Brown*Dog: Tigers looking for the reverse trade buttorn on the Yarran deal
Bursill: hahah, i’ve had Hiscox on the bench all year, finally gets a run!
J.Worrall: GoTiggies!
jalapenoh: Buddy to kick a bag tonight. In incredible form
dibbydobby: Tiges please
JockMcPie: how good has heeney been recently!
Bursill: Don’t worry guys, Richmond will come back….. And then we’ll get 10 goals kicked against us in the final quarter
dibbydobby: oh so true Bursill
LuvIt74: Will Buddy bag 10
jalapenoh: Im tipping 8 from him tonight
Torz: C’mon Titch get involved.
LuvIt74: brought Martin in this week, so he might struggle to make 50
LuvIt74: Tigers to lose by 108 points
gdshifty: ffs mitchell get involved
Jackwatt$: Cmon Titch it’s okay to be scared, but please do something!
Snarfy: The skill errors by foot in this game by both teams are off the chart. Deplorable
ryanbob: Jeez buddy really needs some discipline. Would have monster scores if not for his frees against
Zeratul: Nice 30m penalty nicholls… spud umpire
JockMcPie: come watch the collingwood game guys!! fantastic
Torz: Are you serious Mitchell?
Stikman35: Hot pies. Erection of happines
Apachecats: Mitchell you are on the never again list.
Yelse: rance and apply lift please save meeeee
Stikman35: If mills tons up I’m losing interest.
AngryRyno: Tom Mitchell folks, how cold? Ice cold!
FlagDog: Mitchell being a potato… runs in the name this round.
JockMcPie: need hewett to score 70+
Apachecats: I think you’re safe Stikman
meka100: Mitchell fucken lazy fat ass wombat
PieBoy: onya mitchy
grossn: Even Brisbane has a higher score than Titch’s SC score at QTR time
Breezey: Captain Hanners. Good start
Fury: I accidentally captained Hannebery instead of Mitchell
danmaio: Spud Mitchell, just need you to out score greenwood, how fucken hard can that be
grossn: I took the captain off Hanners and put it on Pendles with a few min before lockout 🙁
grossn: *not that pendles is doing badly
JockMcPie: gonna say they’re practically equal right now
Apachecats: Good accident Fury
grossn: Yeah to be honest @JockMcPie I didn’t know pendles SC when I said it, just assumed he wouldnt be near 54
ryanbob: Lesson learned, Parker does not perform when the c is on him
ryanbob: Stats missed mark and kick for rance
Apachecats: Mitchells icicle is melting.
Generalsor: And Parker’s is forming! C’mon Captain Parker! Lift!
ajconodie: Yeah Papley handball
danmaio: My frees against have a flame
ryanbob: Why isnt rance getting paid his stats? Tackle missed too
gdshifty: buddy to give away 10 freekicks by end of night
AngryRyno: Icicle off Mitchell now, had a good quarter and still going
Apachecats: Parker minus 2 SC this 1/4
LuvIt74: Horse is about to have a coronary.
Torz: Corey Ellis has come good.
DrSeuss: Come on Paps
m0nty: Horse has a prolapsed foofer valve.
LuvIt74: lmfao m0nty
grossn: @Apache Hanners was on 54 at 1/4 time
snake_p: time to put up the tent Monty?
danmaio: Cmon buddy. Ffs.
AngryRyno: not a lot of SC points for the Swans this half
LuvIt74: show me the horse
ryanbob: Screw you parker
Apachecats: Yeah Groosn he’s slowed up a bit too.
Brian: Oh boy wowee, Richmond has come from nowhere to pinch the lead just before HT!
jalapenoh: Fuck the umps really dont like the swans this week haha
Apachecats: Sydney asleep at the wheel
AngryRyno: this half, I mean quarter
Apachecats: *Grossn
sammyo7: horse is gunna tear someone a new one at half time
dibbydobby: carn the tigiesss
grossn: @Apache sorry I am completely off tonight. I read that Parker as Hanners
LuvIt74: Rance needs to friggen fire what BS
gdshifty: mills, papley, mitchell and franklin. Good times
JockMcPie: woah im jumping on parker soon if he drops in price
danmaio: Was looking very good at 10 minute mark of first qtr, gone backwards since
wadaramus: Parker you hack, FFS pull your finger out.
Apachecats: Probably going to drop at least $20-25K Jock
Stikman35: Deledio after his first good performance is the one to get on
Jair: C on Parker says it all for this season
dipstick: ouch to anyone who C’ed parker last 2 weeks
heppelitis: geez….25 touches at half time….monster effort that
heppelitis: that would be me dipstick
gdshifty: CD taking -3’s off sydney players galore at halftime wtf?
FlagDog: Papley you potato, Parker you shower curtain, fuck you swans, hope you lose and die.
dipstick: tiger fans yelling top 4 later tonight at this rate
Bursill: I will be dipstick
Choke: Parker and Mitchell causing me stress attacks. What’s happened to them?
Wends: Hopefully papley makes his BE
danmaio: Kick it to buddy, and ranch will do the rest
sonik79: howdy all. parker captain 2 weeks in a row. im out of kleenex..
JockMcPie: goddammit papley.
wadaramus: Parker and Papley, you suck.
LuvIt74: Someone needs to show Rance what the ball looks like. its not like he’s doing much to stop buddy
danmaio: Who would want to be dimma
ryanbob: parker you absolute spud, never putting the c on you again
gdshifty: the one week where i need you papley ffs
MIJG: Papley 2 game wonder
Daboo: You still have papley? That’s your own fault!
benzammit: @Daboo people hang onto cash cows as if they are
ajconodie: His b/e is 18. Why wouldn’t yous till have him?
AngryRyno: if you traded out Papley you must have used tons of trades Daboo
benzammit: Round 5 bye bye in cam D Thomas
Zeratul: Papley at 300k with a BE of 19…. may as wll keep him
MIJG: Stupid comment Daboo. Paply still had a low be in sc so $$s. Say that next week tosser.
jalapenoh: Buddy back to his best. Looking like the the buddy of ’08
LuvIt74: Papley has a B/E of 18 so those who kept him providing they traded in DBJ were the overall winners.
Daboo: And at the moment he’s on 3?
LuvIt74: I personally traded Papley for DBJ
sticky12: Parley scored 85 last week and made 36 grand. He was still rising daboo
Torz: Need a big 3 minutes here Titch.
ajconodie: And might just double his b/e by the end of the game.
JockMcPie: get involved papley plese!
Daboo: Like I said, if you still have him, it’s your own fault.
benzammit: Na he will lose money this week, you can’t wait for all cash cows to hit optimum as most starters all ripen @simular tim
LuvIt74: Those who kept Papley but didn’t bring in DBJ are worse off.
King_Robbo: Daboo.. You have no idea. Papley has been very good the past three weeks.. So I made the extra money and still got dbj
AngryRyno: you didn’t have to trade Papley to get DBJ…
Daboo: I’m with you luvit!
benzammit: DJB ah ha and there is others😜
Bursill: Papley right on que
Gloryboy: Lol papley
MIJG: Like you said. Lol
dipstick: LOL zammit chooses players by avges. did you ever see DBJ play? fool not to have him
LuvIt74: Angry I didn’t have to but im glad I did.
Daboo: Oh wait, papley just doubled his score to 6!
ajconodie: benzammit you would get rid of a player who (granted he’s crap tonight) is making 30k a week? You’re a clown.
Daboo: And then cut it by 2/3 to just 2 sad points!
benzammit: Yes averages usually help make a decision, do you close your eyes n point?
wadaramus: Should have played Menadue over Papley!
ajconodie: Daboo – DBJ hasn’t played yet. he may end up with a similar score you never know.
King_Robbo: Those who got rid of Papley are just pissed they missed the extra $$ and good scoring
AngryRyno: Daboo seems sour for the $50k missed out on by moving Papley on too early
Daboo: Makes me happy to know that so many of you still have him
benzammit: You are a dipstick I have DBJ and yes I will dump a player making 20k a week for a platform player and another to up 70k
ajconodie: He might lose 5 k this week. Boohoo.
OnTheRocks: should have picked up Hanners instead of Parker
JRedden: started sumner over papley and mcgovern
benzammit: I burn 10 trades to make 1.2 mil
LuvIt74: DBJ has earned $200k + the $100k made from Papley when traded was a much better move then not getting DBJ
King_Robbo: Keeping Papley and getting in dbj was the best move
LuvIt74: However saying that those who kept Papley and traded in DBJ are the real winners Re: cash generation, PERIOD
danmaio: Cmon Mitchell and buddy, hewit, really gull up here
benzammit: Depends what you end game is too if you set n forget for league glory or overall comp points
sticky12: Daboo, makes me happy you’ve missed out on 90,000 the past 4 weeks…and burnt trades doing so
benzammit: Mills got the chop last week thank fuck
ajconodie: Come on Parker, 60 point quarter!!
benzammit: Papery should be gone outta most good side end of story.
dibbydobby: your done papsmear. not sure if the money he is bringing in is worth scores like this. might as well have a 0
King_Robbo: Parker.. Two average weeks..
JockMcPie: papley…
PieBoy: parkley
ajconodie: I’ll be upgrading him this week. His b/e will be nasty.
Bursill: And papley sprays one out on the full
JockMcPie: ffs papley actually gets the ball and puts it on the full…
PieBoy: my opponent has parker as captain. LOLZ
benzammit: Anyone believe the Tigers can win?
JRedden: mcveigh gonna be nice and cheap, easy fantasia upgrade
Daboo: You sound surprised?
King_Robbo: It’s a shame that the flogs who got rid of Papley were nowhere to be seen the past few weeks..
jalapenoh: Nah, swans will run away with it in the last 15 mins in my opinion
jalapenoh: Buddy will kick another 3 goals too
benzammit: Or Bartel
ryanbob: DBJ > Paps. no question
JRedden: im tossing up between bartel/mcveigh atm
kangawalla: H Grundy, I think your late great namesake Reg could score more than you tonight!
benzammit: Robbie find a bet your ranked 200000+
tamoz: Keep up the FA count Buddy!
gdshifty: Titchell starting in forward line… disaster
benzammit: 200k+ my bad
ryanbob: typical that my vc and c (parker and selwood) decided to have shockers on the same week
dipstick: @pieboy same here. i took dangers 132. destroyation
benzammit: Tigers have gone bananas!
Torz: No wonder the Swans are getting smashed in the clearances. Titch is playing half forward.
wadaramus: Papley was always next on the chopping block.
grossn: Swans should still win. We all remember last week richmond v hawks
HawkTalker: argh Parker
sticky12: Tigers I reckon
King_Robbo: Top 1,000 actually you peanut
AngryRyno: Hanners is actually a legend <3
benzammit: Team name Robbo?
Daboo: Hold up, papley’ making a late charge, he’s up to 9 points! Hahaha!
sticky12: Jack misses 2 and both times Sydney score straight away. They should be 3 in front
kangawalla: Would you call him a champion yet Ryno? I reckon he almost is.
dipstick: cmon parker. see if you can catch d.rioli lel
LuvIt74: Cmon Rance get 70+ at least
AngryRyno: I certainly would, what a champ
benzammit: Check ranked 14th Supercoach!
LuvIt74: Glad i chose Hanners over Parker
Bursill: Papley free kick
Stikman35: Paps
feralmong: Papley!
gdshifty: onya Papsmear!!!!!
spiggs: Onya pap! got to double figures son
AngryRyno: suck that Paps haters
King_Robbo: Probably someone smart who still has papley..
PieCannon: cmon sydney, please dont ruin my tips
benzammit: And I don’t have Papley
LuvIt74: Papley needs to double his SC points to reach his B/E
AngryRyno: Daboo will disappear now! LOL!
kangawalla: The smear doubles his SC score in one action!
feralmong: The breakeven goal
LuvIt74: Actually only 6 more now
sticky12: “Big time performer this year” not in daboo’s team haha suck it you and zammirt
ajconodie: Papley smasking his breakeven
benzammit: What’s your team name Robbo ?
LuvIt74: The papsmear kit is getting quite chunky & due for the bin.
Daboo: If you guys are happy having a guy in your team scoring maybe 30 points then clearly you guys celebrate mediocrity!
benzammit: Lol he needs another 4 to make money this week his bubble has popped!
LuvIt74: Papley has just smashed his sc score and could hit 50
travo: Swannies not missing those set shots
dipstick: @luvit time for the paps and menapause to be upgraded
JockMcPie: another goal papley
ajconodie: Daboo doesn’t understand how doubling breakevens = cash for spending on someone whom isn’t mediocre
benzammit: Well said Daboo , most bought him in and used a trade so there hanging on dear.
Roksta: Screw pap whose got m cox
ajconodie: Parker’s gone nuts.
benzammit: Menadue lol
gdshifty: lol the 2 helmet tards in a sprint race!!
Jukes82: griffiths blue moon!
LuvIt74: @Roksa me and im playing him 🙂
Roksta: Parker going gangbusters
dipstick: the tigers could lose a beachball in a marble bag. they are ueless!
Stikman35: Gimps
benzammit: Right rookies if you have the right rookies to start with you can use a trade to bring in others on the bubble…lol
benzammit: If you don’t and you buy cash cows in then yes sit and wait for them as your not going that great.
Mileroo30: Quack! Cost his team the game with that one
sticky12: Not celebrating daboo, just proving your idiotic point wrong. He is still a cash cow. U blew it trading him. Admit it!
benzammit: Common Tigers
Roksta: Go swannies
AngryRyno: Parker worked very hard this term, no negative icon
benzammit: 29 points I’d rather Cox more meat to trimm
Roksta: Parker no longer missing
ajconodie: Bloody hell. i was joking about 60 from parker this quarter. won’t be far off.
King_Robbo: Daboo and benza.. Keyboard heroes but SC nuffies
LuvIt74: gr8 game
Goldie: Up the tigers
travo: wow
feralmong: Omfg
meka100: Fuck off Swans and die Parker Mitchell
JockMcPie: +30 SC points for winning goal?
benzammit: Tigers great win
AngryRyno: the 200SC kick
J_Pinkman: wow bloody well done tigers
dipstick: hahaha thats what happens when you slack off parker and titch. youre dropped next week titch
zadolinnyj: Scores about to go backwards as that kick worth a heap
MIJG: Baha how did tigs win that
King_Robbo: Wow lol sydney..
benzammit: Rank Robbo?
Stikman35: Martin injured in celebrations.
sticky12: Was Parker getting the main tag because Kennedy not there? Or just a shit game?
dibbydobby: What a game
tbrowne: shit game
benzammit: Hope Papley made you some money I rest Daboo’s case
Choke: welp, lost a bunch of cash this week on titch and jelwood 🙁
Nuffman: he did benzammit… then this week, he gets culled for MacPherson
Roksta: Wowed Richmond might get to ninth after all
benzammit: Two b class rookies
scaryness: hannerbery was still easily bog
benzammit: No money this week Nuffman
Nuffman: Yes… because we bring rookies in to score the big points for us.. How did I not know that!
King_Robbo: 78, 64, 81 and about 70k.. Case Paps has done well but time to go.
benzammit: Lol…who won scariness? No bog but very good.
benzammit: Bring em in lol yep figures…didn’t have him so used a trade getting him I understand
sticky12: Saints a lock tomorrow
benzammit: Robbo you missed the negative this week lol a made 120k in 4 weeks sold him and got Upgraded forwards .lol no idea lads
3rdstriker: traded papley to DBJ 4 weeks ago, no regrets
benzammit: Sticky get ya hand off it champ WC by 5 goals at home.
Nuffman: benzammit.. are you that thick?? I started with Papley and will bring in someone for him… it’s how you make the $$
Nuffman: also.. no negative.. he gained all forms.. drongo. Not as much as we would have liked… but that’s the game
benzammit: Nuffman I’m ranked 14th I know how to play.
benzammit: You waited too long to get rid but well done.He will lose this week not much but some and has risen very slow in past 4
AngryRyno: you have to have cash coming in Ben or you won’t be 14th for long
benzammit: Instead of calling childish names give me your team name and I can check your handy work?
Nuffman: haha.. the awkward moment when I’m ranked equal 10th… oops
benzammit: Team name?Sc?
King_Robbo: Clearly not ranked 14th. As fake as your plastic, cheating club
Nuffman: b/e of 18.. scores ~27.. means he gains.. simple maths.. means I didn’t have to burn a trade so early. I’m doing fine