facebook23: what a dud match
frenzy: I need a life, Lol
m0nty: chatting on FanFooty is a life! 😀
mijg: Colq sub you ripper.
dipstick: damn. whats witht the bottom 2 players names being covered in the expanded view?
dipstick: who are the subs?
m0nty: Colquhoun and Membrey
deanie: Coloquhoun 🙁
wadaramus: That’s how it always looks for me too dipstick?
RooBoyStu: Come on Boaky & Steven
facebook23: ughhh dipstick is here, yet again
Chelskiman: Ebert to go huge and Savage to have a mare please.
facebook23: is there a worse player in the AFL than ports Paddy ryder?
Chelskiman: Oh, and Wines to have a mare too.
Raspel31: Agree Chelk-but in reverse.
frenzy: Gray should double ton today
dipstick: just need ebert and armitage to get tons this week
Raspel31: Just a relief Armitage playing-lost enough to injury this week.
JDolling69: Ebert is rubbish dont expect a ton (I own him too)
dipstick: you got your wish. wines down race with sore shoulder
Woodie: Wines shoulder
zadolinnyj: Wines dislocated shoulder. Wants it strapped. Tough guy
ryanbob: and sunday dud day begins
Raspel31: Robbie Gray off to a flyer-carn Sainters.
deanie: SC always goes to shit on sunday
ryanbob: wines you tough beast
zadolinnyj: It is consistently a shower Sunday ryanbob. Drives me crazy
Woodie: Wines popped his shoulder again, sub coming I think
zadolinnyj: They are talking wines to sub
Chelskiman: Please sub Wines! It would help my slim chances of winning.
zadolinnyj: Lol soft 50
drapes15: dont know why’d risk wines
RooBoyStu: People will be sour grapes if Wines subbed
zadolinnyj: Silly to risk wines by putting him back on. Don’t want it to become a serious and consistent issue
frenzy: yep put wines on ice, comeback next year
Woodie: @Zad..may already be a problem..only lasted 1 min after it was strapped
Chelskiman: Please get involved Ebert.
drapes15: i wont be rooboy i neeed the % against the bloke im playing he has the C on him
m0nty: wine doesn’t go well with ice
RooBoyStu: yeah my opponent has him too lol
facebook23: y rnt my msgs being posted?
frenzy: earth to Gray, come in Gray, where the flower are U
Pokerface: facebook maybe because you don’t use vowels
poolboybob: Game has started Robbie, feel free to join in
facebook23: will wines be subbed or not? someone tell me
Chelskiman: Monty, that was shocking, haha.
Woodie: Wine has been subbed
frenzy: its official wines subbed
dipstick: if wines shoulder gets crushed like a grape 1 more time he should be off
Woodie: Cokehoon on
ryanbob: well there goes my supercoach season, been a shocker of a year
zadolinnyj: Doctor was sick of his Wineing
Chelskiman: Yes! I was 80 behind with three players left each in my match up, so this helps me so much!
facebook23: dipstick 10 mins behind the conversation as per norm
Chelskiman: Just need Ebert and Armo to really cash in now.
rufflege: sigh… the week when I play no one with wines in there team.
rufflege: *their
zadolinnyj: Wonder if anyone fell for Weller and got him?
facebook23: chelsk.. man we dont care about your match up ey, just shut up
Chelskiman: And we don’t care if your messages go through. Spud.
rufflege: what a pleasant person you are, facebook23
Woodie: Got out of the wrong side of the bed I see @ facebook23
zadolinnyj: Honestly facebook23 troll on your abc kids website. There is a great bunch of people here and we don’t need a 3 year old
Tony9668: Troll Alert…. facebook23
facebook23: well, we dont. sorry it came off as rude, but seriously…
facebook23: srsly ” OMMMG i need this player to do well and this other player to do poorly lol right guys!” SHUT UP!
rufflege: we? I don’t remember giving you the rights to talk on my behalf.
Chelskiman: Someone ban this joker from chat.
rufflege: why are you even here?
zadolinnyj: You do realise this is a football stats site????
dipstick: facebook update. dislike
DTmuppet: where is the ban hammer for this kid?
Pokerface: lol dipstick
zadolinnyj: Lol dipstick
Tony9668: @ facebook23, if you don’t like the conversation here, just leave
m0nty: back on this game please
Torz: Lol Ebert. You are horrible. Why did I ever get you in.
Pokerface: guessing fb has wines…
drapes15: robbie gray SC going to get murdered if hes going at 37%
Tony9668: You won’t be missed
JDolling69: @Torz, i wonder the same thing every game
Pokerface: how bad is gray?
Woodie: Gray is 20sc atm @drapes15
zadolinnyj: What is the injury for Gray? Can’t see it on my ipad
auxDT: Newnes i only need 150 from you, thanks
Torz: Gray ankle. He’s OK. Didn’t need strapping, back on now.
drapes15: just twisted ankle
Woodie: Twisted ankle
drapes15: lol aux
drapes15: whats everyones score like?
Apachecats: Got 2Port Powers ,you guessed it ,Wines and Gray
beg4mercy: yo
frenzy: should I play Bont or loop Lambert 86
Woodie: 1883 from 16 before this match
beg4mercy: who will get more disposals today daulhaus or straton u rekon?
daniel87: Wines captain sums up my sc year
mijg: Damn colq on already.
drapes15: im 1946 from 16 all my uniques scored really well
Woodie: Good score @drapes
zadolinnyj: First time ever I’m gonna say Bont @frenzy. I have a feeling about him today like gramps Simpson playing roulette
daniel87: Ablett last week wines this week just wow
zadolinnyj: Captain yet @woodie
Chelskiman: Why have you stopped, Armo?
colmullet: gray a butcher today
zadolinnyj: Big call wines captain @Daniel87
drapes15: i VC selwood but would have had goldy in SC anyway
poolboybob: Gray going for double digit clangers
deanie: 1600 from 13, VC loophole from selwood has not added yet
drapes15: pretty good deanie
FlagDog: Ebert you fuckface
frenzy: thanks zadolinny, Im 2150/18 flying
mijg: Field Steele or NOB?
zadolinnyj: Stevens may be the only good decision I made this year
Woodie: @zad, yep Goldy C. Newnes, Armo & Gray in this one
drapes15: got armo newnes hibberd dalh bont left hopefully 2500_
dipstick: bit o’ neville bartos about that score frenzy
daniel87: Ran out of trades had to make about 13 injury trades bring on next year
drapes15: yea gray aswell
zadolinnyj: big scores coming from a few this week. I’m having a Barry Crocker. 2400 will be good for me this week
dipstick: what the fuck is with you ebert. youve been crap for 2 months
JDolling69: Cmon Ebert, Clurey is beating you
drapes15: sitting 900th atm for fantasy, so surprised with my form this year
zadolinnyj: I’m 1780 with 6 to play but one is Steele as Fyfe out
dipstick: no cornes no ebert
zadolinnyj: I’m 517 Drapes. Loving the extra trades.
dipstick: @zado i reckon fyfe is out for the next 2 aswell. prob come back vs wce
Torz: C’mon Steven. You’ve done nothing for half a quarter.
zadolinnyj: Sc not so good at 4000. The mates all put $60 in for a paid league paying top 6 this year and I am top. Hope finals don’
drapes15: yea its awesome, first year ive really put alot of effort into picking my team
frenzy: now just hit some targets robbie
daniel87: Hopefully wines just precautionary
zadolinnyj: I think I can hold him if I win the first final next week I get the bye. If not I’ll trade.
Chelskiman: The sub has almost caught Ebert now. I wish I had more than two trades left.
SaintsMan: Umps killings us
SaintsMan: As well as our kicking
zadolinnyj: Anyone heard whether beams is now gone? Crazy he got 96sc yesterday
Jukes82: beamer is finished for the year, it couldn’t be anymore obvious.
fshow: wines n ebert n 1 trade left = sad panda
Jukes82: steven sc?
frenzy: steven 60
WizMan: I’ve got a feeling Mundy might be a late out this arvo
Andrew37: Saints have more free kicks. Goal kicking though….
SaintsMan: andrew, its not the ones he pays, its the ones he doesn’t pay
Woodie: Longer subbed out
zadolinnyj: Longer sub gives me the win
Pokerface: membrey as saints sub. that should inject some run and pace…
drapes15: whos going to ruck for the saints?
drapes15: oh hickey, stupid question
fshow: why u say that wizman
Pokerface: hickey
FlagDog: Finally Ebert, keep going flog face
luked98: wines cost me top 8
Andrew37: Gray is a beast
drapes15: Ebert might be good picking for next year
Torz: Ebet has started well for a yin yang.
WizMan: Fshow – didn’t train on Thurs and just a hunch, Lyon might rest him.
Torz: Mundy had a migraine, which apparently he gets often.
fshow: yeah migraine was days ago. he is good to go and with no fyfe he will play
drapes15: come on armo 🙁
WizMan: hope you’re right fshow
fshow: freo playin too poorly lately to risk it w no mundy or fyfe
zadolinnyj: Would not be surprised if Mundy gets rested in the next two weeks
JDolling69: Wake up Armo, the quarter stared 16 minutes ago
mijg: 1 late out for a rest at Freo today I reckon.
zadolinnyj: Would think Fyfe will back game before wc as you don’t want to mess with match fitness
fshow: stll too early in the AFL season for resting. rnd 20 – 23
phiz3: What’s Robbie’s SC? He seems to be butchering it a little.
zadolinnyj: Never heard of a player missing 3 weeks with a corky
DTmuppet: fyfe has a groin issue
Woodie: It’s a groin @zad
zadolinnyj: Oh. Ok makes sense
m0nty: nominations for star please
gdshifty: its only 3rd quarter monty…
Hawks_15: gray for superman
zadolinnyj: Boak was great early
Woodie: Gray for star..after slow start, well clear in posies
DTmuppet: gray star wingard x factor
mijg: Bin for Ebert. Game over when he decided to play.
zadolinnyj: Does feel like last quarter
RooBoyStu: Longer for red vest not green
Torz: Mundy is playing.
fshow: i’m with rooboy
Torz: Weller and Steele are the subs.
willywalks: wake up armo…
fshow: keep that junk from your trunk coming ebert
colin wood: Hey guys what happened to wines??
Jukes82: c’mon steven junk up.
drapes15: armo has gone to sleep since quarter time
Chelskiman: Armo has been shit ever since I brought him in a month ago.
drapes15: agree chelski
drapes15: gray and armo sc? please
pies13: shoulder upper arm i rekn colin wood
AngryRyno: gray 107sc
dipstick: FUCK YOU ebert!!! i had you vs sub colqhuon you big headed ar5e clown!!
AngryRyno: armo 100sc
Jukes82: give steven the gun
drapes15: armo 100 loving life