TowelBoy25: Which Shaw will show up today?
JockMcPie: GWS only playing with 21? wheres the 3rd kennedy??
TowelBoy25: Need Priddis to go big. Doubt it, plays with no heart away from home
dipstick: pull ya fingers out bogan boy and perm boy
poido123: give them a hiding GWS 🙂
poido123: cmon shaw, my opponent doesnt have him
JockMcPie: GWS still got 21 listed…
SilverLion: Gee Scully’s had a lot of it.
dipstick: shaw mainly scores big when he kicks out to himself. done it for years. if he cant he scores low
9inch: That feeling you get when still have Lycett when NicNat comes back. 🙁
dezlav: @9inch. Sharing your pain.
Gott2Win: Come on Priddis, need you to beat JK
TowelBoy25: Shaw officially cooked as a premium
Gott2Win: Lift Priddis…need you to beat JJK
gdshifty: Lolcett. Crab
sfmmp23: Carn Ward, Heater and Giants.
poido123: shaw…he scores low here I bet a heap of people will trade him out then he scores big lol
Drak: Anyone else notice RooBoyStu has been AWOL for about 8 or 9 rounds. I miss his tough comments so much.
brentz: Stay down priddis
Bazza2014: i like rooboystew.
Gott2Win: ‘I was at the game you flogs’ RooBoyStu
Gott2Win: 1 effective touch for JJK.
sfmmp23: Great play from the Gaints. Feel as if this game might break open for the Giants.
Gott2Win: Which is 1 more than Lycett haha!
Mex13: Priddis cmon get into it
poido123: cmon shaw!!!
clee!: Pipe Down Drak mate
Gott2Win: I keep my Gaff in the Sheed which I use to Shuey the sheep off the Hill before they are Shawn
TowelBoy25: Great time for my POD’s to stink it up
Roksta: Think rooboy was suicidal after last weeks game
9inch: 2 icicles for my players lol
poido123: oh fck off ref. ridiculous
poido123: is the ref trying to keep WC in this game? I swear some games are influenced by the betting.
TowelBoy25: This is ridiculous Priddis, just knew you’d go bad but not THIS bad! XD
sfmmp23: That was a very bad call.
BC__: Pridda a fish out of water most occasions outside of WA
DrSeuss: Let’s go Mummy!!
poido123: amazing how a few bad deicisions can swing a game. fck you refs
pcaman2003: Priddis won a Brownlow?Yeah right!!LOL!!
Breezey: Gotta love having Shaw and Scully in this one. Flower me
JockMcPie: Priddis D:
Breezey: Priddis clearly listening to the chat
poido123: cmon GWS, this is a piss poor team with zero heart. destroy them
JockMcPie: if Heath Shaw could do something that would be great
poido123: Good call Jock, he did exactly that :p
JockMcPie: thanks shaw and priddis for at least being respectable at half time, keeping going Ward!
Costanza: nothing about the “refs” Poido – all ok?
nbartos: Shuey 70 LOL yeh good one CD
poido123: Costanza, no guarantees mate. I’m good for a few more meltdowns 😛
stoo: Keep garn greene
LuvIt74: my opponent is killing me up 300 points Treloar his C & he has, NRiewoldt, Mitchell, Bartel, Danger, Neale & Menengola
LuvIt74: I have Ward, Steven, Wines, Motlop, Rance & Danger as captain.
luke394: Kennedy 10 touches at 40%, 1 goal and is on 70 lol
LuvIt74: Only sniff i have is oif Danger scores 200+
LuvIt74: I hope Ward goes massive in second half.
LuvIt74: Just noticed Danger has player 3 times at the MCG and scored 162, 99 & 86
LuvIt74: Might pay to go Gawn
DrSeuss: Let’s go Mumford – do something (without giving away a free)
bigbaddasa: what the hell Scully?
gdshifty: Time to abuse Lycett on twitter.
Mex13: Priddis only 1 tackle and 0 marks
luke394: dylan shiel gets ripped by champion data every week
LuvIt74: carn ward ffs start getting that ball m8
LuvIt74: as a dogs supporter i hope the Giants win.
sfmmp23: Giants firing up now
Fizzy343: shiel 7 clangers
Breezey: Giants have pressed the GO button
pcaman2003: Weak as Priddis. Waiting for easy possies.
LuvIt74: 5 clagers
gdshifty: Give Lycett the spud
poido123: give them the 5th gear now GWS
Fizzy343: 5 clearances dipstick, 7 clangers
poido123: @Luke, Shiel has had 5 clangers and only 60% accuracy
cadelcamac: Heater: 13 kicks, 2 handbills, no clangers and at 100% DE. Scaling could potentially be higher
Fizzy343: kermit=clanger, hello?
LuvIt74: my bad i was looking at Ward
LuvIt74: who has done jack crap.
Fizzy343: ward has 0
LuvIt74: contested losses?
poido123: cmon GWs, need 26+ margin
LuvIt74: ohhhhhh clearences
LuvIt74: ive bee looking at Clearances ffs. soorry dude
LuvIt74: @poido what price?
Fizzy343: yeh
J.Worrall: Go Poida
aces-high: Cmon yeo
poido123: just part of a few multis. i have GWS straight out as well in a few of them
J.Worrall: Gotta love Heter’s handbills!
zadolinnyj: Common coast
luke394: shiel had a free for, kick and inside 50 and gets 4 points lol
sonik79: pcaman2003 – armchair critic mate…
aces-high: Yeo for the yin yang never again
TowelBoy25: 1st draw coming up?
rooboypete: TV for whoever drove Kennedy into the ground
rooboypete: Was it Sheuy?
9inch: You can see SJ talking the kids through all their set shots.
Ben_Gogos: How good was that from Lobb!
Zeratul: TV for Simon Tunbridge
rooboypete: Or was it McGovern who slung him into the turf?
poido123: that was a terrible deicion. Im tired of refs screwing games over
Rubber Ducky: Quack goes Luke Shuey to draw a free on Griffen.
zadolinnyj: Quack
sonik79: it was tunners
Fizzy343: classic shuey
Breezey: Head down looking for high contact. Ump fell for that
Ben_Gogos: Very much a quack quack Selwood playbook moment then.
Ben_Gogos: Dogs supporters will be desperate that the Giants get up here!
Breezey: Meanwhile Lycett playing stuck in the mud
painkilla: draw plz
mattmac24: 7 clangers from shiel has kept me in my main league!
hinsch: Lycett would be a good pick up next week
m0nty: draw would be great for Hawks!
poolboybob: Shuey has been BOG regardless of who wins
poido123: Refs can go fck themselves. Tired of poor umpiring costing me money. Stupid hacks
sonik79: no quackthere!
zadolinnyj: Plucka shuey
m0nty: yeah that one was there IMO
Bazza2014: go weagles
zadolinnyj: Massive gaff throw to priddis
poolboybob: judging by poido I assume that West Coast have about 30 more free kicks
poido123: Comon giants,. just get over the line!
zadolinnyj: Draw good
Bazza2014: draw is interesting
cusch1: Shuey wow
Breezey: Don’t bet on anything that can talk.
Pokerface: yeah its the refs that cost you money. *eyeroll*
boydshow: hoping for a draw ben!
TowelBoy25: Cheers for the turn around Priddis
zadolinnyj: Amazing miss
Bazza2014: that was 4 the winning pt
Costanza: Gigantic
poido123: lol Poolboy, Im just very biased if you couldnt telll :p
AngryRyno: LOBB x-factor
poolboybob: Massive muppet
sfmmp23: Come on Giants
sonik79: this what akes afl so exciting to watchgames like these!
TowelBoy25: *test*
Bazza2014: weagles win
J.Worrall: NicNat!
zadolinnyj: Wow
sonik79: wowowowowow
Costanza: wow and wee Nat and Nui
poido123: Think i want to puke
m0nty: 40 minute quarter lol
sfmmp23: Pies V Dogs and then this, good week of footy so far.
BestCoast: Nice Nat yeha
rooboypete: Umps won that one for West Coast
poolboybob: Nic Nat probably gets 100 SC points for that, lol
sfmmp23: Terrible umpiring but great goal from Nic Nat.
poido123: GWS showed no composure there. They were rattled by pressure and they got punished
poolboybob: I agree, Kennedy obviously held on that entry kick. Terrible that the umpires missed it.
cusch1: And still no draw this season wow
PieBoy: Onya lobby
Lawls: how the hell did scully lose so many points at the end
sfmmp23: Gws should have been goal-side, poor defending there.
aces-high: Ward too lawls
hinsch: WCE can now over their cannot play away fear here they come GF for sure