp lol
Gott2Win: Huge game please Bont. Just to make it close
tamoz: Go big Z.Merrett and Boyd!!
FrothyOne: He started well g2w
Umpirespet: Might be a walkway in Essendon colours actually
Umpirespet: Gott2win did I put C on Bont?
JockMcPie: stay low Dahlhaus
JButcher: Cmon Dahl get firing
Umpirespet: You*
LuvIt74: Essendon will be a top 8 side next year
Pokerface: looking forward to a big one from the Package today robbo?
LuvIt74: This Caleb Daniel could end up being anything
Gott2Win: Na went for danger Ump. I have Bont and he has Zaha. Zaha can slow down would be nice haha
JButcher: Cmon Zerrett, beat Danger for me
DrSeuss: Let’s go Johanissen
LuvIt74: @Gott2Win did u see why Sloane was reported, i was out last night and missed it?
MrGmax: I’m one of the 4% with Daniel. He noticed I just brought Dahlhaus into my forward line too and shat himself.
Carnster: he went for a spoil and hit ebert in the face late @luvit
AngryRyno: wtf Dahl lift
LuvIt74: Carnster appreciate the reply mate.
LuvIt74: @Carnster do you think he will get a week?
DrSeuss: Cmon JJ at least keep up with Boyd
Carnster: no worries
AngryRyno: no suspension for Sloane
Thedude24: Zaharobbedis
Willymack1: Lift bont!
AngryRyno: catch up to Bont, Dahl
LuvIt74: gr8 mark by Daniher
tbrowne: Stef vs Boyd + 10 points who wins?
heppelitis: i need zerrte, zakka, dalhaus and kelly to get 230 dt next half,,,any chance?
Crowls: 109 up vs Boyd. Going to be very tight.
Crowls: give boyd a rest in 2nd half Bevo
DirtyDawn: Evening all
heppelitis: i will answer my own question…none…haha
JRedden: need merret to go 140
The39Steps: Don’t be too pessimistic @heppelitis. They have to average a tick under 60 each for H2. H2 scores are generally greater.
The39Steps: ..because of junk time. Most of your guys are 90-100 guys so you are a chance but say 40-60%
heppelitis: half glass empty i am
The39Steps: Those odds may be a tad generous. Say 35-65%.
The39Steps: Understandable given what you supporters have been going thru the past few years.
heppelitis: too true
RooBoyStu: Woodn’t you know it another Dog injured, this time Wood
marcus24: is wood done for the day?
JRedden: come on dahl lift..
LuvIt74: Id say so even if he felt ok they wouldn’t risk him
LuvIt74: At first Woods injury looked seriously bad but he jogged off which was good.
Fletch91: Dahl is gonna lose it for me. Lift please!
willywalks: captain zerrett is doing his best to get me through, but vince and devon smith have screwed me over too much i think…
Apachecats: Zerrit and Johan going to get me home in this.You wee rippers!
JRedden: i had the choice between mont and dahl.. dahl vs ess surely sigh
RooBoyStu: @LuvIt74 Hope so but Libba also jogged off with a limp, similar to Wood
willywalks: reckon i can get a miracle of 103 points between jj and zerrett? (only getting half of zachs score as opp has him)
heppelitis: 121 to go…on track
CBeezDeez: +7pts & Matt Boyd v Biggs. Think I got lucky. Maybe owe rocky an apology but NOT zorko!
heppelitis: make that 96
ballbag: on 2528 DT with Boyd and secret last qtrs to go. yeehar
ballbag: *zerret
The39Steps: See what glass half full thinking does @hepp!
mattmac24: 110 points down with Dahl and Dunkley left.. I’ve just slipped in a win
JRedden: only 2500? you mustve had a shocker
colmullet: need hunter to stay under 124 in DT and Dahl under 93 in SC to get up
heppelitis: prob tag zaharakis this qtr…haha..cant help it!
pies13: im 10pt up zeret v dolhouse dteam worth $300 v me cuz bitter sweet
Gott2Win: 128 behind. Merrett and Bont v Zaha. Bloody close final!
willywalks: i think zerrett is worthy of 2 ‘prime’ icons m0nty, give him the magnet and the gun
LuvIt74: @colmullet well you are home then aren’t you. lol
LuvIt74: just stating the obvious
AngryRyno: can’t get magnet and gun, it’s worth 8 FF votes and the max for any player per game is 5
Mex13: Dahlhaus do something!
AngryRyno: junk it up and hit 75-80 Dah
heppelitis: 26 to going to win..cant believe it
ballbag: Kelly going ape. and don’t stop Boyd. fa god sake man!
colmullet: @luvit im home in SC, hunter worries me tho :p
willywalks: jj and zerret, u bloody guns i was dead a buried and now look home in both finals
Crowls: i am stuffed. 18 up against boyd. cmon rest the old bloke bevo.
frenzy: caleb should win rising star? he’s a gun
Pokerface: come on package
Apachecats: same here willy
Woosha 73: surely someones pointed out theres a J Long and a L Jong right?
JockMcPie: looks like i made 5/10 league grand finals this year. good return
poido123: how long left?
ballbag: Hartley needs the heart icon. and a nose.
heppelitis: anyone got long dong?
JButcher: thank you for getting a respectable score dahl
Woosha 73: Has Brown earned a cape?
AngryRyno: keep going Dahl not done yet
The39Steps: Home yet @hepp…?
willywalks: cape for jj, thats over 50 now i think
The39Steps: If ching wong went to hong kong to play ping pong and died what would they put on his coffin?
heppelitis: by 20..awesome
RooBoyStu: lol after all that Hepp loses lmao
CBeezDeez: So? Which clubs rest pkayers in our gf games?
The39Steps: Answer: A lid.
RooBoyStu: 230 for Hunter and Kelly dt he said, only 215
heppelitis: won by 30 rooboy
Gott2Win: Need 11 scaling points for Merrett and Bont without Zaha getting any. screw this game! would of won if I took Phillips
heppelitis: kelly.zaka.zerret and daul mate
heppelitis: 240 second half
jaypeee: fuck i’m up by 8 but my opponent has bonts and jj
willywalks: home by 7 yeow!
JButcher: Lol RooBoyStuPid
imageof007: what did merret finish on
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