tbrowne: Gawn VC go huge son
JockMcPie: cmon gawn
Barniclez: gawn as C and $$ for most fantasy points
JButcher: Cmon Cappy Gawn
poido123: :/ Cmon Port. you should win these games
LuvIt74: cmon wines u thick cactus, omg going ackwards
poido123: now the rain comes. just great
DrSeuss: Vince and Gray – get near it!
Breezey: What sort of rubbish umpiring is that
poido123: cmon Gray. you played shit last week, not again
DrSeuss: Playing Gray forward again – Genius!!
mattmac24: Stay down petracca! Took Dunkley’s score over you!
Raspel31: Gawn to sleep?
AngryRyno: CD always circle jerk over Tracca in Q1
TowelBoy25: Get involved Pittard you pleb
haddles99: If you have two emergencies in the same position and one player not playing. What score do you get??
JButcher: Lol standard
Umpirespet: Cmon wobbie Gray m8 ur killin me
Breezey: The lowest score haddles
poido123: Lets go gray and gawn
poido123: Dixon has been horrible for Port. He was better at GC
wadaramus: Carn big Maxy, got the VC on ya mate.
Jaypa: I hate it when people say “stay down”
Jaypa: You can’t be that good/serious a coach if your plan is to hope other players don’t score well
mattmac24: Jaypa, everyone hopes some players don’t score well.
9inch: Quiet game Max please. Took C off you to sloane on the off chance i have a chance in the eliminator.
mattmac24: I chose not to keep tracca on ground and don’t want to reget the decision
Umpirespet: Mattmac u took dunkleys score then?
Jaypa: Well that’s too bad for you if he does score well, is a weak look tho saying “stay down” when others want him 2 playwell
cusch1: I need petracca to not play well because gunston spudded up. so it evens out
JockMcPie: cmon petracca, robbie and big maxy, had some shocking scores so play well
PieBoy: Onya jonesy
mattmac24: You’re being too serious if that’s the way you look at sc.
mattmac24: Umpirespet, I did
Jaypa: Hey im not the one hoping for someone to underperform, you made your bed, and now you’ll have to lie in it
mattmac24: No one can say they haven’t hoped for a player to underperform.
Dunlop: Bugg’s playing wing – been playing there all season. Bernie’s the 7th D guy 4 Melb
JButcher: Loving our midfield structure atm
wadaramus: I’m hoping for Robbie Gray to underperform.
tbrowne: Fuck me Chad
poido123: Cmon Gray, kick it the first time!!!
poido123: I caannot believe i bet on Port to win this. absolute dog shit
JButcher: #HinkleyAndVossyGone
poido123: pass it off dixon you big stiff
mattmac24: I don’t want Robbie to go over 100
Umpirespet: Butch looks like u should get a recall next week
tbrowne: is Chad gone for the game guys?
poido123: Get dixon off seriously. He scks so bad
sfmmp23: Come on VC Gawn and Robbie.
JButcher: Nah mate I think I should get a delisting this week
poido123: yeah chad is done the year commentators said
9inch: My god Gawn cant you just have a bad game for a change
poido123: can port play any worse? fck they suck
StuL: Come on gawny. Big money!
StuL: Port stink. Good. Lol
cusch1: lol and i thought port had a chance tonight
m0nty: Melbourne technically still a chance for finals
JockMcPie: i hope melbourne or saints knock off the roos, would be hilarious
poido123: yeah weekend from hell betting wise for me. dogs didnt cover their margin, gws lost and now port. cant buy a trick
poido123: wtf is wrong with robbie? heartless prick
JockMcPie: @poido its not just robbie, its the entire team
mattmac24: I don’t know who I’d rather out of demons and saints to take the 8th spot. I like them both
wadaramus: Looking at the crowd, methinks Port may need the tarps again soon?
Costanza: they were inspired by the loss of McCarthey – that has worn off now and they look lost
Umpirespet: Lol wada
Umpirespet: Or bring in Chinese to sit there
wadaramus: Ooooh, punch to the ribs Umpirespet!
Umpirespet: Dont need to wada port doing a good job by themselves
JockMcPie: keep going Gawny! VC loophole looking good
wadaramus: Hope so Jock, 150 would be sweet!
Choppy: Umpirespet and wadaramus – just basking in this arent you? Flogs
wadaramus: Hey Choppy, surely you enjoy wen the Crows lose, you win some you lose some.
Umpirespet: Choppy just sick of rucci and kern and Cornes saying ur top 4 when we all know atm you aren’t
sfmmp23: Port are shit, still a top 4 team though, am I right? Lol.
StuL: Wow the whole Port team stink in SC. Not one good score!
JockMcPie: cmon petracca, get a touch!
sfmmp23: The whole Port team stink in general, tbh.
poido123: dixon is so bad. he is not afl level atm
Bazza2014: port the team of thugs
9inch: Farrrk Gawn slow down mate. Leave it for next season.
StuL: Go dees!
poido123: wtf are you doing???? port you fcking mongas, you suck so bad my eyes hurt you dmb muthafckers
Umpirespet: Gazza think Lewis,hodge and Mitchell bigger thugs
Umpirespet: *Bazza
Bazza2014: you mean the FTPP upirespet?
JockMcPie: do something Petracca
m0nty: ease up on language please poido
J.Worrall: That’ll be you that mint0’s talkin’ abart, Poida!
J.Worrall: Choppy chps, settle man, wada earns respect
Raspel31: Missed the vc on Rocky-guess the wise thing to leave on Gawn rather than Danger?
ballbag: yeah. poido def bypassing the swear filter with that spelling 100 times this weekend
wadaramus: Can Maxy get us to a score worth applying the VC? Go big Maxy!
LuvIt74: wines lift please u piece of dog dodo
ballbag: slow down gawn! we got a bye this week brother
J.Worrall: Love you being here, Poida, so try not to get banned, mate!
LuvIt74: it matters nothing for me coz im stuck with His score
ballbag: Austin is a Dawson. ceiling of 40
sfmmp23: Ill take Gawns potential 140, Thank you very much big fella.
poido123: Thanks Worrall. I need to work on getting banned less lol
blashtroko: yet he’s scored over 40 in 5 of his 9 games
TowelBoy25: Can you still use a trade in SC during the round?
heppelitis: Hey Luvit. Check out Australias commentary of Wang, China long jump. It went something like…eww…long…wang…massiv
sfmmp23: Anyone knows how it works when you have 2 Emergencies on the bench playing in the same position, ie Motlop and Matho?
blashtroko: you get the low one
J.Worrall: long wang massive – classic!
wadaramus: 138 + time + scaling, thanks big Maxy, locking the VC in!
Seiya: It takes the lowest of the two @sfmmp23
Umpirespet: You get the lowest score
J.Worrall: btw, anyone notice there’s an abc reporter clled Phillippa Butt?
poido123: they not counting that back heel kick to robbo? 😛
LuvIt74: Melbourne to make top 8 next season, next season will be interesting.
poido123: bahahahahhahahahahaha Im dying here….Phillipa Butt wooooweeee
sfmmp23: Ok cheers Seiya
wadaramus: Bali looking nice in September Port.
J.Worrall: Bombers will force Dees out, luvIt
AngryRyno: how long left?
LuvIt74: @wadaramus you would be stupid not to lock Gawns score in as VC even if it was 130
sfmmp23: and blash, thank you aswell.
J.Worrall: I shoulda known you’d like that, Poida!
heppelitis: she exists poido lol
ballbag: lol the Chinese swimming siblings- He Doe-ping and She-Doe-Ping
Umpirespet: Crows win by 100 2moro we will be 2nd
wadaramus: Yeah I hear you LuvIt, was hoping for 150+ but will gladly take the 140 on offer.
Breezey: The Russian hurdler Ima Stepanova
wadaramus: Lets just hope for the 4 points Umpirespet!
Jaypa: Vulture Garlett
Breezey: The Bulgarian women’s weightlifter Maria Gobalusallov
PieBoy: Onya jonesy
J.Worrall: I bet no-one believes us, hepps
LuvIt74: Danger has played at the MCG 3 times this year, R1 162 against Hawks, Round 4 – 99 against Ess & Round 9 – 86 Pies
Umpirespet: No worries wada Ross will make late changes to make sure for us lol
ballbag: Russian weightlifter lady Anna Bolic
J.Worrall: What were her parents thinking?
J.Worrall: I’m serious guys!
wadaramus: Come on Port fans, ring in and let rip.
LuvIt74: Danger doesn’t seem to go huge at MCG but u never know if he scores like he did in round 1 he may, not wort the risk.
TowelBoy25: VC loophole time, cheers Gawn 🙂
LuvIt74: I had Simpson as my VC so I had to go captain on Gawn after I found that out about Danger
wadaramus: Lyon can’t tank any harder Umpirespet
poido123: Gobalusallov bahahahahahah Gobbbaaaa
wadaramus: Word up TowelBoy!