ajconodie: I hope big Maxy keeps his interstate form up.
tbrowne: Had the C on gawn, took VC kennedy instead
sfmmp23: Should be alot of stoppages today very wet. Will help gawn.
9inch: Going off in here. JJK you better get a bag today
casty46: so glad derm is commentating
Gott2Win: Not the ideal weather for big men today
carlton_99: Con Priddis, Gawn and Petracca need some big scores
Gott2Win: Lets hope Priddis outscores Kennedy and Petracca for me
Gott2Win: Who is CD gonna stuff around in this game haha
Sloaneyyyy: Hall out for 3 weeks now… knew I should have traded him, at least I got Naismith’s score
casty46: melbourne should be 8 goals up
King_Robbo: Gawk not looking a good vc option
iZander: we knew hall was out for more than 1 a while ago, plenty of time to trade him out? @sloannyy?
Gott2Win: C for Danger or Rocky?
DrSeuss: Come on Vince – get those cheap possies
Gott2Win: Priddid you gun! Hope you keep this up
Ben_Gogos: Priddis working damn hard for the atlas
jayshi: priddis capt!!!
CBeezDeez: R newish users ok 2 comment here occasionally?
Grazz: Matty going nuts.
9inch: Kennedy will struggle to beat last weeks 29 sc
Gott2Win: Watching the game and Priddis has been SUPER
Grazz: Absolutely CBeezDeez as much as you like
Gott2Win: I hope so 9inch!
mlakmlak: Priddis wet weather pig
Ben_Gogos: 8 tackles in a quarter. Almost unheard of.
cadelcamac: Priddis 3 votes
Gott2Win: Some effort! Give him the star already
Brez09: 15 players with a first name beginning with J….Almost unheard of. omg
Gott2Win: Matt Jones with the cape too
Jair: Down Priddis down!
JButcher: Why do I still have JJK?
The39Steps: Just got home from the SCG. Blues would have won if they left Casboult on the bench for the entire game.
desmondo: And not knowing the wet weather was coming i changed the C from Priddis to Gawn just before the game started:(
Grazz: Haha Brez09 some may say counting that stat is unheard of. 😉
JButcher: @desmondo that’s painful…
Grazz: Priddis what score at half time comp. GO
desmondo: @JButcher…yes mate LOL ouch
cadelcamac: Priddis 104 at half time I reckon
LuvIt74: Wtf priddis 72 thats phenomenal
sfmmp23: come on yeo and gawn get going boys.
Team Flog: Priddis 91
Gott2Win: Matt Jones equally impressive
cadelcamac: How about Maxy Gawn’s De at the moment though. Solid stuff.
RooBoyStu: BestCoast is quiet
Jukes82: matt jones blue moon
BestCoast: @RooBoy never quiet
The39Steps: J Watts quiet – your would have thought he had signed a contract renewal.
9inch: Westcoast just making up numbers in the 8
LuvIt74: Strongly contemplating taking Collins 78 points in defence, or do I play Rich against Bombers.
JButcher: @39Steps wet weather footy doesn’t suit big men
BestCoast: @1/2 inch maybe Dockers on there tenth rebuild flog
Torz: You’d take Rich against 78. Otherwise why do you have Rich?
Gott2Win: Similar position to me LuvIt, I don’t know whether to take Davis 82 or field ZAHA
CBeezDeez: Thinkin similar LuvIt cept with Ruggles 2nite?
tbrowne: Take collins or rance? Supercoach
The39Steps: Get the runner to tell Scotty Lycett that.
Gott2Win: Terrible decision
Breezey: You would have to field ZAHA against the Lions
Gott2Win: Unless he cops a Robinson tag Breezey…hoping that he tags Merrett for a change
JButcher: @39Steps, lycett gets points in the ruck, watts hasn’t gone into the middle as of yet
CBeezDeez: Who does Robo tag?
BestCoast: Keep going Pridda
JockMcPie: lift Petracca
9inch: Thank god Kennedy
fyfe is life: surely someone has to wake up and realise merret should be tagged!!
Gott2Win: Imagine Kennedys SC score if he was playing well!!
Breezey: Yeah maybe but I’d risk it.
JButcher: @CBeezDeez surely Zerrett
colin wood: Almost used a trade this week on Kerridge to Priddis… wish i did now 🙁
Breezey: Merrett gets it a lot but not real damaging. That’s why they all tag Zaha every week
Gott2Win: I think he will tag Zaha as they know he cannot handle a tag. Bewick could tag Merrett
RooBoyStu: Robo will tag Zaha
CBeezDeez: No1 else has so far hav they? Or @ least successfully
Grazz: Tagged Zaha to a rubbish score last time they played didn’t he.
BestCoast: Carn Eagles stop being flogs
ballbag: LOL!! Typical Priddis… 70 first qtr then barely tons up
iZander: how was that spin pick up not a CP for JONES…wtf
JockMcPie: thanks Petracca!!! needed that one badly
wadaramus: Gawn DE denting his SC score, hope he goes better in the second half.
mattmac24: bont, danger, sloane or dusty as SC Captain..? not confident in danger as adelaide will know how to lock him down
iZander: mattmac, danger tore then to shreads last time so what are you basing that theroy on?
wadaramus: Danger went OK against Adelaide in R8, 33 possies.
24incharms: Adelaide dont lock down players
JockMcPie: adelaide don’t tag, geelong home game, big stage – danger will get 200 tonight
wadaramus: Hope so Jock, got the C locked on him!
BestCoast: DANGER big C tonight
tbrowne: Who do I put on the pine? Rance, Collins or Rich?
mattmac24: last time they didn’t tag danger but there’s a lot of talk from adelaide and other people that they’re going to try and
CBeezDeez: Meant 2be wet @ Simmons 2nite?
mattmac24: lock him down in tonight’s game
wadaramus: Carn Priddis, don’t let this excellent start go to waste! Smash it!
Sloaneyyyy: for some reason I had Petracca on the field and P.Wright on the bench, dammit
9inch: Gawn still 44sc with 28DE. Bull shower
colin wood: 9mm whys that BS mate?
wadaramus: Do HOTA’s get adjusted by the DE?
cadelcamac: Petracca aint doing too bad for ya Sloaneyyyy
wadaramus: A few light showers showing on the radar CBDz, hopefully not too bad.
9inch: Coz I don’t have him so it bull shower alright. Let me winge!
CBeezDeez: Thnx Wada. Sloaney lite tagged Danger last time didn’t he?
mattmac24: Fair reason 9inch.
Team Flog: Priddis 91
CBeezDeez: Got C on Rocky but his 40 gandballs only gets U 80…
ballbag: @22.5cm why dont you have him?
CBeezDeez: Duh!! Bloody thumbz!!! Handballs!!!
Grazz: TeamFlog closest well done mate
mattmac24: took me way to long to realise who you were talking about with the 22.5cm… @ballbag
9inch: Started with Blicaves and have had more pressing issues in sc. Maybe next week in time for finals
frenzy: get used to playing on this ground Hogan
ajconodie: lol @ ballbags metric conversion.
9inch: Gilescwas a good addition to WC this week.
poolboybob: Giles potato
JButcher: Depending on how he goes against mummy, ill probably downgrade Blicavs to Trengrove
frenzy: jack shower
BestCoast: Jack Squats
wadaramus: Come on Priddis, cash in mate!
ballbag: whats shower? jack?
shaker: The downhiller’s are having to ski uphill today
9inch: Kennedy needs to play up the ground more. 3 touches is pitiful
BestCoast: If the Dees converted we would be fingered
Yelse: petracca needs to be put in the midfield he is a gun
Torz: Redden has forgotten how to play footy. Used to be so good at Brissie.
ballbag: well if petracca doesnt lift my score will be fingered
DrSeuss: Let’s go Vince!!
tbrowne: finally kennedy fuck me
mattmac24: I just need petracca to get his projected of 70 and I’d still be on track for 2600
PieBoy: onya hurny
TheHawk: Keep going Petracca and Priddis
9inch: Kennedy could be on 80 if he got involved
BestCoast: Big Call 2600 with 3 games finished
sfmmp23: Not looking to good for me this week. Hanners, Silvagni, Kerridge and now Yeo and Gawn…
JButcher: Masten is the biggest pretender
Raspel31: Well, cut me off at the knees and call me tripod-if this isn’t the toughset season to call?
TheBigD: G’day plebsticals
mattmac24: projected for 2590 and danger probably the only one with the chance not to get his projected score but Shaw
Raspel31: I very much doubt that mattmac24
mattmac24: should get more than 88 and expecting M.Boyd to go over 95
Torz: Get a kick Vince.
sfmmp23: mattmac you defo cant predict getting 2600 just off player projections and after three full games.
BestCoast: Have a similar projection i never count until the fat lady drops her strides
Raspel31: Indeed-been projected to win by 300 and lost. Means diddly squat.
Yelse: need petracca to score 80 plus
ballbag: @raspel more like cut you off at the knees and call you stumbles
9inch: I predict WC lose this.
Torz: Wellingham mare.
mattmac24: I know, I never go off projected scores as I’ve never gone over my projected for a round.
poolboybob: Sherrod WAFLham
Ben_Gogos: A much deserved muppet for Wellingham after yet another turnover!
mattmac24: Just saying that’s what my projected is now and with some of the players I have left, it’s a possibility to achieve it.
Ben_Gogos: 14 tackles for Priddis. 19 the all time record. Can he do it?
Jukes82: Gawn lol yes!
oc16: wheres the guy who said priddis wouldn’t get to 100 by the end of the game during the second qtr?
BestCoast: Hope you get that score @mattmac24 all the best
zadolinnyj: Hope so Gogos as he is my C
BestCoast: My Team, if i fell into a 44 gallon drum of nipples i would come out sucking my thumb
mattmac24: Ben_Gogos, most likely.. but i remember libba only needing 4 in the last quarter to break the record and he tied it.
HawkTalker: Stay down, Gawn
Raspel31: As a mere 2400 projection mattmac-good luck. And to all you lads-goodnight all.
mattmac24: bestcoast, considering that my hs this year is 2350. I hope I get it too!
BestCoast: @Raspel31 cheers mate
wadaramus: Ooroo Raspel.
Breezey: Methinks the Dee’s going to win here
wadaramus: Carn Priddis, finish the job!
BestCoast: @mattmac24 this has been a topsy turvy year i have hit 2500 a couple but never had the purfect game always one will spud
sfmmp23: would love it if dees get up here
Raspel31: Dinner beckons-at Vue Du Monde-I shall be looking down at all of you.Good luck guys.
wadaramus: Big Maxy pushing towards a good score.
BestCoast: @wadaramus how much will the crows get up by have them in my multi
mattmac24: smith out for geelong. Menegola to debut.
mattmac24: @bestcoast it’s been my worst year out of 5 seasons. avg of 2150 is 150 less than my 2nd worst avg year
wadaramus: Gee whiz Best Coast, I just hope they get up!
ballbag: Stay away from the Derriere Dueck Annal raspel 🙂
RooBoyStu: ying yang Petracca,shocking 2nd half
Breezey: Menegola had 50 odd possessions last week in the VFL
mattmac24: also ran out of trades 2 weeks ago due to so many injuries and wrong decisions at the start of the year
9inch: Wtf Gawn. Go away.
BestCoast: Petracca RooBoys love child
Raspel31: Thanks Ballbag-exeuntstageleft
ajconodie: Gawn 30sc this quarter already.
Jukes82: mattmac how many trades left?
wadaramus: Off the ball bump on Gawn..
ballbag: Told ya! Priddis on 80 qtr time and will barely ton up!!
myteamsuks: Where the f did Gawn come from , nice cpt
BestCoast: 6 trades for me
sfmmp23: Zac Smith out, Sam Menagola in for tonights game
mattmac24: jukes. none left but complete premo team once Dahl is back
JButcher: West Coast will win it but they will definitely struggle in September
wadaramus: One trade left for me!
man0005: Zac Smith out, Sam Menagola in for tonights game
Torz: Wtf is Vince doing today. Besides very little.
myteamsuks: Picked up gaff 4 weeks ago for 390000 , great pick up
Jukes82: my team is pretty good, really only on player i need to upgrade but only 3 trades left
zadolinnyj: Kent has one black boot and one white. May want to be better at football first
9inch: What the hell Kennedy 5 touches in a game of footy.
mattmac24: I don’t mind my team. only problem with it is that I have blicavs in my midfield. been stuck with him all season.
BestCoast: @JButcher West Coast will be slapped like a red headed step child in September
9inch: Did Yeo get the early bus home?
frenzy: that’d be a cape qtr for Maxy
Jukes82: zero trades damn, thats risky
JButcher: @BestCoast loving the analogy mate
JockMcPie: cmon petracca, crack 90 with a couple of goals
JRedden: vince 6 points since half time… my god
ballbag: YingYang Priddis.. the permed flog has only 35 pts in the last 75 mins of play
Yelse: petracca is MIA where is he…. kick a couple of goals please
9inch: Mattmac. Zac smith out could be good for Blicaves hopefully
BestCoast: Come on Wet Toast Flowering FLOGS
JButcher: 12 trades left for me lads, AF is where its at
RooBoyStu: Petracca no stamina he flashes in and out of games
sfmmp23: elliot yeo had a good month odd so back to this crap, im going to play ruggles over him
mattmac24: 9inch, I know, he’ll be first ruck tonight and he likes really big games as well
sfmmp23: gawn huge qtr so far, still 7 minutes to go.
RooBoyStu: hence his low TOG
Torz: FFS Vince you spud
JButcher: Vince that was horrible
ballbag: fuck off priddis you slacker you ALWAYS do this. youre worse than dusty now. the game is longer than 1qtr flog!
colin wood: Priddis a flog for scoring 130 without scaling also??? Lol there are some cool kids on here.
wadaramus: gree ballbag, very frustrating, but i’ll still take 140!
Ben_Gogos: @ballbag maybe the tackles have dropped off because it’s far drier than it was in the first term…
9inch: Whats Kennedy having a picnic waiting for the balll to fall in his lap. Go find it!
Breezey: You’d take 127 or 130 for Priddis before the game. Amazing some people
BestCoast: the sweaty ballbag wants more
CBeezDeez: Cmon Deez!!! Put me outa my misery 1 way or anuva!
Ben_Gogos: Gawn is having one hell of a season!
JButcher: cmon Bernie 75-80 would be nice
Breezey: Petracca to kick the winner. I can see it now
ajconodie: Gawn’s VC might be worth taking.
CBeezDeez: I’ll hold U 2 that Breeze
sfmmp23: ajcoondie gawn vc take it for sure. dont get greedy.
wadaramus: Definitely ajc!
Ash777: lucky me got c on priddis
HawkTalker: Fair dinkum, they just hand Gawn points for nothing
Vinstar: Got the vc on priddis, may have to activate it
mattmac24: if petracca gets over 100, my first 11 players all over 100
sfmmp23: gawn storming past goldy as no.1 ruck this year. Defo one of my first picks next year.
Lawls: goldy is shot, nic nat/gawn for next season
9inch: Draw on the cards
wadaramus: Fantastic effort Melbourne, deserved the win.
RooBoyStu: West Coast very lucky
jaypeee: should i take petracca’s score and put libra on the bench?
ajconodie: Grundy/Gawn for me next year.
RooBoyStu: nic nat misses too many matches not durable
jaypeee: libba*
stakerz: kennedy you pleb
frenzy: wet toast seagulls
colin wood: Same AJ Gawn and Grundy for me
MULLETMAN: Their big forwards don’t do enough. When you win i50 by 30 you need to convert.
sfmmp23: West coast and north, who is the biggest pretenders. Both will be out in straight sets come finals
RooBoyStu: Grundy lol as useful as a tooth pick in a Collingwood fans mouth
ajconodie: @jaypeee Every time I put Libra on the bench the Mrs cracks it.
ShavedApe: Didn’t fraking deserve to win
frenzy: Lol libra
MULLETMAN: @jaypee take petracca. Libba won’t do anything special.
J.Worrall: Right on frenzy
wadaramus: Goldy still worth having, Goldy/Gawn for mine.
kangawalla: Bugger!!!
CBeezDeez: Nic Nat don’t mark it enuff 4 me
colin wood: No worries Rooboy. Was better then Goldy last night lol
wadaramus: Bench the panty liner.
BestCoast: @Frenzy i agree
BestCoast: @sfmmp23 forever the Einstien ya Flog
sfmmp23: Need huge scores tonight have had way too many low ones already…
preki1: menadue to lycett – a masterstroke
CBeezDeez: Danger or Rocky 4 Capt?..
mattmac24: take 100+ from petracca. libba won’t make more than 110 as he’ll be rested through the night
sfmmp23: Bestcoast your team are the flogs, beat melbourne by 6 at home. Lol dont bother watching v real top 8 sides.
colin wood: How did Petracca score that.. he had only 7 kicks.. lol CD must still have him in their squads.
sfmmp23: lol loving the over confident West coast and north supporters. No chance at all do you have.
Ash777: Elliot yeo yeo