boo!: come on boomer and swallow brown
eagles86: only got goldy in this match
eagles86: this is the biggest match of the round
boo!: lift minty
BestCoast: Iconic effort Boomer congratulations on your milestone absolute legend
grossn: Hahaha lindsay’s tackle on Nroo was just him running at him with arms flailing
eagles86: if north lose thiks game theres a chance they will be knock out of the 8th
AngryRyno: CD missing a Goody handball
BestCoast: Gold member
9inch: Go saints. Flog em like Richmond got flogged ha
eagles86: like how freo got flogged for 10 games st8
PopStar: Come on Weller! Need a big game from you
hinsch: eagles86 don’t pick on the Dockers supporters
9inch: Ok come on dont start after WC efforts today. Just making up numbers in the 8 no threat.
eagles86: sorry hinsch not fremantles fault there a bunch of pussy just like there supporters
PopStar: Thanks @hinsch!
DirtyDawn: Evening all
TowelBoy25: Montagna, worst trade in I’ve ever done
Harmes37: 8 frees to 2…bit lopsided
heppelitis: armo, joey,ziebell and capt steven…i need a drink
JDolling69: Frees dont have to be even, when are people going to learn…
Pokerface: the team that plays in front, is first to the ball and has more disciplined gets more frees. its not an equal thing
9inch: Me too Towelboy when will we learn.
Pokerface: remember when people thought luke dunstan was going to be a gun
DirtyDawn: In acknowledgement of retro round, Im happy to have mullett as my captain this weekend
TowelBoy25: 9inch, I only got him because every other forward was injured or not good enough. Montagna on my never again list for 17
hinsch: Clarke get move son you need at least 50 SC points
9inch: Hopefully he comes good tonight.
kangawalla: Good call DD.Nice sentiment. Not overly sensible but nice sentiment
TowelBoy25: Doubt it, one ton in five games I’ve had him. I should sue him for false advertising
DirtyDawn: Sentiment versus sense kanga. Im a sentimental fool
kangawalla: Please sing a song, a sentimental song for my sentimental friend over there…:)
9inch: You must of got him when I did. Early days id be happy with 90sc but would be happier if i didn’t have him.
grossn: Wells put his hands on his head before he even was taken high
hinsch: Wells maaybe has been watching Thomas
kangawalla: 1% battery on a train 40 min from home. Evening all! 🙂
AngryRyno: icicle for Steven
TowelBoy25: Montagna scores big when my opponent has him. I trade him in, he stops being a premo. Oh well, lesson learned
9inch: Can see saints winning this.
TheBigD: fuck north
TheBigD: fuck harvey
Zeratul: Volt, Steven and Tags are underwhelming…..
TheBigD: where are all the fucking shit north supports at
grossn: These umps
TheBigD: fucking shit ups poor bruce
Nuffman: The grabbing the Kleenex watching Boomer, because it’s such a n emotional time
9inch: Wow some shit umps.
boo!: cmon saints, score more than tigers
TheBigD: i fucking hate harvey
mason2016: Umpires always against stkilda! f**&ing sick if it! every weekend…
boo!: boomer same age as my grandpa
Nuffman: Harvey.. the biggest tool in the game since Carey
WizMan: A goggomobile is more reliable than Waite – he breaks down all the time
CBeezDeez: Um? Who do U support Mason?
TheBigD: shut your mouth boo!
Breezey: It’s flog night on Fan Footy
DanBlack: TheBigD alienating anyone
TheBigD: zip it breezey you flog
TheBigD: that’s right danblack, join the dark side
leorosman_: thats terrible, shouldnt do that rubbish
hinsch: Boomer goal of the year
Breezey: Boohoo King flogger
King_Robbo: It’s always flog night on fanfooty
TowelBoy25: Is Montagna on field?
Breezey: We’ve found the biggest of all tonight
TheBigD: says all the flogs on fanfooty fuckwits
boo!: onya joey sc
m0nty: oi, back on the footy please
AngryRyno: Steven yin yang, 25DT at HT
DanBlack: Jack Steven trying to regain my trust
TheBigD: you yap you yap you yap but you dont deliver
AngryRyno: Goldy BOG? Macmillan cherries
Breezey: Does anyone know what the D stands for. Dill,Dopey or Deadhead
DirtyDawn: Denise?