Apachecats: got the VC on Coniglio in this
colin wood: I’m on Ward Apache. Massive game ths for me. Cogs, Ward and Greene all as PODS in my matchup.
Torz: Sheridan running with Kelly. Hurts my Elite side. :/
JButcher: Greene and Shaw plz help me
boges11: Looks like Williams has taken Heater’s role
Fletch91: Whats the chances of Williams beating Neale? That would make my day 🙂
boges11: 2 of my 3 players in this game still on 0. FMDT
colin wood: Looks like the VC curse again has struck… Ward FFS..
haddles99: Cmon Shiel and Neil, need u to at least equal Mumford and Greene
Ben_Gogos: That last goal for Yarran shows what he’s capable of!
valkorum: I upgraded Yarran to Buddy for my GF today – Yarran has already outscored him
colin wood: Pull your finger out WARD!
Jukes82: hopefully collins tons up, i can lopphole his score.
Hadouken: if stevie J stays down all day, ill be very happy
All Reds: neal my POD go son
AngryRyno: maybe she’ll upgrade you too @valk
Ben_Gogos: @Hadouken SJ on cue 😉
King_Robbo: Slow down mummy. Under 110 please (at least)
Pokerface: atta boy mummy.
heppelitis: Chloe Esposito….What a little ripper of a girl, super effort
PieBoy: Onya nealey
BestCoast: @heppelitis what a legend effort by Chloe totally agree
My Big Tv: go neale
desafinado: What is going on with Ward ?!
colin wood: why’s neales SC low? Should 60ish really.
colin wood: I put him as my VC before the game desa.. Coming off Franklin in the first game so lucks on my side this weekend.
DrSeuss: Come on Mummy – don’t stop now
Mex13: Collins slow the f**k down
My Big Tv: get a move along Toby I need to get into next weeks GF
Apachecats: S.Collins(bench) doing better than my 3 so called GWS guns.
My Big Tv: Neale going crazy who,s minding him
Ben_Gogos: Don’t need to tag when you’re winning the game with ease…
44snub: They’ll shut Neale down in the second half. Need him to keep going tho
colin wood: Ward and Greene… Disgusting
44snub: That’s a blooming good point Ben…
AngryRyno: good signs out of Yarran & Weller (in a new role) for Freo today
Umpirespet: Collin Wood what did you do to ward?
colin wood: I’m having one of those weeks…
Umpirespet: lol dont worry i have buddy and ward to
44snub: Colin Wood say some nice words about Ward. I need him to fail miserably
RooBoyStu: Eating dinner and laughing at Colin Wood
LewisC123: Come on scully get moving mate
frenzy: wow Ceglar ACL aswell
BeastMode: Toby Greene… Useless
StuL: Don’t always listen to the phantom.
jaypeee: Don’t stop collins i’m gonna loophole you with bartel!!!
colin wood: That’s abit cute Rooboy. Just the two of you tonight? You and your hand?
44snub: Wait… Meaning You VC’d Collins?!?
RooBoyStu: na mate a group here tonight, how many skunks will be at the game tonight?
m0nty: back on this game please
jaypeee: No No 44snub, Collins emergency if he gets 80 or 90 plus i won’t trade bartel.
jaypeee: need scully to ton up too
mattmac24: Should’ve put the VC on Neale 🙁
blashtroko: The only stuarts I have ever known are IT managers
44snub: Ah good call…. You had me going you trickster
44snub: Collins is a gem
SilverLion: isn’t there a purple cape for dockers players?
Jukes82: fair dinkum give neale the gun already
haddles99: cmon shiel
PieBoy: onya nealey
mattmac24: Also Collins as emg for Bartel working out a lot better than I hoped
RooBoyStu: Griffen’s best game for 5 years
blashtroko: Purple cape for Pav only
44snub: 2 years Rooboy…
SilverLion: I see, thanks for the heads up blash
AngryRyno: Purple Cape to be archived next week, very sad, MUST give pav purple cape for next week
lenny20: Toby Greene! Any danger of an effective possession buddy?
frenzy: Collins has actually done sweet FA since 1/4 time
mattmac24: Frenzy, I expected a 50-60 at full time, he was 60 at half time.
JButcher: Gibbo and Greene could cost me my matchup
Lawls: stay down ward
mattmac24: Jbutcher, they’re gonna make me win my match up
shaker: Tiges could have jagged Collins instead of flushing trades down the toilet on Yarran
RooBoyStu: Yarran lol, nothing since 1st qtr
JButcher: at least someone is benefitting from my pain mattmac
All Reds: yarran a lock in SC next year
shaker: Even seeing the name Yarran in this game makes me angry
frenzy: Lol shaker
AngryRyno: could have traded Tambling to Carlton for Yarran and Richmond would have still lost
shaker: Worst trade this century
Gott2Win: I am Sam can stop scoring now thanks.
Gott2Win: Would love for Shiel to hit the scoreboard a couple times this quarter too
DrSeuss: Come on Mummy you behemoth – at least beat Goldy
Thedude24: Shaker you a carlton supporter?
RooBoyStu: Yarran ying yang x2
shaker: Haha I wish dude
Gott2Win: I’m tipping that you are Tigers Shaker?
Gott2Win: Going to be some massive scaling in this game, very low scores
shaker: Bingo
My Big Tv: c.mon Toby snag another
colin wood: Was about to say that Got2win. Ward’s score is horrible at the moment.
My Big Tv: Neale will make up for the other poor performers
Gott2Win: Big J Patt finally realising that he can actually play this game
wadaramus: Carn Collins, get to the hunjy mate!
Gott2Win: Very important percentage for the giants with this win
JButcher: cmon Greene 85 plz
mjdub: witches hat for whoever is on patton
wadaramus: That would be Collins mjdub!
Gott2Win: 6 marks and 13 touches, 6 goals against him. Playing well the young lad! Yet still going to get the SC ton the mongrel
AngryRyno: Neale atlas, gun, legend, goat & next Charlie winner idons
BestCoast: SHAW constantly scanning posies
AngryRyno: not sure why Ward going backwards when scores are so low
frenzy: guess time, Lol
MerleDixon: Ward is being robbed SC
RooBoyStu: useless Yarran for 3 qtrs
Thedude24: Shaker, why u call urself a shaker?
jaypeee: I’m taking collins 90