willywalks: at least i have lambert’s score to cover buddy
Sloaneyyyy: Mitchell as the sub has ruined any chance of an SC win now for sure
wadaramus: T.Mitch sub, Horse are you kidding me??
J_Pinkman: Always love these late changes and stupid sub calls late sunday arvo. No chance to cha
J_Pinkman: Change up ur team
wadaramus: So many other worthy vest candidates but he gives it to Titch.
dipstick: horse loves giving it to titch. he doesnt like the kid. with heeny back could be time to trade up
wadaramus: Was 300 bucks short on Titch to GAJ this week, might have to offload him next week.
dipstick: @wada luckiest short by $300 ever i reckon as much as you woulda been annoyed at the time 🙂
banta: wtf horse. terrible coaching. how is mitchell sub? That is why you’ll lose and been in rubbish form. Bad coaching.
wadaramus: Roger that dipstick,was peeved at the time that’s for sure!!
DirtyDawn: Afternoon ladies and gents
carlton_99: need a big one from shuey and shockers from priddis nic nat and yeo
wadaramus: Afternoon. No shocker from Prddis thanks!
cusch1: Sidey or Pendles for GAJ? Leftover money will go towards upgrading Brodud Smith
dipstick: sidey coz only 3% have him. i got him. pendles owned by 43%. i got both though
J_Pinkman: beautiful call @cusch. exactly what I’m doing
dipstick: thats it nicnat. tap tap another 96 times
Sloaneyyyy: its horrible to say, guess we just gotta pray for an early injury somewhere so Titch gets on earlier than planned
carlton_99: cmon shuey pls my finals hopes lie on u
wadaramus: You read my mind Sloaney.
dipstick: @sloaney nope. never happens for me early injuries. only for my opps
rossdodd: i have franklin and mitchell
dipstick: franklin 40k for a day off. awesome
Grazz: Horse doesnt like Tmitch
ryanbob: parker going back to his start of season form
wadaramus: Go Priddis, got some Titch points to cover today!
heppelitis: agree 100% sloaneyyyy
heppelitis: hoping swans get towelled today after franklin and titch balls up
Mcswains: no serious injuries just a bad corkie lol
wadaramus: Yeah, hamstring will do.
zadolinnyj: Sam Mitchell isn’t playing Mcswains otherwise corky a real chance
Mcswains: lmao good point. hannebery subbed for Tommy Mitch has gotta a nice ring to it lol
wadaramus: +1 Mcswains!
Mcswains: I’m having a shocking sunday again lol sunday games always screw me over
heppelitis: shoosh you too..enough carnage without taking hannebery out of my team
korza: Longmire im on the juice, you are gonna cop a mouthful from me.
heppelitis: two*
wadaramus: Sorry hepp, doesn’t have to be Hanners in particular!
LuvIt74: Having Tmitch as SUB is the silliest move I have seen, considering Buddy & Tippet are out.
poolboybob: Look at all the campaigners on the bottom of the Swans’ table. Wouldn’t see Mitchell down there.
wadaramus: Give it to him korza, both barrels!
LuvIt74: Seriously makes no sense at all. It has me baffled.
Mcswains: haha my bad mate. just need to win my games and with hanners subbed helps me lots 🙂
wadaramus: Sub Heeney already!
korza: Hey John yes you. Thanks for costing me my highest ever score d/t and s/c.You deprived breast fed prick.
heppelitis: lol..he is doing jack shite anyway
LuvIt74: @Mcswains Hanners subbed? I wish
LuvIt74: lol@korza
wadaramus: Thats the way korza, feels good doesn’t it
wadaramus: Thats the way korza, feels good doesn’t it!
Mcswains: true but he can do jack shit in the red vest lol
DirtyDawn: Hurn having a cracker of a game
Sloaneyyyy: i was considering Ablett for Hannebery but not so sure now…
LuvIt74: Swans are gonna get absolutely smashed.
korza: *LuvIt, lets be true, we as joker coaches can see it why the fuck doesnt a $500K a year coach. Enough…
J.Worrall: Kill ’em, Priddy Boi!
wadaramus: Eagles are strong at home.
LuvIt74: concur Worrall
LuvIt74: Eagles are the only team looking like a threat to the Hawks, other then that at this stage its quite evident who’s in.
ronl: Ablett to Hannebery…right?
LuvIt74: Nice to see JPk & Parker starting to score better about time
poolboybob: Red cross for the boundary umpire
Chelskiman: If I was Tom Mitchell I’d be looking for a way out. What else doe she have to do to stay in the side??
RooBoyStu: does anyone know what the blue bands are on some west coast players lower arms?
RooBoyStu: Kennedy has one on his left arm
Buzz67: Afternoon. Two Xavier’s playing on the ground. Has that happened in the AFL before?
wadaramus: Think it is Moto Neurone Disease Rooboy.
tamoz: Nice Jetta! Dont stop
RooBoyStu: cheers wadaramus
zadolinnyj: Prostate cancer. Player afl masters today and we wore the band
wadaramus: Sydney stink, meanwhile Titch rots on the pine.
Ball_Hog15: Titchel doesn’t deserve this he is a gun!
Apachecats: Xaviers have the X factor built in
dipstick: why emergency bjack on over mitchell?
zadolinnyj: At least titch may get a half after this rubbish
carlton_99: cmon shuey pls
Apachecats: Was going to come home with a wet sail with JPK ,Buddy and Tichell.WT
LuvIt74: @wadaramus its the craziest move a coach has made, i cannot believe it.
J.Worrall: Yes, Buzz, two X
Sloaneyyyy: not the first time Horse has been this stupid, won’t be the last
Sloaneyyyy: just a matter of how long Mitchell wants to put up with it at Sydney
Apachecats: Only got one sail
zadolinnyj: Maybe titch is dating horses daughter. Only reasonable reason I can think of
wadaramus: Cometo the Crows Titch, we should have a vacancy soon!
zadolinnyj: Yes wadaramus. Would not mind that
Ball_Hog15: lol @zadolinnyj
wadaramus: Priddis DT to SC ratio is never in his favour, too many hadballs methinks?
heppelitis: would titch measure up for horses daughter…not going by nicnames
casey22: Who wins? 107 down with Priddis & Yeo playing & opponent done for the day
Jukes82: you’
Jukes82: you’re stuffed casey
wadaramus: Priddis and Yeo already have that covered, or am I missing something?
zadolinnyj: Hopefully horses daughter does not compare boyfriends junk to dad. Little weird @heppelitis
LuvIt74: @casey22 stupid bloody question.
zadolinnyj: Think he means from now wadaramus
LuvIt74: @wardaramus think someone just wants attention.
wadaramus: Whoops, did I inadvertently give some?!
RooBoyStu: Tom Mitchell will than horse post career as he will easy get the Green Wiggle gig.
poolboybob: Yikes Hannebery on 21 SC at half time
LuvIt74: Priddis 69sc
RooBoyStu: *thank
LuvIt74: On 2332 sc at half time with Priddis, JPK & Parker if they all score tons ill reach 2500 odd.
wadaramus: Sub Hanners.
zadolinnyj: Good effort Luvit. Could be a top score this week
LuvIt74: @zadolinnyj cheers m8, hope so but think those who have Lewis, with a similar side could score close to 2600+
LuvIt74: Hanners is helping me
LuvIt74: didn’t realise JPK injured his thumb
wadaramus: Xlnt coaching Horse, still no Titch.
Yelse: ok tich learned his lesson put him on already
LuvIt74: @wadaramus incomprehensible, this is a joke from Longmire.
DirtyDawn: Im still thinking a Hawks v Dockers GF. How bout you fulla’s??
poolboybob: Pyke and Nankervis getting dominated and offering nothing around the ground. Still both on.
zadolinnyj: Eagles vs Hawks I think
Torz: Pyke is horrible. Reckon he’s been beaten every time I’ve seen him this year.
wadaramus: Hawks v Dockers/Eagles.
LuvIt74: @DirtyDawn no chance in hell will Freo make the GF the way they are playing
zadolinnyj: Muppet that bloke and then sub him
LuvIt74: Think horse will put him on now.
poolboybob: Commentators also baffled that Titch got the vest.
wadaramus: Classic Eagles destroyation on the cards here.
Costanza: horse headed stubborness
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: A terrible clanger kick by Richards across the backline is easy for Kennedy to intercept and goal from 15m.
the worm: Have sydney ever won a game without franklin in the last 10 years??
Hadouken: well there you go, had my win sealed until mitchell started sub. FMDT.
LuvIt74: Come on Parker pull ya finger out.
Torz: They haven’t had Franklin for the last 10 years. Weird question.
RooBoyStu: lift Parker
Hadouken: he has yeo and now 40 points up. thanks longmuire you knob.
the worm: i meant nine years
banta: get mitchell on you idiot longmire!
frenzy: Thanks horse, ya killed me bud
wadaramus: Heeney has done nothing for two and a half quarters, get him off.
LuvIt74: @Worm he has only been with swans for 3 years. lol
3rdstriker: Hope horse gets fired, he’s running this team into the ground
Jukes82: nicnats effiency is shithouse, sc must be bad
Carnster: Need Yeo to beat lecras in sc
the worm: um, he has a 9 year contract
LuvIt74: Actually 2 years
drevil: Heeney hasnt played for 2 months,but u know what lets get him on the ground b4 mitchell,madness!!
wadaramus: Queue Heeney goal.
zadolinnyj: Yes worm but he still have 6 years he has not played yet. Go back and look at ur question
LuvIt74: @the worm u said has sydney ever won a game without franklin in past 10 years. This is his 2nd year
the worm: sorry, just doing a mini trolling because this game is such a smashing 😀
the worm: sorry
Bazza2014: playing the swans is a percentage boost
LuvIt74: @theworm you asked has Sydney ever won without franklin in past 10 years, he has only played with swans for 2 years.
Andrew37: Why do people always say they “troll” when its pretty obvious you are just being retarded.
drapes15: Who wins, Hawks or WCE?
Dommy02: rosa???
Bazza2014: trolling leads to serial killing
zadolinnyj: Great question @Drapes15. Will be a shootout
wadaramus: Lets hope its a % boost for the Crows next week!
3rdstriker: Horse ISO vindictive I could see him not making the sub at all
the worm: because trolling is a word people use to describe “being retarded”….it’s pretty much an accepted term these days
Ball_Hog15: He’s got to put him on now due to overall team performance…
poolboybob: Beautiful team goal
cartz411: priddis SC?
drapes15: prefer he didnt come on so i get lamberts 103
RooBoyStu: Eagles 3 times more hit outs
wadaramus: 81% DE but Priddis is only afforded 88SC.
the worm: i got lamberts 103 for buddy 🙂
wadaramus: That’s the thing drapes, i’d prefer Cripps 70 odd than 30 from a quarter of Titch.
Carnster: yeo sc
cartz411: hmmm go big priddis! what about hanners and JPK SC? thanks wadaramus
drevil: i need kieren jack’s supercoach please
Jukes82: kennedy must be affected by his injury
drevil: kieren jack sc
drapes15: horse will just be a flog and give him 5 minutes to ruin everyones day
RooBoyStu: Hannebery ying yang looms
wadaramus: Jack 57sc.
3rdstriker: Unless they’ve changed something it doesn’t matter if he comes on or not, his score still counts
Hadouken: if mitch stays off, i get lamberts 94 and win. if he comes on, im up shits creek.
wadaramus: Hannebery 36 and JPK 68sc.
johnoP: usually im all for productive positive statements
Torz: That’s not how it works Hadouken.
johnoP: but i believe i represent the majority with the following
poolboybob: Brandon Jack should be subbed off due to his terrible mo
RooBoyStu: great quarter Parker
Hadouken: dammit. oh well, next year now in works league. out in straight sets lol
zadolinnyj: Frustrating I had Riewoldt on bench for lambert with 135 and titch on ground. Flower me
johnoP: Fu horse, you flowersucking munkachunder, signed supercoach
LuvIt74: @Hadouken no u don’t get lamberts 94 m8
Hadouken: what johnoP said
zadolinnyj: Horses sc opponent has titch
LuvIt74: 2401 sc at 3qt time. I’m gonna need some huge bloody scores to make 2500
standog: need 92 points to win from Titch, Yeo and Parker…I’m out
wadaramus: Horse you self serving bastard.
wadaramus: 30 points from each isn’t out of the question standog.
Kernahan: Horse you knob jockey
Dasherman: Yeo SC plz
johnoP: i wonder what Titchel woul average playing on the ball? 102 under a coach who has him tagging and subbing!
zadolinnyj: Hannebery sc?
wadaramus: Horse needs to stop flogging his joystick and get Titch on pronto.
LuvIt74: Yeo 74sc
Kernahan: Knob you horse jockey
Mcswains: need 134 from Priddis to win my game! lift champ
Kernahan: Jockey you horse knob
LuvIt74: Haners 36sc
zadolinnyj: Mitch on in midfie
Torz: Watch Mitchell put the cape on and Horse say “He’s not doing enough”
wadaramus: Sit on the pine for three quarters for nothing, stupid sub rule.
zadolinnyj: Thanks Luvit
MIJG: Hows parkers SC pls
poolboybob: Titch will probably get 10 touches and 3 tackles in 1 quarter, then get dropped.
wadaramus: Pyke subbed…finally.
LuvIt74: about time it’s 3qt late but better l8 then never. Although by TMitch not playing helps me
zadolinnyj: Don’t think sub rule will exist next year. Saying 50 possible game interchanges
Carnster: lecras sc
zadolinnyj: Parker 74
wadaramus: Parker 80sc.
3rdstriker: 0% chance mitchell plays next week, this was orchestrated so horse can drop him
wadaramus: Frenchy 69sc.
zadolinnyj: Lecras 65
zadolinnyj: Trust wadaramus over mine as I’m using unspoken site for stats
Carnster: is frenchy lecras
MIJG: Cheers.
RooBoyStu: Come on Mitchell cape it clap clap
wadaramus: We we.
Andrew37: Don’t think Priddis beat JPK by that much to deserve BOG. Nic Nat prob deserves it more even though I hate the guy
zadolinnyj: Yes carnster
poolboybob: Oh look, this Mitchell guy seems like he can play
Carnster: thanks zado
HawkTalker: traded JJKennedy in for Buddy. All he had to do was have a normal game. Has completely screwed me
LuvIt74: That was titchs goal coz of his fast handball
zadolinnyj: Big celebration Shaw for a smashed team
Torz: Nah, he’s no good poolboybob. Horse said so.
Ball_Hog15: I wouldn’t be surprised if he capes it this quarter
LuvIt74: Tmitch on 14sc already lol
willywalks: need a new icon demonstrating irrelevant eg Mike Pyke
banta: lift jpk!
Carnster: is yeo dead
MIJG: 32 points heaps of time
banta: kennedy’s both been poor today
zadolinnyj: On track for superman Luvit
HawkTalker: longmire absolutely hates Mitchell. Never draft a player who is hated by his coach
wadaramus: Come on Priddis, I need 130-140 lift man!
Andrew37: JPK has 26 wit 11 CP and 8 clearances. He has been Sydney’s best.
DirtyDawn: ASw an eagles supporter I can tell you this is why we wont make the GF this year. Game isnt won until its won lads!!!
J.Worrall: Ablett to Danger, Hanners or Priddi Boi?
RooBoyStu: Scott Selwood what a spud
runt: Mitchell proves time and again he can play, Longmire proves time and again he is a fuckwit where Mitchell is concerned
krakamanis: I need 237 sc from Parker n priddis any chance?
Andrew37: DT, Priddis, SC Hanners/Danger
LuvIt74: @Worrall Go Danger by the length of the flemington straight son
drapes15: depends what you play worrall
LuvIt74: @krak bloody oath its in the bag.
J.Worrall: SC, so Danger, seeing how the Swans are playing atm ..
MIJG: Lift parker. No heroics tmitch.
drapes15: probs danger he has few that take points from him
Carnster: someone stop priddis ffs
roo boys!: SC for Yeo and R.Shaw? Thanks guys
poolboybob: lol Mitchell has already outscored Pyke. Nice work Bongmire.
auxDT: laughing at swans’ ruck hitouts..fuck you longmire
frenzy: Hope U learnt your lesson Horse
dipstick: bet the media dont even question longmire about titch
3rdstriker: Longmire will probably laud his super sub and keep him in that role
dipstick: @frenzy LOL as if? he likes antagonizing titch coz he hates the boy
spudaroos: Gun for Gaff
J.Worrall: Carn Priddi, 150 is in sight now
Andrew37: Bin Priddis too. had 12 touches/ 50+ DT points when the game was over.
casey22: Well done Priddis, just won me my game
MIJG: Slow down tmitch. 40Sc is good for a sub
dipstick: any chance with all the tackles, possies CP and CL priddis will get 180 SC?
RooBoyStu: if Mitchell doesn’t cape give him the heart
wadaramus: Priddis just doesn’t gt any SC love dipstick, only 131sc atm.
wadaramus: Hopefully scale up to 150ish.
auxDT: fat lady twerking infront of longmire
Mcswains: go Priddis go
frenzy: Nice QTR Tmitch
Torz: Titch is still tagging. Even as the sub.
wadaramus: lol auxDT!!!
J.Worrall: NicNat you beauty!
wadaramus: Fantastic last quarter Priddis.
Bazza2014: Can someone tell me how many minutes Gaz played yesterday?
J.Worrall: we love a footy twerk
3rdstriker: Who’s he tagging?
wadaramus: TMitch 33sc.
Ball_Hog15: Longmire it has been Long enough! Release the pig!
Torz: He was following Priddis around.
wadaramus: Only about 15 I think Bazza.
meka100: Thank you Horse
johnoP: heart for sydney kennedy
RooBoyStu: clap clap clap Mitchell good quarter
J.Worrall: Release the Pig!
3rdstriker: Thanks torz, doesn’t say much for his tagging ability then
Bazza2014: no wonder in ultimate footy, my opponent has beat me in the sub clause with treloar
poolboybob: lol at JJK’s supercoach
Mcswains: please scale up Priddis! need 135 to win
Roksta: Hanna sc bullshit
banta: geeez, 4 x 41, could have had 160+ for titch, thanks horse. cost me my match.
dipstick: hannebury 17 more SC than titch
OnTheRocks: da fuq Hanners
mijg: Prid will easily get 14p scaled
dipstick: parker 100? didnt do fuck all til the game was totally over. inquest into SC betting please!!
mijg: Think they gave the 2 Kenedy s the same score by mistake
ryanbob: Lol get flowered, jjk didn’t deserve 105 let alone 60
cusch1: I just drew for the second time this year