Bazza2014: Last game of thr round and a wet one.
Breezey: Essendon and GWS yet
ajconodie: Quality goal from Petracca
para: I concur with Bazza
Bazza2014: that game means nothing to me, the scum dont count .
Bazza2014: Dees are on, this’ll be a game today, red hot one
Breezey: Righto then
snake_p: lol bazza spoken like a true hawk
ajconodie: Bazza has a point though lol
Fatbar5tad: Umps letting a lot go so far
ajconodie: Might break the record for tackles in this one.
RGriffen: what are the match up’s in the mids?
Zeratul: Everyone on fire except my captain Titch ><
Raspel31: About to say ajco-more tackles than possessions
Chelskiman: Opponent has Parker and McVeigh. I have Titch. Not a good start.
Chelskiman: Where even is Titch. I’ve not seen him since I turned the game on over 5 minutes ago.
SaintsMan: good stuff parker
Zeratul: Rose has been a super inclusion for the lucky 3% who have him…
RooBoyStu: Parker’s sc has to be bullshower, if he was Danger he would be 60
SaintsMan: good rose!
Chelskiman: I swear I play players into form. Where is this coming from, Parker? 🙁
carlton_99: Parker has had 5 tackles and 5 possies– should be 40
Bazza2014: you would assume effiency would be down a few notches today
feralmong: Go Trengove. Very handy downgrade.
Lachie.BT: Would love a hundred from rose!!
Yelse: just got home. wtf kennedy liftttt
redwallis: Can’t believe Tony Shaw gets a special comments gig
Chelskiman: Is Titch injured? I’ve literally not seen him, not even on screen.
ajconodie: 47 tackles in a quarter for Sydney. wowsers.
Lachie.BT: when you have rose and trengove and PETRACCA hmmm the money flowing in
Chelskiman: Well that quarter couldn’t have gone any worse. Opponent scored 106 to my 11.
Tigger5: spent a fair bit of the qtr on the bench @chelsk
Breezey: I second that Lachie BT
PieBoy: onya parky
Krispin_35: @Lachie.BT got the exact same thing with Oscar mc Donald so even more cash
poolboybob: Blue moon watch for Towers
Lachie.BT: NICE @Krispin yeah how good is it @Breezey
Thedude24: wtf lol why are there so many players on fire?
poolboybob: 50 tackles for Sydney in one quarter?!?
Lachie.BT: 133 Points in the 1stQ for me
Breezey: I’m talking Rose only
Tommo2909: About 150 from 7 for me so not great
Roksta: Parker robbed… Hannaberry looked after
willywalks: only held Parker out of necessity, about time he repaid the favour
Kekkington: Dawes won’t have a mark all day. He struggles to mark the ball when it is dry let alone a wet ball
willywalks: and then i see titch’s score, shower…
Chelskiman: Need a cape from Mitchell this quarter.
painkilla: wheres mitchell playing , on ball?
Chelskiman: I think he’s being tagged by the bench.
m0nty: Titch started at half forward, now on ball
Torz: Titch gets a free kick only for stupid Hanners to take advantage and turn it over.
Torz: Wagner having a nice purple patch!
JockMcPie: Lift hannebery, stop turning it over ffs. good job all my melbourne players except petracca
DrSeuss: Looks like Rose will have to be grabbed after the bye – if only he wasn’t a round 14 bye, I would’ve grabbed him this wk
Roksta: Hammers will still go positive for a Clanger… Danger did last night too lol
painkilla: with mills and heeney coming thru syd midfield gonna be strong for a long time
Torz: Petracca, how have you not had a tackle yet?
SaintsMan: rose sc bullshower
circle52: 42% DE for Rose not helpinh Saints man
Tigger5: hes going at 42% saintsman
Chelskiman: Keep pushing to 50, Titch. You can still get 120 from here.
Thedude24: who extinguished the fire?
Breezey: Buddy going backwards
Torz: Good quarter Titch.
Chelskiman: Mitchell flames up!
brodysear: had bernie since start of season as a pod at 0.8% ownership, hopefully maintains
JockMcPie: hannebery…why
willywalks: can’t complain in these conditions with parker, titch, mcveigh, vince, wagner and gawn
ryanbob: Lol parker getting absolutely robbed on sc. Should be 15 more than Kennedy…
Gott2Win: 87 tackles in a half is huge!!
Jukes82: lol so many pussies here complaining about SC scores every game, laughable.
Chelskiman: Those two late tackles from Parker hurt me.
JockMcPie: DE % will kill supercoach scores today lol
makemequac: Jukes82 where u been? Did u end up getting gawn in your sc side?
ryanbob: You didn’t put yourself in a better position Jukes82 lol
Vinstar: Keep nice and low hanners I’m coming for you in a couple weeks
Yelse: dont scores have to be scaled up even though of DE being crap
Gott2Win: You could do much worse than having the Swans mids in SC…Hannebery, Parker, Kennedy and Titch all average over 108!
dipstick: @vinstar most midfields have been full premo for weeks
GJayBee: I’ve got Hannas, Parker and Mitchel in SC. Had hanners from start, the others had the right $ and av
dipstick: @gbj ive got parker 🙁 titich and jpk
GJayBee: i trust all you bastards are well
GJayBee: JPK loves the back half of the season dipstick. with i had him. Got in selwood who also loves bh
blashtroko: Bernie Vince is nearly 31… wow
ryanbob: Lol Mitchell, blocked his own team mates goal
GJayBee: Without Roo’s there is no way Bernie and Cross would have gone to Melbourne
dipstick: usually get about 330-350 a week from them so cant complain
Chelskiman: Come on, Petracca, I need to make some cash out of you to make a double upgrade next week.
dipstick: mcveigh is smashing sc
ryanbob: Parker sc hasn’t moved with disposals and tackles? Site playing up?
Chelskiman: Nice, Tracca!
penguins00: How is Parker only 8 sc ahead of Hannebery?
GJayBee: Hannas has great eyes
penguins00: yeah that helps 🙂
dipstick: LOL what colour are they @gbj
ryanbob: Cos parker is getting a bit robbed penguins haha. Somehow jpk is ahead of him too
Chelskiman: Not a good end for Mitchell. 15 points in a quarter and a half.
GJayBee: penguin, i have come to accept sc’s human fallibility like a do for any girlfriend
Yelse: SC scores hardly moving
poolboybob: Parker hit a fucking target FFS
JockMcPie: jpk has 6 clearances, thats y. parker has bad kicking efficiency thats only reason…
Thedude24: dammit parker get some sc points. Enough dt pointsss
GJayBee: the trick is having the same sc guys as cd. Goddard use to be scaled up to 100 no matter what hahahahah
_wato: Titch don’t stop now. C’mon man.
nbartos: Jack killing it at 50%de
JockMcPie: lol petraccas DE %…..
ryanbob: Parker has 10 more tackles than jpk so it doesn’t really prove why jpk is higher lol
GJayBee: often, i back the sc scores though. it’s like umpiring, there are better things to dwell on hahahah
RooBoyStu: CD can’t be counting Parkers 12 tackles ffs
Tigger5: 4 clangers for parker
GJayBee: I thnk Petracca will be bench cover till finals when he is sacrificed to turn the team into gold
Raspel31: Agree Roo-only 50% acc but all those tackles
ryanbob: It doesn’t seem like it rooboy, out of form players don’t get rewarded on sc when they start playing good again
nbartos: CD guys don’t play supercoach
ryanbob: 4 clangers for jpk too but that doesn’t concern cd hahah
RooBoyStu: if Parker was Danger he would be 150
Gott2Win: Do you people honestly think they are bias towards certain players?!
JockMcPie: should be a fair bit of scaling as well
GJayBee: dude, the guys that key the stats in, are you telling me they don’t play?
Viscount: Earth to Ben Ken. Dazzle me!
GJayBee: Gott2win, i have to many beers in my belly to think of examples, but my answer is yes
Chelskiman: Parker’s tackles are really starting to annoy me.
Thedude24: Someone explain to me how is parker on 63. 12 tackles + 2 frees = 56? Another 7 points for 14 touches and 9 of them CPs?
GJayBee: nbartos, i did meet one dude who said he did that stuff for work but he was professional so i didn’t bring up the questi
bachi: parker is getting so many tackles i don’t think sc is counting them all
bachi: its a joke @thedude
Gott2Win: There are lots more stats that go into SC scores than what you can see. If you don’t like it, you should play DT
poolboybob: Yeah if tackles are really worth 4 points then it’s impossible to explain Parker’s SC score.
Thedude24: Hey but Gott2Win. A tackle and a free for are both worth 4 points. So it’s not making sense
Torz: They’ve missed a few obvious tackles from Wagner.
SaintsMan: they are it says it on the bloody site
dipstick: pull your SC finger OUT titch ffs
LuvIt74: Arvo all
ryanbob: Plus they reward cp pretty well so on top of his pressure and tackles it’s a surprisingly low sc scre
poolboybob: Give towers the blue moon
LuvIt74: Carn Hanners ffs what are ya doing
PieBoy: onya jonesy
Yelse: this game has cost me all my paid league games :O 🙁
RooBoyStu: m0nty needs to create a SC Robbed Icon lol
GJayBee: gott2win, no one is ignorant of the system. however, some sc players are aware when a stat is missed
GJayBee: YES rooboystu, any man who isn’t a fool has seem some shocking sc scores
GJayBee: true the full system has never been released but hey, clearances, assists ect help a lot
AFL Blues: On ya, McVeigh! The first time he has been i. my side, he is.
desmondo: Every time I pick Parkwe he plays like a ‘spud’….and when I don`t pick him………
heppelitis: what score going to win this week…im looking at about 2200 from best 18
GJayBee: Petracca looks like a champion
LuvIt74: What are u all scoring thus far excluding this game and how many played? I’m on 13 played 1401 Danger as C
desmondo: *Parker
Chelskiman: Need a huge last quarter from Titch and for Gawn, Parker and McVeigh to have low ones.
Rush: Some blokes get SC scores for looking at the ball eg Danger and Ablett. Some just get robbed blind.
SaintsMan: hannebry sc so lucky
bachi: that might win @heppalitis
LuvIt74: @heppelitis nice score mate.
AFL Blues: So… Who here will win against their opponent?
poido123: @Heppellitis, will you have enough player in the coming rounds?
heppelitis: made a team just for this round..traded every game…22 players…20 premos
Chelskiman: I dunno, mine is gonna go down to the wire. I’m hoping Heater has a shocker as opponent has him C.
RooBoyStu: There will be some huge scores with Barlow, Danger, Wells etc all going huge
heppelitis: nope…i will hit the delete button lol
GJayBee: 12 com for 1341 captains played. Danger flattering my score
Fletch91: 22 tackles by the Swans in this Qtr to break record
Raspel31: With Danger, Neale and Barlow on 1650 with 3 to go. Better than normal.
Rush: Mine will be very close. Opponent has Gawn as captain so i’m hoping he has a poor last quarter here
bachi: so you went just for the win this round, love it hahaha @heppalitis
carlton_99: What is a good Supercoach score for this week?
LuvIt74: I got Wells, Barlow, Danger as C and not going uge
Tigger5: come one parker big last quarter
AFL Blues: I’m kidding. Good luck. Hope you win.
GJayBee: heppil is that to win the weekly prize? you animal if it is bravo hahahah
dipstick: parker 10% of swans tackles doesnt help his SC
AFL Blues: But! If my opponent is here, I hope you get thrashed!
heppelitis: yup…made it after round 2….wirh all the good rookies and players that were going to rise…haha
bachi: yes parker got the ton! oh its DT..
heppelitis: my sons doing one for round 15 lol
dipstick: a friends mate has teams made especially for each bye round with 22 players
heppelitis: hope i beat him dipstick lol
AFL Blues: My brother only has Carlton players, Dipstick. So, me too.
JButcher: Cmon Watts 85 from you would be nice
LuvIt74: Got Hanners, Petracca, Trenove & Gawn in this & Ward, Shaw & AMT to go
LuvIt74: are these SC scores correct?
Raspel31: Go Buddy boy!
Tommo2909: Par score this week?
AFL Blues: Luvit, apart from Trengove — who I tried to get this week but had no room for him — that’s EXACTLY who I have left.
LuvIt74: Rose looking bloody gr8
dipstick: hope AMT has a shocker. traded him to simpson this week
HowI Rioli: Looks like there’s plenty of SC nerds with the same idea of snatching a bye round win overall
Yelse: so theses scores won’t be scaled?
Torz: Very lucky that Towers pulled out a blue moon. Going to give me a moneyball win.
dashurg: Cherry for parker with 56% DE is a bit rich. Might not even ton up in SC!
benzammit: Can’t stand bye ends 3 boring weeks
LuvIt74: @Dipstic why would u trade AMT to simpson this week his B/E is 69 & simpson not playing?
RooBoyStu: Wagner done nothing in second half
Snarfy: Junk it up Swannies!
Chelskiman: Anyone know how much money Tracca has made from this game in DT?
Krispin_35: has anyone else had Ward from the start or did everyone jump on the ban wagon
Gott2Win: Kick another 2 Buddy!
auxDT: @Dipstick wtf dipstick thats shocking
AFL Blues: I have Neville Jetta captained. Anyone else think that’s a good move?
Chelskiman: Fuck off with the tackles, Parker! Jesus.
LuvIt74: To trade out AMT to a non player makes no sense at all. I’m gobsmacked
benzammit: Swans are going to break tackling record they have gone ape shoot
RooBoyStu: Allir Allir on the bubble next week good unique
benzammit: His name says it all Dip…..
Krispin_35: lift hanners at least get to 95
dipstick: @luvit coz AMT wont reach his 77BE and i already have 19 on field
Eagling: @LuvIt74. Perhaps Dipstick needs to make the trade this week to get enough players in the park next week.
JButcher: Is Vince in trouble?
Krispin_35: oscar mcdonald been a great pick up
LuvIt74: Swans should take top spot over Cats if they keep it up
AFL Blues: I had everyone as a captain this week. Good move?
dipstick: @eagling yes someone with a brain. i have 19 this week and need 3 trades next week 😉
Chelskiman: At least ton up, Titch. Need something postive after Parker has killed me today.
MerleDixon: I traded AMT aswell but last week
Krispin_35: swans broke the tackle record
dipstick: plus headed for 2000 today so cant complain
Chelskiman: And now McVeigh has come from nowhere and Gawn has tonned up. Oppoent has smashed out over 300 this match.
the worm: making jokes nobody finds funny. Good move?
Gott2Win: Parker could break the individual tackle record here
Fletch91: Old tackle record 142. Lets see how much we break it by!
Rush: What happened to Trengove? Dude was killing it early.
LuvIt74: carn hanners lift son
Yelse: such a boring game. SC scores killed too
AFL Blues: The worm, your name is just one big joke in-of-itself.
AFL Blues: Good move?
Chelskiman: Over 350 from 3 players from my oppoent. Fuck this.
heppelitis: you kidding..steals buddy goal…really pissed about that
the worm: that hurts my feelings
Fatbar5tad: Fuck buddy
tabs: pinching a goal of Buddy, what are you doing Lloyd
AFL Blues: What is the individual tackle record?
carlton_99: 19 tackles most in a game of football by libba, can parker beat it??
Gott2Win: Why do that Lloyd…I need Franklin to kick as many as possible to hopefully get to 100 by the end of season with finals
Krispin_35: lift hanners you flowering piece of crap
AFL Blues: He’s two away then, Park is!
Chelskiman: I need this match to end. At this stage it’s torture.
dipstick: parkers tackles are worth 70sc alone asides from all his CP. ripped off
Breezey: Rose has fallen away badly
Krispin_35: hoping for a 90hanners 80 oscar mcD 80Rose 80tracca 120Gawn and 70 trengove with scaling
AFL Blues: What is brown and sticky?
Kekkington: He should be in jail for all that CP
AFL Blues: A stick.
luke394: Parker 17 tackles and gets 97 champion data play absolute favourites
luke394: if that was dangerfield he would get 200
myteamsuks: Sc scores went backwards in last 5 minutes. How does that work an effective kick lost you points.
Pokerface: he also had 47% disposal efficency luke.