frenzy: ROFL picking Dons
Hadouken: dons in my multi as my roughie. you never know with richmond…
iZander: gotta agree, i mean richmond should win by alot, but you never know 😛
Hadouken: niiiiice
Mallon13: lets go castagna 80+
shaker: Tiges this time and time again don’t come to play
runt: Dons are maniacal early
Mallon13: merrett always consistent!
colin wood: Hey lads
King_Robbo: Hardwick said the tigers have good kids… really?
runt: Shocking miss from Grigg
Mallon13: hams vs castagna – who will score more??
Hadouken: a tonne from zaha today would be fantastic
Chelskiman: Opp has Tippa on field for Laird. Typical.
runt: Lloyd goal a ripper
runt: Dons have given their best and scores are level…ouch
RooBoyStu: Toothless Tigers Lift!
Hadouken: damn i shoulda cashed out 15 mins ago haha
Planking: Chelskiman would you say it was Tippa-cal?
PieBoy: onya lliddsy
colin wood: Come on Rance…
Krispin_35: Wow so lucky I brought Merrett in this week
RooBoyStu: @Planking clap clap clap
vartic: Merrett getting robbed in SC
Viscount: Yes Krispin a good move 😉
Gott2Win: rance been crap lately
colin wood: Rance ruining a good first half for my team…
RooBoyStu: Merrett off
Kekkington: I’m not sure why you guys are complaining about a key position defender not scoring high…..
Hadouken: come on oleg haha
SaintsMan: move zaha
chris7399: He averages 95 and is on 30 at half time…..of course you can complain that you’re not getting value for your buck
northernstar: Just brought in zerret.
northernstar: Just brought in zerret. What’s his injury?
Gott2Win: Zaha tagged out of this one…maybe next year he won’t get tagged with the others back
SaintsMan: nothing northern
Hadouken: anyone put the C on zerrett this week ?
RooBoyStu: right thigh soreness @northern
northernstar: Zaha = gigantic burn
shaker: Maybe next year Zaha won’t be in the midfield
RooBoyStu: hover over bandaid and it says mate
BOMBRBLITZ: Zerrett should be at least 100 sc
chris7399: Zaha will get less tag but less ball too
RooBoyStu: have a good day all, off to the footy Go Roos!
King_Robbo: Rance doesn’t look interested.
Kekkington: Rance has kept Daniher to 2 touches be quiet.
lukefield9: I haven’t been watching, how’s vlastuin looking?
King_Robbo: Maybe the rumours are true that Rance wants out
ballbag: Rance gave up weeks ago after Cotchin started whinging about him
LeBron J: Richmond suck and will be lucky if they win this
King_Robbo: Lebron – agree theyre poor but they have a few stars that will get them across the line
northernstar: Imagine paying 550k for rance…..
King_Robbo: I paid 470k for rance northern. Been ok but looks terrible today
shaker: Ha ha ballbag you sound like an old woman into the gossip
ballbag: cotchin has cracked the sads rance negotiated a longer off season. said its not fair LOL! whinger
BOMBRBLITZ: Deludio goneski
StuL: Feel free to get a touch any time zaha.
JRedden: castagna solid for bench cover, making a lot of cash
colin wood: unreal…. the SC gods have spoken
sfmmp23: menadud back to the normal
northernstar: Of course it’s a calf muscle too… is harder than Greco-Roman wrestling
Roksta: Might have to get Martin half his disposals effective but still scoring well sc
leorosman_: cant rely on menapoo
sfmmp23: Imagine if dusty went at 70-80% efficiency
LuvIt74: Rance has been doing nothing
sfmmp23: Goddard very bad captain
Gotigres: Strange symbol next to Markov?
tommy10: Ablett, Libba, Bartel, Laird, Deledio ffs! Add to it Neale and Hanners shower scores
JRedden: got martin captin in DT over danger, go 150 here
lukefield9: and bloody barlow @tommy
Chelskiman: Essendon just won’t go away.
sfmmp23: come on Rancey lift
BOMBRBLITZ: keep going 150+ VC Dusty
StuL: Pls zaha. Just touch the ball!
Gotigres: Zaka having a snooze
Gott2Win: Zaha was 33 at QT. How can he be so bad with a tag
northernstar: Yeah is zaha still suspended?
heppelitis: brain fart icon for dempsey
shaker: This weekend will remind us how important having trades left is
jayshi: tag merrett then zaha runs free
ballbag: zaha done it all year. just auseless down hiller. dont expect much effort from him when its hard
northernstar: I’d don’t care if zaha drops to 102k. Never ever again.
para: I’d suggest Zaha quit footy and go get a job in retail but he probably couldn’t handle all those tags either…
jayshi: @northernstar, maybe next year when everyone is back
para: I’ll show myself out
Chelskiman: lol
heppelitis: agree jayshi…wont cop a tag after this year
Chelskiman: Grimes with tackle of the year!
northernstar: Lol @ Para. …retail too busy for him….he prances around like a runway model
grossn: para that was disgusting hahaha
lukefield9: You gotta feel bad for leuy – got can’t run because he’s so tall.
Krispin_35: Lol did anyone see that guy fall over when Goddard was lining up for goal
Torz: Costanza is pretty decent cover for Laird.
iZander: lmfao, dusty isnt being tagged
chris7399: Cape for Dusty surely? over 10+ touches. Also give him the butcher lol
jayshi: teams tag zaha and win, so there is no need to change strategy, the day they loose then merrett will get tag
Hoot: Rance looking tired
myteamsuks: Butcher for dusty? @chris only one getting clearances can’t expect them to hit target all the time
colin wood: Push an 80 out Rance.. Merrett and Dusty 150 plus each will do.
northernstar: Zahas week off gas freshened him up beautifully for a crack at 15 disposals
myteamsuks: Everyone surely has Zerrett and dusty yeah?
northernstar: Zaha > pikachu
desmondo: Taylor Hunt…taggers suk…
StuL: Need to luxury trade zaha. He’ll be only worth a bag of chips soon.
Stst1001: Tippa could you please eek put 21SC in this last quarter thanks
StuL: Yes thankfully have dusty and zerrett
northernstar: In all seriousness I kept zaha at m9. Is there anyway I can push him to m15?
chris7399: @myteam – priddis/jpk/cripps are all prominent clearance winners and their DE% is 70….
myteamsuks: Why is everyone complaining about Zaha he is double his score the other week and only 3/4 time
lukefield9: Just a random question. Do kicks off the ground count as disposals? Is there some technical rule on it?
Torz: They do Lukefield9, they generally have to gain a decent amount of ground to count.
blashtroko: They do unless they are inadvertent I think lukefield
AFL Blues: Need Merrett to do well, and Dea badly… Looking good! 😀
Gotigres: I don’t expect much Menadue but surely you can get to 40sc
hinsch: A simple rule if you don’t like trade them, trades left for the finals is overrated anyhowseason is overt
shaker: Another piss weak effort by Edwards DROP HIM
sfmmp23: should be HTB on daniher
Mallon13: go dusty!!!
Chelskiman: Fuck off Essendon!
PieBoy: streuth lliddsy
cadelcamac: Gee Rance, cmon my boy
chris7399: Hinsch you’re obviously an amateur. Anyone who says trades are overrated have no clue. Look at the carnage this week
Pokerface: come on, dempsey has a permanent mare. give him the spud
cadelcamac: agreed with chris7399
JRedden: kelly is having a monster quarter, 35 already
Harmes37: …and just how many Pro SC players do we have here? lol
grossn: Dea and Rance if you guys wanna get more than 10 points combined that’d be fab
chris7399: Very pro. Made Frawley captain #scpaige
grossn: for this qtr*
Stst1001: Go bombers
colmullet: blue moon for Griff surely?
Hoot: Rance empty tank
cadelcamac: read Hinsch’s comment Harmes..then you’ll understand.
Harmes37: I know what @Hinsch said. But who here is getting paid?
gdshifty: castagna to have a BE of -30 next week 😀
pants42: Is Delidio of the ground?
leorosman_: pants 42, yes iced up
Mallon13: deledio calf injury
shaker: red cross says yes
cadelcamac: EVERYONE…who ha splayed a better game: Merrett or Dusty?
para: Something weird happened. Davd Zaharakis has a +3 next to his name. What does it mean?
leorosman_: dusty better surely
shaker: It’s ok para it won’t happen again
feralmong: gday para.
para: @feralmong gday!
tbrowne: fuck me rance what was that
Pokerface: kick the winning goal hams!
feralmong: this is dusty’s first 40+ disp game right?
Pokerface: and bring home the bacon
para: @shaker probably not. It’s very confusing when it does though…
Breezey: Raise the bat Dusty
Gott2Win: 3 more votes in the bag
lukefield9: Nup dusty not good enough…
Zeratul: How vzaha has fallen!
iZander: the bombers dont get many oppotunities to be the better team, so when they are they really have to win!!
Mallon13: dusty dusty dusty!!!
Chelskiman: I wish I was brave enough to go Dusty over Danger.
frenzy: nice menadue, real floweren nice
Gott2Win: useless trading Zaha tho. keep him to use a loophole for finals
lukefield9: Surely on more than 137 – just took a contested mark and kicked a goal
Vinstar: Dusty as vc has payed off
lukefield9: well now i look stupid
feralmong: still 200 points of scaling. Dusty around 160.
Pokerface: put 71 from hams on field or kerridge?
whafc: Zerret 128 sc…ripped off
Stst1001: Tough one poker. I would try kerridge.
Pokerface: thanks stst. it sure is a tough one.
Pokerface: $ for hams
lukefield9: @feralmong how’d you get 200? I don’t know how it works
Smithy1: Has scaling happened yet?
Pokerface: yes it just went through smithy. luke – each game has 3300 points awarded.
Gott2Win: Easy. Go Kerridge for sure