urmumsaid: spup city tonight
Yelse: would you put peddles VC?
heppelitis: Barlow might tag him @Yelse
poido123: I have a feeling this game could deliver. important for both clubs
Yelse: i think he might tag sidey @heppelitis
Yelse: hard to get a vice happening this round… martin could get robbo
OnTheRocks: vc Barlow?
poido123: Need a minor miracle tonight. high acores from blakely, collins, pendles, cox please lol
heppelitis: wish i knew cause im in the same boat
wadaramus: We need a good game from Phillips so he gets another game next week!
frenzy: c’mon Dawson, shown some faith
Stst1001: Go cox Phillips Neale and Barlow
frenzy: round 14 and relying on rookies still, damn
poido123: oh yes, forgot about phillips! need him too h aha
Vinstar: In before Cloke kicks 6
Breezey: Clokeyyyyyy
poido123: coxxxeyyyyy
JRedden: sucks that treloar is starting on the bench
Stst1001: Geez freo off to a solid start here
AngryRyno: does Varcoe have the bin already? and poido the icicle? huh?
JRedden: collins and smith great starts
cusch1: What’s with the icicles?
m0nty: 4 degrees, it’s a bit cold
9inch: So if my op has 2 rucks playing and cox emg does it count in his 18?
McRooster: 4 degrees? That’s still more than the entire Collingwood supporter base has got.
AngryRyno: fair enough
Yelse: they missed a peddles handball
faisca7: Greenwood’s tagging Neale.. Great
cusch1: No 9inh
cusch1: Did mason cox just have to be told what the blood rule is?
danmaio: I just brought in greenwood to make a few bucks, and he tags
luke394: pendles has had 4
Breezey: It’s your best scoring 18. Emergencies included
feralmong: Fyfe wearing glasses?
faisca7: Lol McRooster
SaintsMan: trust you do this pendles
Stst1001: Another sausage coxy…
ryanbob: Good job treloar, first touch and you kick it on the full
Stst1001: Barlow on fire
cusch1: Go captain Dawson
Raspel31: Throgh a complete mixture of stupidity and no forward planning I seem to have managed the byes brilliantly.
NewFreoFan: Geez would love a free once in a while
casey22: Ahh, earth to Pendles!!!! wtf?
Carnster: same here raspel
danmaio: Thanks Levi
NewFreoFan: Apparently high and incorrect disposal doesn’t exist any more
9inch: Me too raspel. No idea how it worked out so well.
casey22: Ditto, raspel, 9inch
Raspel31: Good luck to all us idiots doing well.
colmullet: glad i started tucker over collins….
cusch1: Then there’s me with 12 players this week 🙁
Yelse: comeon peddles please lift
THESKUNK: keep this up pendels need you cheaper
danmaio: Zac Clark is an absolute flog
poido123: Goodboy Collins 🙂
Umpirespet: Geez dunno if I can another 3 qtrs of this game
tamoz: Lift Pendles!!
luke394: collins you beauty!
danmaio: How has Dawson played so many games
casey22: Pleased I’ve got Colins (so far that is)
JRedden: treloar 52% game time?? whats up with that
McRooster: I’m more confused than a blind lesbian in a fishmongers! Just what is the holding ball rule again?
AngryRyno: was a beautiful handball from Zac, just what you need in the dying seconds of a quarter
poido123: Phillips needs more game time too.
casey22: Mcrooster, new twist on an olf theme but LOL
nbartos: FFS is Eddie umpiring this shit?
blashtroko: Treloar started on the bench for the first 8 mins or so and only stayed on for 10 then back off. Should start this one
9th Again: @McRooster, you’re right, this holding the ball rule is keeping me on my toes like a dwarf at a urinal !
snake_p: Lol mcrooster
ryanbob: Treloar has been poor ever since I got him a month ago
Willymack1: Can we all take moment to congratulate Zac Dawson on a wonderful quarter of football
Fatbar5tad: Fuck sake. Phillips and Smith beating Pendles and Howe. Sheer arse this fucking game.
Raspel31: Who kept Wells with a dodgy leg and a bye and an uncertain future?. I moved to Gasblett.
ballbag: @rooster LOL I don’t think they know about the ball
blashtroko: Friday front bar ads make me fell ill
Buzz67: A few of them Dockers boys have adapted to the cold with a bag of donuts
Umpirespet: I got rid of wells ages ago
Tigger5: I swear i saw pearce have a kick
ballbag: *holding the ball
mattmac24: Wells is a player to keep for the season.. well for me he is
sfmmp23: Sam Collins you gun
Yelse: peddles started on bench 2nd quarter
Stst1001: Coxy back on 15 wtf
Raspel31: mattmac-kinda agree but he kinda gets injured.
vamos77: I have it on good authority that Zac witnessed an incident involving Ross, plumbing supplies and a furry critter.
AngryRyno: cox gave away a free
9inch: The vibe I get from the rules is the emg does not count if that line is full on ground?
cusch1: How did Essendon lose to this rabble
LuvIt74: Cox only on 15 and he kicked a goal?
vamos77: Subsequently wherever Ross coaches Zac will be.
myteamsuks: Collins gonna give me some good $$
Gott2Win: I need Tucker to step it up to Collins scoring rate
AngryRyno: correct @9inch unfortunately
myteamsuks: Cox they took tackles off him
Rush: Yeah, they have to be onfield to count. Emergencies don’t count towards your top 18
Stst1001: Ah thanks ryno
THESKUNK: man love for collins
frenzy: here comes Freo, lol
mattmac24: Raspel31, yeah I know but I reckon they’ve rested him to give him the two week break and I think it’ll help
LuvIt74: he is killing it keep going collins
Str1k3_M95: yeah cos Cox kicked 2 clangers
AngryRyno: Tucker out scoring Pendles I wouldn’t be too worried
Str1k3_M95: and he gave away 2 frees as well
LuvIt74: pendles doing jack
mattmac24: Emergencies will only count if they’re within the top 18 scores and there’s a 0 to cover in their position
Wends: Evening all. Collins on field for SC but benched in RDT; can’t have it all.
cusch1: Imagine if there is ever a match with three teams at the same time, and Dawson, Jesse White and Liam jones play together
myteamsuks: And another free
casey22: What an ordinary game to watch
mattmac24: Str1k3.. clangers are frees against so they don’t stack
Breezey: And Jarred Grant @Cusch
sfmmp23: The week im playing 15 my opp is playing 11, blessed.
3rdstriker: Cox was stiff there
J.Worrall: very tres ordinaire
Str1k3_M95: oh, i thought clangers were balls you’d kick out on the full.
frenzy: its too cold for big cox
danmaio: No time to take a nap greenwood
Raspel31: Got to luv Aussie rules fantasy rather than soccer. The losing team racks up more points. Go Barlowe and Neale.
Stst1001: Nice Phillips nice
mattmac24: They can be, a clangers is a general mistake whether it be a turn over or free against
LuvIt74: @sfmmp why only 15 didn’t u think about your bye structure?
sfmmp23: Dint stop collins, don’t you stop!
casey22: Neither team top 8 material
tamoz: Pendlebury WTF!
mattmac24: Collins and Smith both running at 100% DE.. impressive
LuvIt74: fuck i traded out smith for Phillips and smith on track to reach his B/E
sfmmp23: Luvit I did it but wells, hopper and zorks are all out, may have 16 if menadue plays.
casey22: Philips less gane time than any pies player
Umpirespet: So did I luvit
ballbag: @luvit had to keep smith and got Phillips for hopper instead
mattmac24: Sfmmp23, all three out for me but still have 17
feralmong: Collins u ripper
Wends: Hmm not bringing in Phillips this week causing slight heartburn.
Str1k3_M95: who was the flog that traded wells? lol
sfmmp23: phillips only 28 sc, ripped off a tad.
Wends: Atleast you got him in Luvit…
LuvIt74: @sfmmp true there were a ton of outs I had Wells, Rioli
casey22: Pies look like they have had a team haircut
blashtroko: cmon now bruce
LuvIt74: @Wends he isn’t on the bubble yet so your fine
9inch: Was so close to putting the C on pendles. But still need him to go big
Azphyks: Mayne going big I see
Raspel31: That would beme strik3
sfmmp23: wow, shot up to 41, phillips and collins are doing me well, hopefully pendles follows suit soon.
Yelse: whats wrong with peddles no where to be seen
ballbag: @rasp yeah but wells calf is the prob I heard. could be out for 4
nbartos: Where is HTB with Coll?
cusch1: Friday night football delivers once again
Stst1001: Coxy I need you to snag a couple here with no FA’s does that sound like a reasonable ask?
frenzy: get a kick tucker
LuvIt74: sfmmp we must have same players, do u have barlow?
Umpirespet: Dont think anyone who supports Collingwood should be calling others flogs
Fatbar5tad: Smilips 82, Pendlehow 44 get fucked
JRedden: massive quarter from treloar
THESKUNK: respect to those who kept barlow
Wends: True Luvit, still my greeneyed SC monster rearing it’s head…
DOOM123: Fuck me in the arse, Blakely
casey22: Any update on Zorks personal issues?
sfmmp23: Nah luvit, i had him then traded him out when he was dropped into the 2s, kicking myself over that one.
LuvIt74: Pendles, Cox, Phillips, Barlow, Collins I have
Umpirespet: Go coxxy
Raspel31: I didn’t agree with dumping Barlow-but I don’t like Freeo’s game plan. Stuck with Barlow.
Breezey: How’s ya Cox Dawson
Umpirespet: Yeah casey22 wife is due with baby from what I heard
LuvIt74: Ouch dunno why ppl traded him out. Since Fyfe was injured he went BANG
DOOM123: Cox is so shit I don’t know why anyone would have him in their team
Stst1001: Nice coxy. Respect.
THESKUNK: yep i kept the barlow faith
nbartos: Stuck Rasp? U should be lovin
Umpirespet: As cover doom only reason had him at season start
casey22: Thanks @Umpirespet
LuvIt74: I only have Cox as my Ruck cover and he still has a low break even only 53
DOOM123: Nick Suban pls get me a 100
Raspel31: And I am nbartos-no complaints at this end.
poido123: @Doom hes cover in the bye rounds you knob. you wouldnt know that because your an idiot
myteamsuks: Pendles my worst player from 6
LuvIt74: @Umpire smart move mate
Breezey: Lindsay Walters
LuvIt74: @Doom do u have pendlebry?
colin wood: Apologies lads it’s the bye rounds and I’m cursed. Pendles vc 🙁
ballbag: @doom you’re bagging people and you have suban? cox was a rookie price at least and a swing
danmaio: Thanks for your 3 points this qt Levi
the worm: why would anyone drop a palyer worth half a million who got dropped?
Stst1001: Neale loving it buddy
Umpirespet: Same Colin wood lol
AngryRyno: Cox nearly averaging more than Suban lol
Raspel31: Absolutely ballbag. And can go forward if you need him A cheap bench option.
nbartos: This is unbearable umpiring
mason2016: don’t see why people get so sad with their vc score? unless you cap in stn playing.. wtf?
sfmmp23: ive got the v on pendles, not looking to great. Hopefully Danger goes huge again.
oc16: what is pendles doing?
LuvIt74: Yeah I had the VC on Danger & C on GAJ but seconds prior to ballup I put the VC on pendles
DOOM123: Yes have Pendlebury. Suban is elite, gets more of the ball than cox.
LuvIt74: Cox is scoring alot better then pendles
DrSeuss: Massive thanks to Howe – great performance for the byes
Umpirespet: Haha Suban elite?
sfmmp23: Suban is far from elite, cox is brilliant bench cover.
Tigger5: Suban and elite should not be in the same sentence
Fatbar5tad: I hear ya Doc. He’s been shithouse
danmaio: White need hair extensions to make a man bun, flog
Breezey: Suban was 3 times the price of Cox. No idea
ballbag: swinging cox to cover gawn. on his way to 80
LuvIt74: he isn’t today Doom however COX was a must have to cover Goldy last week & Gawn this week. Simples.
LuvIt74: Suban = Elite spud…
Yelse: bloody bucks has put peddles full forward most of this quarter
AngryRyno: who tf is this noob talking up Suban? are you ranked in the top 150,000 mate?
Fizzy343: Doom is either troll or rides the short bus
DOOM123: Got in top 500 last year with Suban. I’ll stick with my man.
faisca7: Glad I traded Smith to Pendles
Umpirespet: Is peddles missing Ediie never seen him so low at 1/2 time b4
mason2016: no need to lie doom! we all know you didn’t
Breezey: Of my 4 Collingwood players Pendles is the lowest. Treloar, Phillips and De Goey
Tigger5: yeah great idea doom, love my midfielders to average 68
THESKUNK: on special next week: PENDELS
Breezey: Of my 4 Collingwood players Pendles is the lowest. Treloar,Phillips and DeGoey going great guns thus far
9th Again: Doom, I assume you have Dawson as well?
myteamsuks: Cox is good for cover DPP rotate with Chol when I need too.
LuvIt74: @faisca7 unbelievable isn’t it? I went Smith to Phillips
sfmmp23: Pendles may be having an off night but should still reach 100 and pendles is an absolute must have come seasons end.
nbartos: Collins: “Jeepers”
poido123: Doom is lying. Anyone who says Suban is elite is clueless
Breezey: I’ll go the short bus Fizzy
sfmmp23: Doom you play sc or dt?
ronl: Collingwood playing games with Pendles. Showing the young blokes they can play without him.
Raspel31: Not being smug but a little bit slightly, enormously happy I traded Gablett rather than Pendles. I remain Collingwood fr
DOOM123: Look it up. My team name was the doomdoggers. I was late 400’s if I recall.
poido123: Dawson is also elite.
Breezey: I think he means Nick should be a Sub an maybe not even in the side
JockMcPie: Doom is back, dont listen to anything he says coz hes a massive troll lol
DOOM123: I play SC. Dawson is a goo defender but not good for fantasy
9inch: Oh well at least phillips is makingvup for Pendles but still 100sc would be handy. Cmon.
frenzy: good boy Tucker, want more of that
ballbag: @angry what’s with your snowman icon? 😯
Regis124: Don’t feed the troll.
sfmmp23: Doom must be taking the PI55
myteamsuks: Yeah doom is takin the piss
circle52: Have Phillips as emergency for loophole. Who do I drop out of Jansen or Davis.
DOOM123: Regis124 you are a clever man.
ballbag: jansen
Umpirespet: Jansen I reckon but I’m not doin so good lol
myteamsuks: all my opponents aren’t fielding anymore than 15 players is this the crap week
Umpirespet: Lots of Sydney players and doggies this week so yeah think it is
Umpirespet: Out*
circle52: Me either pet so thanks for the confirmation with Jansen. Was thinking him. Hsve 21 players this week.
cusch1: Geelong next week though will hurt with danger jelwood Bartel Blicavs Enright guthrie
vamos77: got 22 this week, pendles might not make the cut
Raspel31: I’ve only got Hannas, Parker and Buddy from Sydney so the bye hasn’t touched me at all.
benty691: is pendlebury playing on ball
myteamsuks: Pendles rested in f50 for big part in 2nd qtr
Jolles: Have to be happy with Collins, Neale and Phillips.
benty691: ok thanks for the info
Yelse: @benty peddles played most of second quarter deep in f50
myteamsuks: I’m gonna pay next week for having cats lions and freo players
Tim Tam: lol, since when has Guthrie been fantasy relevant? averages 90 for a mid only….
The39Steps: Perhaps get Rossy to coach Sydney – bring them back to the field.
colin wood: Pendlebury is carrying an injury
vamos77: this game is a preview of the womens league, unskillful pile of slop
frenzy: pendles has been carrying pies
wadaramus: Pendlebury putting a dent in this weeks scoring, come on man lift!
Umpirespet: Will laugh if free win this
Umpirespet: Freo*
Yelse: peddles back in the F50 to start this quarter
9inch: Geez this will bevan all time low forva full game pendles.
colin wood: Pendles is not on the ground he’s on the bench. Hasn’t been on this quarter
Umpirespet: Why play him if he is injured they had the bye last week
colin wood: Pendles on now
wadaramus: Collins playing magnificently!
Yelse: Cox is getting held at every marking contest where the frees
Tigger5: wheres barlow been?
The39Steps: Dockers is a second bye.
frenzy: pick it up again Tucker
ballbag: 130 would be awesome collins
colmullet: at this rate ill be benching Rich for Collins
Breezey: Awesome stuff A.Treloar
Thedude24: Agreed Yelse. I’ve noticed it too. Umps don’t like him for some reason
urmumsaid: pendles looks injured
BOMBRBLITZ: Collins on fire tonight
casey22: Cloke still cant kick
3rdstriker: @colmullet, at this rate? If collins didnt score again id be benching rich for him
9inch: 100 de atvthis stage of the game must be almost a record
myteamsuks: Cameron Ling is a flog. “Cloke needs to feel the love from their supporters”
Umpirespet: Cloke don’t care he gets mega dollars to be shite
casey22: Two Zac’s in a points race
Fatbar5tad: Talking out of his hat, myteamsuks
mattmac24: Wow Collins… keep it up buddy
Gott2Win: Collins gonna get 150 SC and cost me a win this week I think
frenzy: pill tucker pill FFS
wadaramus: Phillips gone missing.
bachi: need pendles to lift and neale to start scoring again
mason2016: atm for star- Grundy, Reid, Treloar
mattmac24: Collins is an uncommon for every on of my league H2H matches
Bazza2014: dockers are tanking big time, pies arent this good.
Stst1001: Break that tag Neale
Fatbar5tad: Hannath LOL
meka100: Kick the fucken goal Barlow, almost fucked it up
Bazza2014: ridiculous decision making,
Yelse: another free to cox missed. pulled without the ball.
Tim Tam: If Collins gets 150 SC, who do I bench out of Bartel, Simpson, Docherty and Shaw?
Torz: Worthy crab symbol on Hannath. No good.
Fatbar5tad: Umpires don’t like Big Cox
Screech23: Agree fat….myteamsucks NFI
Umpirespet: Yelse umps as good as the players 2nite
Stst1001: First world problems tim tam
feralmong: Lol cometti on hannath: delusions of adequacy.
vamos77: White v Dawson fumble in the tumble
myteamsuks: @torz perfect timing delusions of adequacy from cometti
Fatbar5tad: Crook bounce!
THESKUNK: Stupid comment Stst
bachi: one of the blues boys @tim tam
mason2016: what do you mean bench them? how do you change your team now @timtam
Umpirespet: Sc Mason
nbartos: Tim tam good one
Fatbar5tad: Pendles won’t need a shower after this one
sfmmp23: This is probably one of pendles worst score’s
mattmac24: Probably Simpson, Tim Tam
Wends: Chappelle Show a good antidote to Pendles right now 😐
Umpirespet: Colin wood do we take Pendles 44 for VC lol
Tim Tam: @bachi, yeah, leaning towards Simpson at the moment
ballbag: @fatba5tad haha pendles is full of shit today. will def need a dump
Sloaneyyyy: pendles and sidebum will be cheap in a few weeks time =)
frenzy: a real pendles type qtr from you tucker
mason2016: @TimTamId go bartel out, they versing my saints, so i assume it won’t be down back much..?
ballbag: @wends mm mmm!! a bit o’ rick james
JockMcPie: cmon boys, big last quarter, especially sidebottom philips and cox
jaxx: Whenever I see shower I read it as the poo word starting with s. Was wondering why Pendles won’t need a poo.
mattmac24: Guessing your other defenders are Laird and tucker? @Tim Tam
Fatbar5tad: Lol@ballbag. Let’s just say they won’t need to wash his jumper. 😉
sfmmp23: Sammy boy has cracked the ton
mattmac24: Mason2016, Jimmy will be playing up field as usual
Wends: And the Darkness @ballbag 🙂
Tim Tam: @mattmac24, yup, went tucker over collins, wasn’t expecting freo to be this crap 🙁
Fatbar5tad: Love bye weeks. With “keepers” like Gibbo, Ward and Pendles what could go wrong?
Yelse: hopefully peddles gets to 80 and maybe 90. couple of quick goals
runners47: Dawson well above his usual total – is it who he’s marking?
Norks: Now… Who to bench out of rich and josh Gibson so that I get Collins score… Thoughts? Leaning towards rich
wadaramus: Rick James beeatch 🙂
mattmac24: Tim Tam.. can’t say it’s being lucky but getting Collins score only because I need to play both rookie freo defenders
OnTheRocks: This is a battle between 2 teams that just don’t give a fuck
bachi: hhahahaha so true @Fatbar5tad
Fatbar5tad: Must be that “slick new haircut” Yelse
casey22: And Eddie misses a win!
runners47: Collins showing he may be worthy of cash cow status after all…
tamoz: Cmon Pendles need a big quarter!
mattmac24: Norks, gibbo against Brisbane with hodge and Mitchell back will be staying down back, doubt he’ll get a huge score
ballbag: @wends hehehe fuck yo’ couch! 😉 😅
wadaramus: Carn Pendles, you need to put the cape on just to get to !
Yelse: umpiring disgraceful
Umpirespet: Dockers can win this
Norks: Mattmac24, it’s heartbreaking trading him in and then he has a 49…
Tigger5: neale lets have a quiet quarter so i can get you in a couple weeks
casey22: With more game time Philips would be on 100
nbartos: Don’t count ya chooks lucky Pies
bachi: for sure @umpirespet
Tim Tam: Norks, yeah, I considered him a couple weeks ago, but went Bartel for consistency and form
Wends: For the first time this season I feel the urge to go upside Pendles head!!
wadaramus: Collins looks like a quality key defender.
OnTheRocks: I need to stay awake for another 4 hours and this game isn’t helping
mattmac24: Meant to say gibbo against gold Coast.. my bad.. but yeah, I’ve held off from gibbo all year, went Bartel in stead
mason2016: @wadaramus i think bench gibson! ball won’t be down that way versing the gold coast will it? might be wrong..
The39Steps: Based on this year’s average qtrs, Dockers wont kick enough to win.
Fatbar5tad: Pies anything but lucky in this half
casey22: Is Barlow tagging Pendles & Sidey?
Sloaneyyyy: where has Treloar disappeared to?
Umpirespet: One of the worst games of the year this is @ONtherocks
T-Mac: Collins missed +6?
Willymack1: Bartel is a more safer pick then Gibbo
the worm: versing….sigh
Torz: How did they miss Collins’ +6?
jaxx: surely Collins gets an up arrow
mattmac24: Casey22, no, pendles playing up forward and carrying some kind of injury apparently
ryanbob: Missed the Collins intercept mark and handball
Yelse: blaming treloar for pendles perfomance. made him had the haircut
Wends: Ross’ newly puffed out chest would’ve sucked alot of tippers in this week…
nbartos: Free Cloke Joke
ballbag: yep. pendles needs a kungfu kick into the mirror to take a good hard look at himself this qtr
the worm: @willymack i think u mean more saferer
Breezey: Two hands on the back. All day
mason2016: Give Grundy The Star! he’s had a huge impact
Wends: lolol ballbag
sfmmp23: Lets get some junk now please
nbartos: Unless ur a mid or def Breez
valkorum: Mason, only because Clarke has been shower
valkorum: and hannath
Wends: muthatucker! c’mon man!
tamoz: Just 33 more points Pendles
sfmmp23: starting to pour down at the G
Fatbar5tad: Fuck sake and if course Smith goals. My premise owned by Cows in this match GRRR
ryanbob: Come on Neale get to 100
ballbag: sc pts pendles. not DT points. sc please
colin wood: You can take the glass off Pendles he’s had 22 just like that!
Yelse: peddles takes a lazy 8 posies and goes to the bench
mookie: Dockers fans, it’s time to look for the Frexit
mason2016: Cox just had atleast 1 tackles then if not 2, but won’t get paid for them
nbartos: Throw missed
Fatbar5tad: Premos
Fatbar5tad: Clokey gets Lingys love
benzammit: Collins you gem Smitty you not far behind in a tough week their lights shine bright.
Torz: This should sure up Phillips JS.
nbartos: You know it’s a luck won when Cloke can kick those
sfmmp23: Clokely loves to kick the hard ones, loves to miss the easy ones
nbartos: Blue moon whole team
J.Worrall: Who rattled Collins’s cage?
Fatbar5tad: Pay that
Migz: i swear cox got 3 handballs and 2 contested marks in the space of a minute and only went up 9 points?
Str1k3_M95: neale did fek all for 2 qtrs
ballbag: nice work smith Phillips and collins
Wends: CD have gone to refill their hot waterbottles @nbartos
wadaramus: Fukn hope so Torz!
nbartos: How quick was that HTB on Mayne?
Str1k3_M95: Pendles trash can 100%
Umpirespet: Wow linty thinks other Eames will be worried about Cloke now hahaha
mason2016: yeah he only to +9 @Migz, he’s being ripped off this game
DrSeuss: Howe with 1 good quarter ffs
Umpirespet: Lingy * teams ….hate auto correct
frenzy: thats a stinking half of footy, tucker
sfmmp23: Pies kicking away, hopefully Pendles and Phillips get amongst it aswell
nbartos: Long sleeves is pusssy as
Migz: oh well. gonna be a shit load of scaling?
Migz: i see 400 points still needed with 6 mins left
colin wood: Take the mag glass off Pendles lol
The39Steps: Crowd is 20.3k. If courts were lenient could have been 90,000 with these two two playing.
tamoz: 19 more Pendles!
nbartos: Tabs been crap
willywalks: ying-yang for pendles now surely m0nty
Breezey: A few more Phillips
Hoot: Pendlebury been a better player tonight than Cox?
Stst1001: Cmon Neale finish strongly mate
Wends: Cox X factor
sfmmp23: Jesse White is just a hinderence to every other player out there
Umpirespet: Was that a swannie sex doll?
nbartos: Feral this lot
Wends: Tucker alive!
tabs: im not crap, oh wait. Yes i am
nbartos: FK side bum for?
The39Steps: Jesse White is the Steve Bradbury of AFL.
Wends: But the eye candy is strong sfmmp23; he should stay on ground for that alone.
T-Mac: Dawson close to his highest DT score?
Breezey: Sing it loud. Good old Colingwood forever
nbartos: LOL tabs & wends
JockMcPie: Great finish to the game boys
gdshifty: Pendles highest score for magnifying glass ever
Migz: so collins to crack 130 scaled? barlow 120? Treloar 120 + aswell ?? what ya reckon
ballbag: pavs last MCG game. clap clap
jesseboy: Given dawson once averaged 51 in a season, no.
auxDT: zac dawson blue moon