J.Worrall: Greensward gogo
Yelse: you guys taking dangers score for C??
AngryRyno: had VC hanners so Pendles takes the C
frenzy: need De Goey to go big today
RooBoyStu: Come on Coniglio need 130+ mate
RooBoyStu: rolled the dice with Parker vc so Coniglio has the c
King_Robbo: I wonder what excuse bucks uses after the collywobbles get belted by 15 goals today?
frenzy: want a muzzle on Shiel
heppelitis: pies be better without giant cox out there
shaker: Pies to give some cheek GWS to be sluggish after bye ?
King_Robbo: Very true heppel. But they’re still very bad
Lowrider: Big game from Kelly would be appreciated, nice start…
Yelse: looks like peddles will go big 🙂 and 🙁 captained ablett
PopStar: Come on reid, need a bloody good score
superpls10: i think the problem heppel is that all collingwood players are giant cox
Fatbar5tad: Come on Williams get back out there. Just traded you in!
heppelitis: the surname that never stops giving…cox
BoredSaint: Ward dominating atm
shaker: Haha maybe GWS won’t be sluggish
Fatbar5tad: Nice finish Aish. Finding his feet.
StuL: Ablett will get 200, don’t worry. Was quiet last week, doesn’t play 2 bad ones in a row and will maul the lion kittens.
Raspel31: here you at Mr Scully you naughty boy?
Yelse: padless getting screwed by CD. should be more
JockMcPie: onya Clokey
shaker: Shaw tagged again
Torz: Shaw on the bench, not tagged.
Fatbar5tad: Shiel goals as the umpires argue
King_Robbo: Get in the game green energy
shaker: m0nty says Shaw tagged Maccaffer
Fatbar5tad: The General looking dangerous
StuL: Come on Spudwood.
Lowrider: Patton’s going to destroy a team soon. Today might be the day.
King_Robbo: This is going to get very ugly
Fatbar5tad: Hooray for Zac!
BoredSaint: HAHA Shaw with a Massive Spray
JockMcPie: good effort boys, just gotta stop their run out the back. gws forwards way too strong
proudyy: King_Robbo you are cringe
Raspel31: Scully having a great time trotting up and down watching the action-touch the pill you pillock.
King_Robbo: I am cringe? Really? Your team is cringe worthy that’s for sure
King_Robbo: How good is Zac Williams! Loving him in my team could go big again today
JockMcPie: #banter
blashtroko: microbants
heppelitis: zac williams..great pod..go boy…pity i dont have him lol
Yelse: robbo what you thinking now???
JockMcPie: here we come boys, keep it up and we can upset them
frenzy: pwr off Shiel
Fatbar5tad: Be nice if Greene could get a kick.
King_Robbo: @ yelse I’m thinking you will enjoy your September holidays
Yelse: i will @robbo ill be in europe
Fatbar5tad: Mummy bullies his way through!
King_Robbo: Nice. I’ll be at the G
JockMcPie: Robbo dogs play all their games at etihad though…they won’t get to the G
Fatbar5tad: Pies fans booked the tickets when Bucks got the extension
9inch: Carn Pendles your a pod for a change.
lukefield9: Shut up @Yelse and @King_Robbo you sound like 5 year olds…
Umpirespet: Lol Kingrobbo 1prem in 70 years and ur bragging.
RooBoyStu: Skunks going up North for September Holidays, up to Craigieburn, hotels there booked out lol
Fatbar5tad: Greencicle! GRRRR
Pokerface: conigs this has stopped being funny. get a move on
PieBoy: onya blairey
Fatbar5tad: Good quarter Pies
proudyy: King_Robbo is it getting ugly??
frenzy: c’mon Gooey get a touch
Yelse: meant to be collingwoods strongest team of the year. doing ok i think.
Fatbar5tad: Caff kicks one on Shaw.
JockMcPie: great fight boys
Yelse: robbo a bit quiet are we???
DrSeuss: Come on Scully – so much for a POD
JockMcPie: And we’re in front!!
HydeSide: ruh roh this getting ugly – lol
9inch: Any chance of a tackle Scott
stakerz: goal of the year woweeeeee
PieBoy: onya blairy
Fatbar5tad: Jeez Pies you aren’t Playing Geelong
HydeSide: blair starts kicking them like that, pies are getting up today
Umpirespet: Na stalkers Eddies was better
lukefield9: Shows how good pendles is – I’m annoyed that he’s on 48 at HT
scrappers: can someone explain to me how greene has more sc than coniglio
Umpirespet: Stakerz*
frenzy: Greene’s in CD’s teams
Yelse: @ lukefield peddles played this quarter fwd
stakerz: eddies more theatrical, blairs was harder.
stakerz: how does grundy miss that. fuk sake
PieBoy: where is robbo?
whafc: ummm….what just happened
Gordo450: @Yelse why does Buckley do it? Obviously doesn’t have him in SC
desmondo: Green by name…sick by nature 🙁
PieBoy: onya robbo
whafc: @robbo down at dimmeys buying a new pair of mocco’s
LuvIt74: Cannot believe im saying this but Carn the PIES
Raspel31: Need a differential. would anyone gamble with Ablett as cap or stick with Danger?
redhotesh: adams you gun esh
AngryRyno: cape collingwood
proudyy: oi King_Robbo is this getting ugly?
redhotesh: redhot bangs
9inch: My capt choices have been dismal lately
Jukes82: lol gamble why? for an extra 20 points? it’s not worth it.
desmondo: Luvit74..wash your mouth out son LOL
PieBoy: king wrongo
frenzy: the caped cruisaders, m0nty
Raspel31: True Jukes.
Umpirespet: Lol monty
frenzy: be the first cape Cloke ever got
whafc: just dont into lois lane in 2nd half boys
Umpirespet: Cloke is shocked as well frenzy lol
RooBoyStu: GWS will still win this
HydeSide: Nah cloke’s had 50 points in a quarter a few times. Ten marks, 1 goal 6 behinds 3 out on the full
JockMcPie: where did Robbo go??
Umpirespet: Jock Robbo went to watch all the dogs grand final wins
Gott2Win: Come on shiel go big this half
frenzy: go pies
stakerz: haha umpirespet.
snake_p: he
snake_p: so he’ll be back soon umpirespet
Zeratul: Pls no cape for cloke!
Umpirespet: As a crows fan I’m lovin this
PieBoy: onya whitey
Bazza2014: i’m real happy the way this is travelling, afternoon lads.
grossn: Here we come finals
Yelse: pies are such a diff team when they get players back. injuries cost them this year no doubt
stakerz: yelse, def a top 8 team.
JRedden: lots of teams had injuries, dogs with joh and wood back were amazing last week
frenzy: leave that cape on Der Gooey, it’s working a treat
Pokerface: amazing? you won after the siren
JRedden: but yes pies look much better with adams back
grossn: drop white. kicked a behind
stakerz: clock wont kick this
stakerz: cloke* fucking spaz
Barniclez: lol
Barniclez: williams looks in pain
JockMcPie: ahhh clokey…
StuL: Cloke you potato!
Zeratul: Treloar! do something!
ryanbob: Come on treloar get involved
PieBoy: onya sidey
SilverLion: Cmon Shiely, push through mate, I’ll take a 90.
9inch: Adams taking all Pendles points
Pokerface: getting ugly…
AngryRyno: Pendles please ton
stakerz: should be game over
Barniclez: he’ll miss this
PieBoy: onya clokey
whafc: bang
LuvIt74: Carn the pies, well done the stinky pies, first time I wanted the pies to win.
Barniclez: booooo
Yelse: its funny how robbo is MIA
LuvIt74: still plenty of time just stay ahead ffs
whafc: lol @luvIt
Umpirespet: Umps starting to wreck this game to
desmondo: LMAO…and umps have obviously backed collingwood
m0nty: Grundy’s SC is amazingly low given he’s BOG to this point
zadolinnyj: The top 8 is a merry go round
LuvIt74: MIA? missing in action?
Heizenberg: Just logged on, hi all
Pokerface: robbo, for the first time i recall people want to hear from you! come on out
carlton_99: How was that a hold. these umps are disgusting
Heizenberg: Pies been dynamic or GWS poor?
zadolinnyj: Hold was there
LuvIt74: Concur m0nty i was thinking the exact same thing.
nikos: Kennedy skipper FML
grossn: Don’t even joke about that Pokerface
penguins00: time to give Grundy the star
JockMcPie: Pies been dynamic @Heiz
Jukes82: hopefully pendles can kick a snag
DragonLass: Grundy’s SC is killed by the 6 clangers and 47% efficiency
StuL: Pies on fire this qtr. even cloke!
nikos: Pies very good Heizenberg
Heizenberg: Thanks jock damn they can really turn it on when they want/are on their game
whafc: did he kick it? got my eyes closed
willywalks: if there was ever a more appropriate time for the zombie icon, it must go to cloke
Heizenberg: I watched when they defeated geelong and they were pretty pheonuminal
RooBoyStu: disposal efficiency killing Grundy and Coniglio
Heizenberg: Thanks boys 🙂
zadolinnyj: Tagging Heath shaw goes a long way to beating gws
Jukes82: cloke zombie or blue moon
whafc: so its not just collingwood supporters who cant spell lol
Barniclez: zombie!
LuvIt74: all ova now well done the skunks, wrapped the pies won
whafc: not over yet @LuvIt
9inch: Need a 50 point qtr from Pendles.
Gott2Win: Pies are playing really bloody good. No easy game next week for the crows
shaker: It’s over if the Pies lose from here I will go for a nudie run
Barniclez: stevie j shaw williams treloar and smith… i need a big qtr!
Heizenberg: Good point zad
Yelse: pies need to finish as high as possible so GWS don’t get high pick next year
Heizenberg: They have bat drive from half back and he is a big part of that chain
Heizenberg: 36 a big mountain but possible
Heizenberg: That drive*
pattymass: coniglio has been well and truly fked over by supercoach
LuvIt74: @whafc want a bet mate, im the fat lady and im singing a full on opera song.
grossn: fked over? He isn’t even at 50% DE
Yelse: would u take dangers 135 or go with ablett?
zadolinnyj: 135 yelse
spudaroos: Grundy is the new age of ruck, going to be an elite ruck of the new generation.
Pokerface: yelse depends whether you are in front or need to make ground on your opp
JockMcPie: i took danger @Yelse
Nuffman: 7 clangers also Patty
whafc: stick with Danger @Yelse.
frenzy: cape up de goey again, he needs the flowering thing
stakerz: im certain this might be caffs last game. isnt up to it
StuL: Most of the qtr has felt like junk time
carlton_99: In what universe is that ball! Pathetic
StuL: I have the danger/gaz combo and am just going to copy my opponent. Should have him beaten unless there’s a capt mistake
Heizenberg: Hi Carlton 99
ScootD: wtf Ward, u haven’t touched the pill in 35 mins of play!
Gott2Win: finally play someone without Shaw and he brings this
Heizenberg: We a sneaky chance tomorrow?
carlton_99: hey mate, whats up
carlton_99: Maybe, but we need goals. our defence can hold up its just our scoring ability
zadolinnyj: Hope not heiz
Heizenberg: Not much man, just saw now you see me 2
Heizenberg: Haha okay zad 🙂
Heizenberg: If we had a full list I would say yes but you never knew down here
zadolinnyj: What’s it like heiz
Heizenberg: Like who would have predicted what we are seeing ATM????? Not many
Nuffman: any good heizen?
Heizenberg: Very very good bro, not as good as part 1 but yeah good
frenzy: any chance Goey FFS
Heizenberg: Probably cause part 1 was new to me at the time
zadolinnyj: Will give it a watch
m0nty: back on the game please
Yelse: reason why cloke is also playing well is they kicking it to him well.
SilverLion: Shiely getting good junk time here.
Jukes82: give Ward the yingyang, was on 36 sc at 1/4 time
Nuffman: might take the missus… she dragged me along to “Me before you” so a bit of payback is always good
Nuffman: sorry monty
Pokerface: yeah talk about this game that ended 30 minutes ago please
Heizenberg: Yes please do and Hahahaha nuffman cool 😉
Fatbar5tad: Well done Cloke
Heizenberg: Sorry Monty
Jair: It’s almost depressing to see how good the Pies could be
zadolinnyj: Cloke when confident is very good
AngryRyno: anyone got Cloke Brownlow odds?
frenzy: de goey gone two qtrs without touching the pill
Willymack1: T cloke 3 votes
Heizenberg: Yeah kind of like fev was zad
Heizenberg: Fev was like that big time
heppelitis: be a while before cox gets a game now i think…trade the big fella time
9inch: Thanks for nothin capt Pendles.
JockMcPie: King Robbo MIA
Pokerface: no robbo was right. it got ugly