CrowEaters: Viney in or out
Viscount: C’mon Trengove, very late, late in for anyone
CrowEaters: TV just said Viney in
tbrowne: Sloane or Gawn as C for sc?
CrowEaters: Sloane
CrowEaters: Jacobs will reduce Gawn’s inpact
Drummo: I love bt
gavy J: Thats right right viscount why would they even drop him
missmagic: 3 minutes into the telecast & the whole crows team is in the all australian team,they havent started on demons
missmagic: anyone else also had a gut full of hearing about the all australian team on every telecast?
missmagic: yes i need trengove & atkins to get 129,bit much for atkins alone i think
Viscount: Good Luck missmagic
Viscount: Laird starting on bench
poido123: What the hell was roos thinking? Dropping trengove for what? who is better
the worm: does anyone remember what gawn scored against goldstein?
luke394: love that trengove got dropped lol
poido123: Luke you are pretty clueless if you didnt pick him up for SC
m0nty: IMO Trengove would have been rested on medical advice, he was a LONG time out
GJayBee: Tengrove could consider himself hard done by the club. N Jones should have been captain
Viscount: Cheers Monty
frenzy: Laird on deck yet ffs
CrowEaters: @theworm didn’t they both score 170+ ?
AngryRyno: need Watts to go large DT and Gawn quiet SC
luke394: you can pay overs for a bloke that hasn’t played in 2 years poido123 but who’s laughing now
CrowEaters: @the worm Gawn had 50+ hitous & Goldy 5 goals
bones351: Last game vs Sydney in the wet Trengove was really struggling to change direction. Had a very wide turning circle.
ballbag: wasn’t trengrove named Thursday?
sfmmp23: Brodie smith, dont you dare. I traded you out this week.
bones351: Pity he had to miss this week though after having the bye last week to rest.
frenzy: Extended beach ballbag
frenzy: *bench
sfmmp23: I picked up Trengove because i thought he would play all games for the remainder of the season, already have macpherson.
the worm: @crow thats what i thought. i was puzzled why people were saying jacobs would negate Gawn
aussie59: any chance of Bernie flipping it and nullifying Sloane so my s/c opp loses…hehehe
bones351: Bit cold for the beach
RooBoyStu: Sunday teams are announced Friday at 5pm @ballbag not Thursday lol
JockMcPie: surely Laird’s SC is wrong…should be 13-14
CrowEaters: @worm I said that, Jaccobs class ruckman, negated nic nat & Goldy this year
iZander: i will never understand why they play daws over pederson…
sfmmp23: Gawny get in the ruck big fella
poido123: wagner and trengove out over the bye. plus other notable outs that hurt. just bad luck
mattmac24: If Laird gets exactly 100, I win my main league by 1
ballbag: thanks frenzy
painkilla: got vince in this week, thats going well ffs bernie
the worm: ur saying goldy isnt a class ruckman or that jacobs is a negating ruckman?
sfmmp23: Croweaters goldy scpred 126 & 99 against Jacobs.
sfmmp23: Lift Tracca
CrowEaters: @worm Goldy best in comp but Jaccobd rearly beaten
mattmac24: The worm, he’s a negating Rickman just like the bulldogs rucks
colin wood: Gawn, Petracca & Laird… come on lads!
CrowEaters: Jaccobs great “TAP” ruckman
heppelitis: spot on colin wood
ballbag: Goldy has been crap this year. done better resting fwd than in the ruck. not even top 3 ruck
Drummo: I love bt
poido123: For those doubting Goldstein, he has been playing injured last few games. guy is a clear gun
JockMcPie: ballbag he’s a top 15 SC scorer…
sfmmp23: Agreed Poido, stil best ruckman in the comp.
CrowEaters: spot on poido
JRedden: in dt, goldy is 2nd best ruck after gawn
AngryRyno: this is perfect, Gawn quiet in SC and Watts going well in DT
mattmac24: Roughead and Campbell have together beaten almost every ruck they’ve gone up against this year
RooBoyStu: ballbag will say like the bloke yesterday take Goldy’s good games out he only averages 90 lmao
kangawalla: Ignore Drummo & Carnster. Trying to bait us about his love for BT. They were doing it last night too. Getting
mattmac24: AngryRyno, both are on 30 DT..
kangawalla: Annoying you flog bags!
Krispin_35: Why Gawn sc so low
AngryRyno: read what i said again
poido123: actually Goldy is the best ruck in the comp both SC and actual play. If he isn’t playing like it, its injury
Krispin_35: Nice pick up this week with Sloane
ballbag: @rooboy you spend a lot of time laughing at your own posts. nearly everyone it seems
Kekkington: Melbourne really needs to work on there foot skills -_-
mattmac24: Nevermind.. my bad! Didn’t see the “sc”
gavy J: Go N.Jones great P.O.D so far
AngryRyno: no stress 🙂
poido123: @kekkington, Crows seem fine with it :p
Drummo: But, but, I love bt
sfmmp23: Traca lift buddy
JockMcPie: BT should b fired
ballbag: don’t lose $$ tracca
RooBoyStu: I also laugh when i see posts like yours ballbag re Goldy
CrowEaters: in nsaying what I said Gawn on top
Carnster: he is way better then eddie jock
JockMcPie: lol true, eddie isnt that great.. give me huddo every day
CrowEaters: Bring back Rex Hunt
Drummo: I love bt
Viscount: C’mon Petracca, you are better than this
the worm: someone cracked me up with the wowee bt impersonation….classic
poido123: BT, Rex Hunt and Sam Newman would be an interesting commentary lol
mlakmlak: Jacobs doing what ruckmen do best
RooBoyStu: muppet Jacobs
CrowEaters: have to eat my words muppet for Jaccobs
Drummo: Oath poido bt would be the lead though
DirtyDawn: Afternoon all
poido123: Petracca needs to learn to stay in games instead of always looking for the flashy plays. get ball or tackle, simple
AngryRyno: go Watts! 😀
poido123: that was a damn mark you blind maggots
kangawalla: Afternoon DD.
CrowEaters: I agree poido
mattmac24: Agree poido
RooBoyStu: Jacobs 16% eff lucky to be on 24sc
mattmac24: Why has matt Crouch done so well since I dropped him..
kangawalla: Coz you dropped him Matt. He took it personally. 😀
mlakmlak: Adelaide very sloppy atm
poido123: Melbourne is such an up and down team. There best and worst is lightyears apart.
Grazz: cue the Benny Hill music
poido123: their*
JButcher: BettsSpud
poido123: Jayden Hunt is a very good up and coming running backmen. good speed and good foot skills
the worm: up and down team? i dont remember them having any ups
Zeratul: Might need a few more muppets…
mattmac24: Kanga, he must have! Traded him out for Neale just before he had consecutive 200
RooBoyStu: agree 100% @poido123 same with St.Kilda
mattmac24: Kanga, he must have! Traded him out for Neale just before he had consecutive 100’s
sfmmp23: How does Sam Jacobs have more than Gawn
poido123: Well done Neville. that was great defense right there. Yep st kilda is another, so is gold coast
Shaundog: Gee I’m happy I chose to put Phillips on the field and took ben Kennedy off, bugger it!
AngryRyno: all hail Jack Watts 😀
CrowEaters: If hung parliment Tex for PM
kangawalla: @angryRyno. Don’t encourage the guy. We treat his performances like these as a bonus!
AngryRyno: haha fair call Kanga, hopefully he keeps this up for the sake of the game
CrowEaters: muppet for Tex
AngryRyno: one minute PM, next minute muppett
frenzy: Razor ray sees things very differently
GJayBee: went to the pub today and said to the demons supporter after seeing the odds, ‘Is it in Adelaide?’
CrowEaters: Thats polotics angryryno swinging voters
GJayBee: Got Melbourne at plus twenty five pint five points at the G! Also got on Tyson for twenty five possies.
colin wood: Someone throw a rock at petracca to see if he is still moving…
sfmmp23: Need More from Tracca and Gawn to get past 2000
cold pies: Someone knock out Walker please!!!
MerleDixon: Smith needs to beat laird by 50 for me to win FUCK
willywalks: How does Lever not have a penguin next to his name!?
RooBoyStu: perfect example of sc shower, tell me how Lever and Hartigan can both be on 11 points?
Tigger5: lots of stats go into sc score stu, not watching game but levers probably got a few spoils
RooBoyStu: cheers Tigger5 not that i have them, it just stuck out with one having one more FFA and only 2 touches
JackRipper: Imo I think CD deliberately make their scoring system complicated to cover up its failings.
CrowEaters: Tex back in the hunt for PM
Carnster: Huddo trying to be like BT with that goodnight comment, just not quite the same
ballbag: sc is the only system noone knows that is legal to bet on in the world
CrowEaters: Hogan a class act
OnTheRocks: Lever the first player to go through antire game in negatives?
AngryRyno: really need Scott Thompson to score heavily in DT from here
jesseboy: No, other players have finished games in the negative.
GJayBee: So in DT Lever does not actually exist?
GJayBee: I am weighing up weather to go to work tomorrow or become a bum.
GJayBee: ballbag which company bet’s on SC? i’ve only bet on dt and fantasy
ballbag: Sportsbet is one
sfmmp23: This week ive been saved with Parker, Pendles, simmo and hanners. So many underperforming premos. And Philllips.
RooBoyStu: lift Sloane ffs!
PopStar: Has Lever shown up today?
mattmac24: Need exactly 100 or more from Laird…
iZander: pederson has to come in for daws next week…surly
JButcher: Jones and Watts! The gamble payed off for me this week
CrowEaters: Jones abull JButcher
JButcher: Too bad the rest of his team make countless mistakes @CrowEaters
urmumsaid: is mclovin still on the ground?
Lodgy: Dees midfield group is a scary bunch. All of them quite happy to do the dirty inside work
CrowEaters: JButcher Hogan is class
AFL Blues: Yes, Popstar… Lever has shown up. How else did he get those 14 points?
GJayBee: thanks ballbag, i think I will have to get onboard!
PopStar: AFL Blues – Theyre hard earned i suppose
ballbag: youre fired tracca!! see you in 4 years when you’re decent
OnTheRocks: Petracca hit the wall
RooBoyStu: where’s the bloke that always raves about Petracca?
JButcher: Yeah him and Viney as well CrowEaters
gavy J: Cmon nathan go huge last quarter
AFL Blues: Oh,make r that 13 points. XD
mattmac24: Everyone knows that this page shows every player on one more point then they actually are for sc, right?
frenzy: Never thought Joyce score would be needed Lol
cusch1: The one week where my opponent has spud watts he does this
sfmmp23: Yes Gawny, crack the ton big fella!
RooBoyStu: @mattmac24 does that make them a premo?
mattmac24: Rooboy, what..?
CrowEaters: Hogan makes Watts look better
Krispin_35: Sloanney and Gawn hit the ton boys
cusch1: We will never let the poor bloke forget about that
luke394: Brodie Smith is now dead to me
RooBoyStu: take his good games off and he averages 80 lol
AFL Blues: Some guy named “boltonblues” has Sloane, and he”s playing against someone who is ranked 3rd. I won this game this week,
ballbag: Andy Maher is a top bloke but damn he is a geek!
mattmac24: Who are you talking about?
AFL Blues: but I need th guy who’s ranked third to lose for me to take his spot as third. So, come on, Sloane!
RooBoyStu: check the chat log of Swans v dogs if you’ve forgot lol
mattmac24: Yes I remember but who are you talking about this time?
RooBoyStu: you said just before ff add 1 more point to sc on all players, i replied with does that make ‘them’ premo, them as all
mattmac24: I said that fanfooty add 1 extra point to every player as apposed to what their actual score is in sc
spudaroos: Is Jack Watts elite?
mattmac24: Don’t know how you’re bringing back the conversation from yesterday to what I just said. Doesn’t make sense on your part
mattmac24: Spudaroos.. absolutely..
the worm: jacobs has done well to keep gawn to 20 touches and 40 hitouts
ballbag: @rooboy no 1 extra point does not make someone premo are you serious?
RooBoyStu: Come on Sloane get 100
zadolinnyj: go crows
ballbag: Chris Dawes been damaging today.needs an icon
cusch1: This week I traded in tphillips who spudded, dmartin who spudded and looks like fawn will get an average score as well
AFL Blues: Kill ‘Em With Kimdness.
CrowEaters: @worm Jaccobs rearly beaten, honest worker
RooBoyStu: flower if crows win we are 7th now
mattmac24: Both rucks have played well after three first quarter
9th Again: North biggest pretenders i’ve seen for years now
jfitty: Give Dawes the spud
GJayBee: Just pencil in Laird for 90 down back for a few years.
mattmac24: Chances of North still making the 8?
BestCoast: Rooboy of to domain next week. Confident ??
LuvIt74: I need 222 points from Laird & Gawn to reach 1800 bloody not gonna happen.
the worm: its not a knock on jacobs, but it definitely wasnt a foregone conclusion that he’d contain gawn
RooBoyStu: @BeastCoast we’re coming off a 17 day break and no Nic Nat, confident as can be
mattmac24: 99 from Laird and I exactly tie one of my leagues
LuvIt74: need petracca to score under 58 to win my league game.
BestCoast: We are very similar side both just making up numbers
CrowEaters: Has Jenkins just killed Gawn ?
mattmac24: Reckon wells will play?
AFL Blues: Oh, boy, MattyMac…
CrowEaters: Footy gods Hogan
ballbag: half of norf will be on pensions next year
AFL Blues: Well, Luvit… Wouldn’t it be devastating for you if he kicks a goql or something?
GJayBee: ONE MORE goal for crows and my line is dust
frenzy: Pootracca
colin wood: Roughly 1940 this week with Gaz as capt not too bad.
LuvIt74: hope petracca doesn’t scale up to much
LuvIt74: Well done Colin i wont hit 1800
LuvIt74: Wells should play next week, he has had over 3 weeks off.
heppelitis: get stuffed bye rounds..cya later
LuvIt74: only had 18 players
LuvIt74: sorry 17 players trengove stuffed me
Pezza555: scaling happened yet?
tbrowne: 1989 thought petracca could outscore Short’s 75 lol. Sloane as C was always a risk, jack steven poo
colin wood: Luv it, same mate. Kerridge and Petracca let me down this week.