J.Worrall: 4 quareters, dustbin, now we know you can …
Yelse: Vc? and captain this round?
feralmong: Gaj vc and pendles capt.
Amare: Why are there icons and predictions 20 mins before the bounce?
feralmong: Winner of this still in a chance for the 8. Loser is gone with the rest.
phelps: going either grey or martin into abltett
Yelse: thinking ablett into gawn
Havacrack: Both teams slim Finals chances done tonight with a draw. 50-1, worth a few bucks.
Chelskiman: @feralmong, even if we win we have no chance. Have you seen our run home? It’s brutal.
Breezey: Pre game prediction- Dusty going big tonight
feralmong: yeah mate. its only a chance. we blew it early.
feralmong: Rockliff contract talks on hold. Get him to tigerland.
Breezey: Good new Richo.”Theresa bit of surface
RooBoyStu: what a pathetic game only interest is sc
Yelse: rance comnn lift already
mason2016: @feralmong he’s heading to the saints..
Breezey: Good one Richo. “There’s a bit of surface water on the grass.”. Derrr
tamoz: Great start Wines! Keep it up
3rdstriker: Dusty making an early run for the clanger record
feralmong: sc kind of ruins watching footy roo.
Havacrack: Ridiculous goal
azzacooney: both thurs and fri night games an absolute joke. shit games
MrGmax: Going to be a messy game.
Chelskiman: There’s no way he meant that.
DZL7: he didnt even mean to do that lol
RooBoyStu: not when you have Rance, Martin, Deledio, Broad and Robbie Gray.
3rdstriker: thats a lot of richmond rooboy
myteamsuks: Sorry people I picked up Martin this week going at 0% from 5
sfmmp23: Dusty, Rance, Menadue and Gray playing tonight.
feralmong: Can we get whoever motivated Menadue to talk to the rest of the team please.
Breezey: I’m no Tiger supporter but surely Maric is better value than Hampson. When fit of course
frenzy: always had faith in menadue, Lol
azzacooney: broad laid a tackle….. any danger of the +4 monty
Jackwatt$: Amazeballs!!!! I’m trading Menadue back in as a premium!
feralmong: frenzy if u keep playing the kids they come good.
myteamsuks: I lost faith in menadue round 3. Did alright last week
feralmong: menadue and ellis not the best newbies at tigerland either. Drummond will be better i reckon.
Breezey: When a marks not a mark
colin wood: Deledio where are u….
JockMcPie: always enjoy looking at rance’s SC vs DT
OnTheRocks: Deledio’s possessions being taken by Cotch 🙁
3rdstriker: I think thats part of port’s plan ontherocks
sfmmp23: dusty and menadue should hvae more than 20
circle52: There an oval shaped ball out there Delidioi go and find it.
mlakmlak: Dusty should have less !
DrSeuss: Lets go Trengove and Gray find the ball…
Yelse: why did melb trengove get dropped? he didn’t do that bad
Pokerface: ollie where have you gone
sfmmp23: did melbourne seriously fucking drop trengove? gone from 20 players to 19.
myteamsuks: Wow martin 11 possies, none useful.
RooBoyStu: stuff you Boak I had you all year copping your 80-100 trade you out this week and dish up this.
JRedden: gray is pathetic and useless..
TheBigCats: Stoked about trading Menadue to Sam Reid…
sfmmp23: rance is a legend
3rdstriker: viney a good chance to miss so trengrove will probably play
myteamsuks: Yeah Trengove out. Maybe it was a managing thing
sfmmp23: dusty almost has more disposals than sc points! Bullshit
frenzy: give maric a pink krispy cream donut
JockMcPie: Robbie Gray why…
Pokerface: vineys right to go
3rdstriker: myteamsuks, maybe but probably not after a bye
mlakmlak: Its not bullshit … he has been terrible with his disposals
Pokerface: his sc should be nowhere near his disposals. you do know how sc works yeah?
JockMcPie: good DE = good SC and vice versa
phelps: Martin 3 clangers a FA and going at 27%
9inch: Trengove out.
Stuart88: Dusty has been really bad all good getting 11 touches but hit the target gee
mlakmlak: You talking to me pokerface ?
feralmong: just be happy you don’t have Impey.
mlakmlak: You obviously have no idea if you are …
Pokerface: no mlak, to sfmmp
Pokerface: i exaggeated, but i was trying to say the same as you 🙂
Bazza2014: Dusty has turned it over mmore than an spanish omelette
Bazza2014: lol impey -6
Gotigres: $ for Menadue
sfmmp23: I know his de is bad but i think he deserves more than 20.
DirtyDawn: Evening all
danmaio: Menadue going great since I fucked him off
THESKUNK: that will be once then Bazza
bjones38: Menadue making me $$$$
Yelse: if viney is out i think grimes will be in. he been an emergency 11 weeks
sfmmp23: Pouring down now
Pokerface: 27% is not bad. its attrocious
bones351: Wingard running at 20% too. Scoring ok considering.
Havacrack: Great falcon
myteamsuks: I’m pretty sure when I bet 1st goal kicker , they always get 1st goal in 2nd qtr
Pokerface: here lies grimey
Bazza2014: lol@skunk
circle52: Witrh a 27% DE Martin would have a number of ineffective handballs and kicks which would be bringing down his SC scores.
Chelskiman: Port will roll us this quarter. We’ll be 40 points down at HT.
bjones38: Deledio lol, he could get 35
Breezey: I’m on Dusty DT. Happy as a pig in shite
frenzy: bring back Hampson
wadaramus: LOL pokerface!
sfmmp23: Robbie gray starting to fire up
Bazza2014: austin 12 SC , 1 disp and 0% eff
Torz: Gray lifting!
nbartos: Dusty can’t handle pressure
myteamsuks: So am I right in saying Martin is shocking with disposal.? Don’t quite get it
Bazza2014: tigers dry trackers?
aussie59: port looking better
myteamsuks: Austin would have done defensive acts.
feralmong: Austin, 1 tackle and 1 CP. There’s ur points.
Bazza2014: true
JockMcPie: Dusty led the comp last year for clangers…hasn’t really improved
ballbag: menadue a Xmas gift in july
wadaramus: Terrible HTB decision, FFS umpires.
Breezey: Deledio hasn’t got a hair out of place yet
9inch: Richmond are so bad its just year after year joke..
circle52: Do not think Menmadue had much prior there – Fair go umps
sfmmp23: Jarman is on fire in sc
Fizzy343: a freo supporter lol
Bazza2014: ball hit the post
aussie59: circle52 true no chance
Yelse: hows winggard on 48
Bazza2014: martin touched it this qtr?
azzacooney: how is that a tackle for menadue. hahah wtf who is doing thesestats
Stuart88: Good to see the Tigers main players go missing dusty lift 1 touch jee
Zeratul: God…. Bald headed dud Nichols ruining another game of footy
Pokerface: the afl does azza.
pies13: @fizzy agree wot a spud comment wot up @ballbag?
ballbag: @pies not much. just thinking how I’m gonna spend my winnings tomorrow night
Amare: well that escalated quickly
pies13: haha me2 @ballbag
Chelskiman: Oh well, it’s one more right in the tipping. I’m leading my pub’s tipping, and there’s a grand on the line.
sfmmp23: robbie you gun
Breezey: Impey on fire SC
Bazza2014: again has martin touched it this qtr?
JButcher: For all those complaining about the FK count, look at the tackle count too you spuds
Bazza2014: martin has gone the biff
mattmac24: No one is complaining about the fk count..
Havacrack: Last nights umps at this game?
Kicks: Deledio good value they said. Can go large they said.What a wasted trade. On track for a 14 score
3rdstriker: yes martin has had one touch, it was even effective
myteamsuks: Martin 1 touch
colin wood: Ahh Deledio why did I fall for your trap….
JButcher: @mattmac, a couple of crowspuds were before
sfmmp23: Jbutcher, sorry how come you werent here in Q1? When you werent winning
Thedude24: Lol I say this everytime. There is always a clear homeground bias
Bazza2014: taylor hunt, cats knew what they were doing, such a spud
Torz: Broad absolutely flying.
JButcher: @sfmmp23 Im actually at the game mate
Thedude24: Umpires will always favour the home team in interstate matches
J_Pinkman: on Deledio. should have kept Barlow:)
circle52: Except in Brisbane Dude
ballbag: Barlows out for 3 with a finger I think
myteamsuks: I went Barlow to Martin
faisca7: Umps have too much of a say these days.
circle52: Ebert had more time than Menadue to get rid of that after dropping mark.
BaxterR: I think Barlow is out for 4 (inc the bye)
JButcher: I think umps should just put the whistle away unless its clear as day, too many shit calls
Gebs: carlton supporters! surely you have cover to keep barlow sitting on your bench !
J_Pinkman: yeah i know @ballbag. that was kinda my point about Deledio
Breezey: I’m positive Impey won’t be positive by halftime
3rdstriker: wouldnt be surprised if barlow comes back early, not uncommon with broken fingers/hands
sfmmp23: Dusty and Menadue havent troubled the scores this Qtr, Robbie and Rancey I appreciate your efforts
nic-n-nat: Who’s this Menadue and what did you do with the early round version?
ballbag: its sc finals in 3 weeks
myteamsuks: Yeah I do but hey I have a few trades left so why not
Gebs: i suppose you want selection as well jbutcher
sfmmp23: Umps defo favouring Port tonight, that free to schulz is just stupid. Let the players play.
3rdstriker: is it possible menadue and deledio have done a face/off style face swap?
Bazza2014: port seem to only play well when they go the man and the biff
JButcher: @Gebs I just want an open game, I hate favouring umps, spoils the game
Breezey: Rance a class above the rest of his team mates
faisca7: Thank god we have Rance
Zeratul: wtf was that shulz free kick even for?
danmaio: I didn’t know Austin wasn’t playing
sfmmp23: Pissing down now
mattmac24: Dusty a shower vc option..
danmaio: My bad, he is
ballbag: dance will get 150 sc at this rate if he gets 70 df
colin wood: Deledio lose behind off half back 🙂
danmaio: Rance hanks a different god
colin wood: Have Robbie Gray VC tonight
Grazz: omg
J_Pinkman: that will help @ Colinwood. should get more of the footy
danmaio: Please Austin, get to 30
Bazza2014: after a bust last night, boak @1.83 for 88.5+ is in the bank.
Stuart88: Martin try get a touch when the balls right next to u spud
sfmmp23: Impey has just come out of the negatives. Sitting on 0 at halftime.
Bazza2014: unless he gets knocked out
Breezey: On another note the Storm are towelling up the Broncos
RooBoyStu: make Deledio cook the snags tomorrow
pies13: wot up @rooboy? kangas 2hang on 4 top4?
RooBoyStu: @pies13 as much chance as Shorten winning tomorrow
nbartos: It’s tag their only good players – and it’s working
azzacooney: broad useless
pies13: yeah tough run home @rooboy pies very av this year you would be loving that?
pies13: needed a downgrade option this week took a punt on silvani didnt like broad @azzacooney
RooBoyStu: more concerned on our drop off
mattmac24: Glad I didn’t get broad in
pies13: yeah i would be2
J_Pinkman: i’m looking forward to the sausage sizzle tomorrow….bout the only thing
bjones38: Menadue great 2nd qtr 3pts
ballbag: what happened to free sausage sizzles voting day?
RooBoyStu: no sausage sizzle tomorrow, they are having carrots and bananas as we are voting for donkeys or monkeys
Yelse: menadue seriously just lift….
sfmmp23: think menadue has reclaimed his dud crown
Woosha 73: That free kick against destroyed Menadue’s confidence
PieBoy: onya boaky
Yelse: with deledio loose at the back is menadue on the bench??
whitsy: Lads what is trengoves icon ?
JButcher: Starting Ruck whitsy
whitsy: Cheers butch…
frenzy: earth to menadue, come in menadue
myteamsuks: Wayne Carey is the most boring guy, makes you wanna sleep
Bazza2014: ahhhh boak $$$
Woosha 73: I havent even seen him? Is
Yelse: problem boyish menadue took deledios spot up forward and the ball hardly been there for 1.5 quarters
Grazz: omg Menarepoo
sfmmp23: fuck you menadue you dud!
Woosha 73: Oh there he is getting run down
Breezey: Menadue fans got a little excited for a moment there
Grazz: Nice kick Jroo
J_Pinkman: menadue you spuddy
3rdstriker: if port lose this it will be because they let deledio run loose on hb, killing them right now
sfmmp23: Thanks for the cash this week menadud but you’re gone next week
Bazza2014: here come the dry trackers
Bazza2014: free kick youngy
myteamsuks: Wow I don’t see the bias umpiring now
Yelse: menage seems lost up forward
myteamsuks: Rance is the golden boy of the umpires
9inch: Bruce is deluded
Breezey: Some horrid free kicks given and plenty missed. Average umpiring tonight
ballbag: so menadue hasn’t touched ft for 35 mins now?
HawkTalker: Menadue, reverting to form.
9inch: Bruce has a rance hard on.
frenzy: but 10 more than Maric, ballbag
danmaio: Menadue is no orphan. Open ya eyes
the worm: Bruce refers to it as “rance pants”
Breezey: Bruce needs to get hardon form Ramce because he won’t see Cyril this week
Torz: Broad hasn’t been forward at all. Not sure what game you’re watching.
SwanSong3: So much for the Schulz experiment
sfmmp23: Maric hasnt touched it yet, thats a great comeback
Breezey: From Rance because he won’t see Cyril. Geez
SwanSong3: And the Maric necessity
StuL: Rich are so scrappy. Can’t move the ball with any flow.
sfmmp23: Gotta give it to rancey though, he is a very good player and saves Richmond from smashings week in week out
ballbag: @sfmmp great spot. if he just stood in the centre circle he’d get a touch
J_Pinkman: so proud that i kept menadue for that 130 last week.Came through all the doubters
the worm: @stul, its taken you how many decades to learn that about richmond?
SwanSong3: Ivan the terrible
ballbag: hahaha who said dance prays to a diff god? I just got it Lo
ballbag: *rance
danmaio: Me @ ballbag
9inch: Just need 120 sc from gray and I’ll be happy
Breezey: That’s not deliberate. Terrible umpiring
sfmmp23: hoping port absolutely run away with this one need more from robbie and Rance. Dusty and menadud need to lift to
Havacrack: Joke of a deliberate
sfmmp23: If a kick isn’t 15 is is still payed as a disposals
monkebuket: umpires for magnet, second game in a row
Bazza2014: agreed, he lost the handle on it
jaxx: Maric on 44 with 0 disposals lol
myteamsuks: Maric clearly not doing enough. And vickery, and then there is Hampson. Tigers are definitely stupid
HawkTalker: Would love to see a typical 4thQ choke from Port
ballbag: rich only won 4 last qtrs
Havacrack: Kane Mitchell not allowed within 300m of any school grounds
StuL: Worm guess I only care now cos of sc
McRooster: Does Vickery play for free to help the Tigers maintain the salary cap? Still not worth his spot #megaspud
ballbag: ugghh the stench in my DT is you austin
nbartos: Just making up the numbers these two teams. Pretty much full strength and no chance of Prem.
Yelse: menage hasn’t been on ground this quarter
danmaio: Please tigers. Stay within 39
colin wood: Muppet for grimes. Fancy punching the ball to the top of the square…
StuL: Menadue 33 at qtr, now 41. His non spudness lasted 5 qtrs. damn
Breezey: Miles def has a crack every week with Rance
PieBoy: onya lliddsy
RooBoyStu: Fart Lady sings on Richmond’s season yet again “iiiitttssss oooooovvvvaaa”
sfmmp23: menadue has had 9 sc points since Q1
ballbag: menadue ain’t no Xmas gift in July. I take it back. spud
Breezey: It’s amazing the umps know what a throw is
DrSeuss: Come on Dusty and Trengove dont stop now
sfmmp23: Rance deserves the heart
PieBoy: onya rancey
McRooster: Hamish with a reminder on his wrist to ‘talk’ reflects the failure of the inner sanctum to communicate #leadersdispute
runt: Martin just given up this qtr
sfmmp23: job robbie and rancey. Menadue and dusty very very poor
HawkTalker: stay down, dusty
bjones38: danmaio over 39 I’m on!! Carn Port
ballbag: if maric got 2 touches he’d ton up in sc
HawkTalker: I should’ve bet on storm. WHat they did to the Broncos should be illegal!
runt: If Martin tons up I will eat a raw spud
the worm: it completely baffles me how anyone could bet on either of these teams
RooBoyStu: who’s the muppet that said Broad useless? think he is going to outscore Zaha and Tippa lol
nbartos: Martin really cannot handle any attention, not even a serious tag on him
sfmmp23: Broad has been shocking though.
sfmmp23: There are just some nights were dusty seems to give up
vamos77: shit attempt at humour McRooster, Hartlett has been doing that since day dot
ballbag: Richmond is a first half team and that’s it.
sfmmp23: Let robbie get a few sausage rolls please
the worm: rugby will be great when they learn to pass it forwards
nbartos: Dusty same disp and eff as miles yet half the score??
RooBoyStu: i want a player at 90%eff who has been shocking in my team
chris7399: I would give up if I were Dusty. The two best players he plays with hate to tackle i.e. cotchin/deledio
PieBoy: onya boaky
bjones38: I reckon Carey and Ling are going to get a room with Rance after the game
cadelcamac: good win fro the boys tonight. Only way to silence all doubters will be to beat Hawks next week :/
runt: Martin would be good at the Lions, come on up
phelps: dusty has 6 less tackels, 4 more clangers, and 2 Frees against compared to miles
Breezey: That would be a new level of frustration going to the Lions for Dusty
anthsill03: port are overrated and won’t make finals
frenzy: Vickey gotta be done, not that he ever started
PieBoy: have a crack vicky
runt: Spud in hand ready to go
HawkTalker: well done, wines. Should be some upscale there too
cadelcamac: Port can be excellent on their day. But they’re equally shocking on their bad day.
nbartos: Phelps bc miles has no pressure
ballbag: martin 1 pt shy of making someone eat a raw spud
Breezey: Geez Astbury snuck up there
Smithy1: Ballbag, dw supercoach rounding still to go
HawkTalker: I genuinely cant belive runt and ballbag are still here. Must know the owners
runt: The spud will be put on ice for Ablett if he doesn’t score at least 110
ballbag: only 40 sc points left for upscaling
frenzy: rance will get 20 of them
Gott2Win: 5 effective disposals for Griffiths, Maric and Vickery for the night!
cadelcamac: Hopefully Dusty gets some haha