J.Worrall: I hope the Pie racists are here …
J.Worrall: *are’nt
bonez1: why would you have grrenwood as the sub he is not a X factor player you need as a sub
willoss: I hope everyone hardens up and concentrates on the footy
casey22: Trust that the Pig goes BIG
Jair: Barracking for the Pies and Goodes tonight. Good luck to everyone, there are more important things than sport.
wadaramus: Nice recovery J.Worrall!
pies13: CARN PIES!! who r u refering2 @worrall
wadaramus: Go the big pig.
pies13: greenwood starting sub thats a suprise? your obviously at the game worrall thought you were talking bout this site
Monger: Greenwood sub so they can bench Cloke early lol
jaxx: what order are the players sorted by right now?
wadaramus: SC average?
Heizenberg: Hi guys
J.Worrall: Dave need to keep his form up!
Heizenberg: How are we all?
wadaramus: Gidday.
Heizenberg: Hi wada
wadaramus: Sweet, thanks for asking!
J.Worrall: Not having a go atchoo, p13!
Heizenberg: Cool and no problem 🙂
tigerman28: Evening all
wadaramus: Ready for a cracking game of Friday night footy, beer and pizza :))
Heizenberg: Hi tiger
Heizenberg: Sounds good wada
Heizenberg: I did that last week wada heheh
Heizenberg: I hope its a good game aswell
LuvIt74: Evening all, Elliott $17.30 I got for first goal. $12 for Tippit & $11 for Cloke
zadolinnyj: Evening lads
LuvIt74: Great odds
wadaramus: I do it almost every Friday!!
Heizenberg: Hi zad
Heizenberg: Haha cool mate
Heizenberg: Its bad when its a shit game though 🙁
zadolinnyj: Nice to have the bye. Can actually enjoy a good game
LuvIt74: @Pies13 Good Luck young fella.
wadaramus: Well, Carlton aren;t playing so it should be a good game!
Heizenberg: Hey!!!! I barrack for carlton lol
pies13: u2 luvit
LuvIt74: @zadolinnyj I hear ya mate, I won 3 out of my 4 leagues which i finished 1st in so i can enjoy it.
zadolinnyj: Lol wadaramus. Won’t be the same not having Carlton_99 complimenting the umpiring
wadaramus: Oooh, sorry man, true though!
J.Worrall: Carna Bloke
Heizenberg: Im out for the year imlost last week
LuvIt74: But i would love my overall rank to stay around 500
Heizenberg: Thats okay bud
Heizenberg: I had de,edio nic nat and dunstan killed me
zadolinnyj: No good heizenberg. Rough year with forced premium trades
LuvIt74: Carn Cloke, Tippit or Elliott kick the first goal
wadaramus: Looks like a poor Sydney crowd? Friday night, Pies in town?
J.Worrall: NickyNathaniel is still hurting us.
Heizenberg: Yeah mate tough year
LuvIt74: Pies looking good early on.
J.Worrall: Hopefully no more rels feeling crook!
J.Worrall: They were double the Swans score for a bit there – not looking quite so good now, the Pies
tigerman28: Peddles loophole a bit of a worry so far
circle52: Pendles to srill get a touch
LuvIt74: JPK was $40+ for first goal
Elephant: Sorry guys, brought Pendles into my DT this week
LuvIt74: ok thats it pies only looked good for 2.38 minutes.
pies13: flower get the next1 pies
J.Worrall: Did I just see Williams pointing at a Swans supporter there?
casey22: Pedles – zip?!
LuvIt74: Why go pendles VC – This round VC Goldy was the best gift.
J.Worrall: Fast recovery there Rohan!
wadaramus: Absolutely LuvIt!
J.Worrall: Nice cheers for Goodes, but I’ll be a bit upset if they keep booing Williams
AngryRyno: believe it or not, not everyone has goldy
pies13: lift parker
wadaramus: Sorry Angry, forgot about those less fortunate than me.
J.Worrall: AngryRyno, I don’t believe you
J.Worrall: Heeney doing a fab job – Titch gonna lose his …
frenzy: not this shower again parker
J.Worrall: Will need some accuracy but
wadaramus: Great start Titch.
ryanbob: parker why do you do this to me when i need you most
LuvIt74: Went to eat out yesterday & ordered a Stir Fry and asked for Brown Rice. The waiter replied “That’s Ricest sir”
LuvIt74: JPK got all his points for his 1st goal
casey22: That is ridiculous
auxDT: parker ffs
wadaramus: Nice to hear a joke, thanks LuvIt!
pies13: bullshower hate the review
Yelse: this review system is shower
LuvIt74: Swan is swimming.
wadaramus: Pig in shit.
danmaio: supporters can live with human error more than the fucken review system
pies13: well done elliot carn pies!
casey22: If it was a mark in the square the umpire would be saying: “touched play on”
frenzy: gunna be sum monster scores
IHateChat: Super side-bum Man
pies13: carn pies!
zadolinnyj: Super bum
LuvIt74: @pies what about that mark Cloke took only 10 meters from goal but umps did’t pay it. He would have missed anyway. lol
luked98: thankyou very much
Dasherman: Pendles tackle missed on Kennedy in centre
pies13: @luvit you got both scarfes on 2nite?
LuvIt74: That Heeney looks bloody good
LuvIt74: @pies i don’t follow the pies m8, you know that young chap
colin wood: Will the real Luke Parker please stand please stand up
casey22: Heeney difficult cause his role still evolving
LuvIt74: @casey first year for Heeney the kid looks great very quick.
zadolinnyj: I still don’t know what horse has against Mitchell. Absolute gun
wadaramus: TMitch smashing 41sc!
Drummo: Why didn’t I get McVeigh in this week
LuvIt74: Parker doing SFA
pies13: @luvit dont start mate your a flog 4going 4 2teams duznt make sense any1 else agree?
wadaramus: Parker poleaxed!
luked98: 3-4 weeks
casey22: Has to be 3 weeks
McRooster: Bye bye Brown
luked98: no injury so 2-3 weeks
bonez1: thats will only be a week after last weeks bs
LuvIt74: I think that knock on parker woke him up
Drummo: I went Gilbert and Boyd over hiberd and McVeigh, good move or not?
boo!: dirty brown
LuvIt74: @bonez1 Agree if your regarding Cooney
luked98: bad move
auxDT: @pies get over it no1 gives a shit
LuvIt74: Carn the pies…lol
luked98: de goey what a star
pies13: go pies!
casey22: Titch doing some really great work
luked98: auxDT grow up
LuvIt74: Carn the swannies…lol
AngryRyno: pendles starting to tick it over, up to 34sc
dipstick: you better be at least 75 at HT sidealps
AngryRyno: tmitch first to reach the half ton, 54sc
Jair: Fair bump
LuvIt74: Parker stuck on 25sc
zadolinnyj: Collingwood fans waving tissues at goodes
LuvIt74: For those not so Goodes moments
Grazz: Onya Cloke
gdshifty: Goodes magnifying glass
kangawalla: @zad…is that true? Could be a bit inflammatory
zadolinnyj: Yeah kanga. Front row supporters in Sydney forward pocket
casey22: Not a boo in the house
pies13: go pies! @aux no worries il drop it u must go 4more than 2teams yeah??
pies13: lift parker n pies
auxDT: @pies no, i go for one..the pies, but i don’t bitch to other people for supporting more than one team
travo: i think the snowflake for goodes is subtle racist, and im offended,
zadolinnyj: I go for 15 teams. Everyone but the pies
pies13: ok thats your opinion bud i dont get it thats all go pies!!
kangawalla: @pie&auxat….I barrack for 2 teams as well. Melbourne & anyone playing Carlton.:)
JRedden: titch 17 handballs already wow…
gdshifty: theres 18 teams….
LuvIt74: @zad lmfao make it 17
zadolinnyj: Just jokes pies13. Crows supporter so I go for anyone playing port and the crows
mijg: Bugger off tmitch. Get subbed
AngryRyno: we could be seeing a 50 disposal performance from tmitch, this is why we love him!
zadolinnyj: I’m still living in the past gdshifty
myteamsuks: I’m surprised Maynard didn’t get another game. He was going alriight
kangawalla: @mijg….don’t worry mate. Horse hates Tmitch!
AngryRyno: not a pies fan or follower, but I’d be playing Maynard over Marsh
LuvIt74: Whoever said Tmitch better get 75 by HT got what they asked for
myteamsuks: Someone who has 17 handballs from 23 possies should really have better DE than 69%
zadolinnyj: Swan 53sc, pendles 44, titch 76
dipstick: dont worry. horse would never let tmitch get 50 touches. will sub him or chuck him down back
gdshifty: Titch is on song tonight
wadaramus: Go TMitch!
kangawalla: Friday nights are not the same without carlton99 throwing his toys out of the cot about umpires.
zadolinnyj: likely titch will tag swan in last half knowing horse
mijg: Geez tmitch is everywhere. Lift Hanners an parker ffs
Tony9668: Spot on Dipstick, Mitch 4 sub next week
LuvIt74: Parker may as well have a sleep
zadolinnyj: Makes for a good drinking game kangawalla. Drink every time he types umpire
casey22: Bwuce cant stop raving about Swan as the BOG, FFS
LuvIt74: Got JPK, Parker, Swan & Pendles, thankfully its a free week for me.
dipstick: you better ton up tonight sidebottm!
zadolinnyj: Did really well there cloke
kangawalla: @zad….you’d be be p155ed in no time! 🙂
bombrblitz: traded in Titch in DT WOW!
zadolinnyj: Side bum 62, swan 60, pends 46, titch 85
Tony9668: Horse will grizzle about mitch’s defensive pressure
LuvIt74: How the hell did Elliott miss that, he needs to stop paying attention to Cloke
myteamsuks: @luvit I’d almost be happy with those players
zadolinnyj: Moore like a baby deer.mall legs but will be good in 3 years
pies13: well done pies keep going!
happytimes: Moore looks like he would fit in with a certain group of australian tennis players
Drummo: @Carnster you there mat
LuvIt74: @myteamsuks yeah im surprised to see Parker score reach 48 at HT so im on track to score 400 from 4 players.
LuvIt74: @pies13 there right in it m8, ya never know young fella ya might win..
pies13: @aux like our chances in the 2nd half?
Tony9668: Capper at half time chat, can’t stop showing the “Guns”
kangawalla: @happytimes….flog trifecta. 1. Christos Krgios, 2. Nick Kyrgios, 3. Pies fans waving tissues at Goodesy.
LuvIt74: What a idiot Christos Kyrgios is & more so Nick, the guy conducting the radio interview was spot on saying
LuvIt74: “The Apple doesn’t fall far off the tree”
Monger: I’m so happy my opponent doesnt have mitchell
J.Worrall: Pies only 7 frees – UMPire!
kangawalla: Dead right Luvit.
kangawalla: @Luvit….the poor girl has been stigmatised
LuvIt74: He is becoming seriously LAUGHABLE & a disgrace IMO. I love my tennis & go to all the Ozzie open mens Finals.
pies13: stop calling me young fella luvit the 13 is how many kids i got i think? not my age haha
pies13: or maybe its how many teams i go4??????
wadaramus: Kyrgios is a complete flog.
LuvIt74: @pies13 umm i don’t think so. If u were a adult the 13 would stand for how many times u were dropped on your head.
banners87: @LuvIt Totally agree, but I think that saying technically only works for parents and children.. 😉
LuvIt74: @wadaramus Concur totally
kangawalla: @wadaramus…Tomic or Kyrgios for flogworthiness?
casey22: Titch not subbed
Tony9668: Hewitt, Tomic, Kyrgios…. God I love Federer
banners87: Thank God Mitchell wasn’t subbed!
wadaramus: Both kanga, hopefully Kokkinakis keeps a level head!
wadaramus: He’s a good South Aussie boy!
m0nty: back on the game please
LuvIt74: @banners87 i only quoted the guy on the radio, but that phrase could also apply to his brother, still the same blood.
wadaramus: Reid kicks it, game on moles.
casey22: Swap Titch’s handballs & kicks around & what is his score?
LuvIt74: back to da game
casey22: Bwuce likes Rowans “weapon”?
wadaramus: Well he’s on98sc casey, so not much more I reckon!
wadaramus: Bwuce likes tools.
Tony9668: Back on the Hawks, please
Pokerface: probably not alot since his possies are in tight traffic, so kicks would be clangers
wadaramus: Lift Pendles!
LuvIt74: Carn the pies.
pies13: carn pies!!
Pokerface: come on hanners
kangawalla: Luvit filling in for pies13!
mijg: Really what difference does it make Monty. Who cares.
zadolinnyj: 100sc titch
LuvIt74: @kang its like fishing in a bucket m8…lmao
pies13: how?
kangawalla: @pies13…just enjoying your passionate barracking mate.
pies13: luvit you are a spud!
kangawalla: bit harsh pies13?
dipstick: fuck sidebottom. what is with you you slack hack
Screech23: Sydney turn up this week…. Kennedy, Parker, mitch all killed me last week with low scores
pies13: go pies!!!
luked98: hot pies
dipstick: steele so far in front now passed by 7 players. you better ton up flog!!!
ryanbob: How is side bottom a hack? He has most collingwood possessions lol
Tony9668: Sidebottom farted and has run out of gas
kangawalla: Raise the bat Tmitch!!! 29 selfish posessions according to Horse
LuvIt74: Parker & Pendles are killing me.
heppelitis: nothing surer..mitchell sub for fantasy grand final weekend
pies13: same luvit we agree on somthing haha
LuvIt74: Jokes aside I would love to see the puppies in top 4 at the completion of the home & away.
auxDT: well played sidebum!
pies13: go pies!!
RooBoyStu: Last week Adams subbed off with Quad injury and then does this, what bullshower
luked98: swanny!!
Tony9668: Hang on, Sidebottom has got his second wind
LuvIt74: Sidebottom has allot of wind
wadaramus: Swanny going nicely, lift Pendles!
LuvIt74: Pivoted and went neee
dipstick: @ryan he was on 52 at QT the slack hacker always disappears
kangawalla: @Luvit….let’s give a big cheer for Rodneeeeeyy!!!
Tony9668: Hope Sidebottom follows through and craps on the swans
LuvIt74: Anyone here give Goldy a honest genuine chance to win the Brownlow? Or more so Priddis? Apart from Fyfe off course.
boo!: lift frontbottom
Yelse: peddles having a shocker
LuvIt74: @kang someone got it…lol
pies13: carn crisp
luked98: crispyyyy
RooBoyStu: Goldy home @LuvIt74
auxDT: pies once again, let down by their kicking inaccuracy
Slashers: How is Rocca a coach?
The39Steps: Toowoomba tomorrow night Race 5, Number 3.
Tony9668: Ok Yelse, everyone has Pendles, as long as you haven’t loopholed him
RooBoyStu: I saw a Magpie today pecking at dog poop, always looking for a free feed skunks
Slashers: Almost as bad as Monkhorst!
dibbydobby: when was the last time a ruck won the browlow
zadolinnyj: 2 goals this quarter swan you including the winner please
LuvIt74: @The39Steps Double Eagle?
Slashers: Pendle having a shocker because no one recognises him!
mijg: Was planing on going goldy vc into fyfe. Forgot and left vc on pendles god damn it
LuvIt74: Dogs Scotty Whind
RooBoyStu: 47% isn’t everybody with Pendles
Tony9668: Didn’t take swan this year…. Thought he was too old!
wadaramus: Scotty Wynd.
Grazz: Nice build up there to Pendles
Slashers: There’s that new forward for Collingwood.
Tony9668: Greenwood, handy sub
Grazz: Pendles wtf
Slashers: Can’t kick!
LuvIt74: Sorry Scotty Wynd 1992
Grazz: Give it to Swanny Fas
auxDT: wtf Fasolo just kicks it as hard and high as he can..
LuvIt74: I spelt it wrong “whind” wtf. lol
Torz: Titch is going for a monstrous score.
Slashers: LOL! And someone said Titch was in doubt…
McRooster: TMitch, where the freaks at!
mijg: 53% of teams are clueless rooboy. Fact. Or second teams.
wadaramus: T shirt Tommy!
RooBoyStu: I tell you Goldy will go close as he has been the most consistent for us along with Higgins
ryanbob: Parker you are such a spud
zadolinnyj: Parker shoulder I think
luked98: why do they take reid off nooo
zadolinnyj: Actually
wadaramus: Parker in trouble.
gdshifty: parker tomb stone
meziare: Parker gone fore season I reckon
luked98: no leg
zadolinnyj: Leg sorry
auxDT: Parker is gone
LuvIt74: A massive out Parker
Slashers: Has to be a break.
ryanbob: Well now I feel bad
willywalks: good call ryanbob, probly just did an acl or mcl…
Tony9668: Parker knee, sad
The39Steps: Yes, @LuvIt74. Short and small field, but from the horse’s mouth so to speak.
luked98: ryanbob, watch yourself
dipstick: parker broken leg. ease up @ryan ya tosspot
wadaramus: Twisted knee, spit mouthguard out, not good.
McRooster: Kudos to Taylor Adams
Grazz: Hope its an ankle not a knee
myteamsuks: I think he wrote that before he realised he did the knee
casey22: Why did they make the early sub? Was Laidler injured?
luked98: fair play adams
Yelse: i think broken leg… taylor adams heard a break or snap thats why he went straight to him
Grazz: Heya Rooster
luked98: tomestone for parker
Tony9668: Gutsy player Parker, hope he’s alright
ryanbob: Yeah I wrote the spud thing before the injury, not good to see
LuvIt74: @The39 what do u mean by Short? Its over 1870 meters, thats not short
mijg: Bummer thats season over for both of us.
luked98: pendles finally hes done something
pies13: go pies!!
LuvIt74: @Tony he will be ok, but its likely his season is over going by his pain.
RooBoyStu: where was Dank the last 2 weeks? anywhere near Collingwood Football Club?
LuvIt74: About time Pendles done something
The39Steps: @LuvIt74 – short (or shortish) price.
Dommy02: all the best for parker, his as tough as it gets
myteamsuks: If swans win from here it will be a mighty effort
Yelse: why the f did he take reid out bucks
mijg: Need swanny to get some winning goals. Go pies
LuvIt74: @The39 I own a few GG’s & now breeding.
McRooster: Heya Grazz. Live chat seems pretty good these days, good work by all, enjoyable and pertinent banter
zadolinnyj: So who wins
LuvIt74: Thank god I didn’t use trades this week
willywalks: another swan injured…
myteamsuks: Fa solo is so greedy tries to take a shot from anywhere
Grazz: Good group tonight
RooBoyStu: Swans will still win
Grazz: Pies have some good youngsters
TasDevil: Go the draw!
Yelse: where cloke?
ausgooner: is that han’s brother?
Slashers: Kennedy no left boot?
LuvIt74: Draw would be awesome
mijg: Soft htb there
The39Steps: @LuvIt74 – I part own a Sebring colt. Can’t call it a race horse, because it won’t race. We call it Mr Ed.
LuvIt74: @Grazz good youngsters = Doggies
Grazz: How easy was that
RooBoyStu: Go Swans!
zadolinnyj: Agree draw would be good
Grazz: yeh Dogs have some good ones to
Pokerface: thats alot to pay for a pet @39steps…
LuvIt74: At least the Pies gave it acrack and didn’t lose by 13 goals.
myteamsuks: Pies are paying for it in the ruck Grundy can’t jump anymore.
heppelitis: good quarter peendles
Grazz: I like the Dogs been great this year, speed and ball movement is great
Slashers: Swans don’t even need Buddy or Tippett
RooBoyStu: Collingwood supporters booking there September Holidays for Footscray
zadolinnyj: Still 8 minutes
Grazz: My wife owns the half brother to Black Caviar
happytimes: Swans have not been great
LuvIt74: @The39 I have been blessed in the GG fraternity m8, the very first horse I part owned was Hollow Bullet a duel G1 winner
Pokerface: which one grazz?
Pokerface: jimmy the spider victim?
The39Steps: @Pokerface – yep. Plus throw the cat in which needed $120 a fortnight thyroid medicine – wonder why mates call me ATM!
LuvIt74: @Grazz not Jimmy i hope which sold for $5 mil
pies13: come on pies!!
luked98: crispy
The39Steps: @Luvit74 – Thanks. You give me hope!
Pokerface: no way you can get it to run at all?
dipstick: @grazz lol no such thing as a half brother
Slashers: The39Steps, you must have kids to persist with that cat.
Tony9668: Got Mitch, Jack, Sidebum, Adams and Pendles. Happy
pies13: flower
Grazz: Nuh his racing name was Jaya only sold for 280k i think.
LuvIt74: That was a disaster from day 1 with BC3 Bill Vlahos
The39Steps: @Pokerface – two starts as a 2yo. The tractor that tows the barriers beat it. Now 3yo – trainer says possibly Nov.
ben31215: pendles sc?
LuvIt74: @dipstick in horses a half brother = same mother different sire, ya dipstick.
Grazz: Kazz calls him Jack he’s a good horse to ride
McRooster: The Canadian Crippler, Mike Pyke twisting the Pies finals hopes beyond hope
zadolinnyj: Pendles 107
RooBoyStu: one horse tomorrow guys Spieth Race 7 Kembla
ben31215: pendles sc
Grazz: @Dipstick, your wrong mate
The39Steps: @slashers – Kids loved it. Had to put him down two weeks ago. Was on medicine for three years! Lived to 19!
Grazz: Jimmy died didnt he not long agao.
LuvIt74: @The39 tell your trainer & owners to sell it m8, the trainer could be just milking you for training fees.
Pokerface: 2 weeks – sorry to hear mate
LuvIt74: especially if its a small country trainer.
Grazz: Swanny turning the clock back
Pokerface: think he did grazz
The39Steps: Trainer in a bit of cobalt strike at the moment. Thinks he wants this to come back!
McRooster: Is this a fantasy footy chat or Star Stables?
Grazz: Sorry to hear that @39steps
m0nty: back on this game please
pies13: bad luck pies all 2familiar this season nite all
LuvIt74: Its a tough business but can be very rewarding. I have a yearling to So You Thing & my mare is in foal to Redoutes
Grazz: C’mon Swanny crack 40 possies
LuvIt74: ok enough back to da game
TasDevil: rubbish shot
luked98: wow elliot
RooBoyStu: cya next year skunks
auxDT: L2Kick pls pies
circle52: Goalkicking going to cost pies finals
Beast_Mode: Pies rubbish, good times.
Grazz: Pies were brave, Swans can’t win the flag the way their playing
auxDT: fwds are a sack of potatoes
McRooster: Jamie Elliot, muppet
Slashers: Goodes gives very loving hugs.
frenzy: 8 and 3 to 9 and 10, shocking skunks
miner4pts: perhaps the Pies need a few more home games to get in the 8
RooBoyStu: bin Pendles
Karlpov: McVeigh just said when Parker was on the ground he reckons he broke something
zadolinnyj: Sadly Luke Parkersburg break may keep titch on the ground the rest of the season
Grazz: A break is bad but better than a serious knee injury
AngryRyno: goodes sc is clearly an example of CD racism
