Viscount: Sc still showing Byrne playing. Don’t get burnt
ScootD: Byrne out, Gorringe in
kosduras: prediction for today fellas?
Viscount: There goes my emergency Ruggles
benzammit: Who’s out for Cats?
King_Robbo: Byrne out- I’ll take DBJs score
benzammit: Rug goes?
benzammit: Cats by 47 and Dangerfeid most SC points
frenzy: they’ve pulled the Rug out from us
snake_p: thanks for the dad joke frenzy
colmullet: i got byrned too 🙁
Raspel31: Have a shocker Danger-got you but didn’t cap you and my opp did
PieBoy: got brownys score coz of ruggs
iZander: anyone know why selwood started forward?
SilverLion: Lift Simmo and Blicavs
HappyDEZ: Is handballing it to yourself a better option than a bounce when you are under the pump & have used up your distance?
Torz: Duncan started forward and then I think they rotated at the next centre bounce iZander
iZander: is someone tagging him @Torz?
Torz: Not sure, he’s on the bench at the moment.
magic007: murphy in the rooms, leg
desmondo: C`mon Jelwood 🙁
Vich: Surely a tag goes to Jelwood or Danger before Duncs…?!
SaintsMan: great start C dangerfield
Tommo2909: Bloody Dangerfield. Put the C on Priddis at the last minute instead of him. Of course he does this
Chelskiman: Go, Jimmy!
HappyDEZ: Cmon Kade keep up with Doc.
stakerz: danger getting points just because.
Breezey: Who did Gorringe come in for late
Torz: Curnow on Selwood.
SilverLion: get in the game simmo
iZander: byrnes @breezy
Vich: Try resting the cursor on that little white jumper next to his name..
Breezey: Thanks
Tommo2909: Stop Danger
thommoae: I thought it was a little white spanner – as in, a late fix-up. Monty?
kosduras: jelwoo
luked98: onya danger
iZander: ok, selwood around the ball or is he just playing forward?
the spud: compare it to the green vest icon
SilverLion: That disposal efficiency from Simmo, amazing.
JockMcPie: yes danger. yes.
poolboybob: Jelwood BE in SC is 200, gonna be cheap as chips in a couple of weeks.
Solat: we put a spud on smedts yet?
Chelskiman: Stop handballing, Simpson! Kick it!
SilverLion: I always pick the wrong captain. Went Danger last week instead of Pendles. This week Pendles instead of Danger….
frenzy: jelwood, any chance buddy of joining the show
JockMcPie: dangerfield absolutely on fire, he’ll get 200 today
Tommo2909: Again Stop Danger. I am so angry at my self for not putting the C on him
kosduras: @silverlion ive done the same thing every week
Raspel31: Same tommo, groan.
King_Robbo: Wow danger mouse going nuts
SilverLion: Cmon Blicavs…
King_Robbo: Selwood will be good m9 cover soon
JockMcPie: blues have one fit on the bench at the moment
poolboybob: Kerridge do something you dud
vartic: Had C on Danger all week, went with JJK today last minute :S
Raspel31: Hmm-Kerridge not setting the world on fire.
wadaramus: Don’t make me rue not taking Petracca’s 51 Kerridge!
JockMcPie: im trading out kerridge this week, he’s done his bit.
ajconodie: It’s only taken 10 rounds to get my captain choice right. Thank you Danger.
SilverLion: tbh, forgot kerridge was even out there.
Bazza2014: Happy so far with Jelwoods start, my opp has the C on him
Chelskiman: lol @Thomas’ SC.
_wato: Everyone has Kerridge. Settle
desmondo: geezus jelwood when ur bad ur really BAD 🙁
Krispin_35: Selwood u joke keep going captain danger and kick straight simmo
Fury: Some people traded Kerridge out. It is known.
poolboybob: Everyone has Kerridge but not going to help if he has a complete clunker today and price goes down.
SilverLion: Is Curnow becoming relevant in SC
RooBoyStu: glad I traded Kerridge out for Priddis this week
_wato: Kerridge BE 57, and owned by 65% of people? Price will drop massive man
King_Robbo: Everyone good has Kerridge. Only has a be of 58.. Will still make $$
linusp: ol marky murphy cant take a tag 2.0
chris7399: no reason why kerridge cant make his BE. barlow had a stinker of a 1st and still did ok
Breezey: F Carlton remain this many down on the bench it will end up a flogging this game
SilverLion: Do something Blicavs you spud.
JockMcPie: it looks like kerridge is scared of the ball lol
Chelskiman: +14 for Jimmy!
wadaramus: Kerridge +2 🙂
colmullet: when your ready Jelwood
Bazza2014: loving the Jelwood
RooBoyStu: Danger gone missing, lift!
Barniclez: kerridge lift!
JockMcPie: stay down jelwood
Torz: Duncan goes bang in the back pocket.
SilverLion: Blicavs about to be overtaken by kerridge…
Tommo2909: If Selwood shows something in the next few weeks will people be picking him up at around $450k
JockMcPie: kerridge is finally playing around the ball instead of on the wing.
Breezey: If your not going to get the ball Blicavs then tackle someone.
benzammit: Look at Kerridge to go he if not has already will after this week stagnate.
JanathF: selwood will not drop 160K
Viscount: Dear Joel S. You are invited to play today, party has already started, Docklands, no rsvp just come and enjoy the game!
Stikman35: Anyone got Blakely? Maybe people swapped kerridge for him.
King_Robbo: Geelong are too slow.
Tommo2909: Where will he be at after this round? BE of 200 and looking at around 70
JockMcPie: murphy done for the day
SilverLion: Lift Kerridge and Simmo and Blicavs…
Breezey: Murph done for the day
benzammit: Robbo most good players wait for Premo dropping to govern who goes from where expert.
_wato: Simmo SC low?
SaintsMan: too quiet this quarter danger
Breezey: There’s an echo Jock
benzammit: Gee long need to kick straight
Hoot: What happenend to Murph?
Stikman35: Blues have two Lazarus’s playing plus 3 band aids. God help them.
All Reds: If the cats run away with it I hope its on C Danger’s back and Motlop kicks the goals
JockMcPie: lol @breezy, at least the message is getting across 🙂
All Reds: Dochertty as resistance
Bazza2014: Loving the docherty!
Solat: right ankle knock in Q1 and failed a fitness test and did not return
benzammit: Put Danger Fwd throw Selwood in the guts
auxDT: so byrne is out meaning i get hartley’s 8 points. i also have sumner on field loving it boooys
SilverLion: *Oprah Voice* Simmo needs to lift, Kerridge needs to lift, Blicavs needs to lift. Everyone needs to lift!
benzammit: Loving Bartel over Kerridge this week.
Barniclez: danger and bartel in this game 🙂 just need kerridge to find the ball
JRedden: is sumner done?
linusp: real tough nut murphy, cheers.
Stikman35: Cats are crap
Hoot: sorry but how can I get a team logo adjacent to my name?
JanathF: forgot to put an emergency on my defense
wadaramus: Oprah or Opera?!
benzammit: Axed Kerridge served me well I wish him all the best.
Chelskiman: 3 of m4 are on fire and then there’s Kerridge…
SilverLion: What has Rowe done to be on 13 SC?
JockMcPie: @JRedden read the player notes…he looks done
linusp: cats will win because carlton have 2 less for rest of game
Chelskiman: @Hoot you have to pay $10 for the FF gold package.
Stikman35: Blues have energy.
Hoot: thanks C-Man
auxDT: lift cpt rowe
SaintsMan: 75 by half time danger
JockMcPie: @Hoot click on ur name, go to settings and change team supported
benzammit: The loss of Murphy has me thinking walkers looking better as back smokie POD
Chelskiman: Lol, surely the Blues can’t win.
King_Robbo: Cats are shot. Too many downhill skiers
Chelskiman: @Hoot, I was only joking. If you go to your profile you can select your team.
Stikman35: Who rates the cats. Who doesn’t follow them really.
Rockafella: plenty of others to axe before Kerridge prior to this weekend
linusp: Murph needs to put a band=aid on it, get an injection and man up if blues are to maintain
Breezey: Blues are 2 short on the bench Robbo. Cats will surely run over the top of them
benzammit: I rate the cats as a 5-8 finisher
Solat: certainly more than rate the pies
Choppy: Was so close to offloading Kerridge to Wingard dammit
PieBoy: cmon kerry
linusp: awkward moment with Gibbs outscores danger.
benzammit: @Rockafella depends on your team make up and weather your going for broke to stay in top 100
King_Robbo: Oh they might still win this but they look really poor
Rockafella: what happened to ruggles?
Breezey: I’ll check last weeks results again Solat.
Solat: i’ll check the ladder while you do that
benzammit: Robbie Gray was ripe also this week as an in.
Viscount: I trades Ruggles to Docherty @ rocka fella
PieCannon: eye infection rocka, so he was a late out
JockMcPie: personally i dont think geelong are contenders
Krispin_35: Missed Selwood tackle
Rockafella: so your team must be complete then benzammit
circle52: @Rockafella – Something to do with Eyes.
Bazza2014: murdoch in for ruggles
Stikman35: To cull attend of year.
Breezey: It doesn’t if you don’t rate the Pies and we flog you then that would mean you are no better
JockMcPie: geelong midfield need to get into the game if they have a chance. ruggles out with eye infection @rockafella
CamT: How many thousand people went into R1 with the Zac Smith-Callum Sinclair ruck combo ?
Rockafella: thanks circle52
benzammit: Far from it rockafella but Kerridge was ripe and all the moves suited me buddy.
wadaramus: Patty D getting schooled by Gibbs.
benzammit: I’d take Gray and Bartel any day over Kerridge and .m Brown
RooBoyStu: Grat stuff all us North fans want Blues to win to keep 2 wins clear of the cats
RooBoyStu: *great
wadaramus: At least Ruggles wasn’t dropped on form, he should get back to make more $$
Rockafella: Roos are gonna lose there next three so it wont matter Rooboystu
Stikman35: If blues win. This will be the cats worst performance imaginable. Coach talk begins……..
SilverLion: Respectable from Simmo. Blicavs and Kerridge gotta lift.
benzammit: Back to my movie I’ll be back to check in and see if the Blues can pull off the upset
King_Robbo: Benza talking mud again.. Bken, DBJ, brown all on the block before Kerridge
benzammit: Mighty second quarter by Gibbs !
Stikman35: Kerridge is so dour.
RooBoyStu: Sam Rowe donuts and 13 sc lol
benzammit: B Kennedy gone 3 weeks back DBJ remains M.Brown became Robbie Gray… Robbo speaks garbage trade who ever has matured
Barniclez: 12 at the half…
Jackwatt$: What’s Gibbs paying for the Brownlow? I’m being deadly serious
Kekkington: Had Selwood since the start and he starts playing like a spud when people jumped on him. Sounds right.
Solat: @stikman why is it worse than when pies lost to the blues a few rounds ago?
Choppy: well this game is flowering me – ruggles out and kerridge a turd in the underpant
benzammit: DJB hold onto if you can value back line @6
iZander: lets be honest, what really happened is he started getting attention after playing well @ kekk
Kekkington: True.
Stikman35: Cats are the hype. Favourites for flag two weeks ago.
Kekkington: The whole team has been pretty flat recently as well
Barniclez: @jackwatts $67
Stikman35: Blues are dessimated. Cats should win an a canter. If they don’t its a pathetic loss.
benzammit: Looking at this week Robbo, yeah mud ya flog….lol
SilverLion: Gee, Kerridge is a kicking machine!
Choppy: ruggles has an eye infection does he? pink eye, whos been farting on pillows at the cattery
Kekkington: Geelong will run over the top of Carlton
RooBoyStu: if blues win, there will be serious questions asked about the cats, blues down 2 men
Stikman35: Blues are down two men and play a few under a cloud.
Z. Dawsome: Hartley and Sumner on my field <3
RooBoyStu: Ruggles eye infection? brown eye?
wadaramus: Bolton has them playing spirited footy, we’ll see what Geelong is made of in the second half.
Stikman35: I reckon Bolton will say energy and spirit.
desmondo: Cats mids to get on top and hawkins ti kick 5 goals after half-time to see the cats home 😉
Choppy: its a very even comp this year, most teams on their day can beat anyone
SilverLion: M0nty, did you forget Gibbs’ cape?
RooBoyStu: except Gold Coast @choppy
benzammit: Still got Papely Robbo?
Stikman35: West coast may have all the capes all In their closet.
ajconodie: @SilverLion – Did he qualify for the cape?
King_Robbo: Gibbs would have been an awesome pick at the start of the year!
Roksta: Cats did the same against Essendon play half hearted when they expect to win
SilverLion: Wasn’t even on 40 SC at QTR Time, to be on 90 at HT would’ve meant some sorta quarter, don’t you think?
ajconodie: There’s my answer lol
Kekkington: These ball skills from both teams are horrid
wadaramus: WOW, Carlton giving Geelong a scare here!
ajconodie: It goes on DT not SC but regardless he still got there.
Stikman35: No way
Solat: @king unbelievable, good to see a coach use him in a role that a #1 draftee should have
Bazza2014: Armfield playing inpsired footy
LuvIt74: Bloody hell Gibbs & Danger should score 150
LuvIt74: cmon mottyloppy lift for Gods sake kick another 3
SilverLion: Bloody hell Blicavs…
LuvIt74: Cats will win this for sure time to bet them
ajconodie: How is Rowe on 13 SC when he has no stats? Not even a hitout or a tackle.
Vinstar: @luvit they’re still the favourites to win no value at all
King_Robbo: Here comes the kedg
Breezey: Will there be anything said about constant booing of someone on indigenous round.
RooBoyStu: Weitering brick wall
biggsy: Motlop – trying to even up his scoring with changers and frees. Been in neutral all game, lift mate!
Hoot: good call ref! deliberate it was
Stikman35: Kedge for 60
SilverLion: Blicavs and Motlop aren’t even interested today.
Bazza2014: cats worst kicking team. sheesh
ryanbob: jesus what has happened to our goalkicking
SaintsMan: move danger
northernstar: Wake up kerridge
Hoot: Rowe’s single handball just keeps increasing in value.
SilverLion: Down Arrow for Blicavs.
wadaramus: Motlop nutcracker.
colmullet: always entertaining seeing people not understand SC scoring isnt about raw stats
Stikman35: Should get a point for a fart
Hoot: Bartel’s tackle was a certain goal
All Reds: stik Kreuzer +78
SilverLion: @Stikman35 Goldstein always seems to.
proudyy: couple of selwood goals would be nice #lostcausethisround
Bazza2014: go dochers, mark kick, mark kick woop woop
Stikman35: Garlic kreuzer
magic007: kerridge waking up
Stikman35: Weeeeetering
Lachie.BT: cmon kerridge
Breezey: Geelong No 45 get involved
Stikman35: Kreuzer is scaring the ball away though
Torz: Kerridge getting to 70 would be a win.
Bazza2014: motlop brain fades
TheDookers: Mare for Motlop?
Stikman35: Next point wins
PieBoy: you can do it kerridge
RooBoyStu: lol Motlop back to usual form
Chelskiman: Cats are cooked.
magic007: goaaaaaaaaaaaaal
Bazza2014: gutsy blues, gutsy
King_Robbo: Where did all the kerridge haters go?
Chelskiman: Well there’s still life in them.
oc16: maybe the cats arent as good as what we think
thommoae: Anyone with TV + 5 FA is ridin’ the mare, by definition.
SilverLion: Yin Yang for Kerridge.
SilverLion: Maybe for Simmo too, been pretty quiet this qtr.
Breezey: Motlop’s a definite skiier on a downhill incline.
Stikman35: I still think cats will win. But this is horrid.
SaintsMan: 34 points in 2 quarters danger
Bazza2014: tuohy biatchslapping motlop, even though he has two sausage rolls
Bulky: Rowe must have had 2 90 metre handballs to have 22 SC points.
Krispin_35: Lift simmo and Selwood
snake_p: duncan racking em up in red time
Fatbar5tad: Tough to watch for Cat fans.
SilverLion: Blue Moon for Walker.
Roksta: Lol Motlop 18 points from 10 possies and 2 goals
Stikman35: Do some ironing silver. Make it go quicker, just watch the end. Sure you will leapfrog em.
Sloaneyyyy: cats are poo if they lose this one
Stikman35: Not silver Fatbar.soz
Twatter: @Roksta Motlop has also had 9 clangers and 5 frees against, it all adds up. Not all about the good things he’s done
heppelitis: not watching…how can he have 9 clangers at 80%…10 touches?
Fatbar5tad: Not deliberate Cas?
Fury: Might get on the Motlop rollercoast if his price goes down enough
barlow4pm: FAs count as clangers
Jackwatt$: A FA is a Clanger, therefore 4 of his possessions have been clangers
Fury: *er
heppelitis: thx barlow
SilverLion: Pumpkin for Motlop.
Twatter: and 9 of his 10 possies have been uncontested, people need to take a look at the whole picture
Torz: Surprised that Duncan’s ownership is still so low.
heppelitis: heppelitis aka simple jack
linusp: wonder what Coach Scott is going to use as an excuse and cut sick at for ths one?
_wato: Why is Simmo still so low? Bs by champion data
SilverLion: MAY have made the right call putting Pendles as C over danger. MAY.
RooBoyStu: this performance is HUGE by the blues as almost 3 qtrs with 20 men only
Mcswains: Amazing trade Ruggles to Docherty 🙂
linusp: because he’s the +1 mopping up uncontested ball. Hasn’t seen a contest.
Chelskiman: Cats are done. I’ll see you boys in the other chat.
Stikman35: Kedge nearly there
Bazza2014: lovin the cats take it up the clacker!
ryanbob: god motlop is lazy. Stuffs up two posessions in a row and doesnt run it down to put pressure on
_wato: Neither is Docherty. King of uncontested ball. Yet on 108
Fatbar5tad: We’ve Scott no chance of a flag. See you in eight years.
RooBoyStu: Sam Kekovich’s captain in Lamb kicks the sealer
_wato: And Heater had a great contest for 203 last week lol
dipstick: blues play great with only 2 rotations. flag favourites 😉
Kekkington: Nothing going right for Geelong
SilverLion: Down Arrow for Blicavs, Up arrow for Stanley. Hmmm… Interesting…
JanathF: cmon carlton
Fatbar5tad: Hawkins kicking goals once we’ve been beaten again
Vich: Jelwood struggled to get into the game? 2nd highest pozzy getter for cats with 26 pozzies with half a quarter to go
Vich: Thats a decent day out for 95 % of the competition…?
SilverLion: Would Blicavs to R. Gray this week be a worthwhile trade?
JButcher: Guthrie plzz
RooBoyStu: lol Geelong
JButcher: very worthwhile @SilverLion
Bazza2014: the nail
Bazza2014: raise your bat dochers!! when done lad.
Choppy: bloody hell Bartel and Docherty, having a nap this qtr are we!
ryanbob: Simpson getting hard done by on sc
Bazza2014: missed docherty kick
Sloaneyyyy: oh dear… how embarrassing for the Cats, lmao!
benzammit: Uh well done Blues common Danger and Bartel junk time
ryanbob: If we could stop being so bad at goal kicking we wouldn’t be trailing so bad. Poor mentality
benzammit: Spot on Ryan wasted op in 1 st qtr
dezlav: Slow up Danger, come on Selwood.
CrowEaters: Clangerfield going at 80% not bad
RooBoyStu: well done Blues keeps the cats 2 wins behind us, cant wait to play the cats in 2 weeks
benzammit: I said pre game Cats by 47 and danger top Sc points so far wrong it’s laughable
Hoot: Yup! Well Done.
Fatbar5tad: Easy win to the. Roos if we surve up this turnip soup
dipstick: docherty really turned himself into a gun