J.Worrall: GoDees!
OnTheRocks: Go Sam Mitchell and Gawn
desmondo: Is it raining at the G?
Magicsmell: Not currentyl, but it rained all last night and is still wet
desmondo: tx for the info magic..will keep gunston instead of poppy in match day 😉
Tommo2909: Buddy, Parker or Hanners as VC?
desmondo: Parker OR Hanners in the wet..
Yelse: will Danger go big? can’t loop hole hanners coz all players playing tommy
tbrowne: Maxwell gawn with the vc today and parker with the c
JButcher: Cmon Trengove
Breezey: Looking for some joy from McDonald and Duryea today
Breezey: Had nearly 200mm of rain on the Gold Coast. Wil. Be very wet if that helps at all tommo2909
frenzy: what do people expect tregove will score
JButcher: 80 from trengove would be nice tbh
Torz: Vince involved about 5 times then for no stat.
Vich: real dt is where the value lies for J Treng
Thedude24: Why is the login ID case sensitive -.-. Took me ages to get in
Torz: Yes Petracca. Hopefully last week was just an aberration.
Thedude24: Oh man.. Gawn 9 hit outs. Although nothing really to advantage, he looks headed to a massive score
Breezey: I wonder how many deliberate out of bounds will be awarded in these conditions
Barniclez: mitchell finally finding the ball
SaintsMan: he’s been finding it just can’t hit a target
Bsmagicmen: Hawks to win 1-39 points please
JButcher: Keep it up Jonesy
T-Mac: Want Lewis to have a quiet one
Ben_Gogos: Well that was a classy effort from Watts. Only 20 metres off scoring…
Breezey: Me too@ T Mac. My opponent has him captain
Bazza2014: pfft
feralmong: Nice petracca. It’s good when u have to play someone and they score.
sfmmp23: Playing with a zero this week from goldy and an insipid performance from dusty hopefully the others go well
Bazza2014: timmy o again
Shaundog: Nice gibbo
feralmong: Got the vc on Gawn. Not lookin spectacular is it?
tbrowne: Fuck you tim o brien i had you for ages then you couldn’t even get your BE of 34 now you do this ? what the fuck
kangawalla: Kudos to Bazza 2014 who predicted a 70 point win to the Kangaroos v Tiges last night, early in the first
JButcher: Howe and Stewart wow!
thommoae: O’Brien’s only on 24, tb … settle.
Bazza2014: anks Kanga was my margin got some healthy $$$ for it
Bazza2014: good memory @kanga
kangawalla: Even better Baz. Kudos & $$$$
tbrowne: 29 from that man is like 200 from gaz
Bazza2014: sicily off the icicle
Shaundog: Prob time for Lewis to shave his head.
kangawalla: Just announced on abc radio. Muhammad Ali has died. RIP
Fatbar5tad: The Greatest
Tigger5: RIP, great man
JButcher: Tag Vince not Jones please
Breezey: Mths only man to call himself the greatest and proved it. A legend.
Fatbar5tad: Funny how they see the Meoboune incorrect disposal but not the Hawk one.
Breezey: He was the only man to call himself the greatest and proved it. A legend lost
the worm: He’s right up there with Aussie Joe Bugner
kangawalla: @Breezey. Maurice Greene, the sprinter had GOAT (greatest of all time) tattooed on his body. Bolt may have other ideas
faisca7: gawn seems to dominate only on the weeks my opp has him.. which is pretty often
Breezey: Spot on there @ Kangawalla
kangawalla: Yep, Maurice Greene. Forgotten but not gone!
Fatbar5tad: GAWN will still score more than Cox tho
Breezey: @ the worm. Bugger actually went the distance with Ali if I’m not mistaken
Torz: Loving your work Bernie.
Jukes82: I’m glad I didn’t jump on the Jordan Lewis bandwagon.
spiggs: Brad hill is having a an absolute mare
Breezey: Actually he fought Ali twice
kangawalla: Me too @ torz!
OnTheRocks: i want Melbourne to win this
Vich: yep brough Bernard in this week..Roos said he’d return to the midfield
HawkTalker: lol on the rocks
teachrtony: Anyone else cant get live scores on fox?
Barniclez: picked up Stewart but left him on the bench… gotta take the good with the bad haha
RedSwan: Tim O’brien continues to be a disapointment
Fatbar5tad: Everybody wants Melbourne to win this
stuballs: What’s up with Petracca? He’s hit a wall
THESKUNK: No Live scores on Hearld sun live HQ either
JButcher: Not me @Fatbar, I want hawks for the tips
Fatbar5tad: Quiet you 😉
ryanbob: how many HOTA does gawn have? must be smashing it since he has barely touched the ball haha
AngryRyno: come on Tracca lets go!
Sloaneyyyy: let’s go Lewis… get them back in the game
Smithy1: What happened to vine?
RedSwan: Vine broke his hand in last weeks fight
the worm: viney was suspended and injured wasnt he?
Fatbar5tad: No goal square no Bruest
RedSwan: Yep suspended for a week I think
spiggs: Big time muppet there
PieBoy: onya jonesy
Ben_Gogos: Smith wins the muppet after that horrible pass!
oc16: B.Hill needs to be dropped or preferably traded
The39Steps: Weitering’s good but Petracca is the most impressive rookie I’ve seen for ages.
Gott2Win: Tyson having a horrible game! Should shut the people questioning the trade to get him there for a week or 2
sfmmp23: Gawn gets gifted points
armalitemk: mitchell is cancer 🙁
dipstick: @39steps yes but key position players like weiters stand out more… like hogs did
mpollock: Not very funny @armaliyemk
Breezey: What is that rubbish about Mitchell. Please grow up
The39Steps: @dipstick – reckon in 10 years both will have won a Charlie.
dipstick: @39 big call…. they say danger will win a brownlow but he never will…same with another 20 players in the league
armalitemk: My opinion wasn’t intended as a joke what a waste of a trade to ditch.
The39Steps: I reckon these two are standouts. Very few have had made the same impact in as few as games than these two.
The39Steps: Poise, class and guts. Unbeatable mixture.
benzammit: How many key position players have won as opposed to midfield players?# Turn it up
Bazza2014: fsrk bernie is a dirty player
Torz: Quack Quack.
Fatbar5tad: Free kick Hawthorn
benzammit: Watering
LuvIt74: Has petracca broken down, hasn’t scored a point in ages
stakerz: Gibbo going to do anything this half?
Bazza2014: #lewishaters
benzammit: Sorry Weitering won’t win no chance I’d have 5-6 before him
Jukes82: anyone gonna get on trengrove?
JRedden: give gibson the ying yang, horrible 2nd half
Breezey: Super effort from Kade Stewart
kosduras: youd take 85 from petrecca if he can get there
Fatbar5tad: Stewart>Gartlett
AngryRyno: anyone like the look of Stewart?
benzammit: Mitchell’s DE has been terrible again, they say he is an elite ball user?
DrSeuss: Come on Gibson – get a touch
Bazza2014: hill out of tickets, great run from the back
Gordo450: @KOSDURAS who to bench though? Barlow or Hall?
RooBoyStu: Bruce not happy with his sc captain Cyril
AngryRyno: Breust 38% DE butcher
Fatbar5tad: Hawks looking the goods
Bazza2014: rioli last 5 cores tackles i think.20
kangawalla: You’d be happy with Gibbo’s shower 2nd half @ RooBoy?
SaintsMan: mitchell robbed sc
Fatbar5tad: Hawks a bit more willing to rush it forward. Kicks off the ground.
Bazza2014: garlett mare please.
RooBoyStu: @kangawalla yes as almost put the C on him
Torz: Garlett has had a mare today.
Fatbar5tad: Gartlett Mare
Bazza2014: hehehe mare
Bazza2014: ppl that bag timmy O please apologise, not fantasy relavent but a very good up and comer
Demons15: fucking pathetic, no melbourne player has had the balls to put their hands in when they kick it off the ground
Torz: Vince you idiot. :/
stakerz: reported for striking? lmao umpires are a jojke
AngryRyno: what happened to Gunston?
Breezey: What’s up Bernie
Bazza2014: dirty dirty bernie
kangawalla: Yep, I second that @ Demons15
Bazza2014: elbows to the face was worse than the slap
Torz: Softest striking report of all time though.
Breezey: Gunston being rested for the remainder.
sfmmp23: Vince didnt even touch him
Demons15: 0 free kicks from kicking in danger on a day it was hawks most used possession
9th Again: no idea why, but i started the year off with Frost , so lucky he got picked this week otherwise would have played a 0
LuvIt74: I’m gonna take petracca’s score not sure whether to take Hall or Motlop off. Huge call
RooBoyStu: nothing in the Vince incident but he has a poor record
JButcher: Motlop Luvit
Breezey: The elbows on the ground more than the half pied slap
Bazza2014: elbows on mitch was dirty bernie at his best
banners87: Joke of a report on Vince. Love his, Lewis and Petracca’s touches in that last few minutes 😉
LuvIt74: I’m thinking Motlop also I have had him all season & his last 2 games were shocing