desmondo: Nick Haynes out…replaced by Adam Kennedy
Harmes37: Thoughts on the result…….I’m tipping GWS by plenty
haddles99: Need Rance, Ward and Greene to have shockers
TowelBoy25: Hoping Shaw doesn’t get tagged…
HamJam2014: Shaw needs to score big on SC
AngryRyno: Houli starting fwd pocket?
JockMcPie: great start Ward!
RooBoyStu: BIG score Coniglio come on!
LeBron J: For all those people that cant read desmondo?
TowelBoy25: Can Dusty get 30+ possessions at a disposal efficiency over 60% ?
toxic: this will get ugly
colin wood: Need Ward and Rance to ton up!
RooBoyStu: @LeBron J if you can’t read, you can’t read his comment LeBronJ LMAO!
HamJam2014: maybe 15 goal win to GWS
boo!: think Ward will ton up by halftime
LeBron J: Well played rooboy
sfmmp23: Come on Ward, Rancey, dusty and heater.
TowelBoy25: C’mon Dusty, lift a bit
colin wood: There goes my first player this week.. my bench cover Reid…
Vich: he’d wanna get a wriggle on then ay boo!? 🙂
myteamsuks: This is the shit thing about scores vlaustin 2 FA one possession , sc should be negative
myteamsuks: Make that 3 FA
grossn: Rance…scoring…before 1/2 time…? What is going on?
HamJam2014: Looks like my prediction of 15 goal win was on the mark :>
RooBoyStu: Fat Lady singing Toothless Tigers!
davep: How did Rickmond get so bad so quickly?
m0nty: I hope Toby brought big boots today because there’s a lot of filling to be had
TowelBoy25: C’mon Richmond, get Shaw involved
Vich: To be fair Dave they are playing a lot of kids…
BOMBRBLITZ: on ya Toby!
RooBoyStu: swap Richmond’s score 0.0.0 for 3 donuts lol
davep: Fair enough Vich – but they were contending last year.
AngryRyno: lol cakewalk, Carlton will be more competitive than this
shaker: No there not only 4 kids plus Marcon
desmondo: if you take reiwolt, martin and cotchin out of the richmond team, they are a team of ”no-bodies” 😉
RooBoyStu: they brought Vickery in for a kid this week
frenzy: sack dimma
Vich: Regardless, they still shouldnt be getting wiped like a dirty arse!!
HamJam2014: tunie out time, lets get ready for the boomer show tonight
RooBoyStu: Richmond scored clap clap clap
shaker: Instead of going to church tomorrow maybe Dimma should clean out his desk
AngryRyno: to think people considered Conca a good pick at the start of the year
Vich: hehe that auto corrected!
grossn: I’m sorry for jynxing Rance
TowelBoy25: Richmond on the board, Dimma survives another week!
RooBoyStu: @shaker he would get Mrs Hardwick to do that 😉
Vich: Compared to the last couple of seasons shaker? looks like they’re playing the kids to me!!?
Pokerface: richmond should upgrade to leppa
Pokerface: join in the party conigs
grossn: jinxing* good to know the spelling of the pokemon came to my head first
Harmes37: Maybe get KB back to coach?
HamJam2014: lol well there is 2 premiership coaches doing nothing – malthouse and bomber lol
RooBoyStu: where are the tiger supporters? all drowning their sorrows at the pub maybe
Harmes37: MM is too busy selling lexus’ and Bomber is burnt out
HamJam2014: MM too busy with the Recruit on Fox bahaha
Vich: Whilst not young kids, guys like marcon, drummond and short are still playng their first game(s) or first handfull…
BestCoast: Whats the difference between Richmond and a pyromaniac ? A . A pyromaniac wouldnt waste 22 matches
Pokerface: they were doing that in previous years vich eg lloyd, lambert
sfmmp23: keep going Dusty, Ward, Rancey, heater. pushing for 400 odd+from this game
frenzy: toothless tigers, gummy bears
TowelBoy25: 5 effective kicks and a tackle, surely more than 17??
TowelBoy25: Take that back, much better 😛
shaker: There is 4 kids today plus Marcon the rest are not kids
Vich: Correct but not too many young kids.. They were both mature agers!
Vich: Now the likes of markov, castagna, rioli etc are all getting games
Pokerface: houli and vickery are ins.
shaker: the point is Vich they are a disgrace Dimma must go
Pokerface: richmond weren’t really contenders. its just there were only 4-6 good teams before.
CBeezDeez: 200 point margin?
Vich: No arguments from me on Dimma! Freo in the same boat! Just resigned the coach for too long a deal!
Pokerface: they just completely had no idea of their list quality and overestimated it
shaker: Swap you Ross for Dimma haha
HamJam2014: nah Freo coach is good, he playing the game this year – wai till the get that GWS forward McCarthy in their team next ye
RooBoyStu: one thing Richmond has had for the last 20 years is bad skills, they have never improved
Pokerface: @hamjam and hogan
HamJam2014: true
shaker: The fact is this is Dimma’s 7th year and it has been absolutely a massive failure
BestCoast: Freo will always choke
Pokerface: @shaker they are still enacting Plough’s 5 year plan
HawkTalker: Watching the end of Hardwicke
M0rgs: None will choke harder than WC today
shaker: Haha Poker I have a very funny video on my phone about that starring Adolph
shaker: The only good Hardwick was in Debbie does Dallas
Pokerface: haha love the downfall vids
RooBoyStu: clap clap clap Tigers got a goal
RooBoyStu: West Coast will pump the skunks
TowelBoy25: The comeback is on!
JRedden: start being cheap shaw, rack up those +6s
AngryRyno: need a lift out of that old spud Grigg
DrSeuss: Come on Scully – get into it
PieBoy: Onya rancey
Vich: Just had a squiz at Tigers blooding last year..They played more kids than I thought..My bad!
faisca7: Marcon, Markov. Marcon, Markov
Gott2Win: Go big today Shiel and Rance!
RooBoyStu: Keep going Rance, good sc score
sfmmp23: ward, rancey, dusty and heater thank you very much. keep going.
AngryRyno: what’s with Shaw’s SC score? lots of clangers? can’t check on mobile
Pokerface: he didnt start scoring till the game was over angry
Nuffman: Love Rance’s SC score.. getting absolutely belted…
stoo: 7 point quarter from Greene
SilverLion: Good ol’ predictable CD. Richmond getting absolutely flogged, rance still BoG. Richmond win, rance still amongst it…
Pokerface: i think richmond should give a bit of theatre and get rid of hardwick at half time
Gott2Win: Rance getting belted…you watching the game Snuffman
Pokerface: good ol predictable silverlion. each week comes on to bag the sc scoring system
shaker: Shaw is 50
BOMBRBLITZ: Rance SC joke every week
Gott2Win: Rance has been playing on Cameron and constantly comes off to help his teammates out
SilverLion: @Pokerface The mind boggles how Richmond can be 63 points down, with 1 goal to half time, and GWS not have a single(1/2)
SilverLion: player higher than Rance (2/2)
Pokerface: what have you thought of his defensive pressure acts bomberblitz?
SilverLion: Scratch that just noticed Johnson is 4 points higher, still point is practically the same.
Pokerface: stevie j says hi silverlion. but dont you think it says more than half richmonds team is under 30? they rely on rance
sfmmp23: Rancey puts his body on the line week in week out.
Pokerface: gws dont rely on individuals. what have you thought of rances game today silverlion
frenzy: we all know who the boys @ CD have in their team
Gott2Win: Cameron has had a field day playing on Rance and belting him around.
Pokerface: so pick those players if thats how it works frenzy
SilverLion: He’s been solid as he always is Poker. However no defender would deserve to be scoring so well with the scores like this
Pokerface: lol gott2win. i would bet not one of these baggers is watching the game. they just go by the dt score
Gott2Win: Every week!…the same derelicts come on here and whine about the SC scores.
SilverLion: *no richmond defender
Pokerface: youve got no idea how sc works if you think defenders shouldnt score if the opp has kicked alot of goals
Pokerface: i hear ya g2w
PieBoy: Onya rancey
Nuffman: @Gott.. Richmond getting belted
Pokerface: @nuffman gws sc 946, richmond sc 697. backs up that richmond are getting belted.
RooBoyStu: Where are the Tigers fans, already gone on holidays to the snow?
Harmes37: Dont like the scoring system… dont play, simple concept
Gott2Win: He has 6 one% acts today. No Giant has more than 2. But because they are losing, yea, we should take his score down!
Pokerface: @gott2win yeah but but look at his DT! it should match his SC!
Nuffman: Hartley had 20 1%’s your point? I’m sorry.. where can I see these 1%’s in front of me?
Pokerface: is google broken for you nuffman
Vich: Afl dot com perhaps
Harmes37: so HArtley is only giving 20%? very poor effort
Nuffman: My original point being.. What is he doing to score as such?
CBeezDeez: Ur complain bout Rances score diff? Wot bout Stevie J’s?
Pokerface: isnt a hard place to make a first look
Gott2Win: Or you could try and watch a game and see who actually plays well…they are the ones that end up with a good SC score
mattmac24: People complan about the scoring of SC yet it’s not you that knows what you’re doing, it’s CD. Just get over it.
Harmes37: ok lets get back on with the flogging !
Nuffman: Harmes37 learn to read. Gott, can’t atm, hospital bed only allows f2a games. just started on tv
Pokerface: i was being sarcastic cbds at these numpties who week in week out complain
LuvIt74: bloody hell surely Hardwick will get the ar$e at the end of the season
Harmes37: someone call the waaaaaaambulance!
LuvIt74: Tigers should be allot better
Gott2Win: Hardwick and Buckley…both have the worst game plans that are never going anyway
Nuffman: *clap* Harmes37, you are indeed a lyrical mastermind *yawn*
TowelBoy25: For anyone who has Yeo, he’s a late out.
Harmes37: omg a troll! here to attempt to get ppl angry by being an asshat! carry on good sir
J.Worrall: love a good flogging
TowelBoy25: Stop it Dusty!
AngryRyno: cheers @Towel for the update
colin wood: Coniglio on track for a huge SC score. Those score involvments in a chain wow!
HamJam2014: zzzzzzzzzz fell alseep and woke up and nothing changed bahaah
RooBoyStu: Hardwick is gone
Gott2Win: This is some terrible football from the tigers. No defensive structure, loose men everywhere for the giants
LeBron J: Harmes shut up you’re irratating
Harmes37: lebron EAD!
Gott2Win: If Rance wasn’t there today, this would already be 100 point margin
sfmmp23: Hardwick surely cant keep his job after this performance.
Harmes37: if you are going to mouth off, at least spell correctly 🙂
sfmmp23: They have hit the double digits
TowelBoy25: Lot of Tigers match this year where they get flogged, but without Rance it’d be a lot worse for them.
AngryRyno: is there a ‘passenger’ icon? need a seat for about 17/22 Tiges m0nty!
LeBron J: You’re the one moving off just shut up i have to filter through your dumb comments to see valid ones
Viscount: Rance about to raise the bat. LOL
RooBoyStu: BT & KB might make a comeback for the tigers next year
colin wood: Wayne Carey hit the nail o nthe head. Rance is legitimately worth 1 mil a season.
Harmes37: why start on me @lebron then complain about it?
sfmmp23: Rancey is the best defender in the comp and desreves some success. Shame he is at the tigers.
Viscount: Dear Oleg, I know it is early days, but you show promise. Can you get the pill? Please.
colin wood: Monty I thought the witches hats would have been on show by now mate??
RooBoyStu: m0nty too busy watching hawks game
shaker: Witches hats more like spuds
Viscount: Rances tons up in SC
chinkas: pull your finger out your freckle Kelly
Ben_Gogos: My game fellas. Tough one given they’ve lost in the midfield rather than offence. Mids have been shocking.
Mex13: Stevie J’s SuperCoach surely too high
TheBigD: flower this shower all these flowering showerwits go home you bunch of showers
Pokerface: oh great we’ve got another one
Viscount: That’s it Markov you’re on your way again!
colin wood: BigD – Are you ok?
Gott2Win: Haha Poker
FlowerTime: not even a flame for Rance? surely he gets the atlas
FlowerTime: not even a flame for Rance? surely he gets the atlas. biggest carry I’ve ever seen
RooBoyStu: he needs ickhead added to his name lol
TowelBoy25: Stop with the FA Dusty!
Pokerface: he does indeed Pid
LuvIt74: Carn Rance, Martin, Ward & Shaw
poolboybob: Potato for every Richmond player.
LuvIt74: Do you take Libba’s 72 or would you play Mathieson?
TheBigD: nah im not colin wood, im a richmond supporter
Pokerface: have to take Libba Luvit. At most you might gain 10 points
Pokerface: mathiesons highest is only low 80s
SilverLion: Similar to LuvIt, would you play Petracca, or take Smith’s 71?
RooBoyStu: where were you last night Luvit74 at the game?
mattmac24: Take the 72 LuvIt.
Pokerface: thats an interesting one silver. against gc i think petracca
CBeezDeez: Take a chance on Traccs v GCS surely?..
mattmac24: I’m going for Petracca over Dunkley’s 79
SilverLion: Hmm…I was leaning to taking the punt on him, figured at worst I’d lose ten, but at best I’d gain 30. Worth the risk.
colin wood: personally lads id go the 71. why risk for an extra 10 or so points?
Pokerface: give em to the whole team ben. don’t be soft
AngryRyno: Grigg you are rubbish
Pokerface: i reckon it will be more than 10 colly
TowelBoy25: Less FA, more SC points Dusty!
chinkas: how does vickery not have anything next to his name
SilverLion: Whats the icon for a player with tons of tackles? Is it the Ram? Regardless, Smith should get it, tackling machine.
Pokerface: SEN are contemplating giving the 3 to Rance
colin wood: Coniglios last 4 touches have amounted to no SC points at all according to CD… rightio…
mattmac24: This round is nothing for me.. Can’t move up or down in any league so no point playing it safe, just taking risks
BOMBRBLITZ: will have to bring in Rance for Collins next week and loophole him
RooBoyStu: Vickery playing for his career
SilverLion: Shiel, I know your bloody consistent, but why couldn’t you consitently average about 5-10 more points than ya do?
RooBoyStu: Coniglio robbed by sc
AngryRyno: c’mon Ward don’t do this 2 weeks in a row
RooBoyStu: 33% of Coniglio’s disposals contested
shaker: Ha ha what career
TowelBoy25: Callan “2nd Half Specialist” Ward
Gott2Win: Come on Shiel, finish off strong! You were on 40 at quarter time
BOMBRBLITZ: Rance free against and SC still rises lol
JRedden: well done reid, making good cash
PopStar: Wasnt watching – what happened to Lobb?
JRedden: give martin the bin, 20 points in a min
TowelBoy25: Please ton up Ward!
Gott2Win: Lower leg injury. Hopefully not to bad, he is an important player for the giants
SilverLion: Rance more possies than Richmond’s score.
sfmmp23: Come on Shawry, Rancey, Dusty and ward. Keep pushing.
colin wood: Come on Ward…
RooBoyStu: no way Martin gets votes today
Gott2Win: Star to Greene…could of gone to any one of about 5 Giants. I think Coniglio BOG
colin wood: JRedden – Loving Reid! Good little bench cover for late in the season.
AngryRyno: at least Marcon has shown something
colin wood: is Ward even on the ground?
JRedden: yeah only problem with reid is job security, hes good for a 60
Gott2Win: Rance will probably get 1 brownlow vote today
bongidongi: Rance BOG. borderline unbeatable
JRedden: martin massive junk quarter, i think 5 marks already
RooBoyStu: Coniglio wont be 80-1 for brownlow after today
colin wood: Cogs, Shaw and Rance already toned up for me come on Dusty and Ward!
9inch: Was actually looking for player at SJs price range and considered it.
mattmac24: Was automatically cashed out for Danger’s brownlow odds by sportsbet..
Gott2Win: Might as well be RooBoy. No one is going to come close to Danger in the brownlow
mattmac24: $50 from a $5 bet.. thank you very much, forgot I did that
SilverLion: @RBS Shiel, Ward, Scully and at times others will all steal votes of him. Bit like Hanners/JPK/Parker/Tmitch…
RooBoyStu: think Coniglio good place bet/each way
SilverLion: agree with @gott2win
shaker: Yes Ryno he shown he is average like most of Richmond
Gott2Win: There is some good odds for players in the ‘Without Danger’ market. Thats where the money is
RooBoyStu: would love ff to have a brownlow live night with leaderboard & chat
frenzy: few more years of pain in these tigers
SilverLion: Should be #1.01 danger. 100-1 anyone but danger. Might actually give people motivation to not bet on him.
Lawls: Why does Greene have the star? Stats don’t look like he’s had a BOG performance
mattmac24: during most the pre season Danger was going at over $10 for the brownlow
TowelBoy25: C’mon Dusty, junk time for a ton
Pokerface: i would happily take 1.01 anyone but danger. one misplaced elbow is all it takes
rickyb80: we had a lifetime of pain frenzy u flog.. really think that bothers us???
PieBoy: onya rancey
SilverLion: Bloody Shiel, my OCD has been triggered…
TheBigD: piss off frenzy with your piss weak side
RooBoyStu: you get used to it rickyb80 following those flogs lol
rickyb80: worry bout ur own team champ…hows norfs flag tilt tracking?
RooBoyStu: we’ve won 2 since your last lol
frenzy: Lol wood grubs
SilverLion: think fitzroy still won more finals than richmond since 1980.
rickyb80: that wasnt the question
frenzy: another 5 year plan, Lol
M0rgs: what a piss weak effort
TheBigD: when all norths players get on the pension package next year they may be able to hold their position of 10th consistentl
frenzy: about 6 spots higher than the tigers
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