frenzy: hearts2hearts
WEARECATS9: go dogs
LuvIt74: Brown first goal 2 weeks in a row
mattmac24: Would really like Dunkley to make at least 90. Need to rely on a rookie for the rest of the year and chose him this week
OllieC: dunks will be a star in the future
LuvIt74: hunter 35+ possessions $7 if it was 25+ then id put money on him
LuvIt74: Dogs kids such a young side full of stars really, just tragic all the injuries.
TowelBoy25: Need Wells & M.Boyd to have quiet ones, not looking good
mattmac24: TowelBoy, I need them both to have big games
tom_cohen: wouldnt mind a lazy 200 from wells
LuvIt74: roos too bloody tall for dogs
AngryRyno: where the focaccia is Jong
PieBoy: Onya boydy
LuvIt74: How was that deliberate
LuvIt74: lol @ foccaccia
Mex13: Please get a touch Dahl
LuvIt74: Dunkley started off like a freight train
LuvIt74: Even daniels is a little champ
TowelBoy25: We’re overdue for a draw, tonight could be the night?
LuvIt74: If tom boyd spent as much time working on his skills as he does doing his hair he would be the best fwd in the comp.
LuvIt74: lol
mattmac24: Reckon dogs started being the better side by the end of that quarter just not accurate.
frenzy: fair bit a mallice in that Bont, hey buddy
LuvIt74: He should tart using honey in his hair then he’ll grab the ball
Roksta: He’s a 20 yr old key forward luvit…
Roksta: Leave the jokes to people that are funny luvit
LuvIt74: Roksta i know m8 im a dogs supporter but he neds to start marking the ball
mattmac24: I do agree LuvIt, he’ll get better though, just needs to mature more
LuvIt74: Redpath is worth $20 Million if Boyd is worth $7. He better start learning how to mark in contested situations.
LuvIt74: i was wrapped when we secured boyd however now i have my doubts, granted he is still young.
tamoz: Get a move on Dahl!
AngryRyno: get a kick Petrie ya big turd
Roksta: Redpath is 5 years older. In 5 years Boyd will kill redpath
mattmac24: I think Boyd being kept out of the team for so long hasn’t been good for him
LuvIt74: luv daniels, gonna be a gun.
Roksta: On $6M over 7 too. Front loaded contract I wouldn’t worry pal
LuvIt74: The bont will win a charlie within 3 years.
mattmac24: Daniel surely has the rising star in the bag
TowelBoy25: Would love to see Bont destroy the Roos
LuvIt74: Hope your right rock
mattmac24: Bont is one of my favourite players in AFL right now! He’s awesome to watch
Shaundog: @mattmac I hope so but I wouldn’t bet on it remember bontempelli got beaten by Lewis Taylor joke!
Roksta: Agree mattmac caleb Daniel is most consistent and disposal is awesome
Ben_Gogos: @mattmac24 he’ll be one for the next decade as well!
colmullet: lol traded markov over smith…100 point loss haha
Roksta: Was a good idea by north to rough up Bont it worked so well
mattmac24: @Shaundog Bet they regret that now! Bont deserved it that year
casty46: boyd cares more about his shit moe and haircut than playing a good game of footy
mattmac24: Absolutely Ben! He’s only getting better
LuvIt74: boyd going nuts
mattmac24: Dunkley has stopped though.. Not liking that one bit
LuvIt74: I chose to hold libba and play dunkley after pendles got injured
LuvIt74: carn doggiesssss
mattmac24: I’m playing one of Dunkley, Petracca, Markov and Silvangi for the rest of the year. Chose Dunks this week
Shaundog: Lindsey Thomas always looks for a free
Ben_Gogos: I’d stick with Dunks personally. He’s great in that mid role.
mattmac24: Ben, I have for the past 3 weeks.
LuvIt74: Dunks was on 23 points in first 10 mins of first
tamoz: Get off your arse Dahlhaus!
mattmac24: Loving the intensity in this game!!
Mex13: Please Dahlhaus
Gott2Win: This game is killing me! Good to watch though
armalitemk: Back to the woodworks dogs the cinderalla story sells more tickets no other factors in this game!
JockMcPie: stay low dahlhaus, bont please slow down
9inch: Nothing like a bit of biff going into half time. Go the Bont.
LuvIt74: My initial plan was to trade Mathieson to Menegola and libba to Sloan & leave me with 1 trade left but pendles got injur
LuvIt74: Dunkley doing ok considering.
LuvIt74: jokes aside the dogs kids are phenomenal, they all seem above average. thats why there still winning games.
LuvIt74: most teams would have fallen apart with all these injuries.
mattmac24: Definitely LuvIt.. Gonna be heard to select a team once their injured players are back
frenzy: c’mon Ziebell, you done jack shower buddy
LuvIt74: Well Wallis & Redpath are pretty much out until very late in next season if at all. That goal by Hrovat was phenomenal
LuvIt74: considering its his first game this season.
mattmac24: The team out there now will almost be the team for the rest of the season. Finals included.
LuvIt74: yeah Suckling will be back next week.
berniebern: taylor got the rising star over Bont?
LuvIt74: Personally i wouldn’t be suprised if suckling was dropped after his shocking stuff ups against cts
mattmac24: How far away is Adams?
LuvIt74: yea by 1 vote, that was BS
LuvIt74: around 2 weeks, there assessing markus week at a time.
mattmac24: Bont should’ve won the rising star. Almost deserve Goal of the year as well from that same year
DrSeuss: Get Dahlhaus – they said…..
BigD secnd: corruption is running mad
Mex13: Ikr @drSeuss
Gott2Win: Need the Dahl to lift
mattmac24: I’ve had Dahl from the start of the season so it’s not too bad for me
Shaundog: Go dogs!!
mattmac24: JJ just wow.. Lucky to not have done his hammy again!!
JockMcPie: sit down dahl
Ben_Gogos: JJ is irresistible in that situation
Roksta: Great from jj
Mex13: Boyd don’t stop
eagles86: god damn i forgot to bring majak daw in this week
3rdstriker: someone said Boyd’s going nuts at the 10 minute mark of the 2nd qtr, hasnt scored since
mattmac24: I’ll be happy with an 80 from Dahl at this point
LuvIt74: cannot stand thomas
zadolinnyj: Not sure anyone can Luvit74
LuvIt74: Surley Beverage and Minson have issues, I don’t know why Minnow isn’t in.
mattmac24: Yeah with ya on that one LuvIt
LuvIt74: that Chelsea Roffey goal ump is gorgeous.
man0005: spud for jed anderson, that was hardly from 40 m out lol..
feralmong: she looks like jewel staite from firefly LuvIt. Though i rate jewel more. lol
TowelBoy25: Guess you could say, Minson is is Beverage’s doghouse? (I’ll see myself out)
LuvIt74: WTF wasn’t that a mark from boyd bs
feralmong: google search results for jewel spike. lol
Shaundog: Time to retire firrito
Roksta: Minson isn’t in because he’s useless around the ground
LuvIt74: Roksta r u ok mate? Minson was #1 ruck 2 years ago
Roksta: Love minno but our game style doesn’t suit him.
AngryRyno: Roughead better than Minson, not great but always tries hard
mattmac24: 2 years ago yes.. but he’s gotten slow and isn’t up to the level other ruckman are these days
Roksta: He’s gotten slow I reckon
LuvIt74: Mattmac check how many games minow has played since then u can count them on 2 hands so how can u say he hasnt played we
LuvIt74: well
poido123: pretty bad when a bookie gives you a 80 start and you cant cover it lol
Roksta: Had 4 possessions against Sydney this year
LuvIt74: Rocksta what do u expect, he had 9 games last year and 1 game this season
LuvIt74: Check out his 2015 stats in his 9 games. Don’t get me wrong i luv what bevo has done to our club but minno should be in
mattmac24: When you look at players like Goldy and gawn they can play all around the ground
mattmac24: But Minson is really just a ruck and that’s about it.. Roughy is doing a much better job
LuvIt74: yeah he is a ruckman, roughy doesn’t get the hitouts comparable to minnow. anyway lets agree to disagree
mattmac24: Fair enough
LuvIt74: carn doggiessssss
mattmac24: Though.. The Campbell and Roughy combo was shutting down any other ruckman this season
Roksta: Somebody should punch Bont before every game. What a superstar
LuvIt74: yes campbell & roughy done gr8
Mex13: Cmon wells fire up
LuvIt74: When campbell & roughy played they shut down, Goldy, Gawn, NicNat, Martin
mattmac24: Bont going for a big score.. was gonna risk the C on him but kept it Danger
mattmac24: Is Campbell injured?
LuvIt74: gr8 pressure dogs
3rdstriker: bont will be my first picked player in sc next year
TowelBoy25: Slow down Wells!
LuvIt74: lol yes
mattmac24: @3rdstriker think I’ll build my team around bont, Gawn and Danger at this point..
LuvIt74: hasn’t played since round 13
LuvIt74: The Package
3rdstriker: yeah gawn my second picked, danger a must have but will be very expensive
hinsch: C Smith 6SC points may not help my final chances???
mattmac24: Knew he was injured just didn’t know whether it was in a resting phase or something.
Roksta: Where’s rooboy
feralmong: roos need to give a few a rest. top 8 is a lock. Play kids and rest the stars.
Mex13: Dahlhaus snag a goal or something
Shaundog: @same here mate and I have markov sitting on my bench with 89
sfmmp23: Wells, Goldy and JJ good job get to 120 pleae?
LuvIt74: Dunkley bloody must of got shot
Willymack1: The goldy of old is back!
LuvIt74: The package Stringer
LuvIt74: misses
mattmac24: Very quiet night for the Package
LuvIt74: roos have no chance this season and im afraid to say the dogs must play flawless footy to even have a sniff.
LuvIt74: Well done dogs there defence has been pronominal.
mattmac24: It’s been a good year for the dogs regardless.. Lots of experience into their young pups.
LuvIt74: Thats a big win by doggies considering injuries and height that north had over us.
Roksta: Awwww where’s rooboy spud
Shaundog: Well done dogs! Love beating the roos
LuvIt74: Totally concur
hinsch: Brad Scott going to blame the umpires again tonight
boges11: Rooboy will be at the game
LuvIt74: Wish i played Mathieson over Dunkley
LuvIt74: is smiths injury just a head clash?
mattmac24: LuvIt, yeah, just a concussion. He’s walking just fine so his knee is all good