desmondo: BIG late out for the Demons, Jesse Hogan out …James Frawley out for Hawks as well…
JRedden: vince 100 today to make up for your poor form
CBeezDeez: Woo hoo!!! Stop the game! Deez in front!!! Not 4 long tho I bet!
AngryRyno: good start from Tracca, hope Dees upset
lukefield9: anyone know why they’re using a count-up clock?
Pokerface: great to see you wanted to make a big first impression on your first day in my team Gunston
AngryRyno: Hogan is timekeeping
AngryRyno: Weedyman first kick – goal!
hinsch: Mr Mitchell move it only would you need 100+ is not looking good at the moment
TowelBoy25: Lift Gunston! >:(
DrSeuss: Gibson, Mitchell and Vince – could be a long afternoon
Rilian: “fair bump” lol I always love your one-eyed Hawks views Monty! Not even the MRP icon? Even more humorous..
CBeezDeez: Viney or Vince tagging Smitch?
DrSeuss: Is Gibson on field?
TowelBoy25: This is BS Gunston!
Pokerface: L for Heatherley
TowelBoy25: Stay down Hodge & Petracca
AngryRyno: Watts for PM
LovesIt: I’d run through Gunston at the start of every match if i was his opp. Weak cunt
CBeezDeez: Got my vote! Luv wot he’s doin now.
Jackwatt$: OMG!!! This might be the first time the Dees have beating the Hawks since me and m0nty have been mates!
poido123: Please tear Hawthorn a new one Melbourne. Sydney would be forever grateful 🙂
brentz: im going to have a shower, birchall better of gotten moving by the time i get back
Jackwatt$: Is that a shower, or a shower Brent?
grossn: He meant a shower @jackwatt$
facebook23: lads, just logged on.. is hodge ok?
AngryRyno: oh shower, I thought he meant shower
poido123: you would be spewing if you have had Vince the last few weeks
Vich: Brad hill continuing his stellar season… Absolute front runner
Torz: Vince has been rubbish of late.
SaintsMan: you’re rubbish mitchell
casty46: vince you are a crab buddy
brentz: get moving birchall ffs!
AngryRyno: come on Tracca snag another
Vich: brought bernard in the week he had his 120..then had 3 tons in a row..thought i was a genius!
Vich: still wiping the egg away! 🙁
OllieC: ffs mitchel
OllieC: mitchell cmon you spud
chinkas: umpiring is disgraceful
Rowan1984: mitchell is the leading disposal getter for hawthorn. Give him a break
tamoz: Come on Petracca!!
Pokerface: spud for hill
CBeezDeez: How many “Free kick… Hawthorn”?!?!
TowelBoy25: Hodge in under 2% of SC teams, and of course my opponent has to have him! Of bloody course
Dunlop: @ Vich – Bernie’s barely played midfield since – backline has killed his scoring
brentz: thats better birch!
Paga1208: havent been watching the game, whats happening with bernie vince? Is he gone for the rest of the game?
Vich: Disgusting bernard… already got pendles, have a week off so i can trade you! 🙁
TowelBoy25: C’mon Gunston, lift your game! Get to 90 at least!
deanie: Yea a couple of cheeky snags please guntston
frenzy: Burnhard Wince
feralmong: carn gibbo need 50sc from u this qtr.
feralmong: half i mean.
colin wood: Stay down Gibson
JRedden: get some marks vince..
TowelBoy25: Stay down Hodge!
LuvIt74: carn gunston lift son
vartic: nice one ump… #freekickhawthorn
TowelBoy25: C’mon Gunston, convert!!
heppelitis: Common Gunston…new to my team, he need to make up for franklin, gibson and vince
feralmong: Gawny can help me over come other player scores. Go Gawny.
PieBoy: Onya jonesy
TowelBoy25: Stay down Hodge!! >:(
CBeezDeez: What Gawn score do U take 4 VC loophole over Danger v Ess?
oc16: geez melbourne are playing well
PieBoy: Onya gawny
Mex13: Had VC on Gawn all week… Then changed to Pendles just before the start of last nights game
LuvIt74: @cbeez 130 or more take it
CBeezDeez: So Ur basically sayin do it now Luvit
TowelBoy25: Would be a great for the Dees if they hang on. Against the odds, umpires against them as well.
heppelitis: do it now!
Gott2Win: Should of left the big C on Gawn
G-Mo77: I wish I had Gawn. His score is going to kill me
G-Mo77: David King’s head looks like it’s going to burst.
feralmong: cbeez take gawny. 150+ he’ll get.
Sloaneyyyy: Go Dees, this would make my weekend if the Hawks lose this one
PieBoy: On track for wins
feralmong: gawny got about 60 SC that qtr. massive.
colin wood: Would anyone beleive me if i said i tipped the demons this week?
G-Mo77: Most of that came late in that quarter feralmong. He was awesome!
CBeezDeez: Nope! Woodsman!
myteamsuks: Gawn needs a cape he scored 58 sc points that qtr
Straffo: Gawn VC… If he scores 160 gotta take it
Sloaneyyyy: You better ton-up Hodge, you flog, done nothing for me the last two weeks since I brought you in
sfmmp23: Carn Gawn, Carn Dees!
myteamsuks: @straffo you take it if he scores 130
LuvIt74: Who ever has Gawn as VC take it NOW, 130+ you gotta take that. I’m taking Hanners 130. If u don’t u will be sorry.
Sloaneyyyy: finally a team actually tags Mitchell instead of Hill, and look at the difference it makes
Straffo: Go Dees! One of my two teams!
feralmong: gawny is killin it. continues from 3rd qtr. take him if u got him.
LuvIt74: It dosn’t pay to be greedy, it will bite u on the arse 9 out of 10 times
feralmong: sloaneyy u don’t even need to. just zone the defensive side of a bounce. he goes there.
sfmmp23: How are people still questioning taking Gawns VC, he has 140 for fuck sake take it.
grossn: Just need Petracca to beat Buddy… might not make it lmao
9inch: How does gawn score so rapidly with 5 touches. Miracle man.
Rowan1984: might not get 5 points in 20 mins grossn? hrm ok
LuvIt74: Petracca will beat buddy’s SC score, he only need 6 points
hinsch: I think I will be happy with Gawns SC as VC
september: WavE GoodbyE HawkS
feralmong: gawny has double marks of most players. tackles plus hota.
Sloaneyyyy: Get involved Hodge, ya peanut!
oc16: gawn or rioli for star
OllieC: anyone else got gawn vc ??
casey22: Rioli n fire; I’m glad Bwuce is not commentating
9inch: Hawks will win from here.
Straffo: Gawn to kick winning goal
CBeezDeez: Nooooooo!!! Only good news please m0nty.
9inch: I suspect gawn will start going backwards as Hawks pull away.
PieBoy: Onya stretchy
fyfe is life: carn the dees
CBeezDeez: Alls the pressure on U now m0nty! LoL
heppelitis: good half vince
LuvIt74: carn gunston ffs kick a goal or two, although i hope the Dee’s win
Torz: 80+ will do Vince.
shaker: Tell when they pull away
JRedden: start junking now vince
JButcher: Cmon Dees Fuck you hawks
PieBoy: Onya pedy
Sloaneyyyy: Give Viney the star already, he’s been brilliant
oc16: too good melbourne, too good
TowelBoy25: This is great stuff from the Dees!
Pokerface: witches hats for the hawks m0nty?
CBeezDeez: I think I’m pullin it off shaker!,,
sfmmp23: Dees deserve to win this, playing so well
AngryRyno: love ya dees!
colin wood: Wrapped tipped the Dees, makes up for my boys losing losing last night.
Breezey: Thanks for comin Hawks. Beginning of the end
spawnrzc: i love it, Gawn has my VC now loophole in play
TowelBoy25: Flower off Hodge! Only plays good when my opponents have him
LuvIt74: Well done Dees so wrapt they won
LuvIt74: Luv ya Rioli
Jukes82: Lol hawks aren’t going anyway if they get the best free agents every year
PieBoy: Onya gawny
ReggieOz: How good is Gawn!!!
LuvIt74: Gawn to kick last goal
CBeezDeez: Ur ina luvin mood luvit
Jukes82: will danger beat gawns score?
travo: go dees, go maxy
magic007: gawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
LuvIt74: maybe not
ballbag: LOL Petracca… give the kid some time in the VFL… AFL is too quick for him
TeamKids: #jukes82 – not likely
grossn: Doubt it Jukes, not worth the risk
Shaundog: @jukes82 so have you got gawn yet? You muppet!
Crowls: ty Gawnie. great win to the demons
TowelBoy25: Great win Dees! Beat the reigning premiers and the umpsm against the odds stuff! Love it
heppelitis: probably not dukes…but seriously…how the fuck do we know?
hinsch: were can you get sundays final teams I need grimely from ess to have the day off
Jukes82: shaundog you flog, I have both. just curious
leorosman_: ballbag mate you are delusional, petracca is an out and out star
Stst1001: Great win Dees.
CBeezDeez: Borderline Gawn vc loophole. I’m so confused!
leorosman_: grimley is playing