desmondo: Late change…Sam Frost out…Josh Wagner in
JockMcPie: can petracca please have one of his really really good days?
Bazza2014: hope not i fubRRED him off, but picked up graham so happy.
SaintsMan: wtf are those two points
ausgooner: pls petracca, don’t make me regret my decision to keep you over kerridge!
JockMcPie: good, good petracca
poolboybob: Fuck off Montagna
PieBoy: onya traccy
SilverLion: ffs Joey, not this crap again…
JButcher: Well it was good while it lasted Grimes
JockMcPie: cmon montagna and gawn…lift
Pokerface: flower off petracca
Viscount: Come on Mr Gawn
PopStar: Come on Weller – Need a huge game from you!
MerleDixon: Fuck you Petracca
Gott2Win: Montags to beat Riewoldt this game and I’m right in the mix for a win
tbrowne: went petracca to jjk this week yay
PopStar: Gawn to have a quiet game please!
Gott2Win: Oh dear Brownie!
eagles86: @ballsbag hey eagles hey eagles were the eagles the west coast eagles and were here to show u why were the big birds
Jukes82: petracca on my bench ffs
44snub: I need Petracca to get snapped in 2 soon
heppelitis: what on earth has happened to armitage…used to be a fantasy beast
cusch1: The eagles would struggle against Essendon at the mcg
Bazza2014: calm down viney
SilverLion: Petracca on the ground covering for Dalhaus. Not celebrating though, he’s been pretty shower of late.
Coutzy: @Eagles You won’t be singing that come September given how much trouble Carlton gave you
44snub: Eagles would struggle against the under 12’s at the MCG mate…
BestCoast: @Coutzy you are an Einstein
RooBoyStu: umps want Melb to win, how many times can they be grabbed holding the ball and no free?
Pokerface: eagles86 JJK seems allergic to the mcg?
Bazza2014: this is the demons saints game, eagles f off
Kenny27: @Coutzy if i were them i would rather hear them singing it in October
mattmac24: please keep it up petracca.. don’t make me regret playing you over Dunkley
cusch1: Exciting times for m0nty as all wce supporters are in the chat today
RooBoyStu: 5 games at the MCG in the last 8 years
nikos: So glad to see Gussy Brayshaw back!
Pokerface: that was a big call mattmac! i’d say good luck but i need tracc to stay down!
BestCoast: Come on Gawn you big bearded clam
RooBoyStu: *West Coast only won 5 games at MCG in last 8 years
JButcher: Grimes cmon man!
Kenny27: that AAMI ad with that girl has to be up there for most annoying of all time
stew42: Hahahaha I fel for anyone who jumped on Grimsey
Gott2Win: People didn’t really bring Grimes in did they??
mattmac24: pokerface, was meant to put the emg on dunkley but accidentally put it on trengove and didn’t double check it.
Harmes37: 85 hb’s in a qtr?
PopStar: @Kenny Absolutely – it used to be worse…
heppelitis: lol Bestcoast
BestCoast: RooBoy and kangas been choking since 99
9inch: Joey avg 87sc since I got him in.
mattmac24: same 9inch. only one big score since I got him
Kenny27: Kangas been down ever since Kelli Stevens went down on the King
Jukes82: lmao
BestCoast: @kenny27 true lmao
DrSeuss: Tracca remembering how to play this week?As he sits on my bench!
RooBoyStu: have they found the person that robbed Joffa’s house? or did a mate of his do it so he could claim it on insurance
Kenny27: I would be surprised if he had insurance
BestCoast: They stole Joffas gold jacket because he wasn’t using it
44snub: B. Acres has gone missing on his own property
RooBoyStu: most skunks wouldn’t out of reach, Centrelink don’t cover it
Tommo2909: Of course Petracca plays awesome when he is on my bench and Barlow is on field
heppelitis: haha…now we gonna get stuck into acres?
Kenny27: you seem to be speaking from own experiences Rooboy lol
mason2016: These umpires are obviously trying to get Melbourne a win!
44snub: It could have a bit of length… Just saying
Pokerface: dont think so hepp. But Acres really isn’t covering alot of ground
Bazza2014: 3rd time ive heard the umpires crap- VV
SilverLion: Get in the game Montagna and Gawn, need a 90+ from both of ya.
RooBoyStu: mason2016 agree mate
JButcher: N Jones wtf is going on mate??
Kenny27: carn Sainters good play there
Zeratul: Well – what else did you expect, umpire 15, Nichols the bald headed dud is reffing this match
RooBoyStu: I have seen 7 holding the balls against melbourne and none paid, a joke the umps. Come on Saints
LuvIt74: fire up steven this is BS
mason2016: There was like another 3 not paid…
SilverLion: #consistentumpiring
Kenny27: there he is Tagna! watch him pile on another 20 pts now its comes in spurts
Barniclez: come on sainters!!
SilverLion: @Kenny27 Agreed, he was on 25 2 minutes ago.
44snub: Someone needs to put a mark on Hickey
9inch: Its the hoodoo
44snub: Some sucker anyway, he’s running away with it
stew42: I keep looking at Vince’s score and am disappointed, then look back a minute later, and he’s scored 10 points lol
mason2016: Wheres gawn!!
cusch1: I’ve got Gresham and 150 point lead opponent has Montagna and tgreene . Who wins
PureSwag: It’s gonna be close
JButcher: If gresham gets 70+ you win anything less will be close
SilverLion: Joey, Joey, Joey. Man you’re a frustrating player to have watch.
mason2016: 1st question- why do you have gresham? and yes you’ll win
Viscount: Come on Max lift!
cusch1: As cover for Bartel mason
BestCoast: @Cusch1 touch and go
Zeratul: YOu should win that JButch… Gresham will just get you over the line (Said nobody ever?)
RooBoyStu: Saints should win by 30+
Breezey: Greene is playing against the Lions. Could be anything
nikos: @mason2106 gawn missing…
44snub: Die Max Die! Have a shocker you buffoon
nikos: pipe down Rooboy – just cause North are old and irrelevant. BTW hows Trac going? you nipsey
stew42: “Noooo, it’s German. It says ‘The Max, the'”
JButcher: Jones and Grimes may have just cost me the match up
44snub: Not irrelevant nikos, every team needs a rest week
stew42: Well@JButcher, you’ve held true to your namesake! 😛
RooBoyStu: Steven quiet every 2 weeks like this, lift you muppet
Krispin_35: Lift Steven and Gawn in the 2nd half expecting tons from the both of u
Zeratul: Noone who speaks German can be an evil man
willywalks: rooboy, he has had 2 scores under 80 this year, he’s not the muppet here..
frenzy: has hogan signed yet?
cusch1: Out if you take out Stevens big scores, he only averages 80 odd points? 😉
PopStar: Nah, he’s coming to Freo frenzy 😉
smirskii: take pettraca or go greene?
BestCoast: Johan bought a house in Perth from a mate six weeks ago not that it means anything
RooBoyStu: come on saints for the Sunday multi
BestCoast: “Hogan
sfmmp23: Go Joey and Gawny
frenzy: Johan will do, lol
heppelitis: some muppet had a crack for correcting spelling last week…i had no clue then bestcoast
BestCoast: My bad beer is a flowing
mattmac24: get over 90 please petracca
PieBoy: onya harmesy
PopStar: Stay under 80 Gawn!
Viscount: Well done Gawn, keep it going
Viscount: Petracca, happy for you to do well. Just not this week!
casty46: hey boys how we doing today
CBeezDeez: Witches hats footy!!!
Hadouken: just when i thought my head to head was gone, saints turn this on. you rippaaaaa !
BestCoast: Go saints beat the draft pick scabs
9inch: Im sure Gawn gets extra points for his beard
DrSeuss: Come on Big Maxy
frenzy: LeMon lift
casty46: omg vince i love you
sfmmp23: gawny come on
clee!: gawns beard gets me aroused
clee!: Hey guys
heppelitis: im sure gawn has a vertical smile under there clee
RooBoyStu: Dees got a goal lol clap clap clap
casty46: of course he does clee…
casty46: hey rooboystu hows the roos been lately
Torz: Armitage has fallen off a cliff since last years effort.
Viscount: Come on Gawn, there is more for you out there
RooBoyStu: casty46 you’ll see Friday night we’ll smash the skunks ripe for the picking
9inch: Collingwood vs Roos. Should be very close
casty46: the mighty pies will be too strong for those weak pricks
RooBoyStu: I’m going friday night and will whack $200 on us over 39.5pts
cusch1: Another brilliant Friday night game. Excuses vs excuses
frenzy: max factor
Krispin_35: Lift Steven and nice goal to Gawn need two tons from u guys
casty46: hope you didnt go yesterday rooboy
RooBoyStu: i go to every game in vic mate
danmaio: I got Steven as captain, need 135, of course he won’t ton up
casty46: good for you
JButcher: If Jones gets outscored by Dempster……….
PopStar: T. McDonald was a good pick up a few months ago – has been super consistent!
Roksta: Money to burn rooboy
WEARECATS9: close finish coming up
Viscount: That’s it Max. One more quarter
WEARECATS9: thank god i stuck with t mcdonald
RooBoyStu: bet of the year Roksta
faisca7: Brayshaw is too slow for AFL level.. Been caught about 5 times today
mattmac24: something happen to petracca or did he just dead stop?
PieBoy: onya jonesy
Roksta: Think Roos will get up but prob in a close one
RooBoyStu: at muppet nikos re Petracca?
RooBoyStu: nikos are you here?
sfmmp23: Joey and Gawny keep going 110+ would be great
WEARECATS9: kick it gawn please
sfmmp23: Carn big Maxy
RooBoyStu: Hogan booked
9inch: I reckon pies would love to down the Roos.
JockMcPie: lift Traca, get to 85
WEARECATS9: who is taking over roos in 2017
9inch: Big finish Joey
RooBoyStu: Bang Bang Go Saijnts how they didn’t start favourites is beyond me
RooBoyStu: *Saints
WEARECATS9: cmon montagna to 120
BestCoast: Go Saints
DrSeuss: Is Vince dead? Hasnt moved for ages
PopStar: Come on Tracca!? Wheres he gone?
wadaramus: Go Hickey, crack the ton.
ballbag: @rooboy you get booked in the EPL. in afl you get robbed on or reported
ballbag: *dobbed
gdshifty: is Vince on the ground?
sfmmp23: Dont stop gawny and Joey, big finish. 120
RooBoyStu: either way he was in the book
AngryRyno: ton up Steven, 115 please
PopStar: Have money on Vince to get 30+ touches… was confident, now not so much!
CrowEaters: nope Membrey for mine or Steven
PopStar: One more Vince, come on mate
frenzy: good boy Hickey, now junk it
Krispin_35: Cmon Steven 90 at leadt
faisca7: Great ruck battle this one. Star for Hickey.
Kenny27: there ya go pop congrats
sfmmp23: Joey snag one.
WEARECATS9: nathan jones what a shit game, shit on fox footy friday night, shit weekend for him
RooBoyStu: I said earlier Saints 30+ BANG!
Viscount: Well done Gawn!
JockMcPie: solid effort petracca, better than neale anyways…
Bazza2014: Nat Jones shud stay off the tele, flog
Krispin_35: Hoping for Steven 95 with scaling good job track and gawn
frenzy: fanks tracca, nice bonus
sfmmp23: Good Job Gawny and Joey, now just need Ward, shawry and zorks to follow it up. So far so good!
44snub: Rounds are won and lost on Gawn. On or off, love and hate