Gott2Win: Danger or Selwood to get the 3 votes tonight?
J.Worrall: The Danger Zone
Fatbar5tad: Go The missing Linc I say
ballbag: 150 danger and 120 steven
frenzy: c’mon LeMon
the worm: glad im not alone riding the Linc train
Yelse: cmon dangerrrr go nuts please and selwood stay down
JockMcPie: go joey and danger, fix my horrible weekend
colin wood: stay down duckwood
PieBoy: onya ruggsy
cadelcamac: Bartel and Danger. Go you good things
vartic: brought in joey this week 🙂 keep it coming
Yelse: forgot i had montagna common love it
mattmac24: Got Joey and Jimmy in this week
Torz: Ruggles is a gun all of a sudden.
Breezey: My opponent has Danger so I need Duncan to go with him tonight. Good so far
heppelitis: there wada?…seb who
circle52: May have erred in getting Steven over montagna. Early days though
PieBoy: onya newnesy
aussieboy: montagna go boy
aussieboy: go montags
All Reds: should have put the C on Ruggles instead of heater
wadaramus: I know who he is now Hepp!
heppelitis: haha
mattmac24: Why would you put the C on Shaw?
Shaundog: Go Joey!
heppelitis: sorry a broken record on repeat lol
cusch1: Because shaw has been in incredible form prior to today’s game?
J.Worrall: Jack always finds some junk!
Willymack1: Vc shaw then c danger a lot better option
JockMcPie: nice quarter joey and danger, work on that DE though
Fizzy343: Seb Ross tagging lol, sure he is
Fatbar5tad: Wish they’d stop calling us Premiership faves…we play like plonkers every time we do
mattmac24: Hadn’t gone huge in 4 weeks, not reliable enough for the straight out Captain, should only ever be a VC
cusch1: He is my vc but is an appropriate captain choice
mattmac24: Was talking to All Reds that put the flat out Captain on him and not really, has had too many low games to be reliable
ballbag: danger is by far the only set and forget c choice
cusch1: Danger has reached Ablett level imo
casey22: I bring in Jack Steven & he craps on me
JRedden: first time steven owner from this week.. come on
ballbag: @cusch no way. danger is a butcher a lot of the time
wadaramus: Geelong getting pants pulled down, bet pull them up quick smart.
Breezey: Steven is terrible every week with DE but he gets it and that’s about all.
Maltburger: Steven please! I went you over Sloane!!!
Munza: Steven for DT/Fantasy but SC NO
Breezey: Spot on Munza
mattmac24: Not many good Captain choices are having big games this week, only sloane so far
JRedden: even steven in DT is doing badly atm
poolboybob: wtf bartel
danmaio: Enright has the C Scott disbelief look going
Yelse: what is going on here. cats look ready for the bye
AngryRyno: c’mon Danger I’ll take 105
ballbag: a bit of claret from the snout there
cold pies: @Ryno Danger will get to 120. Mark my words.
Gott2Win: Bartel just topping my week off
SwanSong3: Credit the Saints. Great effort so far.
AngryRyno: I’m predicting 99DT for Ruggles
nbartos: Capt will stay on Gaz in Danger goes under 115
SwanSong3: Gutsy call Ryno
heppelitis: hurricane out there?..steven 50 de, ruggles 61 de, duncan 57de and danger 57 de…bit cleaner lads please
JockMcPie: @heppel at etihad as well lol
wadaramus: WOW, excellent footy Saints.
Noords04: I have to say, it looks a lot like Geelong have chucked $$$$$ on the Saints
heppelitis: forgot selwood at 50
JRedden: why isnt steven getting amongst this
JockMcPie: here we go danger, finally doing something
CrowEaters: soft free for danger
frenzy: good game spoilt by BS umps
mattmac24: Thank you danger!
casey22: My Montagna scrags my Danger
Bosaltico: Oi Stanciu. Go Ruggles 😉
wadaramus: WTF, Ross is supposedly tagging Patty and has 18 possies?!
whafc: think u need ur eyes checked….free kick all day
SwanSong3: This game is made for Selwood in the second half
colin wood: Strange old week of Sc this.. Our top up players are doing better then our prems
JockMcPie: danger needs to get at least 125 please, for everyone’s sake
DanBlack: @frezy classic NM fan blaming the umps
Vinstar: Stay down danger, Sloane as c proving the goods at the moment
ballbag: cats being leaves lotsa sc pts for danger and selwood when they win
Stst1001: Stay down jimmy
mattmac24: Need a big half from Jimmy and blicavs
runt: Hawkins was given a stern talking to at half-time
Breezey: Game on now
LuvIt74: steven doing jack and i braght him in this week
Tigger5: same luvit
LuvIt74: brought
runt: goals like firecrackers
LuvIt74: need Danger to step up big time as my C
wadaramus: Come on Jimmy, you’re killing me.
ballbag: rack this jimmy you Ned Kelly wannabe. lift!
runt: Bartels beard is hiding snacks which is affecting his performance
cusch1: Struggles is stealing bartels points I think
AngryRyno: cape McCarthy!
poido123: bartel just having one of those nights. hes been killing it for a while
King_Robbo: What a week to bring in Montagna!
ballbag: @cusch lol struggles is killing me. need rugglet to slow down
mattmac24: Mccarthy!!
Thedude24: Ffs umpires
AngryRyno: McCarthy could claim that goal too, 4 this quarter!
colin wood: Montagna lift
superpls10: cmon gresham done nothing this quarter
mason2016: #freekickcats
wadaramus: Hurrah Bartel.
Gott2Win: bartel was on 27 @ qt
AngryRyno: Bartel doing a Shaw
tabs: im with ya mason #freekickcats #bullshower #4blindumps
JRedden: is this the first game ever where steven has no tackles?
mason2016: @tabs week as piss umpiring! protecting the danger and his mates!
mattmac24: Freekick cats? Did you just see the high against Duncan? Worst call.
SilverLion: Why do I still have Blicavs?
mattmac24: Silver Lion.. I’m asking myself the same question
Migz: both my opponents have bartel in SC wooho
mason2016: Not paying any free kicks to saints!
Rilian: Umps shit both ways, but Saints definitely getting worst of it so far!
The39Steps: Saints $2.70 v Cats $1.45 now. Worth the punt?
AngryRyno: jump on
danmaio: Coz you have not traded him out yet!
the worm: 3-1 for the leading team to win?
The39Steps: Had a dabble – just before Mav’s goal!
tabs: that was awesome mark by hendo
tabs: ridiculous
The39Steps: I guess there is going to be some serious SC scaling in this one.
King_Robbo: Geelong struggle against the shower teams
Yelse: how does the scaling actually work?
The39Steps: Also watching union test – why do we always pick such shocking goal kickers?
The39Steps: Wouldnt an accurate kick be the first one chosen?
circle52: 4 umpires on the field and they can not see a head high tackle. 4 ump ttial a failure so far looking at all games
mattmac24: 50 point last quarter please danger
Migz: 3300 points in every game @yelse
Migz: and champion data works out which parts of the game have the most impadt
Migz: they can change which parts of the game are worth more
zadolinnyj: Got joey as c. Could be a great choice
Breezey: Does Steven ever kick it to his own team. Worst DE going around
Yelse: but is the 3300 divided evenly or do they give it accordingly?
AngryRyno: Danger to kick the matchwinner, but hopefully Danger and Montags finish similar zado
Tigger5: lol
wadaramus: Motlop you hack.
PieBoy: onya ruggsy
mattmac24: Yelled, whatever is left at the end of the game is given out to players according to how they influenced the game
AngryRyno: 3300 can be heavily weighted to either side
ballbag: fuck no. not onya ruggsy
mattmac24: Yelse*
Yelse: thanks guys.
heppelitis: well thx for listening selwood, ruggles danger and duncan….now steven please
nbartos: Umps are on the Cats
wadaramus: Pull your fucking finger out Patty.
AngryRyno: Ruggles closing in on my 99Dt prediciton
colin wood: Come on paddy lift
zadolinnyj: Saints look tired
MrGmax: Poor Ruggles.
tankin: ruggles tonnin up for shiz
Rilian: One of the umps is Terry Wallace’s son… that explains why umps are extra retarded tonight!
mattmac24: They deserve that out on the full.
runt: @Rilian Now I know why he always says holding the balls….instead of ball
Rilian: Time for the Mare icon on Motlop!
MrGmax: Wow.
nbartos: Lucky win Cats
MrGmax: @Rilian 🙂
zadolinnyj: Had there chances saints
colin wood: Why didn’t u kick that danger!!
zadolinnyj: What a goal
Breezey: Saints not done with yet.
mattmac24: Will it be a draw again..?
Rilian: Nah, not going to get 3 behinds (minimum) in 5mins!
alekstah: Danger tonnes up
Yelse: why would they take danger off stupid
Breezey: Come on Sainters
Rilian: Probably hasn’t been off for 30mins. Teams often rest a gun then bring on for last 5. Not saying I agree with it..
frenzy: the muppets by motlop
ballbag: good winsainters
Breezey: Saints home
zadolinnyj: Great win
Tigger5: great game
Brown*Dog: They were probably trying to break the tag
frenzy: good win saints, well deserved
wadaramus: Well played Saints.
danmaio: Both Scotts faces are priceless
PieBoy: onya greshy
NoneyaB: So does Steven get the 50+”now? In SC?
ballbag: lol montage couldn’t even ton hahahaha
sammyo7: Holy fuck that was a tight match
alekstah: in past seasons the clutch last quarter winners would get a multiplier of “4x” the normal point value, not anymore
cadelcamac: Good stuff Saints. That is what AFL footy is all about.
ballbag: Bartel’s pathetic game only 50sc less than danger in the end
The39Steps: Jack Steven fantastic in lq. Is that reflected in SC?
ballbag: tighter than a nuns nasty
King_Robbo: Well done Montagna nearly hit you be awesome recruit this week!