frenzy: people have no interest in this game or chat is flowered
frenzy: Lol, no interest
Chelskiman: Only interest I have is opp has Hogan, so I need him to do badly. Good start.
Dangermaus: no interest… other than for my perfect9 team
DanBlack: Got Mundy and Barlow…..Oh and I’m a Freo supporter
Dangermaus: although if Dockers win, I get 9/9 tips this week, and a whole bunch of free Whoppers
Chelskiman: Keep this rate up, Hogan!
Dangermaus: where was this Barlow when I had him at the start of the season ???
DanBlack: Keep Cape-ing it up Barlow
colmullet: Only taken all year to wake up Barlow??
Chelskiman: O. McDonald needs to get back to his farm.
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Nathan Jones turns the ball over at halfback to allow Pavlich to kick an easy goal.
frenzy: looks like Phillip Island, all them penguins
frenzy: sack the coach ,Dees are a disgrace
iZander: anyone know how long pavs contracted for?
DanBlack: Barlow gone for a pie
meka100: Roos is a disgrace, fleecing Melbourne of all there money and he’s done fuck all
NewFreoFan: Thanks for playing us back into some form Roosy 🙂
JRedden: if neale gets 130 ill win surely
johnoP: Old Macdonald is playing alright
Chelskiman: Need Barlow to outscore Ibbo by 21 points. What are my chances, fellas?
iZander: 1 point up, need mundy to outscore neale in the senond half 😛
johnoP: anyone know sandi’s SC?
Tim Tam: sandi 66sc, 2nd behind pavlich’s 90
FlagDog: Got on Mundy to get 35 touches or more at $6.40, keep it up buddy!
johnoP: i just need him to score less than 4 more points for the half. I may be in trouble 🙁
frenzy: whats a par score this week
carlton_99: Need exactly 100 from how in supeercoach, ehs on 40 at the moment any chnace
Beast_Mode: no zero chance.
grossn: Good luck FlagDog! Very possible
Apachecats: How’s on first.
Chelskiman: 17 down at the moment. Come on, Barlow!
FlagDog: 1 touch in 8 mins, not looking good :/
Chelskiman: Yeah, I think I’ve lost. Barlow’s scoring has dried up, plus my opponent has Iboo in play as well. I’m cooked.
Beast_Mode: give m.jones the spud
vamos77: whats ibbo on SC need 111 for the win
nkoutsou: why did ross lyon sub pav off?
spudaroos: Ibbo on 55
vamos77: cooked. Thx spud
frenzy: keep going Max, ya doing just fine
OnTheRocks: 2 donuts and 4 premos out = 1950 for the round. My worst score since the bye rounds when i only had 18
JRedden: 2370 with neale and mundy in play… for DT
OnTheRocks: TMac, Joelwood, SMitch, Cotch on my never again list
frenzy: supa sub grimes
NewFreoFan: Good to see Pearce playing into some form
NewFreoFan: Now if only Mzungu could learn how to dispose of the footy properly…
Chelskiman: Ebert is on my blacklist.
Chelskiman: Will probably pass on Barlow next year too.
kangawalla: @beastmode.Give Spencer, Garland, M Jones, the spud. Really disheartening to watch my team like this for 9 straight yrs
frenzy: did grimes cape QTR ?
spudaroos: If Barlow gets fwd/mid in SC next year, I will pick him.
Hadouken: @ontherocks, thats what everyone said about heater shaw
Rebuild: Matt Jones playing his last game of footy surely
vamos77: Bartel/Ward never again
carlton_99: need howe to get 42 sc points in the last qtr any chance guys
Wends: Haven’t been watching – what happened to Tom McD??
kangawalla: @Rebuild. M Jones will be a great player in the EDFL, Ammos or similar standard
kangawalla: @carlton99. He just got a 6 in the first 30 seconds. Need 6 more 6’s
Chelskiman: @spudaroo, if he got mid/fwd that would change things, but if he’s mid only then I’ll pass.
frenzy: take a bow Max
carlton_99: cmon howe 37 more
carlton_99: keep going 27 more now
kangawalla: @carlton99. Apart from taking speckkies, Howe’s not that good.
frenzy: hehe that got sandi pevved
carlton_99: cmon 25 more howe plllsss
kangawalla: Howey playing like he needs currency for another club! What score do you need carlton99? 96?
carlton_99: exactly 100
carlton_99: 23 points now
ReaperRage: thanks Tmac, because of your shitty score i have now lost 2 grandfinals by under 60 points. get me some vodka & a noose
carlton_99: cmon howe pls 22 more
carlton_99: howe pls 21 more
JRedden: neale 5 touches in the space of a min
frenzy: thats sum game, supa sub
Tim Tam: i need sandi over 123sc…. what’s he on right now?
willywalks: anyone else lost their prelim but would have beat the other 2 teams…
spudaroos: Tmacs first 7 rounds were good, has been sub par since.
carlton_99: cmon plllsss howe 21 more
carlton_99: cmon plsss 17 more
carlton_99: how long left
frenzy: Lol hold up the bat Max, you legend
m0nty: six minutes left
carlton_99: plllss howe only 16 now
kangawalla: @frenzy. Great game by JGrimes. He’ll leave at seasons end sadly.
Wends: He’s had a few good rounds over the last few weeks @spud
ReaperRage: anyone know Neale, Tmac and Gawns score? i may actually have a chance in one itll be close
frenzy: should have a cape , but m0nty missed it
JRedden: give neale the gun, kids a star
Dommy02: tom mcdonald junk time
Tim Tam: wow, tmac the last 5 mins…
kangawalla: @frenzy. If he was a Hawk he wouldn’t miss it! 🙂
Wends: Tmac on fourty three, Gawn ninety three, Neale onehundred and nine
frenzy: Haha funny bugger minty, trash can for grimes
frenzy: star for Gawn, Lol? why not
frenzy: woot woot winners are grinners
rooboypete: 8 more pts plz Mundy, just 8 more…
NewFreoFan: Freo minor premiers 🙂
FlagDog: Mundy gets to 35!!
carlton_99: howe on 91-pre scale any chance he hits the ton
rooboypete: Making Goldy capt instead of Rocky cost me 3 GFs
frenzy: toss a can on minty
Beast_Mode: no chance bad luck, 95 at best
Beast_Mode: rooboypete you muppet
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