frenzy: VC swan, 1st time this year
frenzy: Lol surely someone else is here
heppelitis: hi frenzy
Yelse: gone VC swine too. cmnnnn
frenzy: thank flower, G’day peoples
JDolling69: You guys see that terrible set up on fox footy…?
Yelse: shocking Coniglio
circle52: Hi Frenzy
circle52: and I have VC on Swan for first time as well so with my luk this year he will spud.
Dommy02: what happened to coniglio?
heppelitis: lamberts turned out to be a keeper…who would have guessed
zadolinnyj: Gents
J.Worrall: Coniglio failed a concussion test on Thursday ahead of the Giants’ trip to South Australia, meaning he will miss as much
zadolinnyj: Had to play lambert. Happy with that start
circle52: Yep Lambert noce cover for Ziebell this week
heppelitis: move beaver
J.Worrall: football as Cooney, who was handed a one-week ban by the AFL tribunal.
J.Worrall: Cooney lined up Coniglio late in the final term with a high and vicious hip and shoulder.
SubOptimal: arvo all, what was the line for this match?
dipstick: anyone know if floggard is playing- is it safe to trade him in?
JDolling69: @dipstick, caught the plane, all i know
zadolinnyj: Maric smother with nose
iZander: @dipstick he did have an ankle injury last week, not sure if he will play. one thing i do know is he got on the plane!
dipstick: well im bringing him in for titch with my last trade
heppelitis: dam you mooreon…kick maric in the head when he was flying
iZander: aren’t u the guy who had heppel on the bench? just put him on the field lmfao @ dipstick
zadolinnyj: Miles having a shocking end to the season
dipstick: @izand that was in DT. just bought floggard in for titch so hope he plays
zadolinnyj: He will play dip
grossn: How badly do the umps want the tigers in the finals?
iZander: haha ok, still can’t get over how u had heppel on the bench, not matter what the type 😛
dipstick: coz the little ratbag had lucklustre performance… and he i lost 40 pts v motlop
Torz: Do something Reid!
JDolling69: Good 20+ point junk for Dusty and Ellis
carlton_99: had penldes vc then went swant DAAAMMMM
OnTheRocks: Cotchin you pathetic waste of space in my team
iZander: there is a 5 point difference between them atm? @calton?
JDolling69: @Zander, in the mystical world of supercoach that could be 50 points
carlton_99: no im talkin supercoach tehre is 20pt difference
dipstick: well i guess thats the end of lamberts scoring for this half
carlton_99: plllllsss swan need 140 plus
zadolinnyj: Any danger lambert
iZander: thats true dolling, didn’t think about SC 😛
Apachecats: Swan can stii outscore Pendles Carlton 99
ryanbob: Has riewoldt forgotten how to kick goals? Done nothing for a month
Torz: Reid providing zero cover for Titch at this rate. :/
iZander: are you kidding? are they really tagging ellis???
Preston007: Where is Lambert?
grossn: “Imagine if the Pies were kicking straight” story of their season.
Beast_Mode: imagine if the pies weren’t absolute rubbish
OnTheRocks: that’s my season done, Cotchin and SMitch are ruining me. Never again for these unreliable hacks
m0nty: bit early to write off Cotchin’s day
auxDT: Lambert scores like this when we all need him
johnoP: lift houli for flowers sake. just brought you in for picken!
Jair: The fires gone out at Pieland, bring on next year:/
ryanbob: riewoldt stop being such a dud
iZander: who was complaining about putting swan captain over pendles???
carlton_99: izander im talkn supercoach not fanatsy
carlton_99: but swan has done well since then
bernieV: how many fucking tackles do they want to miss..blatant lambert tackle there
iZander: yeah i know what ur talking but surly swannys higher in SC?
circle52: Swan only 69sc compared to Pendles 86 though
zadolinnyj: 2 lambert tackles missed so far
carlton_99: nah pendles is higher
iZander: thats why i don’t play SC 😛
grossn: Pies defense are so young vickery actually looks good
zadolinnyj: Blue moon vickery
iZander: lol agreed zad, if you go off his others scores this year thats fair for sure, been given for less
poolboybob: Lambert youcrab
Fury: It’s amazing what can be done with a big frame and a lack of talent #vickeryisahack
Dangermaus: if pies were kicking straight they’d still be behind… only 8 missed goals
Beast_Mode: batchelor heading for blue moon status
Beast_Mode: you mad bro?
Beast_Mode: pies kicked 8 behinds, richmond 7. Nice excuse though
Dangermaus: Sidey on track for 150
dipstick: oh dear lambert will be subbed no doubt. 18 pts in 3 mins then fuck all since
johnoP: i was planning on looping lambert with sinclair, my computer jammed and i missed the lockout. sssooo weak.
zadolinnyj: Had to play kmac. Happy with his game vs delidio
JDolling69: Lambert in the guts now
zadolinnyj: Lambert finally back on ball. Fwd pocket all day
JRedden: ill be happy with 60 lambert.. gonna trade you next week anyway
AngryRyno: bins for half the tiges
grossn: Lambert gets the wall from one bad game in 6 weeks?
poolboybob: can’t spell Collingwood without LOL
J.Worrall: Cngwood – yep, it don’t work!
J.Worrall: Cingwood*
JRedden: where was lamberts handball just then?
AngryRyno: something is going well when vickery has 0 clangers
zadolinnyj: Bugger did not handball to lambert
gunners23: anyone have martin’s sc score?
johnoP: houli 28@96% makes me happy:)
g-man: martin 110sc
Torz: This is filthy junk time.
poolboybob: Most of the Tiges have earned the rubbish bin
frenzy: colonwood
feralmong: Good to see the Tigers push on with a game.
iZander: got ellis this week, rarley do my trades work out like this
AngryRyno: pendles 0 tackles disappointing, swan sc always disappointing, dusty pleasant viewing
frenzy: swanny sc bs Lol
dipstick: swanny 75% 5 tackles 2 goals Sc score is a lil under and major BS
johnoP: agreed dipstick. robbed.
johnoP: cant believe lambert outscored cotchin
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