desmondo: Riewoldt to kick 6 today..
Yelse: would you pick up stefin martin at his price for a 3rd ruck? good cover?
King_Robbo: Who thinks Rocky will go big?
frenzy: robbo to do a number on dusty
heppelitis: stef to get 130 points today
heppelitis: fair bit of cash locked up in a bench player thopugh
heppelitis: probably sc between 75 and 130 when west is not there
frenzy: Tyrone to get a stat before halftime
Yelse: he only 370. what are the chances your rucks will go all the way?
Mileroo30: Start the show!
kangawalla: Two late outs fOR
kangawalla: Two late outs for Tiges but bad news for them is Taylor Hunts is PLAYING!
Mileroo30: Ton up fellas, I want the weekly!
AngryRyno: Menadue on fire
damo110: Deledio will go big today.
the worm: wonder if anyone was silly enough to put money on the tigers?
CrowEaters: MArtin due for a stinker
damo110: Be in a few multi’s I would have thought.
AngryRyno: remember to specify which Martin ya talking about
the worm: how does anyone in their right mind trust richmond to do anything….?
ryanbob: All the big players I bring in lately have all failed me the first game. Treloar, Martin, neale and dahl
CrowEaters: Dustin
Yelse: need d martin dance and menage to go hugeeee
the worm: except let you down that is…theyre greatat that
King_Robbo: Nice start Rance you spud
damo110: @the worm You can trust them to kick it sideways
Thedude24: Why does Rich always have great starts but never ends up tonning…
Pokerface: come on keays. make your final game for me count
damo110: @the dude Because he’s a girly man
9inch: Rocky has more disposals than sc points..
circle52: #thedude then he gets a tag
Yelse: menadueeeee
AngryRyno: Menapoo revival
damo110: Menadue flower shower. power
Thedude24: So much potential. Needs to learn how to beat the tag. But doesnt try hard enough
Mallon13: rocky should be on 50 by now
sfmmp23: Is robbo going to anyone? Just turned it on.
Yelse: France might not get much opportunity in back to get a tonne 🙁
9inch: Rocky killing my week already
DMS774: Robinson tagging Robinson??
Torz: Should’ve taken the donut instead of playing Jansen!
DrSeuss: Glad I bought in Hanley and Laird this week. FMDT
PieBoy: onya richy
tankin: Cmon rocky. 0 marks, 1 tackle aint good enough
poolboybob: hahaha yesssss go Menadue!
King_Robbo: Surely Leppa gets the flick soon? He’s go this team playing some pretty horrendous football..
wrenie3: Knew I shouldn’t have traded in vickery this week 🙁
Mallon13: rocky hitting second gear now
tankin: your joking right wrenie3
AngryRyno: Stef you spud
wrenie3: No :(. Thought he was an awesome POD
Stst1001: Slow down Richie rich
AngryRyno: hit some targets please Stef
snake_p: Wrenie Vickery POD = Pathetic Over-rated Dud
wrenie3: Thank god I captained Menadue though 🙂
bachi: menadue!!
snake_p: this is not the Menadue who stunk it up in my team for the first 10 weeks
poolboybob: What a week to have Menadue on the field, lol
Yelse: menadueeeee been on my bench and now u repaying me. too bad gone after byes
sfmmp23: Dont stop Connor
colin wood: Rich off injured… Bye rounds curse continues…
casey22: Detest Jack even more now for buying into Eddie/Wilson issue!
Stst1001: What’s wrong w rich pls?
Stst1001: Did I really just trade out menadue grr
casey22: How could you possibly give Robbo a concusion test
Pokerface: that was the whole team casey
frenzy: ticker
snake_p: he’d actually be smarter after a head knock casey
Yelse: France where are you. please lift need 120 from you
colin wood: Rich copped a knock to his lower calf
Yelse: concusion test u out for min 20 mins right?
casey22: Prime move/spokeperson/limelight hog – he’s an idiot
sfmmp23: Need the ball to get to Rancey
Zeratul: Mitch robinson mustve ducked into that.
tankin: rich fine
AngryRyno: Robinson done for the day
sfmmp23: Yean thats right yelse
myteamsuks: Just think the menadue one is a once off. I got rid of him after round 3 and he done nothing since
sfmmp23: Sc missing all of rances marks & kicks
Sloaneyyyy: cmon Rockliff, get moving
Torz: C’mon Rocky, this is horrible.
9inch: Its a bad day when matho rookie is out scoring rocky
feralmong: I upgraded menadue ages ago to zerrett. I’ll take zerretts scores thx.
Thedude24: Rich has got to be the most frustrating player to have in your side
Stst1001: Mathieson nice
AngryRyno: Zerretts score? what, a donut?
poolboybob: Vickery crab
AngryRyno: this has been a shit game for SC so far
frenzy: vickery is a list clogger
feralmong: How often we see rookies go big against weaker teams. Don’t get sucked in.
Yelse: d martin seems lost with no robbo
feralmong: Ryno, we all have premo donuts in byes.
Torz: Rocky, you’re not handballing enough.
AngryRyno: haha just sounded strange when you said you’d prefer a donut from Zerrett to this Menaton
feralmong: Hehe ryno. Nah I meant like 5 weeks worth.
poolboybob: 75 supercoach in a half from Menadue, what a time to be alive
Heizenberg: Hi guys
Sloaneyyyy: Rockliff has forgotten how to use his boot
tankin: And mark
feralmong: I’ve completely fluked bye balance. 19 last week 18 this week.
King_Robbo: Can’t beaver that people still have menaspud lol
desmondo: thanks for your input Hanley you useless flog
deanie: He is like the spud brown from collingwood last year, never made enough to trade. just sat on my bench all year
bachi: providing the goods for this week thoug, wasn’t worth trading him out at 200k
cadelcamac: poolboybob…I dont believe my eyes.
King_Robbo: It was well worth it to get in petracca 😉
frenzy: and still he scores at halftime
King_Robbo: What are the odds of Leppa getting sacked after this game
feralmong: truck is like a Bont. I’ve gone Trengove as well.
frenzy: what are the odds of Menadue posting 130
feralmong: Only 54 more frenzy. So reasonable.
feralmong: Vc rocky is disappointing.
willywalks: glad i reversed my hanley trade this week
nbartos: Bluemoon Menapoo
frenzy: Gun Menadue
Sloaneyyyy: Rocky is due for his usual 2x 40pt quarters
anthsill03: nice fa hanley
Torz: Give Hanley the mare.
OnTheRocks: witches hats for whole Lions side?
AngryRyno: Stef lays a tackle, no SC points 🙁
bachi: cmon rance
anthsill03: great work jansen and hipwood 🙂
AngryRyno: good luck picking BOG few to choose from
tamoz: Ffs Rocky!
sfmmp23: Come on rancey
faisca7: martin bog so far imo
kangawalla: If we can ge 100 combined from Hipwood & Jansen, they’ve done their job as rookie cash cows
Yelse: Seriously rance where are you. Lift cmonnn
Pokerface: great job keays you potato
OnTheRocks: Lions gone home for the afternoon
LuvIt74: cmon Rance & Rich ffs step up
frenzy: muppet jroo
Hoot: Agree with frenzy
Yelse: Not watching wheres rance. Ball not going there?
OnTheRocks: Pig it up more Menadue!
Munza: Is Keays the biggest potatoe ever?
OnTheRocks: That’s Dawspud Munza
zadolinnyj: Until Dawson retires I think nobody will catch his potato ability
linusp: no zorko in the bye round? Of course…of fckn course
LuvIt74: Was hoping conca would have done much better as a M9 next week but wont touch him now
casey22: Suprise, suprise; Robbo fails concussion test!
banta: Drop dead Hanley you piece of shower
AngryRyno: Robbo fails the concussion test pre-match
zadolinnyj: Not sure robbo could pass any test to be honest
Tigger5: Robbo wouldn’t have passed the concussion test even if he was fine
King_Robbo: Tonne up Rocky!
PieBoy: onya dusty
faisca7: i hope hanley goes backwards this qtr
zadolinnyj: Wonder whether robbo has a special test where he just needs to colour within the lines
CamT: Nobody ever had Dawson in SC though. The Biggest spud ever = Relton
OnTheRocks: if Robbo counts to 3 he’s ok
casey22: Tigers are NOT this good
Kekkington: Robbo would fail that concussed or not test
sfmmp23: Need rance, dusty and menadue to get heaps of junk
cadelcamac: someone test Menadue for drugs. This performance can’t be legitimate – I must be dreaming.
sfmmp23: Come on dusty put them through
frenzy: mendue sc tons up, haha
nbartos: Ah Relton Roberts yes yes
superpls10: wow martin should have been 2 goals not behinds
Torz: How many times do Brisbane want to miss Rockliff from 15m away? Terrible.
sfmmp23: Rancey keep going get to 90
faisca7: dusty for the brownlow
King_Robbo: Surely the star for menaspud is a joke Monty?
Tigger5: I don’t know why but i can’t stand Lewis Taylor
Hoot: Hipwood looks like a good buy Rd15
Thedude24: He deserves it for today robbo
sfmmp23: Robbo he has been very good
Raspel31: Hmm-just home. You’ve been a naughty boy Rockliff. Disappointed.
willywalks: junk it up rocky, cmon!
tamoz: 16 more Rocky! Push it
King_Robbo: Haha jroo or Martin have clearly been better. He won’t even feature in the votes come Brownlow night
AngryRyno: leave the star on Menadue, prominently early when the game was won
Stst1001: Agree hoot esp w the dpp
jeddies22: why does menadue have to play well
faisca7: Stef is back! in the new york groove
sfmmp23: Menadue, Collins and phillips have helped me out alot so far
Torz: One more tackle Rocky.
frenzy: menadue you beauty
sfmmp23: Connor will make some nice cash now thanks to this performance
AngryRyno: BEAST mode close to a first DT ton
jiggsy01: How can anybody still have menadue in their team :s
Noords04: Rafa Hipwood promising for the Lions
frenzy: menadue clap clap clap
anthsill03: will dusty get scaled up, i’ve put the vc on him
frenzy: back to the bench now menadue
AFL Blues: I have Menadue. ^_^