frenzy: big game this
feralmong: goldy good to go?
feralmong: last minute put C on goldy. Hope he goes ok.
Raspel31: I can not not possibly recover from putting the Cap on Neale tonight. My life in ruins. Across to the rugger. Goodluck c
cadelcamac: last minute C on Danger for me. His consistent scoring this year is hard to look past, plus has a decent ceiling.
Thedude24: There’s selwood and danger. But they’re tagging duncan?
cusch1: Got Selwood danger Bartel ziebell and goldy in this game. Need some big ones here
Torz: I haven’t seen Gibson go near Duncan. Not sure there’s a tag.
feralmong: cadelcamac though danger might be rushed and lower DE this game.
feralmong: he started well though. 100%
mattmac24: Need blicavs to have a good game tonight.
Bazza2014: im screwed, my opp is gonna flog me after the C on rocky
Matteas: Me too mattmac. Playing a bit in ruck vs goldy??
cadelcamac: Danger looking potent early. 7 disposals in just 14 minutes of running time
LuvIt74: I wanted to get rid of Motlop and bring in Zorko but totally forgot coz of the great game between the Dogs & Port
SilverLion: Blicavs and Goldy owe me big time
Ben_Gogos: That was utterly hopeless from Blicavs. Deer in the headlights if ever I’ve seen it.
mattmac24: Matteas, I’ve got Goldy, Gawn and Blicavs.
mattmac24: Got Gawn for Fyfe at the start of the year but needed to move Blicavs to the mid
Raspel31: Bazza-I gotRocky and Danger et al but I capped Neale-you looking good.
Matteas: Mattmac that’s what I want but can’t justify blics in middle yet
Bazza2014: my opp is 500 in front , i just had a hobbler in cunnington, i have thompson, he has blicavs, rugg, enright and duncan a
PieBoy: onya langy
Matteas: Danger unstoppable. Look for north to lock down hard after quarter time
cadelcamac: Danger = 10 disposals and 5 marks in 20 minutes of running time. Go you good thing!!
LuvIt74: If the cats kick straiht as they are they should smash North as north have yet to play top sides, however if cats dont
JockMcPie: kick it danger
LuvIt74: convert then north will win
casey22: Cape for danger!
essendon30: bit harsh giving cunnington the icicle this early
feralmong: icicle ziebell at least.
cusch1: Cunnington isn’t even on the field…..getting iced up from an early corkie
Bazza2014: hence the icicle i guess lol
Raspel31: Well I’m Gawn-Danger, should have had faith.
mattmac24: When you accidentally captain Ablett in stead of Danger.. Gonna need a huge game from Gaz
feralmong: well u still get half of danger’s capt score.
mattmac24: Yeah but 5/6 of my opponents have captained him
bachi: danger already passed neale
casey22: Repeat, cape for Danger!
mattmac24: He kicks those but can’t kick a set shot!
PieBoy: onya paddy
Lecras: goal danger
cadelcamac: DANGER GOALLLL. captain oh captain, you are beautiful.
feralmong: oh man that hurts my eyes.
PureSwag: For once in my life I want, Ben Jacobs to play my opponent has him as Captain.
FlagDog: Rocky captain in DT, Danger captain in SC. Weekend bliss!!
ryanbob: How’s that a free kick, ziebell pulled him goal
feralmong: see what happened there. said icicle ziebell. now two goals. Next.
Jukes82: glad i loopholed Danger
bliss35: ziebell ya flog
Ben_Gogos: Dangerfield, we salute you!
Thedude24: Go captain danger and go North!!!
frenzy: duckwood got sum of his own back
bones351: Damn. Just realized I stuffed up my VC. Have it on Danger but didn’t put Wyatt on field to loop hole. Doh!
Emmaw: geez Danger looking to go huge
Bazza2014: sounds like this is made for cats now, swallow most likely gone from that pic, cunnington corked.
bones351: Goldy and Nic Nat playing now.
Fatbar5tad: Another easy out the back goal. We seem to give up a lot of those.
mattmac24: Frenzy.. Really with the duckwood?
Kekkington: I put the VC on Selwood instead of Danger
ryanbob: I hate our innaccuracy, can never put much distance between the other team
poolboybob: Danger is in beast mode tonight
Raspel31: Neale capped-Danger passed him at quarter time. Sorry Danger-sorry me and carn Geelong.
Thedude24: Lol geelong continue their poor kicking at goal.
FlagDog: Cmon Bartel, keep going up!
cadelcamac: Danger @ 20 disposals already. Far out…
Fatbar5tad: And were behind. Fucking bullshit.
ryanbob: Every team turns into a dead eye at goal when we play them lately lol
cusch1: Swallow and nds down plus cunngton sore
Fatbar5tad: Fuck off he missed!
Fatbar5tad: Easy goal out the back. Rinse. Repeat.
Solat: aint that the truth ryan
Bazza2014: swallow done, tracky dacked up
JRedden: get going goldy ffs, got you in week before injury
willywalks: has 200 been cracked in dt before?
mattmac24: Boomer killing us!
Fatbar5tad: Any idea Chris? Any at all?
Bazza2014: boomers 9 possies much better than dangers 20???
cusch1: I hate to say it but boom boom pow
Karlpov: Cats mids stopped running back
the worm: yes its been cracked a few times
Thedude24: Wowow boomer 4 goals
spudaroos: Boomer is unbelievable, play 500 fella.
Bazza2014: goal umpire muppett
the worm: not 100% sure, but i think gaz buddy and stanton have cracked it??…i could be wrong
BrutalKX: the one week i take danger off captain
kangawalla: Cape Booma?
Bazza2014: etihad stadium is a graveyard, few sore boys after this one
the worm: oops, just checked, it was only buddy
mattmac24: J.Smith(Collingwood) or Hopper on field?
cusch1: Stanton on par with buddy and gaj? Who’d have thought
ryanbob: Our forward line doesn’t exist anymore
Thedude24: Danger to rack up 53 disposals. Called it
Emmaw: Triple cape for Danger
Thedude24: Hopefully cats are exhausted after battle north and doggies at etihad. Then us at etihad after a week off!!!!!
JockMcPie: how well is sam gibson going? no1 cares because look at danger!!
Fatbar5tad: North to finish with no bench and win
BrutalKX: @ryanbob atleast its not as bad as having joe daniher
the worm: and nobdy cares cos its sam gibson
insano: good drugs cusch… he thinks he on par with gaj buddy lol
cusch1: Brutal you’re an idiot. Joe was great last night and will be a star.mhe is only 21
cusch1: Insano you’re an idiot too.nthst comment was in reference to the worms comment
the worm: yep, Big Joe is a Cloke in the making
BrutalKX: daniher may have a good game now and then but id compare him to cloke
Fatbar5tad: Another point 🙁
the worm: google dream team scoring records, it takes you to fanfooty’s all time list
ryanbob: Oh my God, how is that a high on ziebell he ducked in to it
mattmac24: Joe with good team behind him can play very wel.
poido123: @cusch, Daniher sucks and always will be. regretting not VC Danger :/
whafc: raise your bat danger
Fatbar5tad: Absolute wombat
kangawalla: Shower kicking Cats!
Thedude24: Lol didn’t know cats complain about ducking
bones351: God I hope Mendue isn’t a late in. I can sub him for Dusty and give him the C to get Dangers VC.
ryanbob: I keep wondering the same thing every week, how the hell are we losing. We beat ourselves, other team doesn’t need to
theoc: Kirsten appears to be scared of the ball
Thedude24: Lmao why do cats not know how to shoot at goal????
mattmac24: If we could kick straight, we’d win this easily.
Yelse: might as well use the loop hole now for danger incase i gorget later lol
Fatbar5tad: 5 more scoring shots..10 points behind. Story of our season.
crazyet23: yep already done that @ Yelse 😀
frenzy: penguin stanley
Yelse: wells is a keeper as F6
Raspel31: The only week I couldn’t use the loop-Danger-aargh.
whafc: any news on Menzel guys???
LuvIt74: well i just took the captain off Pendles and put it on macpherson.
LuvIt74: I called it 5 minutes in the 1st, i said if the cats convert they will kill the roos but if not then they r stuffed
LuvIt74: 14 to 9 scoring
LuvIt74: will Danger score 200
frenzy: who do you follow @ ben Gogos
PieBoy: onya paddy
BrutalKX: think danger will get 160
J_Pinkman: i took the vc off danger earlier today…i hate my life
Willymack1: Vc Selwood i cant complain
SilverLion: Lift Danger…
Thedude24: How does a team fix such an issue? This inaccuracy will cost the cats a flag
Thedude24: 5 weeks straight now I reckon
cusch1: The beard is all class
Yelse: bartel needs to trim or shave that beard.
Willymack1: Its a great beard
the worm: every week someone has to make male grooming tips….
THESKUNK: go cats in my multi
ryanbob: We kicked two goals straight? What a rarity
Willymack1: If i had a beard like his id never shave
mattmac24: I think the beard suits him!
whafc: its for a great cause Yelse
ryanbob: Lol how was that ziebell hit not a free kick down field…
Yelse: it seems to never grow any longer. his had the same length for ages. either go longer or trim
CrowEaters: Did Clangerfield bring his own ball
the worm: yelse wants a whole league of Rance’s for his enjoyment
vamos77: If your Dad doesn’t have a beard you’ve got two Mums
Yelse: @whafc wat cause?
LuvIt74: carn North ya flogs
whafc: pretty sure violence against women mate
makemequac: Whats the bet that spud rooboy doesnt show hi face here tonight
LuvIt74: Sorry Ryan im not actually a roo’s fan m8
auxDT: CrowEaters you mean ClearanceField?
All Reds: james aish’s beard but
mattmac24: 4 goals in a row… wot..?
the worm: i dont tip or bet on footy, just hope the cats win cos i detest north
LuvIt74: Wish Motlop will start doing something Fuck i wish i swapped him to zorko
Thedude24: Come on roos lift
poido123: north are nearly done here. key injuries to inside players, they cant let this lead get any worse
thommoae: rooboy is … at the game. Gotta applaud that!
Solat: contestedpossesionfield
ryanbob: Everyone drank an accuracy potion at half time it seems
mattmac24: Same here The Worm
CrowEaters: auxDT Aye Clangerfield & 17 defenders
iZander: why hasnt danger got the star?
LuvIt74: @ryan then need to give motlop a ball potion or something
vamos77: Jimmy’s beard is like Mrs Vamos’ clam
FlagDog: Bartel cursed since i got him in this week.
heppelitis: lol
cusch1: Whatever is under it hasn’t been seen in years vamos?
man0005: But Jimmy’s beard isn’t imaginary vamos
Heizenberg: Hi guys, hi hepp
casey22: Danger’s brownlow
thommoae: Bartel vowed not to shave off his beard until the Cats kicked 6 straight.
ryanbob: Lol Thomas complaining about a high, he’s the last person who should say something
theoc: @thommoae the beard will be taller than him by the time its shaved
heppelitis: evening heizenberg
vamos77: Oh it’s real she even plaits it on special occasions
CrowEaters: Clangerfield for PM
mattmac24: What’s the record for the most disposals in a game?
Heizenberg: Sup hep?
Raspel31: I might have capped Neale-the worst of my midfiekd but go Dnanger and go Cats.
cadelcamac: CrowEaters..does it hurt seeing Dangerfield doing so well?
FlagDog: Danger has no chance
casey22: Was happy with C on Rocky & V on danger until this
heppelitis: drinkin pure blonde and red wine…and watchin footy..alls good
vamos77: Really regretting taking the VC of danger, I thought Norf might tag him even without Jacobs
HappyDEZ: Gibson now tagging Danger.
zazzman77: 53 diesel williams & hobgoblin ablett
heppelitis: thank god vamos talkin footy gain lol
Heizenberg: Hahahah nice nice hepp
Heizenberg: Im drinking beer 🙂
Heizenberg: Lol yeahn hepp
heppelitis: cheers big ears!
Jaypa: Danger needs his own unique Icon for when he goes off like this, bloke is a dead set freak
ryanbob: God damn we should be well clear of North by now. Are they always this straight kickers?
BrutalKX: brad scott a little slow with getting the tag on danger
Kekkington: Ehhh Blicavs
heppelitis: not sure you can tag ..too explosive going full beast mose
Raspel31: My game gone after Neale as cap pick. Now just want to see Norff whipped.
Heizenberg: Cheers hepp hehhe
FlagDog: So glad I wasted $100k on upgrading a rookie to bartel this week, what a potato.
Jaypa: @brutalKX Brad’s got Danger C so he let him notch up the 130 odd before making the switch lol
BrutalKX: ill never have my captain pick against robinson
heppelitis: *mode
CrowEaters: ine too Raspel31 but Danger as C might make up for it
cusch1: Someone tell Luke darcy his name is Motlop not Dunlop
Thedude24: Lmaoo bt just called him Dunlop
Jaypa: I’ve always known Motlop as “overrated hack”
mattmac24: Glad someone else picked up on that Cusch1
Heizenberg: Hahahaha i heard that idiot!!!!
Raspel31: Well I didn’t know brutal -but agree. Watching rugger anyway.
cusch1: Bt has wood for mason
Ben_Gogos: Huge effort from Wood!
ryanbob: Kick a bloody behind north
Grazz: VC on Danger about all that iv’e got right this weekend and that wasn’t that hard 🙁
heppelitis: goodyear for pies…now dunlop for cats lol
CrowEaters: What the score in rugby ?
circle52: Took the VC of Danger and put on Selwood Bad move
BrutalKX: @raspel31 Robinson got me earlier in the year, everyone he tags struggles
circle52: 26-13 to England Croweater
Brad_J: 13-26 england are up
Raspel31: England killing Australia Crow.
64frogs: get a kick dangerfield. ya overated hack
explodey: Kangaroos extremely lucky to be within 7 goals.
circle52: Australia being penalised out of it 2 tries each
Grazz: Cheers Raspel wont bother watching it then haha
Bazza2014: cricket score?
heppelitis: maybe he needs to tackle too frogs
Raspel31: We’ll get banned for talking another game-but 2 tries each and 30 to go. Good game.
circle52: Wallabies now down to 14 men with one in sin bin. Dngland have penalties 14 0- 4
CrowEaters: Clangerfield gunna get 50 touches
cusch1: Motm is dimitri payet
circle52: Penalties now 15 -4 and score will be 29-13
Bazza2014: 200+ SC for clangerfield
Raspel31: Oz gone-English penalty and player sent off.
ryanbob: Lol crow, “clangerfield” wasn’t funny the first time and it still isn’t the 10th time
Bazza2014: its growing on me
runt: Clangerfield wasted by the Crows, no support whatsoever
All Reds: 83%degerfield
Raspel31: Cusch-you see that Pyet goal?. Wow.
cusch1: Daniel Menzel is the reason stevie j is in gws colours this year
FlagDog: Will bartell get to 90 this qtr?
vamos77: dangercloke is better
cusch1: Raspel giroud pushing him over as a celebration made it 10x better raspel
Bazza2014: cunnington won even tackle
mattmac24: Watch the roo boys complain that the only reason we beat them is because of injuries.
The39Steps: No chance of winning rugby if you haven’t got a kicker.
cusch1: Bulldogs supporters don’t mind using that excuse mattmac
the worm: Soccer – Low scoring, slow action, and scoreless draws?….you betcha!!
Jaypa: Salty Crows supporters calling him Clangerfield :'(
Bazza2014: #floodgates #blowout
JRedden: get going goldy ton up here
Jaypa: Fast Kicking, Low Scoring, and Ties? YOU BET
vamos77: “We” mattmac, turncoat
Hadouken: dammit went rocky C over danger….hehe
cusch1: X factor Menzel, yin yang boomer
ryanbob: Lol it baffles me how people criticise soccer for being low scoring. It’s a completely different game to afl
Raspel31: Going down by hundreds for being one of the few idiots that didn’t cap Danger. The best laid plans
ryanbob: How can you call that touched…there was no evidence to say it was
circle52: Touched following score review
heppelitis: Wells has been very good
ryanbob: How did that get called touch…there was no evidence to show it. Horrible decision
Thedude24: North running out of legs. Unfortunate with injuries today
Jaypa: Simpsons reference @ryanbob
BrutalKX: i cant watch soccer, cant stand the fact i can sit there for 90 minutes and watch a 0-0
cusch1: Ryanbob open up the other eye mate it was touched….just
circle52: Just remember Raspel you only go down by the difference in C’s
FlagDog: Soooooooooo happy Danger as C in SC this week, vs Pendles
Amare: touched my ass
Thedude24: Yea it was clearly touched
The39Steps: Every team cops injuries. North are big sooks, always the victims.
Raspel31: Soccer my passion ryanbob-a 1-nil win can be absorbing. But been nanned for talking other sports.
ryanbob: Yeah I think it migjt have been just touched on second viewing
smithy28: when you put the C on Neale instead of Danger
64frogs: hoppers aren’t contenders. too old
mattmac24: Vamos77. I’m both Geelong and Bulldogs as my family has always been split between the two.
casey22: Brilliant Danger
Torz: McCarthy won’t be much of a heartbeat in the byes.
cusch1: How the fuck did danger get there that quickly
frenzy: would you pls retire dal santo, ur showerhouse
LuvIt74: carn Motlop score 60 in 10 minutes.
Kekkington: Danger I don’t have you captain please STAHP.
mattmac24: Just like the Dog’s colours and Fanfooty badge better.
LuvIt74: North are crap
Solat: what a hero
LuvIt74: North no chance for the premiership they cannot compete against top sides.
cusch1: 20 sc for that piece of brilliance from danger
LuvIt74: Danger to score 200+ what a gun
Raspel31: Yep smithy 28-dumb me
makemequac: Rooboy? Are u here?
LuvIt74: Whats the most possessions in a game?
FlagDog: Please Bartel 🙁
Solat: give danger two stars Gogos
Kekkington: At least I have Selwood VC
kangawalla: RooBoy went to Etihad tonight. Was on air earlier.
PieBoy: onya wellsy
Ben_Gogos: @Solat would if I could
Kekkington: Pretty sure Gaz’s 53 possession game is the highest
HappyDEZ: Great quarter of defence from Ruggles. Been a rock.
Shaundog: Settle down quac
cusch1: He’ll be on his was home though kanga. Would have left 10 minutes ago
makemequac: Im pretty sure we wont see rooboy again this weekend
Raspel31: I can’t see beyond Kekk’s call.
BrutalKX: i agree luvit north has no xfactor, theyve barely been getting their wins and its been an easy start to the season
LuvIt74: ok well GAJ will be safe
FlagDog: Please keep it up Bartel,need atleast 90!
JRedden: whys goldy so quiet tonight
PieBoy: onya paddy
mattmac24: a mark to go over 200
Jaypa: First time ever 3 consecutive scores of 200 scored in SC?
Kekkington: They are trying to feed Danger now
LuvIt74: Motlop is going to lose another $80k
cusch1: Goldy isn’t 100%. Surely not, rarely sighted around the ground
LuvIt74: Goldy is on the bench thats why
Raspel31: Only 2nd real test for Norff-close, but not there yet.
Zeratul: Need some garbage time from Ziebell =/
BrutalKX: cant believe this happens to me the 1 time i dont have danger as captain
Grazz: Well done Danger, simply outstanding. Don’t see it often.
myteamsuks: Oh captain danger I love you
Pokerface: come on gaz you can beat this score of dangers.
cusch1: Danger jelwood Bartel ziebell and goldy have given me 650 off points. Over the moon
Raspel31: 400 as cap compared to 118 for Neale-can’t win from there.
SilverLion: Lift Danger…
tabs: Garbage it up Danger
PieBoy: should i give the c to paddy or pendy. decisions
Bazza2014: still not happy about SC scores Silverlion???
makemequac: Shaundog stfu
cusch1: Like port play never tear us apart, north should play the pretenders by foo fighters before each and every game
64frogs: Surely Dangers score will be scaled up a bit
poido123: this hurts. no danger captain 🙁
lisapizza7: Gee the norf fans are quiet
LuvIt74: Think everyone has Danger as Captain
LuvIt74: Why poido123 why?
cusch1: My opponent doesn’t even have danger or Selwood for that matter. I’ve got him captain
Brad_J: gg
Thedude24: North pretty unlucky. Swallow out early and quite a few sore players
casey22: Have him as cap in Ult & SC & VC in dt
LuvIt74: Motlop score is BS, he scored 2 points for his goal 5 mins ago
jfitty: Bartel the ultimate seagull
cusch1: Dangerfield spud. Couldn’t even get to 50 weak effort
poido123: i did rocky VC and still deciding C.
oc16: i had selwood as captain instead. missed out on about 80 points…bugger
BrutalKX: i feel you poido ive had captain on danger from the start but i picked up rockliff and he was against freo
PieBoy: not me =- i have him as vc and hally as captain
LuvIt74: i got Wells though
Grazz: Plenty will have the VC on Danger I reckon
Grazz: Plenty will have the VC on Danger I think
All Reds: gotta learn to loophole
Viscount: You are right Grazz, I have to take off Hopper for Mcpherson but you cant say no to 217