theskunk: wheres Hamling?
theskunk: wheres Hamling?
colmullet: Picken, Dahl, Bob go crazy!
Torz: Dahl is everywhere early.
mijg: Daniel to come on with tmins left in the last thanks
Ben_Gogos: That must’ve been Tory’s first minor for a while
theskunk: isnt Hamling playing?
Torz: Hamling is always buggy. Seems to be missing from the list every week.
Woodie: Hamling is playing
Torz: Dogs are such a good side to watch.
theskunk: cheers Guys
Apachecats: Doggies have gone in with just the 21 men
Ben_Gogos: Wow the Bulldogs are on today!
ryanbob: do something macrae
Chelskiman: Need Bont to stay low today.
The39Steps: Murphy tagged by murphy?
danmaio: Stop now Gawn, or I am gawn
auxDT: @dan you are max gawn
RooBoyStu: Melbourne should forfeit games at Etihad
Torz: Grant puts on the cape.
The39Steps: Melbourne should forfeit games.
NewFreoFan: I’m sure Bail will be happy he was a late in, seems to be having fun
danmaio: Get moving Boyd, Hamling in danger of catching you
RooBoyStu: Hamling no touches just two tackles lol
heppelitis: rooboy…i hope you have tmac?…probs on 50sc with rubbish eff
NewFreoFan: Would rather a bloke have two tackles than 2 handballs, least he’s having a crack and applying pressure
RooBoyStu: only 25sc he is
mijg: Go big Max. 150sc today
willywalks: geez Ben, 41 points warrants a cape?
colmullet: 3 goals willy
wadaramus: 3 goals in a quarter warrants a cape.
mijg: Stay down picken.nice job
willywalks: yeah i know, but i thought the prerequisite for a cape was 50 points, maybe 3+ goals is as well
heppelitis: hope doggies win the flag
Chelskiman: It’s 50+ points in a quarter or 3+ goals in a quarter for a cape.
man0005: Sack watch for Roosy
zadolinnyj: Need Bont to smash it
heppelitis: move picken….another 20 points for the win
RooBoyStu: get the record books out
Chelskiman: This is just embarrassing for Melbourne now.
vamos77: Icicle harsh for Hogan. Ball hasnt been down there yet
RooBoyStu: icicle all demon players
Heizenberg: Just got hone cant believe the score
Heizenberg: Hi all hi heppelitis
Raspel31: This is truly gruesome
Heizenberg: Yea raspel
Chelskiman: Haha, Matty Boyd with the hanger.
heppelitis: afternoon heizenberg
kangawalla: Why as a Demons fan did I think I could take me & the 3 kids & expect to see a competitive game? This is appalling
Beast_Mode: lol.
RooBoyStu: Basil attempting comedy “who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”
zadolinnyj: Howdy heizenberg. Bulldog ruthless
Chelskiman: Lol, guns all round for the Dogs.
Torz: Boyd goes bang! +14
Apachecats: 21 gun salute !!
NewFreoFan: Witches hats for the whole of MElbourne
meka100: Should be a new dog turd icon for all Melbourne players
Heizenberg: U have been competitove this year in some games kanga
heppelitis: geez,,,poor caleb…he desreves the gun too
Heizenberg: Yead zad they must be
Heizenberg: Lol dog turd
Raspel31: G’day Heiz.
Beast_Mode: geez this the dee’s of a few years back!
kangawalla: Been done before @new freo fan
m0nty: now that is what I call a shoot out
Heizenberg: Yeah poor caleb 🙁
zadolinnyj: Just realised there is still 10 minutes left in second. Crazy score
Heizenberg: Hi raspel and zad
kangawalla: Yes we have Heiz…and now this!
Heizenberg: Yeah zad crazy mate!!!!
NewFreoFan: Yeah I remember a Geelong game where the entire opposing team had pink pigs when Ling was carving up
Heizenberg: Yeah bit dogs have been reakky good this year bro hard to beat at etihad
Heizenberg: Really*
NewFreoFan: Doing the Doggies % good in their bid to stay above Sydney
heppelitis: haha freofan
Heizenberg: Bbs
zadolinnyj: Would like a bit more bont
Woodie: Cmon M0nty, give Caleb the gun.
Raspel31: Well, only player I got is McDonald and at least he’s alive
Buzz67: Was thinking about upgrading Wallis next week, probably don’t need to
Raspel31: Lol Woodie
heppelitis: please pichen…quick 20 points…crapping myself you will get injured
heppelitis: the black gun matches his helmet
zadolinnyj: Worry is a good player will be sub rested
RooBoyStu: Caleb Daniel making more impact than the melb players
Heizenberg: I have mcdonald aswell but i got bundled out last week 🙁
Derekcraig: The AFL draw is a disgrace. Dogs played no decent teams after the bye
heppelitis: oh crap zado…doubley worried now
JRedden: did you see dogs draw at the start of the year?
RooBoyStu: has Bontempelli touched it this qtr?
Heizenberg: Yeah i think they had it toug at the start
Heizenberg: Bont lining up
Raspel31: Sorry to hear Heiz-I’m about to go.
Chelskiman: Fuck off, Bont.
AngryRyno: is this a hold up?
zadolinnyj: Love ur work RooBoy. Got bonts going as well
Derekcraig: Freo and Hawks took are of them
Heizenberg: Damn raspel, yeah injuries suck at times
RooBoyStu: lol this time is a plus, not like Ellis lol
heppelitis: haha rooboy
Bazza2014: Go the BONT! #gohawks
Heizenberg: U have injuries raspel?
AngryRyno: hmm, this darley guy looks to be a real option down back, will he remain a defender for next year?
heppelitis: will 2400 in dt go close this week?
Raspel31: Yep-too many Heiz
zadolinnyj: Bonts.
Beast_Mode: hawks play them again, good test for them in a few weeks.
Heizenberg: That fuckin sucks rasp
zadolinnyj: That’s rubbish. Give it to bonts
RooBoyStu: I remember last year when Heizenberg said a player couldn’t run properly and then they played well, I’m doing similar
Heizenberg: I havent been as keen this year on it though
mijg: Picken needs a rest. Sub him out.
zadolinnyj: Would think so Hepp
Heizenberg: Been more focusing on clash of clans i guess
OnTheRocks: glad i won all but one of my games last week as i’d be bundled out this week for sure
AngryRyno: clash on fellas
heppelitis: good..on 2150..picken,dahl, boyd and mundy to go
Heizenberg: You play ryno?
AngryRyno: i do indeed, and have so for a while.
Heizenberg: Kk, what xp lvl?
Heizenberg: Were so gonna get banned for this…. Lol
Heizenberg: But its half time so….
dipstick: @hepp nah about 2550. im 2150 with boyd, dahl, neale and mundy
AngryRyno: half time in a boring match, should be fine
zadolinnyj: You may go 2500 hepp
Heizenberg: Kk lol
AngryRyno: though it appears i am not able to answer your question through here, i tried, but it was clearly disposed of
heppelitis: oh should be high in the rankings anyway
Heizenberg: Ohhhh
heppelitis: we will barrack for dipstick then…lol
Heizenberg: Yeah they donet let some comments go through
Heizenberg: Im lvl 112 max th nine def
grossn: 2339 with Gawn, Mundy and Fyfe… killing it this week
Heizenberg: Disposed like dumping your cc troops 🙂
AngryRyno: i’ll try something mate, give me a second
heppelitis: sc grossn?
Heizenberg: Kk
AngryRyno: if you take jesse hogan’s jumper number, and multiply it by 133, that’s my level. newbie th10
grossn: Yes hepp
zadolinnyj: Sc or DT grossn. Good score coming regardless. 140 from Fyfe would be nice
Heizenberg: Holy fuck ryno!!!!!!!
heppelitis: nice..nearly 2700!
Heizenberg: Your heroes 30? Or you mist donate like anman possessed?
heppelitis: cheers all…off to cricket…..good luck!
AngryRyno: hehe thanks, 2.5 years of work and $0 gone into it. Heroes very average, (15 BK & 20 AQ) but 130k donations
heppelitis: ps…..15 more picken please!
AngryRyno: how are you coming along Heiz?
Heizenberg: OMG dude plz give me your clan tag mate plzzzzzzzzzzzzz plz plz pz,
Heizenberg: Max th nine queen 13 king 13 max def
Heizenberg: Lab needs valks to 4 golems to 4 and all new spells
AngryRyno: #29RVQ8J9, and i’m the one with a name quite similar to that on here.
AngryRyno: best get back to the footy now
Heizenberg: Thnx and yes true dont wanna be banned
dipstick: seriously stfu about your shite
AngryRyno: goal to big max, that is very handy
grossn: Yess Gawn!!! Keep going you legend!
AngryRyno: is Jetta injured or just rubbish?
Ben_Gogos: @AngryRyno I believe he’s injured, but we haven’t got clarification as to what is wrong
colmullet: get a move on Picken
Ben_Gogos: @AngryRyno it’s a neck injury
AngryRyno: oh okay, thanks Ben!
dipstick: take a break picken. youre looking good for 75
AngryRyno: all guns before, maybe it’s all yin yang now
Monger: ….bulldogs told to slow down so that people watch the game to keep sponsors happy
myteamsuks: Too bad Tmac sc is low
circle52: Love the style of footy Dogs are playing.
poolboybob: Traded in Picken this week, of course he has his worst game in like 15 rounds
AngryRyno: Doggy-Style
Tim Tam: tmac in the ruck???
Beast_Mode: the cue is in the rack.
willywalks: picken could just about get the magnifying glass, been below par since q1
Raspel31: Big Max tends to fade late Tim Tam
fshow: would be simply marvellous if yu could go on with it now mitch
Tim Tam: ah ok, I don’t watch melbourne games that often
colin wood: McDonald marked that before the siren yeah??
Ben_Gogos: Best on ground? Lots of options…
man0005: Give yourself the best on ground for commentating on this rubbish game
AngryRyno: give Grant BOG
poolboybob: C’mon Picken bin it up
RooBoyStu: Brayshaw wall, will struggle to get break even
fshow: carn bonts and wallis
willywalks: wake up picken!
willywalks: u too bonts, no good enough with the finals on the line!
RooBoyStu: Bonts done nothing since half time
myteamsuks: I love when my SC scores are big on a Sunday, SAIS NO-ONE ever
Grazz: haha spot on Myteamsucks, every Sunday is a nightmare
fshow: please bont. game on the line. junk it up son
myteamsuks: Most would have had good scores from Richmond but it’s all down hill now
willywalks: about flowering time bonts..
AngryRyno: decent sunday, martin, wallis, gawn, though gawn strugglign with sc last time i checked
grossn: Gawn please get 80sc at least =(
fshow: time left?
RooBoyStu: bin bonts
Chelskiman: 3 minutes
willywalks: good, a bit of junk from picken and bonts
RooBoyStu: Stringer needs a bin or vulture, 2 late goals
Karlpov: muppet for Howe
mijg: Geez gawn.
grossn: Gawn is going to be my lowest score of the round dammit
RooBoyStu: Hogan gets Target 3.0 and Stringer and Bonts no target lol
AngryRyno: hunter 101sc kms