J.Worrall: Freo to slam it!
Hoot: Q to be confirmed. 2 EMG highlighted. 2 players not playing.. Both EMG scores are counted?
FlagDog: Only if they are in different areas on the field.
J.Worrall: yes Hoot
J.Worrall: wrong flogdog
Gott2Win: Duncan for first goal please
RooBoyStu: Go Freo and Go Barlow vc
WEARECATS9: what geelong would show up tonight?
aussie59: Select up to FOUR emergencies. Emergencies from your reserves list will replace up to four non-scoring players in your s
TheMessiah: Took
TheMessiah: Took Motlop for first goal 🙂
aussie59: in your starting line-up in matching positions only.
Lachie.BT: Anyone else copping a zero for laird?
WEARECATS9: here we go
RooBoyStu: don’t have Laird
M0rgs: Go Barlow and Go Dockers!!!!
WEARECATS9: geelong do make shit sides good for 1 week
Willymack1: Ive got Laird and Bartel
Carnster: Need smith and duncan to beat enright and blicavs
RooBoyStu: Bang Go Barlow vc
tbrowne: 4 weeks they said #fuckoffbarlow
WEARECATS9: shower ?
boo!: explain sc…how can guthrie be hihgest scorer right now
ballbag: dont do this to me danger!! NOO!! I was going to C neale… lift danger LIFT FFS!
CamT: I’ve wasted three trades on Barlow this season 🙁
WEARECATS9: stanley confirmed spud
poido123: Shutuo ballbag, its been 5 minutes and he will kill it
FlagDog: Complaining about scores in the first 5 minutes? Please.
frenzy: c’mon samuel laird collins, lift buddy
9inch: Stick ya broken finger up ya ass Barlow
poido123: @frenzy Laird is out
WEARECATS9: tom hawkins is useless
Torz: Collins is clearly Frenzy’s EMG for him Poido…
ryanbob: What was that Hawkins, put some pressure on the footy
myteamsuks: @poido23 that was frenzys point his replacement is Collins I’m assuming
Willymack1: Freo surprise upset boys
Elephant: @poido I think he meant Samuel ‘Laird’ Collins as in Collins is his Emergency for Laird
WEARECATS9: we going to get knock out of 1st week of finals
poido123: ha ha no bad Frnzy 😛 you got me
ballbag: cmon danger LIFT!!! not this 40% DE crap all night again
TheMessiah: Cats will win this one by 4 goals +
poido123: Dangeeer
boo!: laird lifting now
Vinstar: When you trade Barlow out last week because they said out for 4 weeks and returns after a week…
Elephant: Danger 28 15 minutes in…
WEARECATS9: @themessiah nope geelong not playing well to win this
poido123: So glad i never touched Barlow this year. What a headache
myteamsuks: Hawkins spud, crab
Krispin_35: @vinstar it was only a finger injury u should’ve held
colin wood: Good boy Collins keep going son
TheMessiah: Another Danger goal would be nice 🙂
gdshifty: stay down Ruggles, there is still 15% of teams with you!
Tigger5: danger looks like hiis hobbling
mattmac24: Bartel, Laird and tucker all out.. two donuts in my defense.. rip
3rdstriker: exactly the same mattmac, had 8 playing defenders last week, 5 at best this week
frenzy: potential hammy danger
poido123: i really rate collins. rarely makes a mistake in defense, they found a beauty
ryanbob: Bottom seem to always turn up against us
ryanbob: Why is laird out?
stakerz: danger looks ok..
Vich: made more than a couple last week!!
poido123: I just saw danger walking fine at 1/4 time? whos trolling
JockMcPie: barlow, neale, collins and danger – can’t complain so far. keep it up
RooBoyStu: Keep it up Freo and Barlow vc 🙂
colin wood: Probably tells you something Ryanbob.. Take out Danger and you beat the Cats. Too much for Selwood to do
TheMessiah: Cats will come back I reckon…. Surely freo cant keep this up
Breezey: Hip injury at training for Laird
RooBoyStu: other way around Geelong mindset is shower against bottom teams
3rdstriker: noone looks injured more than danger, gets the bandaid pretty much every week
sfmmp23: Danger VC, somewhat hope it turns into a bloodbath either way. Would love it it freo win but want Danger to dominate.
Breezey: That’s not a limp it’s a strut
TheMessiah: First goal 2nd quarter….. GO
RooBoyStu: Danger 40% and 40sc lol yeah, will add i have him but that’s bullshower
wadaramus: Excellent summation Breezey, go Danger.
Kicks: ibbo on 0
nbartos: Agree Rooboy
colin wood: First goal for second quarter? Go
King_Robbo: What’s going on with the cats?! I think they’re a good team but wow they are playing poor footy atm
colin wood: I’ll take Menzel
cadelcamac: I’m a Danger owner, but gee, SC give him some bonus points for nothing.
WEARECATS9: @king_robbo got ahead of themselves, when they were premiership favs, they cant beat anyone atm
King_Robbo: in fairness freo are playing really well. their pressure has been enormous
ryanbob: So many soft frees
nbartos: Softwood too
aussie59: lol..this is a novel concept for fre ryan, let it flow
cusch1: You got to get the players who get points for nothing like Gibson rance danger Cyril
WEARECATS9: hawkins is what cloke is for collingwood
Chelskiman: Go, Collins! I need Hammelmann to rip out a 70 as well. God damn Bartel and Laird.
meka100: Hawkins is fucked, Dawson is giving him a bath
poido123: @Cusch, so basically good players that deserve freebee points. i find it hilarious that people complain ;p
3rdstriker: sad but true cusch, if you can’t beat them join them
ryanbob: Hawkins is so bad, our whole forward line is bad actually
TheMessiah: good goal… cockatoo going to be a star
wadaramus: Carn Danger, plenty of time to smash out a big score.
cusch1: Yeah poido we complain when our players do well and and when the do poorly. It’s an endless cycle
Breezey: I as going to say Geelong need a goal or two not a Cockatoo
wadaramus: How much can a koala bear Breezey?
ballbag: @chelks what happened to that spud broad?
colin wood: Hawkins facing the same problem as Cloke. Needs to adapt to modern day game.
cusch1: Clangerfield and hackie leading the way fthe cats
Yelse: i think the delivery to collingwood forward line didn’t help cloke at all. last week they were delivering perfectly
WEARECATS9: finally hawkins gets a possy
Yelse: collins liftttt
ballbag: @colin not really. they just need to leave him 1 out in the 25 m zone.
CamT: Another 9 possessions and Hawkins will be on 180SC !!
colin wood: Modern day footy isn’t played one out anymore, forwards need to have the capacity to move up and down the ground.
poido123: Yep. Big lubering forwards are a dying breed. hawthorn worked this out years ago. You need agile forwards who run/tackle
ballbag: says who? power fads haven’t been utilised for 5 years
colin wood: Hence my reasoning that one on ones are fazed out of the game…
colin wood: Poido is on the money.
ryanbob: Innaccuracy killing us again as well as the other team going full dead eye
WEARECATS9: smith has been a great pickup
poido123: @ballbag, not as effective when they could play one out. after your dangerfiled comment, shouldnt take you seriously
Vich: all about creating turnovers and getting it over the back these days….
ballbag: big fwds dominate in most leagues except afl. its all about game plan.
TheMessiah: Noooo Danger 🙁
TheMessiah: Sorry hes ok…
colin wood: Anyhow agree to disagree Ballbag not here to argue back and forth. At a lad Danger!
PieCannon: give sutcliffe the muppet simple
ShavedApe: Wow Danger Wow
WEARECATS9: dangerfield
3rdstriker: thats why danger scores well in sc
TheMessiah: Wow, what a goal!
Krispin_35: I love u danger carry
TheMessiah: Was out of bounds though haha
Torz: At least I made Danger captain. Knew he’d tear us apart.
ballbag: no worries. yet I watch enough footy to know 99% of footy is not like the afl
TheMessiah: Was it*
tommy10: Danger is not from this planet!! Crazyyyy
King_Robbo: one man team. but an awesome one man, what a goal!
JockMcPie: all heil danger
Breezey: Boundary umps blind. Way out of bounds
Gott2Win: Wanted Neale this week but Bartel and Laird out wrecked that
ballbag: max king is best SC captain this year
Raspel31: Mr Danger you look like once more salvaging a terrible vc choice.
FlagDog: Was out of bounds but thats OK with me.
Yelse: ball was out… line umpire looking behind him to see where the post was at the time
RooBoyStu: that boundary umpire should be sacked and never able to umpire another game, was out as far as John West’s …
Gott2Win: Cats will win this by 50+ I reckon
nbartos: The danger love is a joke
TheMessiah: I think cats by 20-30
Krispin_35: @gott2win I sure hope so
WEARECATS9: god bless enright
nbartos: Why Gotta?
Gott2Win: They will get on a roll and kick a bag of unanswered goals. Only takes them 10 minutes to kick 5 or 6
King_Robbo: selwood just had a clearance and a ineffective kick for 4 SC points… missed points surely.. curious…
RooBoyStu: Cats as useful as a toothpick in a Collingwood supporters mouth.
cusch1: They’re not playing Essendon got2win
King_Robbo: @ rooboy – might be true but the Kangas aren’t exactly flying either..
nbartos: Fyfe n Sandi n Jonno would be a Win for the dorkers
Gott2Win: But there not Barton
CamT: Hawkins possession must have been an absolute ripper
mlakmlak: Geelong a very average side with a very good player
cusch1: Wasn’t Blicavs a good player to get in sc? What happened
poido123: Are people here honestly criticising Geelong now? they will turn in on in the finals. why go all out mid year?
pistolpete: Geelong will struggle
tommy10: Who cares if he was OOB, his effort was unbelievable
RooBoyStu: Barry Stoneham would get a gig in the cats ruck
mlakmlak: To play for a top 4 spot maybe ? @poido123
RooBoyStu: geelong’s ruck are shower
aussie59: tommy10: Who cares if he was OOB..lol yeh right
Yelse: barlow down again geezzzz
wadaramus: Barlow shoulder stinger, FFS!
cusch1: Land back down the Barlow roller coaster goes
Breezey: A lot f people could run around and kick goals if you were allowed to run outside the boundary
Rubber Ducky: Quack goes Mitch Duncan to draw a free on Walters.
Breezey: That was a clear high tackle on Duncan
Tigger5: how bads barlows injury?
nbartos: In the back
wadaramus: He tried to stay on Tigger, but in the end went off, note sure on what the sitch is.
cusch1: Hawkins just looks disinterested
DirtyDawn: Evening all
poido123: barlow season
nbartos: Umps love Gee tonight
Krispin_35: Cmon Barlow get back on I need ya
King_Robbo: Barlow gone?
wadaramus: Radio just said Barlow getting jab, may continue.
Bazza2014: rainging hard at mandurah, close to perth
Gott2Win: Still down the race
RooBoyStu: bullshower Barlow season, will be back on
ballbag: sen said barlow likely done for the night
Yelse: looks like AC joint for barlow
King_Robbo: People say Tom Boyd will be the next tomahawk.. I hope not
Breezey: Free kicks are 13-12 Freo.
Tigger5: alright cheers for the update
wadaramus: Come on Danger, get back into it!
King_Robbo: Selwood lifting. Go son!
Breezey: Henderson goodnight
mookie: Bogus info = ban
Yelse: neale lift to cover barlowww
aussie59: whoa..Demo derby
Kenny27: Boyd already is another Hawkins a overpriced hack
cadelcamac: that last few minutes of footy was nuts
carlton_99: Barlow gone for the game. Bloody hell
Tigger5: bloody hell barlow can’t win
feralmong: Barlow in trackie.
ballbag: Barlow done and dusted. sc they reckon
colin wood: Barlow done for the night by the looks
tbrowne: barlow done for that night
RooBoyStu: folwer vc on Barlow, now the c rides on Goldy
nbartos: That sux for Barlow
Lachie.BT: Dum play by henderson tbh
myteamsuks: Barlow gone Hendo gone massive clashes, this is some battling footy
wadaramus: FFS, Barlow gone.
Lachie.BT: dumb*
cusch1: Has danger touched it this quarter
cusch1: And there he is
nbartos: Of course danger free
Kenny27: give Danger not the star but the brownlow icon
aussie59: lol, now the umpiring is back to normal
pistolpete: He’s the strongest he’s the quickest he’s the best Danger Mouse He’s terrific He’s magnific
wadaramus: Carn Danger, need to cover for the missing Barlow points.
King_Robbo: @ Kenny he’s 20 bud give him time he’ll come good. Has all the makings of a gun forward
colin wood: Collins in the ruck, this guy can do it all!
myteamsuks: @lachie.bt dumb ? Wish Carlton players apart from Simpson would show that courage.
nbartos: How many times can you rooot the bloke umps
Elephant: what’s happened to Neale this quarter?
wadaramus: Lol pistolpete!
Breezey: Barlow, Henderson and Freo done for the night
cusch1: Walters that would have been incredible
blashtroko: Dangerfield is the luckiest player in the league as well as the best
jackbastas: Come on Neale , Barlow down need to lift
Lachie.BT: i know good courage but should have seen it was a one on one and stayed down and roved at the front of the pack
nbartos: Hard enough to beat a Prem fav Breez let alone fight the umps too
mattmac24: has Neale got a point this quarter?
RooBoyStu: if Freo win without Barlow, the cats are cooked, no questions.
willywalks: got henderson and barlow in my mb team and still nearly leading the comp…
cusch1: Please stop talking lachie
oc16: has anyone seen neale?
wadaramus: Carn Collins, get to 75 man.
myteamsuks: @mattmac he’s given away 2 frees this qtr so hasn’t gone up
nbartos: How fast it that call
aussie59: nbartos: How fast it that call…about 1 tenth of what the normal has been
blashtroko: shut up basil zempilas
ballbag: @bartos I’m flyin mate… I’m fucken flyin!
SaintsMan: has neale touched it this quarter
iZander: what was stephen hill on at HT? Surly cape?
THESKUNK: leave Bas alone
nbartos: Me too bb me too
aussie59: Has anybody here seen my ol friend neale…lol
cold pies: @ saintsman 1 flowering pos
aussie59: ur jokin arnet u SKUNK..hes a parasite
Jukes82: is neale dead?
THESKUNK: Nope, good honest bloke is Bas
colin wood: Apologies guys brought Neale in for Gary…
WEARECATS9: ch7 has shit commentators
tor01doc: Not a single point kicked by a Docker by 3/4 time- unusual?
Munza: Leave Basil’s nose out of this
nbartos: Ross doesn’t want to win
Carnster: not quite BT skunk
King_Robbo: Stay down Neale
ballbag: good to hear bro 😯
frenzy: Guffry doing good job on Neale
tommy10: Cmon Neale 10 disp qtr now
J.Worrall: I nose two
Raspel31: Guthrie pushing tagging to the limit-his arms all over Neale.
King_Robbo: Go Danger big last qtr
nbartos: No soft frees for Freo Rasp
King_Robbo: I love having selwood in my team. Tough as nuts
cusch1: Jkolodjash is better than kKolodjashnij
aussie59: lol, no comment now from the nose about freos easy free kicks
SwanSong3: U O’s to bring Feel home?
LuvIt74: Glad I got rid of Barlow now
SwanSong3: Umps to bring Freo home?
ballbag: JPK and jelwood lock every year
LuvIt74: carn mottyloppy do more ya flog
King_Robbo: If enright retires as expected I’ll be selecting jkol. Very good player
nbartos: Lucky Luvit
cusch1: Hawkins mare dor making Dawson look good
aussie59: lol, SwanSong3 u dont watch too many freo games
b-rudda: ballbag – after bye specialists
nbartos: Softwood bit disappointing no tag not even 100 yet
TheMessiah: I need the cats to kick away in the last and win by more than 22 :-/
THESKUNK: come on selwood need 30 possies
Gott2Win: Come on cats need a few quick ones
THESKUNK: get up danger
King_Robbo: Haha nbartos he’s on 98 he’ll go 120+ easily
aussie59: looks only neale is not gonna ton up for me
nbartos: Throw
cusch1: I really rate Guthrie. Underrated
Breezey: Great stuff TRuggles
ballbag: @rudda still avged 110 before the byes
LuvIt74: freo had there chances
LuvIt74: Is Danger ok?
wadaramus: Geelong have put the cue in the rack?
nbartos: Great stuff Freo great call 50+Gee call
aussie59: whoo hoooo
b-rudda: took a gamble on ruggles and collins to get me points in RDT because i dont have shaw yet and bartel is out…not to bad
Zeratul: Ruggles making up for Barlow…. but need a few more from captain danger!
wadaramus: Danger back in the middle, game on the line.
cadelcamac: Danger is okay..just had a bit of a knock
vaficarra: Can someone please explain why the goalline wrestle to shepherd the ball through is never paid as a free?
b-rudda: @ballbag yeh but i meant their last halves are usually quite strong
RooBoyStu: Freo clap clap clap
King_Robbo: Missed selwood handball.. Go freo!!
aussie59: hahaha, softttttttt!!!!!
cusch1: Why should it be a free vaficarra
Gott2Win: Lets open the flood gates now
aussie59: hill being held..no free and then free to gee…lol bullsh**t
nbartos: Why the diff calls of Advantage play on?
valkorum: @vafi because the ball is within 5m, they are allowed to body each other, no different than a sheppard
vaficarra: It’s a free anywhere else on the ground
vaficarra: No attempt on the ball
wadaramus: FFS Danger, can you just hurry up and put the cherries on the VC score already
cusch1: Well listen it isn’t
RooBoyStu: why would an Adelaide fan want Geelong to win given Ladder? crazy
vaficarra: It’s not a sheperd, it’s more like when a player blocks in a marking contest for a teammate, and that gets paid
tommy10: First Hanners now Neale FFS
nbartos: Hello?? Free?
mattmac24: they were holding each other. bullshower.
cusch1: Ficara it is a shepherd. As long as players don’t hold or get opposition high it’s fair play
vaficarra: Like the one just paid there against menzel. He blocked Mzungu from the ball and rightly free to Mzungu
DrSeuss: Come on Danger – finish it off champ
TheMessiah: Come on danger…. another 25 please mate 🙂
ryanbob: You can’t call that holding when they are both doing the same thing. Two bad ones in a row
ballbag: oh well. a mediocre c score from danger considering the start
sfmmp23: Danger going backwards. No no no….
Gott2Win: They aren’t going to lose roo and i want my bet too win…
King_Robbo: Umm no free there. Justice
Zeratul: We crow fans don’t hate danger for leaving coz of the way he went out. Tippet on the other hands….
ryanbob: Neale hasn’t put any effort in since the first half,
LuvIt74: where the hell has Danger gone
nbartos: Deduct dangers 2 dodgy goals and it’s a good game
ballbag: danger only 6 touches in the last 50 mins
vaficarra: @ryanbob – not specifically complaining about that one, more the general notion that forwards can shepherd a goal, but
LuvIt74: Danger 88sc at half time ffs
vaficarra: anywhere else it’s called a block and free against
ryanbob: How was that not holding on Collins. Took it on and got tackled but no call
nbartos: Handball to ground ryan
RooBoyStu: next week the crows will smash the cats
Breezey: I’m loving this TRuggles
nbartos: HTB rugg
LuvIt74: wtf is mottlop hand balling it too
WEARECATS9: motlop needs to be drop
nbartos: Dirty Enright
blashtroko: Neale has had 10 dt points not givin in last 5 min. Whats up with that?
ryanbob: I really hope Murdoch is replaced soon, offers so little to the team. Got pace but no skill
J_Pinkman: 8 more pts danger and i’ll be taking that. and yeah the Ruggler a beauty i reckon
Gott2Win: No accountability from the cats all night
aussie59: looks like im loop hole the ruggles for bryne jones
nbartos: Deliberately
Breezey: Shocking from the boundary man
ballbag: dusty gonna go 150+
nbartos: Give them something
King_Robbo: Geelong have too many downhill skiers to win a flag?
myteamsuks: Geelong won’t go far in finals.
b-rudda: captain danger hits his projected
WEARECATS9: give bews a game
LuvIt74: @aussie59 ya gotta take rugs score fore sure over DBJ for certain.
cadelcamac: Think Danger might have done enough for my VC loop
aussie59: yeah, scale it up plus winning should get him to 145
nbartos: That was a mark
King_Robbo: Enright rock danger star
aussie59: yep, for sure LuvIt74
sfmmp23: danger probs get scaled to 150
cusch1: Ruggles crash and bash style is so much better than the dribble he was playing earlier in the season
Jukes82: yinyang for neale
RooBoyStu: Dawson is such a spud, 2 errors and will still stay in the team.
sfmmp23: dawson absolute pure flog, 3 mistakes that have just about cost his team the game in the dying minutes.
nbartos: Prob sfm they jiz in him
wadaramus: Definitely cadelcamac.
RooBoyStu: next week empty the piggy banks and whack it on the crows to beat the cats over 39.5
aussie59: oh well, super coach..tick. supporting freo depressing..lol
aussie59: he is the roley love child…boooo
nbartos: They were good aussie
aussie59: bit to like tonight, next year could be brighter
Breezey: Yeah well the Crows will have to bounce back after getting touched up by the Pies tomorrow night
aussie59: blakely, weller,hilly showed up. neale is normally good
RooBoyStu: lol skunks back to earth tomorrow
King_Robbo: Freo will be ok they get back fyfe and bennell. Issue is they have no forward line pav is done
Fizzy343: That’s funny breezy
King_Robbo: I’d love the pies to do the dogs another favour breezy but crows too good for colliflogs.
RooBoyStu: King_Robbo add Johnson & Sandi
wadaramus: Lol Breezey, Crows should do the bizness on the Pies!
mlakmlak: Get off the crack pipe breezey
RooBoyStu: Geelong have worries Danger 4 goals out of 11, their forward line?