SilverLion: Merret a late out for Paparone.
SilverLion: *Merrett
MIJG: Need Zorko to throw in one of his stinkers.
casey22: Westoff’s had a haircut & beard trim
Pokerface: ollie ollie ollie oi oi oi
zadolinnyj: Need you rocky. Big one please
Ceema: Come on mcstay!
Hadouken: come on brissy, keep my multi alive…aliiiiiive !!!
Sloaneyyyy: go Wines and Rockliff
colin wood: I’m with you Mijg need a stinker from Zork and I need Byrne jones to go decent
OnTheRocks: Need Robinson to stay within 31 points of rocky
Jukes82: Martin should dominate today
Hadouken: @ontherocks GL 🙂
GJayBee: robbo, do it for bogans the world over, i need you man
MIJG: Not a good start colin .
GJayBee: listen brisbane bears, someone handball to robbo and bring him into this shimozzle
Pull: go beams brought you in as a POD
Pull: go beams brought you in as a POD
BestCoast: Go Zorkinator
Sloaneyyyy: bloody hell rocky, haven’t moved for 15 minutes
OnTheRocks: @hadouken thanks. After my vc disaster this is my doing 🙁
GJayBee: Instead of telling you my Zorko story, I will cry a river.
Hadouken: i got lucky against opp. he had mitchell as C, late withdraw so had V on kennedy WC 🙂
peteywest: whats up with robbo?
Jukes82: free kicks 1-7, the umps hate SA this week!
GJayBee: every now and then you wonder if robbo thinks his tagging when he’s not hahahah
las_cons: anyone know where robinson is playing/why so low possessions?
AngryRyno: DBJ, what a legend
AngryRyno: Zorko is a beast, won’t be able to afford him now
MIJG: Yep loopholed jones to the bench for a safe 86. Fuck
GJayBee: DBJ is a god on this earth. Zorko is the source of all rivers which are cried by coaches who don’t have him
Rockafella: is it just a glitch in the system or tis the highest scoring player suppose to be on the bottom of the player rankings?
scfreak: Go zorko gooooo
AngryRyno: don’t stop now DBJ!
Sloaneyyyy: where is the Rockliff from last week???
FlagDog: What is Rocky doing?
ryanbob: Missed that dbj handball on the stats
AngryRyno: need Ebert to stay in front of Hartlett in DT
FlagDog: Rocky limping off. FML.
rtz23: looks like rocky did his hammy
JockMcPie: oh zorko i love you. same with you byrne-jones. keep it up
hbui35493: rocky’s done for the day, i’m never trading him in again
meziare: Decided to wait a week on Rocky, VERY happy now!!
BestCoast: Zorko The Great
masterhc2: for fucks sake have rocky captain
Chelskiman: Glad I was forced into a back trade this week otherwise I would have been bringing in Rocky.
OnTheRocks: Rocky = made with rice paper
gdshifty: same here meziare. Only waited on Rocky cos his BE was 98. Wasnt a must have this week
BestCoast: @masterhc2 you have steel aggots
Sloaneyyyy: and a big F-U to rockliff… “upgraded” libba to get you in this week… what a disaster
Woosha 73: Get Rocky they said….
MIJG: Rockliff was always a never again. Didn’t even consider, some ple have short memory
bernieV: getting rocky was the right move. very fucked off though
Hadouken: FFS rocky… gaaawd. I am over this hahahhaa !!!
Hadouken: rocky to lewis ?
Woosha 73: So was Zorko and H Shaw
Sloaneyyyy: Shaw was a never again too, but the last two years he’s been brilliant
runt: didnt you read the fine print on rockliffs purchase? No whinging if he gets injured because he always gets injured!
dipstick: @onrocks pretty sure rice paper would give rocky a paper cut
runt: bunch of pussies
JockMcPie: rocky will be a must-have next season if he gets his body right as his price will drop
Bursill: if Stef Martin gets 100, I lose
Sloaneyyyy: Rocky’s gonna have to give me a season of being injury free before I ever consider him again now
Jukes82: rocky won’t get injured….said no one ever.
colin wood: Lift Rich…
Sloaneyyyy: Need big stef to get to 125 SC for me to win my game
Chelskiman: Rocky was a must have based on the same thing this year. I think he’s simply going to have injury concerns every year.
MIJG: Rocky will be good to go in weeks to come, play 2 good games, and sure enough suckers will chase points.
proudyy: rocky was well worth the risk at the start of the year
proudyy: byrne jones has been brilliant
proudyy: byrne jones has been brilliant
Fury: byrne jones has been brilliant
GJayBee: Robbo, please mate, please
BaxterR: byrne jones has been brilliant
BestCoast: Sheep
Stikman35: Will goldys score get scale
Sloaneyyyy: Go Martin, only 50 more SC
BestCoast: I have Rich that cold front is a quintessential B Grader at best flowering spud flog
LuvIt74: M0nty you can throw the $ sign on Byrne-Jones mate his breakeven was negative.
JanathF: In SC i have martin and 58 point lead. THey have rich and zorko. WHO WINS
LuvIt74: Goldy’s final score on SC was 106
GJayBee: i’m going to be 5 wins 1 loss in a cash league with a percentage of about 105% love it!
Torpedo10: Step going backwards is not a good sign. 🙁
BestCoast: @JanathF if they have Rich you win
JockMcPie: @Janath probably them. I feel rich will get more than 58 and zorko/martin about equal. will be close
Sloaneyyyy: it says 103 for goldy in my league match ?
Stikman35: Thanks luv
tamoz: Lift Wingard and Rich!
LuvIt74: @JanathE either way right now, very close.
AngryRyno: Zorko has stopped, is he still out there?
LuvIt74: sorry 103 yes
Stikman35: Needed goldy to go 120 plus. So now dbj and Zorko bigger
JanathF: cmon martin
LuvIt74: goldy was my C also
LuvIt74: Wake up Rich ya dud
feralmong: I went Dea to Pittard as a POD. Not too bad so far.
LuvIt74: cmon wines bring home the bacon with those beautiful solid muscular thighs u should b able to kick a goal 100 meters awa
AngryRyno: Echo Echo Zorko has stopped
Torz: Keep going Stef, you’re killing it!
feralmong: Martin getting back to Atlas form again.
wadaramus: Come on Zorko, 50sc at QT?
LuvIt74: so has wines
heppelitis: not that different to me Feralmong
dipstick: would be nice if zorkos scored once in a fucken while
LuvIt74: zorko’s been shot
gdshifty: Martin gets the cape this quarter. From 61 to 111
AngryRyno: keep going DBJ
NichoB: zorko, parker, ward or selwood, which one do i trade in this week
feralmong: Parker
Pull: selwood cant go past him
LuvIt74: this game is going to get ugly fast in the last quarter. Port to win by 90 points
LuvIt74: Parker not ever up for debate.
gdshifty: cmon Monty slap the superman cape on Stef! 51 pts that quarter!!
mason2016: what happened to rocky?
kirky12: If Wines or Zorko could hit a target, I’d Appreciate it Thanks guys.
dipstick: ffs zorko you won’t even ton up you slacker
feralmong: So here comes the downgrade to keays and petracca week. Anyone not?
LuvIt74: What are u all looking at scoring on SC?
scfreak: Need zorko and rich to ton, cmon boys
desmondo: rocky pinged his hammy 🙁
mason2016: anyone who’s watching.. what happened to rocky?
dipstick: reckon sc par will be 2300-2400
JockMcPie: @feralmong either that or cash in a premium for mills
LuvIt74: I’m getting Petracca next week not sure about keays although with rocky injured its more enticing.
LuvIt74: @mason2016 hammy went ping
wadaramus: Rocky pulled a hammy, second quarter I think?
feralmong: 2200 now luvit plus what pittard dbj and Martin add from here
Fatbar5tad: Need Rich to be poor. 71 and I’m done.
LuvIt74: @feralmong who was your captain?
feralmong: Hehe gawney
AngryRyno: let’s go DBJ push for an 85
runners47: C’mon Young – just 15 points from you this qtr for a DT win
proudyy: Why would you get petracca next week @LuvIt74
AngryRyno: dude, everyone is getting Petracca this week unless you started with him (SC)
kangawalla: Rocky to Zorko the magnificent next week?
LuvIt74: @proudyy because he is on the bubble
JanathF: i need to hang on cmon martin
LuvIt74: @proudy why the hell wouldn’t you?
kangawalla: Can D Beams lap his brother? That is, beat him by 100 or more?
wadaramus: FFS, the interpretation of the deliberate rule is becoming intolerable, screw the AFL and it’s rules.
proudyy: @LuvIt74 misunderstood mate thought you meant after next weeks game
rtz23: where’s olliver gone???
rtz23: never mind there he is
LuvIt74: tell ya what D Beams will be a gr8 upgrade if he has a few sub 100 games, he looks good in his 1st game.
colin wood: Come on rich please lift…
LuvIt74: rich needs a new hair cut, he looks like he’s stuck in 1972
LuvIt74: wth is wines only on 91 on SC after his goal
kangawalla: Agreed Luvit re: D Beams
rtz23: was a bit of a gimme @luvit
Sloaneyyyy: need 127 from Stef Martin
Strskes: Ablett to Beams will be popular this week…
LuvIt74: @rtz23 so what its still a goal, he should be on 97
blues3222: on sc or dt sloaneyyyy
kangawalla: And agreed Luvit about Rich’s haircut. NEVER go to a hairdresser that says Barber & Tobacconist.
wadaramus: Gonna go down to the wire Sloaneyyyy, scaling could get you there!
feralmong: Thanks for the cream on top pittard.
kangawalla: Rich keeps getting the tobacconist!
LuvIt74: @strskes anyone to go GAJ to Beams after his first game should stop playing FF
NichoB: zorko, parker, ward or selwood, which one do i trade in this week
Sloaneyyyy: unfortunately i need it in SC, so its prob not gonna happen
LuvIt74: can port kick 3 more unanswered to make my prediction of 90 points win
kangawalla: First 2 NichoB
feralmong: GAJ be a handy M8 I’d keep him and ride it out. Trades are gold.
AngryRyno: c’mon Ebert get in front of Hartlett! (DT)
runners47: Dammit Young – benched 2 points short
Raspel31: Parker-Nicho I reckon. Poor old Rockliff-no luck this year
AngryRyno: how long on the clock please anyone?
LuvIt74: Parker would be my #1 no brainer for me. all depends if u care about your bye structure.
Maerzy: sauce merrett Nichob
gdshifty: stef spending extended time on bench late :/
feralmong: Scaling might help u sloaney
MIJG: Need the siren to go right now thanks
Torz: Need 3 points and Stef is stuck on the bench. :/
wadaramus: Keays looks OK, who’s bringing him in this week?
kangawalla: i wonder how many extra bigredmegameatlovers pizzas Domino’s sold this week?
AngryRyno: Clock please?
Mileroo30: he’s just won my me cash league @wadaramus
wadaramus: 3 minutes angry.
feralmong: Sign me up wada.
wadaramus: I didn’t buy one kanga.
LuvIt74: @Wadaramus looks ok if u have 24+ trades left if not then i wont be touching him.
kangawalla: Ebert takes the lead Ryno!
AngryRyno: Keays could have had a ton if he could kick
wadaramus: I’ve only got 19, but since I am doing one up one down, he’ll be my downgrade I reckon.
AngryRyno: yep! stoked!
Torz: 1 to go Stef.
kangawalla: Me either WADA but my fat fingers accidentally started to order one at least 6 times! Too close to the chat window.m1st
Torz: Well done.
poolboybob: Look at that efficiency from DBJ, what a gun
AngryRyno: Stef doing his best to get everyone over the line here, gun
dipstick: 19 trades left? you must have 19 premos. not likely
Breezey: How long to go peeps. Stuck on the Logies
heppelitis: wish rockies dt was going up like his sc is
kangawalla: 1st world issues I know!
MIJG: Gonna lose by a few points god damn it.
Raspel31: Lost for me when Mitchell didn’t play- but hell, who cares.
LuvIt74: @Wadaramus your insane do u have Petracca?
wadaramus: Lol kanga, I hope they were meat lovers with BBQ sauce and that they were delicious!
BestCoast: Is the last word of Ports song flower or shower
JanathF: Oh no unless stef gets scaled i lost by a point
AngryRyno: did Hartlett just get a +5 to pass Ebert :0
wadaramus: YesLuvIt, got him in last week, took a risk!
LuvIt74: 19 trades is not enough this early, im on 23 and was concerned but going bang bang this week.
JockMcPie: nice! i get the win, laird and s mitchell didnt play. adjustments to come
LuvIt74: As long as their domino’s pizza’s thats all that matters.
MIJG: Why did dbj have to have such a good DE
dipstick: @breezy LOL logies? thats like the Oscars for kiddies LOL
