Monger: I need a nice solid 90 out of you today ceski
RooBoyStu: need a big game Kolodjashnij
frenzy: Stay right there Deledio, nice
iZander: why tag cotchin when you know deledio is the barometer
JRedden: great start from lambert
RooBoyStu: I never understand why GC don’t play Raines more, he’s a great shut down player
RooBoyStu: should be playing today to shut down Deledio
frenzy: Lift you flog dusty
colmullet: Lambert covering buddy, go you good thing!!
Elephant: Had Steele covering Treolar and Lambert on the bench…
iZander: hahah lamberts on my field by choice, he’s such a gun
Schillaci: should’ve played Lambert instead of trading in Bartel.
iZander: richmond 1 tackle? haha
johnoP: lift maric you smelly anchor
dipstick: and lambert will finish on? 60, 70, 75?
Chelskiman: This is like the second time Dusty has spudded it up when my opponent doesn’t have him.
auxDT: 65 dipstick
frenzy: Rance 7 possi’s must be on 50sc
dipstick: RIP Brett Rattens 16 year old son died this morning in that car rollover crash all over the news
Tonche: its like Phillip Island with all these penguins around
Woodie: 27 tackles to 2 GCS’s way
heppelitis: geez..awful news dipstick
Bazza2014: is cotchin dead?
thommoae: Blue Moon for Morris > 30 in Q2
heppelitis: hopefully lambert punches out a 80 plus
RooBoyStu: Newman playing like the Foss
frenzy: Yin yang dustbin beaver
Chelskiman: Come on, Houli!
RooBoyStu: get a flowerin touch this qtr Kolodjashnij
Schillaci: Lambert 37 SC at 1/4 time… Might be loopholing him with Dale. Want 100 because Bont will be the one I take off.
heppelitis: go beaver
deanie: Maric stop being an absolute turd!
iZander: schillaci, do it now, bont won’t score much at all with the vince tag!!!
RooBoyStu: cross will tag him lol
Schillaci: Still got an hour izander. On the cards. Im aware of Vince and that Bont only scored 42 against him earlier in the year.
heppelitis: move maria…you are killing me
frenzy: On your bike Harley
feralmong: Grigg has lifted in the absence of edwards.
RooBoyStu: what a flog Anthony Hudson is, calls Sam Lloyd Matty Lloyd
Dangermaus: Malceski 1 point this quarter… I knew that first quarter was too good to be true
ryanbob: Do something riewoldt
heppelitis: hall been on fire the last 3 weeks
Buzz67: Tom Lynch is a monster. Going to be a star
feralmong: How did it suddenly become 3 rd qtr
feralmong: Ahh nvm end of half
Dangermaus: tipped west coast for the derby win… crazy but I think they’ll get up
Jmachete: Richmond are the biggest pretenders in the AFL
frenzy: Wonder if they call him Alps@heppelitis
heppelitis: bombers pretending to be bad i think
Jackwatt$: M0nty must be loving it this weekend- Not only did his most hated team Essendon get smashed but his beloved Hawks beat
Jmachete: Richmond will either finish 9th or get smashed and eliminated in their first fina
Jackwatt$: His 2nd most hated team. To top it off his SC team looks like scoring 2000+!
dibbydobby: too much hate Jmachete. Tiges beat your team im guessin?
heppelitis: sorry frenzy, i dont get it!
frenzy: A.Hall the ass hall
RooBoyStu: how the hell is Ellis on 41 sc 66% de and one free against, absolute rubbish
heppelitis: alps hole?
heppelitis: ok…lol
Jmachete: @dibbydobby nah they never have beat hawks. Just calling it how it is. Most inconsistent on form richmond are
frenzy: Suns are a bit of a bogey team for tigers
Tim Tam: lol “never beat hawks” 2 rounds ago, Hawks 53 Tigers 71
RooBoyStu: is Anthony Hudson hungover? he says 3 mins into 2nd term
circle52: Tom Nichols subbed and Lynch doing ruck
rickyb80: monty give jmachete the spud already
auxDT: lift Deledio
heppelitis: common maric its finals fff…get of the bottom….unacceptable
rickyb80: or is there a special icon for short term memory loss?
Jmachete: Richmond just haven’t looked as sharp without Grime’s ducking
Beast_Mode: Jmachete who is your team?
ryanbob: Did riewoldt die after the first qtr ?
danmaio: Deledio screwed me last week late out, and screwing me again today playing
RooBoyStu: if not remembering a result from 16 days ago is bad enough, Richmond have won 2 of the past 3 against Hawks
Beast_Mode: or 3 of the last 4.
RooBoyStu: 3 out of the last 4 in fact
danmaio: Jroo rubbed salt into my wounds with todays first goal, then disapperaed
rickyb80: 3 out of 4 i believe rooboy
rickyb80: 1 bad game in 3months of footy is hardly inconsistent
RooBoyStu: that’s an amazing stat, given Hawks form in past few years
mijg: Harley and Houli move your asses
myteamsuks: I’m about 100 behind my Opp and he has McIntosh on the ground. Nice gift there
zadolinnyj: Gents
RooBoyStu: if Ellis’ sc is over 50 i give up, done nothing this qtr
Chelskiman: Nice end to the half there, Houli!
Chelskiman: *quarter
colin wood: Watch Alex rances score go up here guys worth a real lol at what happens his on 72 at 3/4 time
RooBoyStu: Ellis 60sc what bullshower, should be 45 at most
Beast_Mode: hahaha rooboy, does your opp have him?
RooBoyStu: no tackles 70% de
RooBoyStu: yep, he does i have kk
heppelitis: your opponent has ellis..rooboy?
Mcswains: lets go Saad…. get the bin champ
Raspel31: Do not bring Mcintosh on now-pleez
heppelitis: he is in my team…lol…so please give it a rest!
gusjojo: I love you Lambert
iZander: isn’t nichoolls injured? something to do with his knee?
RooBoyStu: lol haha
frenzy: Is that a cactus icon on Eskimo, can’t see on a tablet
RooBoyStu: Champion Data guys have him too, so you’ll be fine
frenzy: * eski
heppelitis: yes frenzy…needs a holi in arizona
frenzy: Thanks hepp
gusjojo: McIntosh on for Miles
heppelitis: good boy beaver…raise the bat
heppelitis: ellis propabaly 40 points there rooboy!
RooBoyStu: I know, now reaching for the scotch haha
poolboybob: Wake up, rance
colin wood: Stay down Rance
Chelskiman: Ellis about to get a goal now.
frenzy: Start junking it Harley
Apachecats: Had a good game here with Nichols and Mcintosh
RooBoyStu: flower you Ellis
RooBoyStu: bin Ellis
heppelitis: haha..its yur fault stu…you poked the bear
Karlpov: hahaha RooBoyStu you jinxed yourself like the bloke in that sportsbet ad
frenzy: Yin yang cockchin
RooBoyStu: remember this game on Brownlow night 3 votes Richmond B.Ellis thanks to me lol
heppelitis: move lambert
frenzy: SC ton for Rance yet?
danmaio: Thanks you
Jmachete: is it 15m or 5? I’m confused?
RooBoyStu: anyone put the C on Martin? should score big
sticky12: I did, blew the loophole with my subs all playing yesterday
Chelskiman: Nice junk Houli!
frenzy: Rance must be 120 now
wadaramus: Rance 102sc.
Elephant: Malceski what is wrong with you?
Monger: I needed 90 from you Malceski… spud