J.Worrall: Greenward, gogo
Exxxx: Cmon Thomas, need 100 plus
feralmong: Is there a change for gws?
AngryRyno: no late changes
All Reds: dochs curnow shaw(c) ward – do stuff
Stst1001: Cameron on 22 already wtf
Raspel31: We are happy with your endeavours to date Mr Scully.
damo110: Indeed!
Stst1001: Cmon crippsy
AngryRyno: how was that Docherty handball ineffective
Willymack1: What has happened to Ward
Noords04: Killing me too Willymack
Tigger5: shaw do something
nbartos: This tagging Shiel regularly is annoying
AngryRyno: Ward & Shaw need to lift
Willymack1: Brought him in cheap thinking he’ll average 110+ from here on out
Tommo2909: Do anything Shaw. Put you as C at the last minute
colin wood: That’s it Callan continue my bye rounds curse… 🙁
LuvIt74: Ward another shocker ffs
bigbaddasa: Shaw better have one of his 50 point Qs
PieBoy: onya byrney
crazyet23: fffs shaw !!
AngryRyno: Ward starting to wake up
Zeratul: atleast shaw and ward are playing… unlike hopper and reid 🙁
DrSeuss: Cripps, Kerridge, Shaw – byes are a bitch yet again
cadelcamac: How is Heater loose in defense and only one disposal racked up?
Raspel31: Where you gone Mr Scully?
anthsill03: simon white is playing on him
bachi: was having a pretty good week until this game
TheBigCats: Well this is great, I just traded menadue to Sam Reid. Menadue plays and gets 130 and Sam Reid doesn’t even play…
sfmmp23: Got heater, simmo and kerridge hopefully they can all ton up.
Seiya: BigCats gotta keep an eye on the teams mate
AngryRyno: Ward really rolling now, just need to get that DE up
TheBigCats: Normally do, slacked off for one week and it kills me.
TheBigCats: Hopefully danger as C saves me with another 150+
colin wood: Heater and Kerridge bloody lift!
JRedden: sumner having a great quarter
vamos77: Greene is like a 16yo boy with your daughter, he can’t be trusted
Heizenberg: Gotta tighten up defensively, this can’t continue
Heizenberg: Hi all
DMS774: Heater tagged – why?
heppelitis: howdy heiz
zadolinnyj: Heiz
Heizenberg: Hi help and zad
Heizenberg: Hep*
zadolinnyj: How was casbolts ride. Too bad he did not take it
AngryRyno: get involved Doch
Jukes82: why wouldn’t you tag heater, obvious choice
Torz: Kerridge has one thing on his mind today. Handball record.
Yelse: Who is tagging shaw
SaintsMan: White Yelse
casey22: Curnow warming up
Heizenberg: I know zad
Noords04: Ward lifting thank flower
Heizenberg: Yes boys l!!!! Two in a row
bigbaddasa: I think Shaw id tagging himself….and doing a great job
sfmmp23: Kerridge get the ball on the boot son
Heizenberg: Good win by four boys Thursday zad
Heizenberg: Your*
J.Worrall: @bigbaddasa: Yup!
AngryRyno: that would have been a great team goal
myteamsuks: Tagged heater to stop his run pretty much makes sense why wouldn’t you
Breezey: Come n Scull dog 50 by halftime would be nice
zadolinnyj: Very happy. I went. Awesome the storms missed the ground
JockMcPie: zac williams might b SC-relevent next year
OnTheRocks: 100 at least minimum docherty
Heizenberg: Okay nice mate! And yeah lucky
Heizenberg: I wasn’t cognizant of the storms
myteamsuks: Zac Williams is sc relevant this year
AngryRyno: Zac Williams was SC relevant this year
Heizenberg: Just had a thought, this must a record for most players and ex players from same
Heizenberg: Just had a thought, this must a record for most players and ex players from sameSide
Heizenberg: Team
Fletch91: I have had Z Williams in my team since R4. Hasnt let me down.
the worm: who are the players heiz?
Heizenberg: Summer, Philips, plowman
Breezey: Yeah my man Scully. Let’s go big champ
AngryRyno: Sumner, Lamb, Phillips, Plowman
Heizenberg: May have kissed some
bigbaddasa: 6 number 1 draft picks playing, wow
Heizenberg: Missed*
heppelitis: They might pluck a few more next year too
heppelitis: nah kissed was better
Heizenberg: Hahahahaha okay hep
Heizenberg: I’ve had a few beers and up for anything lol joke
heppelitis: lol
frenzy: stay down Greene, nice
colin wood: I’m with you frenzy. Basically have Ward vs Greene in this matchup! So far so good. Touch wood.
Heizenberg: I can’t relive I’m weatchjgn this game
Heizenberg: Outside by choice, it’s so cold hahaha
PieBoy: onya gibbsy
Heizenberg: Believe I’m watching*
nbartos: Heisenberg you got the stuff?
jeddies22: cmon docerty thats not enough big fella
Heizenberg: Hahahah Neville Bartos
Heizenberg: I’m anti drugs mate, just love BB
Heizenberg: It’s supposed to be Neville yeah?
Heizenberg: But I have the best blue still, Pinkman will bring it over hehe
seanfc99: whats up with shaw
Heizenberg: Gibbs son is cute as
frenzy: has a man for a change @ seanfc99
Heizenberg: Exactly frenzy
myteamsuks: So do the blues let shaw go and stop Zac Williams
seanfc99: what a spud
ballbag: cmon blues. let’s go for % 😆
bigbaddasa: Stevie J, what a great pick up
the worm: am i alone in hating commentators using the terms “pill” and “major”?
the worm: ffs its a ball and a goal 🙁
ballbag: thanks for the love heizen. buts its bb not BB
the worm: #big baddassa…. ur suprised stevie j is a great player?
AngryRyno: hit more targets Doch
Heizenberg: Hahahaha ballbag
danmaio: I suppose you don’t like a “catch” instead of a mark @ worm
the worm: surey there aren’t commentators who use catch for “mark”???
danmaio: Course there is, and I hate it too
Heizenberg: Fuck off umps
ballbag: its called a mark because you have to kick over the man on the mark. really it is a catch
ballbag: or a grab
bigbaddasa: @the worm, not at all, but his career was almost over
AngryRyno: excuse me, it’s a CLUNK
the worm: i expected him to do more for gws than chappy did for the bummers..and chappy was a gun for them
danmaio: Wtf, commentator says Kennedy is way underrated , it’s his 2nd game ffs
myteamsuks: Slung in a tackle out of the pack kick it and paid deliberate , hmm
Thedude24: Lmaooo danmaio!!@@!!!
JRedden: you gonna touch it this quarter sumner?
bigbaddasa: @the worm, do you think the Cats would be even better with Stevie still in the team?
anthsill03: umpires bit stiff tonight @myteamsuks
myteamsuks: That was the clearest HTB , bullshit
cusch1: Kennedy has done nothing danmaio.mwas gifted two goals last week against Essendon and looks to have done nothing tonight
Heizenberg: Carlton barely had any shits from 30 meters or less
Heizenberg: Shots*
Fatbar5tad: @badass not worm but I say no. SJ plays better with a point to prove. Win-Win
Heizenberg: @anthsill no one can get stiff when it’s this cold
Heizenberg: Giants super disckipine defensively
Fatbar5tad: Sucksy clear HTB on Grif
ballbag: @heizen if danger gets a 1 fitty I’d argue that
bachi: flower sake lift Greene and Shaw
wadaramus: Why isn’t Shaw cleaning up across defence? Are his 9 kicks from the 9 Carlton points?!
Heizenberg: Hahahaha ballbag
Thedude24: Getting heavily tagged wada
ballbag: shawly he’s wearing his bogan mocussins and not his footy boots
myteamsuks: This is gonna blow out
ballbag: a blowout like rick dizneq
wadaramus: Shorely he can Shawly break a tag?Come on Shawry, lift!
Breezey: Patrick Cripps has faded out of everybody’s thoughts, whether to have him or not
ballbag: I had Cripps. great player but not fantasy wise
Fatbar5tad: Fastest I’ve seen Dog move in years ha ha
colin wood: come on callan this is shithouse
Breezey: Have you heard of junking it up Scully. Get in there
wadaramus: Yeah, junk Heater, get some!
bigbaddasa: comon Shaw, superman it
jiggsy01: walker +14?
myteamsuks: Tackle =4 free =1 kick =3 goal = 6
Breezey: I think everyone should stop pleading for Shaw to get going. It’s clear it’s just not his night Fantasy wise
ballbag: @jiggs must have been tackle, free and goal
wadaramus: But 44 Breezey? It’s just not good enough…
AngryRyno: down arrow on shaw
jiggsy01: doch making some points back on the doch v simmo battle, inb4 dirty simmo junk
Breezey: No it’s not. You’d expect 80 on a bad one I suppose.
cusch1: That’s why I just get both jiggsy
AngryRyno: why have a Doch vs Simmo battle when you can have both
jiggsy01: i seemed to recall simpson falling off towards the end of the season in the past which is why i chose doch
bigbaddasa: man Scully was 14 points in the first 5 mins…..done nothing since
wadaramus: To be fair, he has delivered regularly and is allowed an off week, but just one!
Gott2Win: Keep going shiel, get to 120. Greene and Wright don’t touch it thanks
wadaramus: Just get both, Simmo and Dochers have been pillars of my defence this year.
Heizenberg: Disappointing*
jiggsy01: looks like brodie smith is definitely not gonna come good, simpson the last one worith getting but leaves me with 4 trad
Heizenberg: Drop off blues
AngryRyno: Docherty stopped, want 20 more and 80 from Kedge
Raspel31: Shiel’s hairdresser claims credit for his performance-breaking news.
cusch1: Jiggsy are you a lock for finals?
wadaramus: It’s a flashy do Raspel, only air that the hairdresser gets some credit for his performance!
jiggsy01: I play for rank more so than league, and im not doing particularly good anyway
PieBoy: onya crippsy
bachi: where are you in rank @jiggsy?
frenzy: power off greene thats enough
heppelitis: z williams pod
nbartos: Simmo 15 pos for 100+ wow
bigbaddasa: wow…when was the last time Shaw scored 42, he has been an awesome capt for so many games this year
jiggsy01: needed 4 more each from doch for 100 and byrne to beat collins 🙁
Torz: Nice junk Simmo.
jiggsy01: aaaaand simmo wins the battle….
AngryRyno: see you in Round 16 Z.Williams
Raspel31: Bigbadda-why would you ever cap a defender?
AngryRyno: cursed Doch you did @jiggs
ballbag: never count your chickens
bigbaddasa: have you seen some of Shaws scores this year?
wadaramus: Well, tagging Heath Shaw was a worthwhile exercise in trying to win this game…
bachi: bolten must not have shaw in his sc team
Raspel31: Yes bigbaddah-and got him. But a defender against a team you will whip?
ballbag: don’t think Bolton is old enough to have a sc team
bigbaddasa: @Raspel31…I play DT and he is the 3rd highest ave player in the comp, that is why!
bigbaddasa: @Raspel31…wasnt capt this week…lol…just making a point about his very low score