IHateChat: Best VC SC option?
Yelse: Going with hanners or parker i think. Goldie not the same as he once was
IHateChat: Hanners, Parker or JPK??
LeFtBehinD: Hannebery always smashes it against us
Dangermaus: stay down please Wells
shaker: Taking a punt on Mitchell
RooBoyStu: Go Roos!
Dangermaus: cmon Hanners
LeFtBehinD: Great start, Majak needed to kick that though!
Dangermaus: not having Parker is going to kill me….
boo!: cmon brown daw, And Swallow
Yelse: Wt hanners on 0. Chose him over paerker for VC fml
LeFtBehinD: Fuck yeah Goldy!
OnTheRocks: C’mon Franklin you need to catch JJK
RooBoyStu: Franklin lower back problem i think, grabbed his back after a contest
Jukes82: I see hannes the butcher has returned.
heppelitis: parker on track for a lazy 90 possesions
BestCoast: Carn Roos lift
Mallon13: cmon mcveigh
Mallon13: fire up hanners
OnTheRocks: There goes my finals if Franklin goes off
David Hopkins: Didn’t know whether to put vc on Hanners or Parker so went with Hanners ffs
BestCoast: You Crow boys be rapped with our help last night
Dangermaus: keep it up Goldy
King_Robbo: Goldy spudding it when we all need him
OnTheRocks: I’m certainly thankful to West Coast, except that love will last till we play you guys next weekend
IHateChat: JPK getting tagged at every stoppage.
banners87: Same as me OnTheRocks. If Franklin’s done, so is my DT.
BestCoast: OnTheRocks wouldn’t be to concerned Big Nic Nat gone. Hope you guys win the flag if we are gone
OnTheRocks: i already have Collins filling in for Bartel so almost guaranteed < 80 score there
Umpirespet: Cmon Rooboy get your boys up m8
Umpirespet: How bad i nic nat Best Coast?
BestCoast: VC and Big C decisions critical this week
BestCoast: Umpirespet Maybe gone all next season ACL
OnTheRocks: Thanks @BestCoast, hope NicNat doesn’t affect you guys too much come finals. No Lycett either?
Umpirespet: Oh shite Nic Nat too good a player to watch to be out 12 Months
OnTheRocks: Shit, Buddy down the race again, see yas next year
BestCoast: OnTheRocks best decision ever trading Jetta for Sinclair even as Sinclair is injured
BestCoast: Rooboy you would be so thankful for 9-0 start you guys are on struggle street
RooBoyStu: Stay off Buddy
Fizzy343: tom mitchells TOG lol
shaker: Starting to look like Norf will have to go west for final
Roksta: You’re back robot… Thought you’d topped yourself
dipstick: any chance franklin with be wrapped up in a moth ball?
feralmong: Cool I have the vc on Parker.
zadolinnyj: 50/50 dipstick
brentz: get ti
brentz: get titch on f**kin field
OnTheRocks: Titch could be managed due to niggling? Not sure why else he wouldn’t get more game time
GJayBee: Roksta, I laughed my evil laugh hahahah
GJayBee: Titch had such bad disposal they rested him
Umpirespet: Have the C on titch my season has been a shocker
shaker: Is Buddy on or off?
zadolinnyj: On
Umpirespet: on just saw him onfield
toxic: CMON Kangas – its the only way to stop the swans SC scoring machine
toxic: Mills – locking up the Rising Star award
BestCoast: So easy for spuddy to drop his bottom lip
Mallon13: cmon hanners ffs
shaker: Think we have seen the best of Buddy and only 6 years to go on his contract haha
brentz: harry bloody cunningham the showerin shower has more TOG than titch, what is going on
dipstick: they should just pull out the big ball of moth and wrap buddy in it. that would be great
Umpirespet: Lol Norf trying to lose this kicking is shockin
Dangermaus: keep going goldy
LeFtBehinD: 2017 Macmillan starting squad!
PieBoy: Onya millsy
happytimes: @ shaker did you see buddy play last week?
Vich: with that solid average of 74.. Who wouldnt start with him in 2017??!
shaker: Yes happy his only really big game this year
Mallon13: ffs hanners
JRedden: ffs hanners
shaker: Won’t be going near him next year
happytimes: @ shaker did you know Buddy is 2nd in the Coleman
shaker: I’m talkin SC not Coleman happy
Schillaci: I’m not going near Buddy next year either… Didn’t really hurt me by not having him this
Gotigres: Hooray. Franklin gets another handball.
brentz: so everyone should own jjk then happy?
Gotigres: Franklin going bezerk. Now he gets a kick.
Ben_Gogos: Hahah I’d be happy Buddy is still out on the field given he could barely run in the first half.
23rookie23: @brentz JJK is 5th best fwd for total points so yeah mate you idiot!
RooBoyStu: That Boomer goal was for Mark Robinson he said he should retire
grossn: Comeon Swannies, Get norf out of finals lmao
shaker: Robbo is not the only one who thinks that
RooBoyStu: the same muppet put the c on Grimley when he was playing, he has no idea
RooBoyStu: Magpies looking good for September grossn lmao
JockMcPie: Magpies will win their next flag before Norf lol
iZander: the most arrogant thing ive heard from a team who is fighting for 8th spot lol
RooBoyStu: Hibberd said he wants to leave Essendon, we should go after him.
grossn: @RooBoyStu Getting nervous? No reason to lash out
RooBoyStu: his brother already at Arden st
Vich: Agreed Jock… North the 2nd oldest list and will need a rebuild in a season or two.. Pies 12 oldest and rebuilding now.
shaker: Hibberd is not old enough for Norf
sfmmp23: North still suck, done and dusted. Swans running away
Dangermaus: none of the vic teams will win a flag for ages once GWS starts winning some
RooBoyStu: Boomer goes BANG and says for you Hutchy!
Vich: Plus pies have a better list imo
grossn: @Dangermaus Nope. If you don’t say it, it won’t happen. I’m in denial
BestCoast: And the Dockers on there tenth rebuild without a cuo
Mallon13: whats happened to mcveigh??
jdt1111: just because you re-build doesn’t mean you will win a flag
BestCoast: Go Kangas
Vich: Im not on here talking up my own team BC.. Stole that Giants game.. Any danger of a real win in white shorts matey??
StuL: Tigers rebuilds are to go one better than 9th
Roksta: Where u been rooboy?
BestCoast: 2000 comedians out of work and you are trying to be one Vich Classic
Vich: Very profound jdt – Pies list is in good shape..Primed for a flag in the next 2-4 seasons
zadolinnyj: North can’t afford to miss
RooBoyStu: been crook the last 2 weeks Roksta, thanks for the get well card
Vich: Just tellin it like it is you numpty
Ben_Gogos: Great comeback by the Roos here.
Dangermaus: good for the crows if norf somehow win this
oc16: here come the roos!
BestCoast: Vich you must have two couldn’t be that silly playing with one
zadolinnyj: For sure danger
jdt1111: @vich I tend to agree with @dangermaus re Victorian teams chances in 2-4 years
Vich: Shpeaka the engrish BC
RooBoyStu: Winx wins again
Umpirespet: Gws wont win many Eddie will cry and Gil will change the rules
Dangermaus: haha
BestCoast: VICH vous certifié citron
Vich: ur a dud
marcus24: i am going to lose b/c of buddy
Mallon13: cmon hanners this is your quarter!!
BestCoast: Rooboy get your side home mate
BestCoast: Boomer
RooBoyStu: Brent Harvey you star, eat that Robbo and Hutchy both should retire themselves
Roksta: Dogs v room made ya sick mate?
Umpirespet: If Norf win this there will be an ice party in geelong tonight
colin wood: Come on Buddy… kick 3 in the last that wil do.
CBeezDeez: Wot izit with Hutchy & the roos? Who does he support?
StuL: Hutchy a cats man
RooBoyStu: Hutchy has an ego bigger than Lunar Park’s head, i know a guy that played cricket with him years ago
sfmmp23: Umps trying to win this one for North
StuL: Goldy and mcV wtf! C’mon
CBeezDeez: Has he never got over Doug Wade?
JRedden: great stuff hanners
BestCoast: Buddy seen his name in lights greedy hole
zadolinnyj: North have forgotten how to win
lenny20: @rooboy Hutchy has a head bigger than luna park’s head
RooBoyStu: lol lenny20
BestCoast: Hutchy has a forehead you could use as a drive in cinema
zadolinnyj: If only Thomas grabbed the ball instead of playing for a free
StuL: Harvey wants another season
CBeezDeez: Jpk with the gun? I wish! I put vc on him!
StuL: Aliir 3rd in line beats 2 roos. Rubbish fwd line nth
Umpirespet: Anyone think Danger will beat Hanners SC score?
Vich: Whose the comedian now BC? Absolute lemon!!
RooBoyStu: Go Blues tomorrow lol
CBeezDeez: I’m not laughing with U rooboy! LoL
BestCoast: Tardy Vich
Vich: run along BC… Ta taaa!