Gott2Win: DBJ to crank out an 85 plus or else I’ll have to trade Bartel out tomorrow
AngryRyno: wake up crows this is double chance calling
RooBoyStu: Go Power give it to them
zadolinnyj: Let’s go crows
StuL: Flower u Eddie. Power to win!
m0nty: come on Port!
Tim Tam: Crows need to start faster in finals….
Umpirespet: Rack off m0nty lol
zadolinnyj: This is finals like footy. In SA these are grand finals
blashtroko: wtf ollie
JButcher: Onya Monty
boo!: lift wines u troll
AngryRyno: wtf Brouch
Heizenberg: Hi guys
Heizenberg: Hi zad
zadolinnyj: Heiz
Gott2Win: Need to lift here. Port all over us in the contest and clearances
StuL: This is Ports GF.
hinsch: Crows SC score here wtf, lucky if any make 100 at this point in the game
Heizenberg: Wow crows can go top tnihgt if they win by 5 goals or
Heizenberg: Maybe a bit less
Gott2Win: Put on a show in your 250th Eddie and get us the 4 points
Umpirespet: Good game so far
DrSeuss: Is Gray playing up front again? Or just crap?
Heizenberg: Wow eddie
Ben_Gogos: @DrSeuss he’s splitting his time so far
DrSeuss: Cheers @Ben
zadolinnyj: Port crowd slowing there team down by throwing ball back on ground
Ben_Gogos: Walker receives the first muppet of the game, after that horrendous miss from 20.
Heizenberg: I lve that muppet icon, its cute 🙂
Ben_Gogos: That could be a huge concussion in the career of Brodie Smith. Doesn’t want to suffer too many more…
Umpirespet: I swapped brodie with collins b4 the game started good move by the looks
zadolinnyj: His last concussion had him out for quite a long time
AngryRyno: poor Brodie, future jet ruined by concussion
Heizenberg: Good luck zad with top spot tonight
zadolinnyj: Ta mate
Gott2Win: This game has tightened up on the defence. We need to make the most of these chances!
eagles86: do u think brodie will come back on after half time or not
Heizenberg: No problem mm
zadolinnyj: No chance Eagles
DrSeuss: Come on Laird & Gray
Gott2Win: I doubt it eagles. Will miss next week to which gives him 2 weeks off before finals
Umpirespet: Thats more like it crows
Gott2Win: Going to be good to see the 3xRory strutting there stuff for the next 10 years.
Umpirespet: it is 3x rory’s and a mc lovin
Ben_Gogos: Sloane going to play till he’s 36 is he @Gott2Win?
Gott2Win: Hopefully
Umpirespet: Yup Ben sloanes started early on the anti aging cream
StuL: Swans-crows gf might be unstoppable. Bugger
jaypeee: Will smith come back on boys? I didn’t see the incident
Umpirespet: nope jaypeee dont think so
zadolinnyj: Ksmith gone
Ben_Gogos: @jaypeee doubtful at this stage mate
zadolinnyj: Crows have wasted this 1/4
jaypeee: Ok good for me but not for those who have him.
jaypeee: He’ll be probably upscaled to 70 though
happytimes: Is laird back on?
mattmac24: How long is Matt Crouch singed up for with the crows?
Umpirespet: Till end of 2018 Mattmac
zadolinnyj: You would assume if Brad is staying, so will Matt
mattmac24: I don’t think the crows will ever be letting him go. Kids a star in the making
mattmac24: Once he matures a bit more and gets a bit more confident, he could be a top of the line mid
Heizenberg: Next super top liner will be jack steven imo
Ben_Gogos: Brad has the potential to be a top liner just needs to keep himself on the park
Ben_Gogos: Error after error for the Power.
JButcher: its fun being a port supporter
Ben_Gogos: Lack of focus on ball users when drafting is an issue imo
blashtroko: right, only counted 6 above average ball users including wingard
JButcher: Polec and Toumpas were supposed to be prime ball users they just havent proved it
Choppy: Its fun tearing your hair out Butch
Umpirespet: we are making hard work of this tho
LewisC123: Keep it going Wines!!!
colin wood: Nice -9 for Sloane!
Gott2Win: Come on Eddie, kick another 3 for us
Ben_Gogos: @JButcher, Toumpas had huge concerns given his time at Melbourne. Not sure he was much more than a toss of a coin type.
JButcher: I like mistakes
King_Robbo: Do something gray you useless flog
JButcher: they thrill me
StuL: Can we have less tiggy weak rules that mean 50?
RooBoyStu: Come on Power!
zadolinnyj: Next season lets go back to 1950s umpiring. Dropping the ball, 180 degree tackle is holding. No weak 50s
Ben_Gogos: Very exciting last five minutes!
m0nty: go Port!
wadaramus: Port care more about beating the Crows than winning flags.
JButcher: Carn boys, give the fans something after this season
zadolinnyj: Free there but so weak
Gott2Win: Fire up your pocket Eddie! Get us home
boges11: Glad I traded in Monty over Hall
boges11: That was meant for the other game
zadolinnyj: Goal kicking awful
Carnster: Need a huge lift from laird and sloane
Burkey1: can someone please tell me why B Smiths score went from 51 to 49,47,45,43,then to 42?
JRedden: get going laird ffs
CBeezDeez: Hospital fees maybe?
ballbag: @burkey did you see el capita treloar got 134? 😊
colmullet: getting scaled down because the game is still on the line
Burkey1: yep… fortune favours the brave.. good stuff, i’ll stick with Gawn though.
zadolinnyj: Maybe North Korea hacking smiths sc numbers
Burkey1: down to 41 now.
bigsandi: m0nty give toumpas the spud
Carnster: laird 0 points this quarter
zadolinnyj: Hope Toumpas has a plan B job for next year. Terrible
ballbag: toumpas having a cracker of a career
Burkey1: still better than any of us
Umpirespet: Thank goodness for that
m0nty: bloody Port, always unreliable
AngryRyno: Toumpas will do a Watts #goat
StuL: All those p weak 50s have cost the game in the end. Great way to cheat umps.
Umpirespet: eeeeddddiiiieeee
ballbag: what? laird was still on 73pts 30 mins ago
StuL: Ffeels like 1997 all over again. Umps will cheat if we’
StuL: No vic team but hawks has ever won a final interstate and nor will it be allowed.
wadaramus: Cows kept the game interesting with inaccuracy.
Umpirespet: Stul u’ve had the easiest draw what are you talking about?
zadolinnyj: Could be S. Thompson last year would think
Burkey1: Smit stil losing points… must be giving away frees in the change rooms.
Gott2Win: Your a pole smoker StuL
JButcher: Toumpas and O’Shea, seeya later fuckwits
Gott2Win: Pole smoker StuL
Gott2Win: Mitch to finally be nominated for Rising Star this week
Tim Tam: Can someone tell me wtf this furball (StuL) is coughing up?
Pokerface: if interstate team hosts a final, they were a better team during the year, so they should be expected to win…
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