King_Robbo: Wood and McGovern out. Probably evens out. Go dogs!
vartic: Williams in YES
J.Worrall: yip, GoLittleDoggies!
RooBoyStu: Empty the Piggy Bank and whack it on West Coast, will win, Dogs overrated
ryanbob: williams has screwed my whole loophole and miss out on tippa. i hate sundays
King_Robbo: This will be a great game. Two of the best teams in it this year
Rockafella: McGovern is a big out but
Shaundog: Go dogs
Krispin_35: Anyone else here them say Lloyd instead of boyd
Roksta: Wood is one of the best intercept marks in the comp rockafella. So probably even with the outs
makemequac: North most over rated team this season muppet
cusch1: Red path is twice the player Tom Boyd is and on one tenth of the cash
Torz: Standard Biggs.
Lecras: liberatore got a mark and a kick wheres his +6
Roksta: Redpath is 5 years older cusch lol
JButcher: Kennedy please
SilverLion: Loving the SC scores…
Barniclez: is kennedy playing… cant find him
Breezey: The games started Biggs you flowerin wombat
Barniclez: bring out the magnifying glass
PieBoy: cmon sc scores
OnTheRocks: supercoach page has crashed. probably got flooded
ryanbob: i hate you so much bailey williams
Nocash: get a touch Williams – your start has cost me Wagners 100.
Jackwatt$: Oh no! M0ntys calculators out of batteries again!
SilverLion: Get in the game Libba
m0nty: out of my hands I’m afraid… we have to wait
NewFreoFan: Williams really making the most of his opportunity this game
ryanbob: me to NoCash, cost me tippas 80 and dangers loophole
Hadouken: come on libba, jeez ya spud
OnTheRocks: fucking rookies beating my 2 more expensive players
Nocash: Any chance you get near it Bailey FFS
CrowEaters: SC site down also
Nocash: not good RyanBob
heppelitis: any chance you can get near it libba, williams, biggs or jjk…lol
King_Robbo: Dunkley is an absolute ripper. How he didn’t go higher in the draft ill never know
PieBoy: pull your finger out champion data
PieBoy: cmon monty make a few calls
cusch1: Why are clubs still wearing their indigenous jumpers? Cats yesterday, dogs today
JButcher: Kennedy you spoon!
Barniclez: kennedy you spud lift
awesomeguy: ive got some scores from the other game: pendles 120, smith 65, young 99, wingard 106, gray 90
SilverLion: lift libba, you flog
shaker: Because it’s indigenous round
JButcher: Is anybody’s AFL fantasy down?
Umpirespet: Umps taking charge now doggies losing
PieBoy: onya awesomeguy
deanie: those scores are pre-scaled too so lets hope pendles gets some more points 🙂
Mileroo30: Mine is
Yelse: why lib DT so low with 6 posis
9inch: Sidebum?
Tigger5: where’d you get them from @awesomeguy
Bazza2014: my fantasy hasnt been working for 30-40mins
PieBoy: onya libby
Torpedo10: Pittard ? @awesomeguy
CrowEaters: Supercoach down, bad weather ?
dipstick: both fantasy and dream team down for me
awesomeguy: sidebottom 92, pittard 82
awesomeguy: go on doctor supercoach on facebook boys
SilverLion: Kennedy no possies for 12dt, libber 6 possies for 8. gg CD. gg.
Krispin_35: Picked Dunkley from the start as a loophole option and then he starts to play and is about to make the money
9inch: Cheers
m0nty: there is an outage at Amazon Sydney, might have to wait a while
Roksta: Umpirespet = flog
cusch1: What number is Dunkley?
Shaundog: C’mon doggies!!
Roksta: Libba!!!
9inch: Kennedy needs to start leading up the ground
dipstick: m0nty powers thru the outage. pigs tit its amazon. its that shitty Telstra fackers
TyCarlisle: There are other ways to acquire DT points without possessions… surely people know that
Umpirespet: So was that deliberate out of bounds Rok
OnTheRocks: cmon dollhouse you lazy prick
the worm: @silverlion are u aware you get points for tackles and lose points for giving away frees?
CrowEaters: thanks @ awesomeguy
SaintsMan: 20 cusch
heppelitis: who is doggies capt today?
Roksta: 20 cusch
OnTheRocks: Dunkley is 20
Torz: Biggs is a master of avoiding the ball.
RooBoyStu: no generators at Amazon? What a joke
Bazza2014: kennedy beating hutchings who has had 5 touches
sfmmp23: heppelitis bont, wood was a late out
Shaundog: Bont is capt
Jackwatt$: ESPN footy tips are out too! This is a bloody outrage! I mean outage
Tigger5: i think its Bont @saintsman
9inch: The bont is capt
Harmes37: Dogs C is Bont today
mattmac24: Heppelitis, Bont is acting captain today
Bazza2014: dogs wasting chances
heppelitis: thx gents
Jackwatt$: The whole internet is down! It’s the acopolysis! Only has survived!
OnTheRocks: piss off dunkley and adams
GJayBee: I am worried that in times of real war or catastrophe that not enough will be done to insure SC
SilverLion: @the worm even so, you’ have thought 6 possies should be worth more than 8, even with 2 FA
ausgooner: Heard that Bont is stand-in captain today
Bazza2014: apocalypse?
heppelitis: dont blame the greeks jackwatts lol
Roksta: Did he try and keep it in pet?
ryanbob: dahl youre killing me
the worm: handballs are worth 2 points, some of the inside mids handbal alot, it’s not a big surprise especially for libba
SilverLion: better libba, better
ajdunno: 2 Clangers as well silverLion. Look at the stats
poido123: lets go hunter, boyd 🙂
Roksta: McLean down
dipstick: m0nty must be jacking out a pirate signal from his garage 😂
SilverLion: Loving it Dahl, getting you this week nice and cheap.
SilverLion: the 2 clangers were the FA adjunno, you cant get penalised twice for the one thing.
the worm: The interesting question is whether the doggies can play well without a captain for the day
shaker: What is going on I can’t even open SC ?
JButcher: major data centre outage is whats causing the fantasy sites to be down
cusch1: Worm everyone at the club and outside has said Bont is their next captain. They’ve got a captain out there and a goodone
ajdunno: And 3 tackles is worthless? The scoring is pretty easy to understand.
SilverLion: Icicle for Kennedy.
Homer1: SuperCoach Alert A major data centre outage in Sydney is affecting a number of online services incl fantasy sites. Exper
Mileroo30: Somebody please tag hunter
SilverLion: A major data centre outage in Sydney is affecting a number of online services incl fantasy sites. Experts working to fix
mattmac24: @the worm, Bont is acting captain today
mattmac24: Bont is acting captain today @The worm
the worm: probably keeping evreyone in the dark so they can help rig results with the betting agencies of sc scores
Jukes82: Liber going ok, the FA’s hurt
the worm: thanks, was wondering who the captain was, i dont think it had been mentioned
PieBoy: cmon sydney data centres pull your finger out
dipstick: experts? LOL nearly 2 hrs to fix a blackout? expert my alps
RooBoyStu: This is why I refuse to pay for SC Gold, wonder if subscribers will get some sort of refund. #ThievesHS
King_Robbo: Wonder where all the stringer haters have gone today. Absolute gun. Remember he’s only 22. Scary
tomblackny: Lucky i put Hunter captain hey boys
rooboypete: Love it that m0nty’s site is ok while AFL fantasy & footytips are down…
rooboypete: Love Hunter’s work. hope he don’t vanish after HT
heppelitis: lol @the worm, my kid asked me…thats why i asked here….quite the response I got
King_Robbo: That’s the first thing we agree on RooBoy. HS are a joke
SilverLion: @King_RObbo He is an inconsistent flog. Give me Hogan anyday.
heppelitis: m0nties site never breaks lol
shaker: you don’t pay for SC GOLD roo boy because you are as tight as a Scottsman
rooboypete: hi rooboystu. Are you enjoying the view from the top of ladder like me?
RooBoyStu: 2016 a bit of rain and we can’t run normally
frenzy: m0nties, Lol @ hepp
RooBoyStu: loving it rooboypete and will be even better after we beat the pussy cats this week.
cusch1: Oh god there are two of them now
sjmann: moneyball site down too?
rooboypete: too true rbstu
heppelitis: haha. didn’t realize i did that
Roksta: Rood need to beat cats to be a real contender
King_Robbo: Silverlion. You’re kidding right? The ‘hulk’ who did sweet fa yesterdays? Poor argument. Be better
mattmac24: You rooboys better hope GWS beat Sydney or you’re gonna end up 2nd
rooboypete: always has been cusch1, you just hadn’t noticed…
dipstick: I heard noones ever won SC without SC gold
PieBoy: hogan easily
King_Robbo: The Roos are pretenders. Will go out in straight sets this year
sfmmp23: Anyone know how long sc is down for?
frenzy: they would be m0nty’s kids, m0nties
Breezey: Deadset flogathon here
jackbastas: when is SC and fanfooty sc scores going to be back up
rooboypete: You wish King_robbo
Jackwatt$: Can you buy shares with Fanfooty?
9inch: Anyone else bring in Lycett for Goldy via dpp. Good pick I reckon at f6 for the year.
Viscount: Pies and Power score are up
TheHawk: Can see north get to prelims again, nothing more.
man0005: As a Western Bulldogs fan, KingRobbo is an expert on overrated teams.
RooBoyStu: West Coast will win this
sfmmp23: Viscount, where at?
mattmac24: I agree TheHawk
sfmmp23: North will get beaten by the hard sides, proven by the swans
LuvIt74: Is SC site down?
Generalsor: ILY Hunter
shaker: Norf’s only chance is this year half of them will be in an old folks home next year
tmcmah: Does pendles have a claim for the brownlow this year?
LuvIt74: @tmcmah not 11 rounds into the season no way
mattmac24: tmcmah, I’m thinking Pendles, Hanners or Neale at this point
LuvIt74: Can someone please check out the SC site?
tmcmah: surely tracking in the right direction – he’s been the stand out player in most games, and at 21/1..
mattmac24: Still down LuvIt
heppelitis: mixed feelings today…welcome to my team jjk and hunter
M0rgs: Regret the day I made Gibbs captain over Hunter
shaker: There all down Luvit
LuvIt74: Are u forgetting Hawthorn for the brownlow, they will get 3 votes each round…lol
LuvIt74: Thanks shaker. Why no SC scores error
tmcmah: lol
dipstick: DT is back online
mattmac24: Neale deserve one I reckon! Has had an outstanding game almost every round so far with Fyfe out
tmcmah: Sloane stinking it a bit lately
Mileroo30: tmcmah please no spoilers
tmcmah: @mileroo30 just as a general thought of course!
Jukes82: give hunter the gun already
kosduras: @mattmac little to no chance unfortunately. rarely are you gonna get BOG in a team that wins 2-3 games all year
shaker: Looking like the Weagles have brought there ski’s this week
Torz: Hunter is a jet.
kosduras: im reffering to neale btw haha
Mileroo30: haha good good. bloody delayed on tv for me
mattmac24: Kosduras, I know, it sucks, he’s put such a huge effort in this season, feel bad for him with how bad freo have been
LuvIt74: this game is a cracker, hard at the ball and a shoot out, by far best game of the week thus far.
ryanbob: do something dahl
LuvIt74: I think bevrige just said “You gotta be fucking kidding” if I lip read right
BallHog: Go nuts Hunter!
frenzy: was hoping I didn’t have to use a trade on libba
mattmac24: @Ryanbob.. Feeling your pain
Roksta: Tv for hurn
Hadouken: yess libba
tmcmah: SC back up for me
cusch1: You’re joking roksta
tmcmah: Doesnt look like scores have been scaled yet
deanie: SC back
Roksta: Chose to bump and got his head cusch
Shaundog: Woof woof!
frenzy: see if i’m winning tmcmah
LuvIt74: @frenzy keep him m8 he is a perfect m8
9inch: Doggies too good for weagles
theoc: Was so tempted to make Hunter my captain, left it with Dangerfield. Am regretting my decision now…
ryanbob: might be temped to bring hunter in
cusch1: I’d like to see you stop sprinting in three steps, after roughead lowers his head as he gets rid of the ball. Nothing in
boges11: Hunter saw Rocky’s score and thought “I can beat that”
Breezey: I’m with you Cusch. Didn’t even try to bump
mattmac24: Libba is gonna be my permanent m8
wadaramus: GEe whiz, the news icon looks much like the tombstone, I thought Dahlhaus was gone!
tmcmah: @frenzy you’re winning mate
OnTheRocks: Lachie GUNter
sfmmp23: Lift Nic Nat
Barniclez: hunters hard work being undone by kennedy and nic nat 🙁
ryanbob: williams inclusion is gonna cost me about 130 points…i hate this game and i hate dahl
LuvIt74: Surely Hunters SC is incorrect?
MarksMen: big difference between Hunters DT and SC…
Jukes82: nicnat needs the bandaid, had a blood nose.
SilverLion: Disposal efficiency is very important in SC @LuvIt
Breezey: Hunter going real big
iZander: and rightly so @marksmen 😛
LuvIt74: Hoping Marcus Adams scores 75
JButcher: When you realise the swans and suns key forwards did better in a pool than kennedy today
King_Robbo: CD ripping hunter off big time!
ajdunno: Hunter has only 4 CP 67% eff. 4 clangers.
jayshi: can someone please fix the sc scores!!!! keeps showing then disappearing
mattmac24: Hunter’s 67% DE and 4 clangers don’t help his SC score
sfmmp23: SC was just up now its gone again.
NewFreoFan: and contested possessions
LuvIt74: @SL I understand that however the discrepancy cannot be correct
sfmmp23: Whats going on with sc? When will it be back up
The_Joker: Need a big one from Libba in this qrt
ryanbob: thought nic nat would be higher in sc, seen lots of HOTA from him
sfmmp23: luvit it seems as it might be wrong, some scores seem a little odd
LuvIt74: @mattmac24 where can u see the clangers mate?
Roksta: Ryanbob losing points for shared taps though
frenzy: dunkley had a touch since qtr time
LuvIt74: HTF did the Bont miss that
LuvIt74: Carn doggies
ryanbob: you lose points for that? i thought itd just be nothing
mattmac24: @LuvIt the frog face is clangers
LuvIt74: Dogs should be 6 goals in front at least shocking accuracy
Roksta: 28 for wc got a bit scared with redpath coming through
LuvIt74: I dont see a frog face
Roksta: Think darling has stolen some of hunters sc
LuvIt74: ok mate cheers sorry had screen not fully expanded
Tigger5: next to clearances and DE @luvit
Grazz: Cheers Hunter, playing with a Goldy donut so this helps
CrowEaters: horay SC back online
Austin: anyone have the fantasy site working
JButcher: fantasy still down
dipstick: nicnat has zero idea how to get a mark
LuvIt74: @Tigger yeah m8 found it my screen wasn’t fully maximised.
LuvIt74: NicNat scoring crap
vartic: another of those and maybe the matchwinner please jjk
superpls10: the week i get in mic nat for blicavs
Shaundog: For fuck sake carn dogs!
Austin: big finish coming
LuvIt74: Dogs looking a little flat late, they need to compose themselves they played a flawless 3 quarters and 10 mins in last
superpls10: trade out blicavs for naitanui the one week he plays poor
sfmmp23: Sitting at 1800 with 4 to go, Libba, Adams, Yeo and Nic Nat usually would be safe for a 2150+ score today not so sure
SilverLion: Down arrow for naitanui and kennedy
LuvIt74: Libba flashy
LuvIt74: Carn doggies ffs keep it going
Roksta: Libba again!!!
dipstick: top goal
mattmac24: JJK needs to not score another point.. the way Laird is getting scored, I need JJK to make up for that loss in points
LuvIt74: Sitting on 1861 with Libba, Adams, NicNat & Laird
dipstick: great goal lil labia
Hadouken: libba youre safe for another week
LuvIt74: Dogs need to slow the fuck down when they mark it
Breezey: Darling is looking at the trade table for me
Roksta: Rucks no good v dogs
LuvIt74: @Hadouken what more do u want from a $350k player he is a great M8
Choppy: dahl and nicnat……..ffs
Gordo450: Is it just me or has Nic Nat been in a “green pasture” lately?
LuvIt74: Well done doggies but we should have won by 6 goals if we kicked straight
J.Worrall: Well done Doggies!
Shaundog: Eat a dik rooboystu stu. Turd
Shaundog: Woof woof!!
Torz: Funny how many rucks have scored less than Stef Martin this week.
King_Robbo: Go dogs! Anyone who doesn’t think we’re contenders are kidding themselves
sfmmp23: The doggies have kept Gawn, Goldy and Nic Nat to a low score
King_Robbo: Oh and how’s your savings on west coast winning roo boy? What a north flog
Grazz: Dogs fans, clean it up. No need for any of that rubbish
happylab: @king_robbo, see what happens when the dogs actually start playing away
shaker: To be fair Grazz rooboy stu is a bit of flog he insulted me over the spelling of a word I posted earlier today