Fletch91: Priddis, the possies with 4 contested! You go boy!
Fletch91: three*
Torz: Any danger Ceski?
boo!: lift noc nit
eski_liddr: nic nat
dipstick: @fletch *6
gdshifty: wow Sheed~~~
wadaramus: Go Priddis U legend.
boydshow: 50 touches Priddis
AngryRyno: just tick it over glenn glenn, anything over 60 will do
casey22: Come on Priddis, pick up the pace a bit
casey22: Priddis not attending the restart?
johnoP: lift nic nat
man0005: lift nic nat
AngryRyno: glenn hopeless, gonna get subbed
J.Worrall: Nick, Lifnack
eski_liddr: wrapped nic nat is having a barry croker
dipstick: yeh right. nicnat is a rodney hogg in my team this week or even a james hird
man0005: wrapped?
dipstick: yeh his wrapped in my misery it seems
zadolinnyj: Shocking sc week for me. Lucky I’m top and a game clear. Please improve for next week
AngryRyno: boston already got glenn covered in SC, what a joke
zadolinnyj: Hey Dipstick do u have priddis sc. I have nothing
rotated: 67sc priddis
zadolinnyj: Ta mate
dipstick: @zado i have nothing
AngryRyno: priddis 67sc
circle52: Should have done better there harbrow
luked98: is priddis injured?
rotated: copped a head knock.
circle52: should have been htb there – Priddis still on the field
rotated: back on tho
mijg: Lackluster crowd making this dull.
dipstick: nicnat paddy whack get a tap ya score is crap
man0005: When we needed a massive grab, enter Josh Kennedy. Goal 58 for the big man. Suns by two points #AFLSunsEagles
AngryRyno: man0005 why would you just copy and paste WCE twitter
circle52: BS If he marked why a behind.
boo!: noc not sc?
man0005: Just to show everyone how lame it is
casey22: Goldy or Priddis cap in DT, both about the same score at 3/4 time
JRedden: malceski kicked that… wheres the +3?
happytimes: Traded ablette to Bennell and forgot change my C. Go you good thing
circle52: have you got a lotto ticket as well happytimes
happytimes: Not much else has worked this year so I’m making the most of it
Jair: Bring it home Priddis
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Dixon intercepts a Schofield kick from the last line at 40m on a slight angle. He goals, Suns in the lead again!
dipstick: nicnat fuck all for 20 minutes ya tall goose
luked98: saad injured
circle52: Looks like a groin luked
boo!: boo nac nit
willywalks: cmon suns, i wont to see an the eagle’s supporters come up with an excuse for loosing this one!
circle52: Scores have stalled
JRedden: whats priddis doing? not 1 touch this quarter
dipstick: wow priddis and nicnat showing no respect to the suns
Jackina: this is a really great game
Solat: need bennell to take gaz’s ability here and get the winning goal
the worm: that bandaid should be saads permanent icon
circle52: Agree Jackina
the worm: boston to be the hero
dipstick: whats priddis’ SC? that 68% looks ugly
circle52: wherewas htb ump
Bazza2014: htb cost goldy the game
stew42: Bennell will be one of the first in my 2016 DT!
dipstick: fack you nicnat!!! fauck you!!!!
the worm: u mean phlower?
JRedden: priddis just got 4 tackles in 2 mins lol… saved my captain choice
Torz: Leo Barry esque!
Jackina: Carn Lynchy!
Chelskiman: Fuck off Priddis with your stupid tackles.
dipstick: draw or what?
Jackina: Its a tie!!!! omfg
J.Worrall: Draw
circle52: Draw
dipstick: if ya hadda pulled ya finger out nicnat you woulda won. wtf?
stew42: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa
wtf???: @Bazz…agreed
boo!: is it a draw extra time? booooooo
boydshow: priddis clutch tackles at end of game, SC bonus points
Chelskiman: Sometimes I really hate that tackles are worth 4 points. 16 points in 2 minutes for not touching the ball seems so
Chelskiman: extreme.
circle52: Agree that HTB non call cost Suns the game.
AngryRyno: this is CD, tackles at the end of the game aren’t 4 points at all!
Chelskiman: A tackle in DT is worth 4 points.