J.Worrall: What’s this week’s joke, Tiges?
heppelitis: my mate left docklands ans saw a tigs membership nailed to a telephone pole
heppelitis: so he took it…you never know when you need a nail
JockMcPie: the tiges might win, that would be really funny…
Umpirespet: Oh my God BT is calling this game…get ready for the package
Jackwatt$: In my Elimanator I’m down by 219, but have Neale & Steven. Who is ahead?
heppelitis: live game blog awesome ….more like a bog
JockMcPie: Jack it depends on whether Vince tags Neale out of the game
JockMcPie: You should win if they have no more players
insano: Steven will get 100, neal 118
insano: Neale*
Jackwatt$: All our other players are the same. He also has Steven, but I have him captain. His captain was rocky
AngryRyno: Steven struggling past few weeks
Thedude24: Sc didnt count libbas tackles?
Jackwatt$: His average against bottom 8 teams is best in the league though
JockMcPie: @AngryRyno but Essendon…
m0nty: welcome back Ben! 🙂
9inch: Go Boydy need 150sc from you tonight
Ben_Gogos: Cheers mate, good to be back!
Roksta: Dustin Martin is terrible with disposal
colin wood: 9inch I’m with ya mate! Go Boyd!
Yelse: wheres menage playing
hinsch: need big scores from boyd suckling and libba
poido123: I have arrived. Stay seated gentlemen, no need.
LuvIt74: Jong great player wont be going to Collingwood
Raspel31: Need huge score from Brandon Ellis-joking!
RooBoyStu: poido123 clap clap clap
Roksta: Does jroo ever take screamers??? Goes up heaps
poido123: Rooboy misses me 🙂
poido123: lets go boyd hunter rance martin
RooBoyStu: it’s great to see Clay Smith back playing.
poido123: and deledio..
JockMcPie: King Robbo still MIA after his early call this afternoon?
LuvIt74: Dogs not clean like they were last week. There missing their targets, due to pressure.
LuvIt74: I’m a dogs supporter and if the dogs end up with a decent lead, i bet only then will he show up.
LuvIt74: Regarding King
the worm: I really don’t think Libba is a premo, if you take away his tackles he only really averages about 70 or 80
LuvIt74: @The worm he isn’t a elite premo but what do ya do if low on trades, i was going to trade him to parker several times.
LuvIt74: glad i didn’t now that GAJ looks stuffed.
the worm: lol kidding, libba’s fine…i wish he was the 22nd best player in my squad so i could fix him though
Ben_Gogos: Riewoldt and Stringer have pushed up into the middle.
Yelse: would you pick up N reiwolt? not that many good and reliable forwards
leorosman_: if you have martin, zorko, merrett and montagna then yeah
Roksta: Dahlhaus will drop plenty yelse if you can wait
SaintsMan: keep going hunter
RooBoyStu: Clay Smith looking good in his 2nd game back and cheap, scored 80 odd last week.
RooBoyStu: is mid/fwd
kangawalla: Taylor Hunt in rare air. Top of the pops!
Yelse: got martin zorko montagna but barlow and wells getting frustrated. Zerret will come in next week.
CrowEaters: my man Menadue on fire
Jukes82: get on board boys, 9th is still on track
OnTheRocks: to play Overwatch or watch Footy….
Yelse: oh yeah and A hall i got too
Raspel31: Zerret a good bet-little battler Yelse.
leorosman_: i have martin zorko montagna zerret, wells is pissing me off, and i got in deledio
LuvIt74: smith a tackling machine
the worm: i dont know why everyone doubts richmond, I’ve always said with just a little luck they could come ninth
LuvIt74: dogs look stuffed even after bonts goal
Raspel31: And many of us lost Gaj-jeez.
RooBoyStu: lol worm gold
TheBigCats: How long till Menadue goes silent for the game?
Umpirespet: Onya Jroo BE is 29 now makin money
hinsch: menadue going well who would have though
LuvIt74: was riewolds B/E 29?
Umpirespet: Yeah luvit in SC
RooBoyStu: lift Deledio
LuvIt74: That was in the back
the worm: anyone given enough chances not named dawsn will eventually score well
RooBoyStu: seriously Clay Smith has to be on the radar of most teams now
RooBoyStu: Libba in trouble
Fletch91: Libba down, noooo!
Umpirespet: No Libba running out of trades
CrowEaters: libba cooked
LuvIt74: Dogs look totally rooted no legs left.
LuvIt74: Libba copped a knee to the kidney
hinsch: suckling went off like a virgin in a brothel and done nothing since
wadaramus: Why you rub salt into the wound Menadue, you were average when I owned you?!
LeBron J: Libba will be back, hes tough
CrowEaters: made some good money on Menadue
preki1: damn you menadue. i was finally gonna sell you next week and now i have a tough decision. why couldn’t ou do this rd 5?
leorosman_: libba is gone surely, paramedics checking him out
CrowEaters: libba going to hospital ?
wadaramus: Not looking good for Libba returning after the half time break?
Ben_Gogos: Looks unlikely for Libba but I’ll wait till confirmation.
RooBoyStu: with the paramedics touching him he gained 2 sc pts lol
whafc: players dropping like flies, injuries everywhere
LuvIt74: It looked like libba copped a knee to the kidney.
OnTheRocks: hoping he wasn’t doign the whole coughing up blood thing similar to the other night
ryanbob: How come rance is only on 40? Not watching the game, 90de is damn good
LuvIt74: I was gonna trade libba to Parker & once GAJ got injured i was glad i didn’t but wish i did now.
Umpirespet: Can’t believe Ebert is OK after that Ontherocks
frenzy: full premo last half a round
tbrowne: 1 cp ryanbob
frenzy: *lasted
RooBoyStu: glad i got rid of Libba weeks ago, he’ll drop in value after this
Yelse: libra going to hospital
OnTheRocks: Bruised Lung only. Thought it may have been worse
wadaramus: Seriously RooBoy, you’re glad? He’s off to hospital?
CrowEaters: not keen on libba but don’t like to see anyone get badly hurt
RooBoyStu: of course not glad, just glad from a sc point of view re my team
Barniclez: lift doggies
LuvIt74: Might try a ballsy trade and go Libba to CSmith & GAJ to Neal.
RooBoyStu: i said 4 weeks ago Libba isn’t a mid 8 for sc, he’s too up and down with scores
9inch: Thinking Bont will avg 115+ for rest of season.
CrowEaters: never a good sign if the call the father of the player into the rooms
Pokerface: delido wtf. you’ve been dishing this up for weeks
9inch: SC that is. Almost went him this week but chickened out ant went Hanners.
OnTheRocks: Dusty Martin the new Buddy with FA
frenzy: martins muppets
BoredSaint: What is Lingy smoking.. 100% HTB
LuvIt74: WTF are Ling & Taylor going on about regarding Martin, he had ample time to dispose of the ball, bloody oath it was hold
LuvIt74: holding
whafc: where in the world is @king robbo?
LuvIt74: @whafc under his rock
RooBoyStu: maybe at the game whafc
Umpirespet: King knobbo is to scared to show his face on here
mattmac24: Libba and gaz for bont and sloane? (SC)
whafc: been a bit quiet since halftime of pies game lol
Umpirespet: Sounds good matt Sloane is a no brainer
BestCoast: King Robbo and the umpires robbed us calls and rants
whafc: @mattmac sloane for sure but the big bont a bit up and down
mattmac24: Whafc.. yeah I know but need two players that will add up to $1,200,000. Both mids.
frenzy: tigers first gamer leading the way, no wonder they’re crap
whafc: cmon doggies
Pokerface: wow jj awful sc ratio
whafc: Parker and Sloany?
whafc: with a bit of coin in the bank @mattmac
JRedden: macrae 20 points in the first 2 mins keep it up
mattmac24: Already got parker
Umpirespet: Tigers tiring
whafc: Sheil, Macrae, Priddis, Sidebum?
LuvIt74: it took the dogs 3 full quarters to start hitting their targets.
RooBoyStu: McBean’s favourite meal he says is a tie between maccas and baked beans
Yelse: gray for libba and sloane for ablett
LuvIt74: Mr Beans first goallllll
feralmong: Spud redpath.
frenzy: thats the future of the tigers right there, Mr Bean
Kenny27: just like yours is Kangaroo and Stew Roo boy
CrowEaters: muppet for Redpath
mattmac24: Sloane and gray in stead? Leave me with 100k left
RooBoyStu: lol Kenny27 seen the movie Kenny? clean some loos
CrowEaters: muppet for the umpire as well
Roksta: Undisciplined tigers
feralmong: Fifa Edwards is allowed to follow his opponent.
Kenny27: pays the bills @rooboy
BoredSaint: Terrible umpiring
wadaramus: AFL umpiring is over-officious.
Umpirespet: That wasn’t 50 here comes the umps
RooBoyStu: lol
DrSeuss: Why is Hunter forward??
RooBoyStu: As soon as Deledio wakes up so do Richmond.
wadaramus: The green tree frogs need to put the whistle away, it’s not about you!
Burkey1: why haven’t the tiges been playing these youngsters all year?
Ben_Gogos: Big mistake by Boyd there.
aussie59: lol, wanna have a look at Mel v Fre, umps are a F#$@..disgrace.
Torz: Martin on track for a very low scoring 40 touch game.
JButcher: Cmon clay ton up son
Raspel31: You’d have a nice score without the 6 free kicks Martin-jeez
wadaramus: 35 possies for 91sc, tough love from CD.
Noords04: BT lifting
RooBoyStu: 6ffa wadaramus
RooBoyStu: *fa
wadaramus: Roger that RooBoy, still seems a tad low?
nikos: how much long left????
BestCoast: BT the worlds biggest knob Jockey
whafc: 4.20@nikos
Torz: 4 minutes
chris7399: Not to mention 9 clangers……….
THESKUNK: 4 mins
Drummo: come on the tiges
BoredSaint: 4:14 left after goal
RooBoyStu: don’t complain Coniglio had 30 possies for 75sc today
Drummo: easton wood is one of the best defenders in the comp
wadaramus: I tipped the Dogs, but CARN Richmond!
whafc: 6 of those fa but @chris7399
Pokerface: still carrying on about that rooboystu. move on.
Kenny27: fa is classed as a clanger
RooBoyStu: what a qtr from Deledio
Drummo: tigers dropped of in intensity
sfmmp23: JJ being ripped off in SC
Drummo: game over
Umpirespet: Game over
Roksta: The package does it again
LuvIt74: WAIT for King to pop in now
Raspel31: Same Wada
RooBoyStu: lucky win Doggies
chris7399: How is JJ being ripped off? No tackles, no clearances and only 3 contested touches. All chea touches
LuvIt74: Well done doggies
Pokerface: lol luvit74
AngryRyno: can smell King Robbo from a mile away – he’s coming!
wadaramus: It’s been a real flat weekend for SC scores?
Tonche: Wood X Factor
LuvIt74: Dogs looked shot for 3quarters but played great in last
Jukes82: 3 votes to the umps got the job done for the dogs
willywalks: bont star, wood x factor
frenzy: pwr off Cotchin
Roksta: Lucky rooboy was kangas beating dogs
RooBoyStu: King Robbo will grab a kebab on the way home from the footy to celebrate
iZander: Stringer cape, and possible edwards? what was he on at 3qt?
LuvIt74: I’m a dogs supporter but hate BS from supporters.
JRedden: @rooboy lucky? we were lucky libba went down at a crucial point? flog..
iZander: Also, gotta give wood something, rock??
feralmong: Nice try tiges. Fix up the turnovers.
LuvIt74: @Tonche yep Wood won us that game
Roksta: Stringers last q was massive
pattymass: umpires were horrible
pattymass: simply horrible
pattymass: inexcusable how bad they were
LuvIt74: Woof Woof Woof
leorosman_: geez disappointed we lost but gotta applaud the tigers, no one gave us a shout and we battled, just too inexperienced in
LuvIt74: Don’t start with the crap about umpires ffs
RooBoyStu: JRedden meant you were lucky to win being one man down
wadaramus: 38 possessions, 16 contested, 107sc?
RooBoyStu: love how people call people flogs and they jump to conclusions lol
Willymack1: Dusty bog easily
pattymass: can you honestly say they were good? @luvit74 23-15 in free kicks, some stupid holding the balls decision
pattymass: one of them to put you in front, we couldnt get a fkn break
LuvIt74: Pattymass the umpiring was not bias what so ever, if i thought it was id be the first to admit it.
leorosman_: do only the richmond supporters think the umpires were bad?
LuvIt74: There was a fifty that i didn’t think was 50 to the dogs, other then that tigers need to play better coz we played crap
LuvIt74: Pattymass & King Robbo should get together.
pattymass: your a fkn dogs supporter of course you wouldnt
leorosman_: macrae got 3 freekicks for ducking his head
LuvIt74: I’m a dogs supporter but im not bias, if u think I am then, cry me a river.
frenzy: your allowed to duck
LuvIt74: Tegers had there chances, dogs 12 goals 13 behinds ffs we played crap for the first 3 quarters.
pattymass: only good thing is dusty with another three votes