Jmachete: Wonder how many free kicks murfy will be gifted tonight
MattyZ: not many this year
spudaroos: Wouldn’t mind a win but also wouldn’t mind Schache.
dipstick: LOL how many no. 1 picks does carlton need? they’ll always be shit. the club is fucked from the head down!
zadolinnyj: The purple name game is which player will make the most obvious attempt to lose this match for draft picks
spudaroos: Lions need Key position players, I hope we can atleast draft some good ones if we cant trade them in.
zadolinnyj: Makes sense for lions to play for early picks.
zadolinnyj: Probably two quality key forwards will make bris a good team
poolboybob: Simpson get some touches you hack
dipstick: lions were looking to trade leuy… until smartin sais he wants to leave and return to melb.
MattyZ: the probelm with Lions keys is that they’re ALL young (except sauce)
heppelitis: bombers are hacks….what would brisbane give for hooker?
poolboybob: If you get belted at home by Carlton, just cancel the rest of your season.
redwallis: Is Sauce merrett
redwallis: I assume you know Jacobs is who everyone calls Sauce. Just saying
MattyZ: all redheads are colloquially named sauce
MattyZ: or bluey
bigbaddasa: if u get belted by Carlton and you end up with the no 1 pick, then well played!
dipstick: @redwallis Example- we could call you saucewallis
Grazz: Laernt what a half brother is yet Dipstick. Think we educated you !!
AngryRyno: if the number two pick turns out btter than the number one pick and you got it from trying – well played!
dipstick: @grazz horses dont have brothers and sisters LOL they have siblings
bigbaddasa: players always try…but the structures can set up to lose
Grazz: Youve learnt nothing have you
JRedden: shouldve went martin captain over goldy…
zadolinnyj: Martin sc in the low 30s
carlton_99: murphy almost marked that
thommoae: * shouldn’t have
PieBoy: onya jonesy
thommoae: *should have gone
bigbaddasa: yeah, because Goldy has not been scoring has he? lol
thommoae: ‘Structures to lose’ … Hello, this is Dean Bailey here. Someone mention my name?
tabs: What are the Lions doing? they are giving up the number 1 pick!!
AngryRyno: good to see neither team trying to get beat
Grazz: Must be very hard being a Blues supporter. 🙁
MattyZ: It is Grazz, it really is
The39Steps: My opponent has a) Robinson in his side and b) has him captain! Genius.
circle52: at least lions supporters have something to enjoy
circle52: still working out the 4 umpires still some dubious decisions
casey22: Just switched from other game; what’s Robbo on?
dipstick: @39 then you should win. i mean robbo? surely hes team aint great
circle52: martin showing his worth
The39Steps: Should do @dipstick but he has a team of spuds who are having a weekend to remember. Ah Chee included.
dipstick: yeah martin showing hes worth. he wants to come back to victoria next year. poor lions
circle52: I am at the gabba by the way
kangawalla: I picked horrorhead Robinson in Ultimate footy. He’s ave 110+ in last 5, he’s playing his old team & they’re crappola.
Raspel31: How embarassing are Carlton. My last chance to win a burger. Truly sad.
kangawalla: Time to go Everitt. Too many sub par performances this season. Off you go!
dipstick: @raspel someone uploaded an nrl whopper voucher online and hundreds have used it 🙂
circle52: how did that not hit the post
Raspel31: Lol dipstick-still laughing
colmullet: Simmo put the cue in the rack?
circle52: come on lions we need percentage
PieBoy: onya jonesy
mace485: robinson playing likd he’s got something to prove
Raspel31: Carlton-I frigging picked you and need a burger as hungry. Come on lads.
circle52: come need percentage
circle52: u
MattyZ: ok get your votes in for icons
circle52: star for robbo
MattyZ: i want an icon for a young player who has put in a good effort
dipstick: gees youd feel ripped off your your opp a) had robbo and b) had him captain
Raspel31: Want, want, want-always about you Matty.
circle52: crown fot andrews
MattyZ: Well there’s no scientific study that proves otherwise Raspel 😉
Raspel31: Lol Matty
dipstick: @matty give jaksch the spud icon. hes young put in effort but is still a spud
MattyZ: jaksch has been flying at it and creating a contest, that’s just above spudness
The39Steps: Thanks @dipstick. Might lose semi.
MattyZ: still getting the crab 😉
Raspel31: Over to EPL in a minute but at least I have Bell-and he and Cripp Carlton’s future./
fshow: cripps will win a brownlow if he avoids injuries
dipstick: @raspel a minute? what time do the games start?
Raspel31: Agreed fshow-in 2-3 years.Lot of potential.
MattyZ: there’s southampton v everton on now
Raspel31: I know MattyZ-going there now but Monty would kill us for that.
MattyZ: yes we must appease our one true savior
Raspel31: CarnSouthampton-and Pelle.Good night lads
MattyZ: (and employer) 😉
Raspel31: Very funny Matty-lol and adieu.
boges11: Matty see if you can get this site to do the EPL
boges11: Most of us do the FPL too