desmondo: A big game from the Danger-man today 😉
Brown*Dog: Yeah – Ruggles in, one less doughnut in my team
colmullet: Danger will spud it up since my DT captains are averaging 80 this year, sorry lads
PureSwag: 1st one to chat
Lecras: go treloar and danger
Stikman35: Loopholing frenzy.
Chelskiman: Really need Bartel to have a big one today.
CrowEaters: need de Goey to score well
circle52: Counting on it Col. I have VC on Pendles
Stikman35: Cox. Terrible
Torpedo10: Took Parker’s 120, will need Pendles, Danger and Jelly to go 140+ to regret it.
Viscount: Go Ruggles, you donut saver.
JockMcPie: cox has $ symbol but not josh smith?
Torpedo10: When Ruggles is killing you, and Bartel is useless while Ruggles smashes him.
Chelskiman: Bartel, please. 🙁
Ben_Gogos: @JockMcPie Smith hasn’t beaten his BE yet
CrowEaters: Danger at 40% not good
DrSeuss: When you change captain from Selwood to Danger – but Fantasy doesn’t save your change….FMT
JockMcPie: colllingggwooooodddddd. keep it up boys
Chelskiman: Half way through the first quarter in the 2nd game and I’m already fucked.
GJayBee: I got collingwood at plus thirty one point five points head start for two dollars twenty
zadolinnyj: gents. In Vancouver. Is Collingwood playing well or Geelong bad
LovetShuey: Ruggles, Pendles and Smith…. very pleased
SilverLion: Lift Danger…
wadaramus: Collingwood good.
PureSwag: @zadolinnyji its both, Pies playing good, cats playing bad!
Generalsor: Where is Danger??
GJayBee: Not sure zad, listening to sen radio like a dork
circle52: For an interestate is there any breeze and favouring any side?
Lecras: danger was on bench for half this qtr wtf
AngryRyno: wow
Chelskiman: I was leading the tipping at the pub, but I’m gonna start 0-2 this round by the looks of it.
zadolinnyj: legends @PureSwag and GJayBee
JockMcPie: no breeze, collingwood just playing all over them
GJayBee: Pies have good record against Geelong. Geelong have bad record at G. I wish I had more money on the margins offered!
zadolinnyj: Ta wads
Costanza: swarmed
Tigger5: anyone that took danger over parkers vc score would be nervous
GJayBee: I have a mate at the ground who loves Geelong. I don’t even have to txt him! he knows! hahahah
circle52: Thinks Jock We (lions) played pies into form last week
Stikman35: Wasted my vc on danger. I’m an idiot……
SilverLion: Why did I make Danger C, should’ve taken Parker’s 120…
Pokerface: you’d be feeling pretty comfortable with that about now gjb 🙂
GJayBee: Oh my god, I wish I had bet more on the Pies. I love winning money It’s being rewarded for being a prophet.
PieBoy: onya pies
GJayBee: Most weeks I gamble fifty bucks, this weekend I am betting heaps and getting wasted hahahah
JockMcPie: every premium will have an off day,hopefully today is dangers
GJayBee: Go Pies!
shaker: Would not give up on Danger after one 1/4
grossn: Well I think Pies +60.5 is pretty safe
Jukes82: Pendles, is teaching me a lesson for not giving him the C instead of danger
GJayBee: It’s one of the joys of picking a line. When it’s the second quarter and you are sixty odd points up!
GJayBee: geelong will surge, no doubt about it, we have to hope they don’t kick straight or the fear might come
GJayBee: Jesse White is a new man.
OnTheRocks: wtf Pies?!
J_Pinkman: oh crap, took C off pendles last minute and took Parker’s score. oopsy daisy
JockMcPie: agree GJayBee, hes using his strength more
OnTheRocks: @J_Pinkman: exactly what i did
Torpedo10: Ha same JP, not too worried about it though. Most we will lose is 20-30 points.
GJayBee: Jock, the penny has dropped that’s for sure. He probably got told, this is it. I saw him in VFL, didn’t look that good!
northernstar: I didn’t see this coming
poolboybob: You know it’s bad when even the Cats are managing to make a spud like Jesse White look good
Generalsor: De Goey robbed of a kick and HB
Kenny27: gr8 kick skipper needed that
Generalsor: Danger lucky to be on 40, hasn’t been in much of anything important
Yelse: peddles should never have played in the back
dzl7: hoping the pies can keep this up 🙂
Tigger5: knew i should of put the C on pendles
Kenny27: we are starting to hack kick out of def again not good
northernstar: Was he injured when playing hb? R.e pendles
OnTheRocks: nice FK count Jelwood
kangawalla: Geez, the “steak knives” (Crisp) is having a blinder!
AngryRyno: Danger really off target today
Sloaneyyyy: give all the Cats players pumpkins if they lose this one
Sloaneyyyy: Sidebum going nuts in his 150th
Jukes82: sidey has done FA this quarter
Chelskiman: Dammit, Jimmy!
AngryRyno: it must be hard for Pies fans to comprehend being so bad and then pretty good
Torpedo10: Pendles has really quietened this quarter apart from his goal.
dzl7: @angry dont get ahead of yourself remember its collingwobbls your talking about.
Kenny27: frame that onefor ya missus danger!
Generalsor: Wow Danger
AngryRyno: indeed, it will be more difficult to understand how they could choke from Q1
GJayBee: Yeah Ryno, it’s really hard mate, Great insight.
Chelskiman: After Jimmy’s poor start he’s come good. That releases some pressure.
Fatbar5tad: Why are Pies booing Danger LOL
Generalsor: Hahaha Kenny
Torpedo10: All my players are missing the big sticks!
AngryRyno: damnit, Danger & jimmy both miss goals for my team
Chelskiman: Wasteful from the Cats.
Generalsor: It’s not the pies, just one bloke
Yelse: why is everyone saying wasteful from icats. only 2 extra behinds lol
SilverLion: Better Danger, better.
Stikman35: Blicavs get that stat?
SilverLion: CD better count that mark to Blicavs, Umps paid it before siren went.
Stikman35: Get to switch channels soon and watch the up n coming recruit called Cloke.
OnTheRocks: stop letting Danger do all the hard lifting Jelwood
CamT: Barlow has 26 possessions, 7 tackles & 2 goals @ half time in the WAFL.
ryanbob: Inaccuracy killing us
GJayBee: That Cloke guy needs to get a tatto artist to change his angel wings to eagle wings
CrowEaters: Clangerfield still at 50%
grossn: VC pendles looking gr8
Yelse: why isn’t barlow getting a game when he killed it last week in WAFL
dzl7: hoping danger gets 100+ but also hope pies win 😉
Sloaneyyyy: cos Ross Lyon is a moron
OnTheRocks: Ross deliberately tanking to stay below GC?
CamT: Good question, Yelse.
JockMcPie: ross lyon = public enemy #1
RooBoyStu: with the crap weather in Perth today, I reckon Barlow will be a late in.
JockMcPie: hope so rooboy
AngryRyno: barlow is already playing WAFL lol!
JockMcPie: thought he wasnt named in the WAFL?
Chelskiman: xD
RooBoyStu: @AngryRyno serious? he was named emerg for Freo
jesseboy: modern day player management means its unlikely we’ll see someone play both reserves and firsts in the same day
Tigger5: cant play two games roo
Munza: Before half time in the Peel vs East Perth WAFL game and Barlow already had 26 touches and 2 goals for 114 DT points
AngryRyno: yes, he has 20~ touches at HT
Tigger5: 26 touches 2 goals at HT for him in WAFL
LuvIt74: Cox done noffin my score this week is gonna kill me
Chelskiman: This is the Jimmy I love to see. 95 at 3/4 please!
LuvIt74: I hate Ross Lyin
SaintsMan: same here luvit
poolboybob: Perfect conditions for Barlow, terrible weather, just bang it on the boot and hope for the best
RooBoyStu: bugger now i have to take the limp score of Cox, lift Cox.
Yelse: ross lyon every year kills my SC team. always resting and dropping players
AngryRyno: come on Danger lets go
Fatbar5tad: Fuck off who is holding who?
Fatbar5tad: Justice
dzl7: has pendles touched the ball this 3rd qtr yet?
Generalsor: Carn Paddy
dzl7: nvm he finally touched it
awesomeguy: Oh what do you know the umpires have somehow found a free kick for the pies
Generalsor: De Goey you spud. Ryan Davis outscoring you
AngryRyno: Smith hasn’t had a lot of the pill but 90% DE and 5CPS is good
Generalsor: De Gey the handball machine
desmondo: Umps favouring collingwood big time
Chelskiman: Cats are on the prowl now!
shaker: Lucky I have Bartel to make up for the Danger and Selwood spuds
Torz: De Goey and Smith I wouldn’t mind if you lifted a little.
dzl7: dont choke collingwood… get a few goal will ya
Torz: Serious grab by Cox.
SaintsMan: good boy coxey
RooBoyStu: I hear ya shaker Bartel making up for spud Gibbo
Fatbar5tad: Big yank kicks goal…big recruit misses
AngryRyno: wtf is this Danger
DrSeuss: Selwood Captain is killing me. Touch the ball you flog
j-easy: dependlebury is BACK
dzl7: yes pendles thats it lad
All Reds: all my opponents with Dangerfield (C)
poolboybob: Two duds in a row for Selwood. Cheap as chips in a few weeks.
Fatbar5tad: Danger point
JockMcPie: dangerfield score booster
Krispin_35: Jesus danger and jElwood need beast final quarters for me to get back in my league match
JockMcPie: wow
Fatbar5tad: Needs some tips from Big Cox
LuvIt74: cox & smith lift ffs i need every point
Chelskiman: Come on, Jimmy, few more points.
Tigger5: maynard definitely has Danger as captain, just giving him the ball
AngryRyno: another miss? Wow…
northernstar: Currently 12th. Big decision. I’ll run with first answered here. Barlow to zerret or montagna?
Fatbar5tad: Langs Hols on until the 50 fills up. Seriously dumb football.
JockMcPie: montagna
Torpedo10: Dahl
poido123: hope you choke northern star. no offense 😉
cusch1: Zerret
northernstar: Thanks jock
Torpedo10: North, Zerrett corked his calf yesterday at training. I opted for Dahl but in those options Montags I’d take.
Fatbar5tad: 5 cats 1 pie ball up. On fire LOL
Chelskiman: Zerrett might be a late out. I have him too, so not making this up.
AngryRyno: don’t go Zerrett this week, under injury clouds
Yelse: Jessie white is a diff player this year
northernstar: Can’t afford dollhouse with 1 trade unfortunately.
Jukes82: montagna is the best value, he’s the obvious choice.
Fatbar5tad: We kicked one!
feralmong: Thx for zerret info. I had no fwd coverage. So switch him to mid and covered. Thx.
SaintsMan: AmgryRyno whats wrong with him?
SilverLion: Have Pendles, Adams, Blicavs and Danger. Guess who I made captain? -_-
poido123: seriously. papley, zerrett, hall, wells. absolute carnage. hoping for low scores this week
Generalsor: Calf knock at training on thursday. Wanted to stay out but they mothballed. still named
grossn: I’m so scared, comeon pies
poido123: sitting 510 supercoach, 2043 afl fantasy
Krispin_35: Selwood and danger better have a big final term to get the boys over the line
penguins00: Zerrett is still named though?
Fatbar5tad: You’re home grossn nothing to see here mate.
rickyb80: mayfields a flog
Tigger5: is zerret actually not playing?
grossn: MacPherson injured… I just brought him in this week fml
Krispin_35: How to get team badges next to name
JockMcPie: nooooo
grossn: @Fatbar5tad Collingwood might decide to not show up in Q4 like they have so many times this year
Chelskiman: @Tigger, just under an injury cloud. Many expect a late out, but not officially out.
SaintsMan: he got injured on thursday and was named then. So why would they pull him out so late?
Fatbar5tad: Better play from Danger there
LovetShuey: Merret will play stop freaking out
Tigger5: alright cheers
JanathF: comeon danger, selwood
AngryRyno: if they thought it would get better and it hasn’t
DZL7: pies get a few goals thanks
Chelskiman: I want him to play, I have no cover otherwise.
cusch1: You normally recover from s cork overnight relax
Fatbar5tad: Same scoring shots. 20 down. Need to fix our kicking!
All Reds: bloody hell motlop
AngryRyno: cmon Catters help these Pies choke
leorosman_: hopefully selwood does shit
Chelskiman: Here they come!!
Generalsor: Cmon Danger 120+
DZL7: bloody hell pies ddont choke now..
LuvIt74: mottyloppy having a floppy with coxy
Krispin_35: Keep coming catters
Jukes82: Pies are done
LuvIt74: The cats must of been playing with pies
LuvIt74: pies are cooked
DZL7: yes big goal for tte pies!
NewFreoFan: Sorry guys, I just picked up Selwood. My bad.
LuvIt74: cmon mottyloppy lift for Gods sake
goldy4pm: cmon fanfooty, i get he’s having a bad game but you don’t have to call him Barry Crocker
Chelskiman: Jesus, Jimmy, touch the ball!
AngryRyno: damnit come on Danger, Jimmy and Cats!
DZL7: atta boy darcy
Generalsor: Do something Danger
Chelskiman: Finally, Bartel.
GJayBee: Bartel is practically Oscar the Grouch. If he doesn’t score early, he scores late.
JockMcPie: big cox!!
Chelskiman: How can you have a 40 point quarter then have 6 points in 15 minutes.
AngryRyno: wow, game over
RooBoyStu: Never thought I’d say this, god bless you skunks, we might be 2 games clear after tonight.
AngryRyno: Danger sucks, ruined my week as C
goldy4pm: loving it rooboy!
JockMcPie: u should be, if north dont beat carlton…..
JanathF: rooboy probs but hopefully not:)
DZL7: hate collingwood so much but thank you collingwood 😉
the worm: @chelski maybe because you’re tired?
GJayBee: Can anyone who has watched the game verify Danger’s SC score???? Has he sucked?
poido123: good job danger, low sc score helps me catch up
Generalsor: Junk time De Goey
Stikman35: Junk time?
Krispin_35: So this game has been crap who do I captain Shaw ward v dogs Dahl libba. Or godly v Carlton or priddis or Nic nat
Torz: Good couple of mins DG.
Tigger5: hasnt done much GJB
cobrakai00: Roos won’t win the premiership.. Like it matters where they finish LOL
Breezey: Get ya Pies. Get ya hot pies.
Tigger5: Shaw
DZL7: cobra seems salty! great win pies!!
poido123: agree conbrakai. north and west coast just make up the numbers
JockMcPie: cooollllliiiinggggwoooooddddd
man0005: neither will Geelong LOL
Chelskiman: At least ton up, Jimmy.
Stikman35: Very sweet. Ex and family are cats. I’m happy.
Krispin_35: I was thing Shaw or goldy for c
Stikman35: Copped it from cats supporters at work this morning. So bet with em. Haha.
Stikman35: Not over yet
poido123: how is danger getting points for doing nothing? his score keeps creeping up in SC
benzammit: Goldy I’ve gone even if peddles gets 140 up against nothing this week
Stikman35: Air pelvic thrusting
FlowerTime: Good finish Treloar!
Krispin_35: Wow thanks to these first two games I’m never gonna win my main league match
ryanbob: Can’t catch a break with Captain choices
SilverLion: Captain Dangerfield….*sigh*