OnTheRocks: go Bombers!
J.Worrall: Can the Bombers win another?
OnTheRocks: this is going to be their best chance
LuvIt74: I’m putting money on the bombers only if Freo are at least 3 or 4 goals up coz ill get better odds. Freo are tanking.
vartic: Freo will wanna win this one for sure, gotta do something to hold off a tanking investigation
OnTheRocks: batt;e for the wooden spoon here?
grossn: Freo will destroy them as they have been officially accused of tanking
Tigger5: barlow decided to turn up in the first quarter this week i see
vartic: they’ve gotta be careful not to do this too easy or it’ll look even more like they’re tanking
JockMcPie: was going to captain barlow – dont do this to me
HydeSide: lasalle?
heppelitis: 33 posies to four what a joke
Hadouken: any of the essendon boys rock up to play ?
BenW: Taberner got a goal – Freo must be tanking
Generalsor: Captain Zerret…
cusch1: Freo winning Daniher kicking straight. What’s happening tonight
DrSeuss: Zaha? You there?
heppelitis: great move starting zerret on the pine worsfold
poido123: blakely?
jalapenoh: What the hell is ZAHA doing?
cusch1: Wtf was that free kick for??
willywalks: only way freo are going to win with free kicks like that
heppelitis: butcher for gwilt…week in week out
CrowEaters: Get the purple superman ready
fruity: Anyone found Zaha yet,,,
JockMcPie: zaha lol, stay low
willywalks: amt will probably get a week for that
carlton_99: when u put zaharakis captain 🙁
sMiles: Zaha – is he injured?
heppelitis: my opponent has zakka as capt lol
leorosman_: mac tip is gonna have a spell, suspended
Vinstar: @carlton_99 you aren’t alone
heppelitis: news flash,,,zakka under investigation for his,,,we are not tanking comment lol
poido123: stay down zaha 🙂 lets go zerrett
DrSeuss: Zaha just standing around packs and watching – looking lazy
Generalsor: How did zeroes not get given points for the Pav tackle??
ryanbob: lol these freo fans boo everything, so annoying
Generalsor: Zerret
Hadouken: wow zaha, just wow…
Jukes82: barlow on pace to get his sc breakeven
Generalsor: That’s better, 12 is more palatable than 8
RooBoyStu: Barlow chasing Rocky’s 204
tabs: HAd he VC on Rocky and forgot to take the C off Danger
tabs: Go Barlow
JButcher: Zaharakis is doing a good job of reminding how may wins Freo have
cusch1: Was gwilt not pushed in the back then?
LuvIt74: now i will bet on Essendon to win
AngryRyno: come on Tucker, score keeps going up and down and back up again
willywalks: zaha witha soccer, does that count has a kick haha
Kekkington: No purple cape?
Crowls: luey what a piece of shite
cusch1: Are freo supporters racist for booing tippa
Crowls: daniehr, if only we can find the button to turn this block on. Would be awesome
J.Worrall: Is the pope a mick?
vamos77: barlow won’t get near it now Ross the Toss has him tagging Zaka, What a fuckwit
JockMcPie: @cucsh yeah lol, if tippa was a sook the news would be all over it xD
J.Worrall: U said you were in the car tabs!
sfmmp23: Zaha is going worse than Hall
nbartos: now ya can’t boo anyone whose coloured??
Gordo450: Zaha is breaking my Balls!!!
Crowls: lucky I have hall and merret. wish I had kept the rookies
Crowls: What a shower decision on Tucker. BS
nbartos: I’ve got some Indian in me from me mum – if anyone boos me they’re racist ok
JockMcPie: barlow disappeared this term?
LuvIt74: Barlow hasn’t scored since quarter time
nbartos: C’mon Barlow fly boy
cusch1: Bartos do you even sarcasm? It’s a joke buddy. Grow up and get off your high horse
JRedden: what a pickup collins is, great for our useless rookie defenders
jesseboy: Zerrett is on track for a tonne, not sure I understand crowls..
LuvIt74: I have some scottish in me and im a ranga so if anyone boo’s me the’re racist. lol PLEASE
nbartos: agree JR
cusch1: Freo with the last 9 free kicks
LuvIt74: I’M getting Collins next week, heartly to Collins.
cusch1: Luvit you won’t be bood, just laughed at hahaha
cusch1: Make that 9-1 sorry
JRedden: is AMT in trouble?
LuvIt74: cusch1 lol but thats racist, in today’s politically correct society. Thanks Mr Goodes.
Radzinsky: Been on Zaharakis all year, jumped off him this week at +100k. Feeling smart.
cusch1: Fuck me I need alcohol after this pathetic performance
Lachie.BT: @luvIt i did that exact trade this week
The39Steps: I’ve got two ASIO ads on the screen. Think they are targeting me?
willywalks: get the cheap shots in whilst u can pav, this is the only week u will be relevant
JockMcPie: barlow is in a run-with role on zaha – he cant play with a tag
vartic: zaharakis is killing me
nbartos: Cush yep I sarcasm mate
JockMcPie: LOL thats just rude, Zaha is low enough without u taking points off
Jukes82: barlow zombie.
crazyet23: ffs zaha
Hadouken: zaha to rocky ?
leorosman_: cmon dawson need a ton from you, youve got the c!
blashtroko: Barlow is averaging over 90, not dead yet
RooBoyStu: Zaha is having a mare, if someone asked him who he’s voting for in federal election he’d say Trump
Hadouken: hope woosha is tearing zaha a new one….
kangawalla: Luey as Goldy cover is doing well. Keep it up mate!!
leorosman_: dawson is 3 times as good as zaha!!
Hadouken: will tippa get some time off you guys think ?
kangawalla: Dempsey looking more like the dude from the Trivago ads every week.
carlton_99: Zaarakis, pls i beg of u as my captain, pls do something
Hadouken: zaha to get 92 last qtr and tonne up 🙂
kangawalla: I feel like pizza. Hey Monty, what’s happened to the bigredmega meatlovers pizza icon? 🙂
shaker: Goldy might outscore Zaha at this rate
kangawalla: Floggard is in a world of pain. Any sympathy from anyone?
sMiles: carlton_99 I have him, but I feel so bad for you though –
carlton_99: I was dong so well 12 for 1260 before this shower from zaha (C)
carlton_99: i dont even think hes on the ground anymore
poido123: keep going blakely 😀
m0nty: nominations for star please
PieBoy: star for burger
the worm: zaha star
chris7399: Neale for sure. Contested possession and clearance gun
RooBoyStu: @carlton_99 when you next have a bog dedicate it to Zaha when you flush lol
SilverLion: Neale.
MarksMen: merret
blashtroko: I think walters has been BOG
heppelitis: zakka
tbrowne: zaha
poido123: lol zaharakis. something must be wrong with him
FlagDog: How lucky that my opponent has Zaka…. PHEW!!
JockMcPie: woah zaka new level of bad
cusch1: Give the star to every Essendon player for looking so bad that freo look good
AngryRyno: Neale star
poido123: blakely you gun
FlagDog: Bombers will be stars in 3 years with all those draft picks!
vartic: would hall -> dahlhaus & zaha -> rockliff be insane, cause it’s really tempting
casey22: I have zaka but my opponent has merret as captain!
Tigger5: barlows giving zaha a bath
Kekkington: How did Melbourne lose to this team.
Crowls: vartic good moves man.
cusch1: Kekkinton this is a different team. This is disgusting
Crowls: man i feel for zaha owners.
nbartos: Can bottom of Ladder be down hill skiing??
Kekkington: The Dons played the best they possibly could against Melbourne.
northernstar: Does anyone know if Zaha is just playing sore/tired?
cusch1: Home ground advantage is bullshit decisions like that
RooBoyStu: Zaha gonna be super cheap in 3 weeks
The39Steps: Good game for Pav to call it quits on Monday?
Breezey: How does the Freo Song go again.
Bazza2014: essendon should get witches hats
jackbastas: Neale is my captain :)))))
heppelitis: be an interesting game…bombers vs witches hats
Thedude24: wtfff zaharakis????? wtf????????? is that even possible???
willywalks: freo will have mad monday after this
casey22: the duds in my team all play in the team I follow
T-Mac: collins blakley and tucker set to make me some good dosh
sfmmp23: Walla crack 70 please
Crowls: zaha score is unbelievable!
Jackwatt$: Collins SC should be higher 90% DE plus I’ve seen a few intercept marks
feralmong: Dawson > zaha.
JockMcPie: time to trade tippa??
casey22: zaha score is shamefull
Jackwatt$: Look so I’ve I’ll be sending Champion Data a please explain again
Kekkington: Collins Rising Star Nomination?
Jackwatt$: Don’t get me wrong, delighted with his game just feel he is a bit hard done by. Rance would be 130 by now
Hadouken: wow zaha almost doubled his score in 2 mins, nice
RooBoyStu: give Zaha 2 icons mare & spud
J_Pinkman: time to trade everyone in my team, Zaha-craparakis to lead the pack
casey22: Will zaha outscore zac?
Breezey: Nice effort Bird man. Go for the ton son
feralmong: We’ll probably hear that zaha had man flu after the game.
kangawalla: Zac says no @casey with a +4!
circle52: Blue moom for Berger
heppelitis: lungbutter tonnes up for the bombers lol
PieBoy: onya burgers
tbrowne: should i loophole collins for brodie smith?
AngryRyno: nice work Zerrett DT cap
willywalks: Zerret hasn’t done too bad, scored 80 odd in the final 3 quarters to repay my captaincy faith
AngryRyno: yes! Collins 90 better than Smith
nbartos: Freo crowd
willywalks: poor form not to at least give the 1st goal scorers a pat on the back boys…
poido123: blakely Ton oh yeeeaahhh
kangawalla: Time to ditch the Bomber substitutes. Dea & Brown
sMiles: zaha – a hate inducing (never again) score
Torz: Wish I had Blakely.
feralmong: Kanga I did brown to tucker this week. Happy so far.
casey22: zaha & zac now head to head; who scores the most?
Tigger5: got to love having collins, davis, kerridge and petracca on the bench..
JRedden: why would you bench kerridge?
Hoot: Collins looking good for a down grade