frenzy: match of the round and nobody home?
BestCoast: C is for Danger your good enough for me
BestCoast: Hope it’s a craker @Frenzy
wadaramus: Right here frenzy, go you Crows! Go Danger C!
kangawalla: Who did Menegola replace?
CBeezDeez: Danger or Rocky 4 Capt?..
frenzy: Blic needs a big one this week
CBeezDeez: Smith Kanga
wadaramus: Zac Smith.
wadaramus: By the numbers, it’s Danger for me CBDz.
IHateChat: Danger VC.
CBeezDeez: Yeah I kkow. But gawn Rocky v Ess fingers crossed…
MULLETMAN: I wouldn’t take Danger. Heard its wet over there.
9inch: Im going Jelwood capt. Hope it works!
WEARECATS9: danger vc
mattmac24: need a huge game from blicavs
CBeezDeez: U’d xpect him 2do well 22.5 good luck PoD
9inch: Is the learner a ruckman?
tbrowne: no 9inch racked up 48 touches last week
ajconodie: 22.5 – Mid. Used to be on Freo’s list
SilverLion: Need Blicavs to continue doing what he did the last 10 weeks. Had him since the start and cut ties with him this week
ajconodie: Loved having Menzel as a pod this year
sfmmp23: CAP Dangerfield, huge game please I need it Pat
MULLETMAN: On our list too ajconodie
LuvIt74: Lift danger ffs, ya should be on 50 by
BestCoast: Danger, Selwood, Sloane and Bartel kicks some A need big scores
mattmac24: I wish I could’ve cut ties with blicavs but hall being out for 3 weeks ruined tjat.
Vinstar: Danger to score under 110 would be great
SilverLion: @matt traded blicavs and hall for d. martin and c. smith this week. No risk, no reward I say.
mookie: I love reading the desktop FF coaches iinspiring their players . Never gets old.
MULLETMAN: Crows killing it in the clearances.
mattmac24: I only had one trade left. was either blicavs and play a rookie over hall or trade hall for a premo and play blicavs
SilverLion: Maybe taking Pendles’ VC score wouldn’t have been such a bad idea…
BestCoast: Attention Captain Danger please report to your post immediatly
jaypeee: i know SilverLion, I would have done the same but my opponent had Danger C too. Didn’t want to risk him getting 160 +
WEARECATS9: cmon hawkins
mattmac24: motlop is useless!!!
CBeezDeez: Motlop! U flog!! Go bak2 vfl!!!
MULLETMAN: What’s with the music after the goals? Lame!
ryanbob: Motlop needs to be moved on, buying beers every week from the bottle o around the corner from me. Affecting him big tim
frenzy: I wasn’t greedy and took Maxy Gawn
nic-n-nat: lift Duncan and Talia!!!
MULLETMAN: Same frenzy. Opponent has Danger.
ballbag: tom thumb time danger. pull out ya finger and pull out a ton!
jeddies22: not bad from smith and laird early, but need more where it came from
colin wood: Talia? Lol why on earth would you have him Nic Nat?
RooBoyStu: Good start Jimmy Peter Russell-Clarke Bartel
WEARECATS9: dangerfield on 33 points, do CD love him or what
ryanbob: Surely that has to be the most clear holding the ball call you will see
nic-n-nat: three round ave of 82.7. Why not? Alright for a D6 Colin wood
Breezey: Prince Harry Dangerfield.
CBeezDeez: How R those not deliberate is beyond me
WEARECATS9: floptop is useless
colin wood: Why? Um prob because there’s about 30 blokes ahead of him to pick lol
ryanbob: The umpires are getting worse and worse
casey22: Couldn’t afford Boyd so took Jimmy instead, looking good so far
WEARECATS9: mitch goven on -6 still
ryanbob: Oh my God can we just drop motlop already. He’s so bad
mattmac24: he needs to go Ryan. week after week he’s getting worse
nic-n-nat: what’s your predicted this week Colin wood?
ryanbob: He’s buying slabs every 2nd week from my mates drive thru bottle shop. Too much booze, not enough commitment
DrSeuss: Let’s go Laird – don’t stop after that 1st quarter
nic-n-nat: 2,390… not complaining. If I had to have Talia as my D6 so I can bring in another player in another position, why not
colin wood: 2438 currently mate whys that?
JockMcPie: Laird, please lift. keep it up danger
colin wood: All good mate didn’t mean to pick.. Sometimes I can’t help myself haha
CBeezDeez: Luvin the Menzel story! If only… hood would he be?
nic-n-nat: all thumbs mate 🙂 just trying to make myself feel good for picking Talia hahaha
Amare: Stop talking shit ryan
carlton_99: Is laird on??
CBeezDeez: How good…
colin wood: Hey sometimes thinking outside the box works 🙂
Viscount: Laird, you have a lot of support here, You know what must be done!
RooBoyStu: Lift Sloane!
ryanbob: Amare I’m actually being serious. My mate works at bottlemart near yardz and he comes through often
WEARECATS9: kersten the dud
RooBoyStu: somebody bring Sloane a comb, it’s raining
sfmmp23: come on danger i need a big one mate
9inch: All I ask is Jelwood capt to beat Danger.
RooBoyStu: Bartel clap clap clap
WEARECATS9: what was the reason for zac smith withdrawal
9inch: Oh and Blicaves move your fucking ass
ryanbob: How’d Mccarthy lose 12 sc points?
mattmac24: smith out due to soreness and what the conotions of the game
GJayBee: ‘Don’t Blicavs me’ is now slang for don’t piss me off!
SwanSong3: Than still have ops for this but that there is risk due to uncertainy around their requiremeks God I moved McGovern on.
ryanbob: Now down to 1sc hahah. Surely an error?
JButcher: I’ve never seen a player go negative for an entire half before
SwanSong3: Thank God I moved McGovern on.
LuvIt74: What happened to Blicavs, he tonned up weekly but this year he has been crap house
WEARECATS9: thanks matt
mattmac24: LuvIt, has been moved to more of a tagging role with Stanley and Smith in now.
LuvIt74: Next Week will be good Menzel vs Smith bloody 7 knee reconstructions between them
mattmac24: incredible what they’ve been able to achieve LuvIt
LuvIt74: they both have a ship load of power
iluvsteele22: Yes
RooBoyStu: Danger may struggle to raise the bat in sc
sfmmp23: The one week i need danger the most he wants to put up this shit.
JRedden: rocky to pump a 200 tomorrow, stay down danger
jackbastas: what happened to McGovern -2 , someone explain
RooBoyStu: Give Danger the pumpkin lol that would stir up chat
WEARECATS9: 2 free kicks against early on
Yelse: danger alive??
JockMcPie: Danger needs a cape quarter
RooBoyStu: Danger must be having beers with the Adelaide cheer squad, catching up with old mates
mattmac24: was gonna move the captain from danger to Bont. decided not to. damn it.
wadaramus: FFS Patty, this is a pathetic effort.
nick2397: Is it Patrick playing or Rodney?
RooBoyStu: FFS Sloane
ballbag: don’t be a potata patty Dangerfield please
JButcher: Crows are playing to lose atm
grossn: erred on the side of caution and didn’t C danger tonight, pretty happy
TheBigCats: Danger – spud, Sloane – spud, Laird – spud, Libba – spud
Amare: Ohhhh ho ho T-Bone!!!
wadaramus: Potato farmers delight tonight.
Krispin_35: Loving it Selwood lift Sloane and danger
colin wood: How is Mitch Duncan on 60sc? 13 possys at 53%…
LuvIt74: camon danger ffs
kangawalla: I’m sick of my Goldy & Blicavs sub-standard performances. Time for a double change.
Smurf_x: Sloane and Laird are the only two i seriously need to lift so far this week!
JockMcPie: cmon Laird
CBeezDeez: Coke& ice 4 the Talia bros this week
m0nty: well played CBD
sfmmp23: shouldve taken pendles 115 vc score lol, patty your killing me
CBeezDeez: Thnx Mont. Couldn’t resist. Keep up the gr8 work.
WEARECATS9: enright you superstar
CBeezDeez: Y the big diff in Enrights scoring?
wadaramus: Enright just stands around on his own?
ryanbob: Good week to bring Enright in for collins
sfmmp23: Come on patty huge last ten minutes
CBeezDeez: Played ruggles instead of Collins. Agh!!!
WEARECATS9: bews great tackle
northernstar: Not the junktime we are after danger!
Noords04: Lol @northernstar
RooBoyStu: Danger going at 55% and still a good sc score.
Smurf_x: Mitch Wallis with a broken leg/ankle for those who havent heard yet!
The39Steps: What’s SC scaled up to again – 3300?
tabs: junk time danger, lift!!
CBeezDeez: Neva nice 2 hear PapaSmurf
ryanbob: Thought Enright would get the star for sure. Been absolutely dominant down back
mattmac24: 3300 total for sc, yeah
WEARECATS9: 3 votes c enright
The39Steps: Tks.
wadaramus: Bartel and Selwood both in front of Enright.
Rebuild: Menegola great debut
sfmmp23: come on danger, just a bit more mate.
mattmac24: if you’re actually watching the game, boris is absolutely best on.
Krispin_35: Get back on the ground Sloane u fat ass
Krispin_35: What a game from menegola surely gonna be most traded in the week
stakerz: bloody laird
WEARECATS9: great win cats
ballbag: @krispin who’s trading in rookies? only sideway now
wadaramus: If you’re actually watching the game you can see Enright is the loose defender collecting cheap possessions.
BestCoast: anyone heard from King_Robbo
Smurf_x: @wadaramus he had 10 contested possies mate, settle down
Willymack1: Kingcocko
PureSwag: I’ve got 22 premium all ready, I got that like 1 month ago