frenzy: U little star boomer congrats on your 400
frenzy: don’t get KO’d like your 300
23rookie23: Beams and Hanly OUT!!!
circle52: disappo
circle52: disappointing crowd here
RooBoyStu: anybody relying on the herald sun ladder on page 84 today it’s horribly wrong
RooBoyStu: they hadGws 34 should be 36, Adel 32 should be 34, North 30 should be 32
wadaramus: Congrats Boomer.
RooBoyStu: Go Boomer!
Hawks_15: anyone hopeing that goldstein will get a big score like myself as captain?
meka100: Is Goldy in the ruck, if so he’s getting fucked
RooBoyStu: na loopholed Hodge
iZander: is anyone running with rocky?
wadaramus: Goldy, S.Martin hello?
Ben_Gogos: First muppet of the night foinf to Taylor after turning it over straight to Petrie, allowing Drew to goal with ease
Ben_Gogos: Stef not in the ruck…
wadaramus: I took Fyfey’s 130 odd.
Tony9668: Boomer and Fletch need to give it away at seasons end
wadaramus: Boomer wants to go round again.
iZander: if stef martin goes in the ruck goldy will score big, if berger stays he won’t, have a look at his past big scores
iZander: goldygoes big vs those more athletic ruck
ZachLanos: Knew I shouldn’t have made Goldy captain 🙁
Grazz: Goldy C’mon mate
cartz411: Jacobs on rocky! FFS!
AngryRyno: goldy 0sc
zadolinnyj: Surprise fanfooty has not given us all nth Melbourne icons for boomers 400
ryanbob: Ablett vc failed, looks like goldy captain will too
zadolinnyj: Only 10 minutes gone. Goldy may do alright
Hawks_15: i have a feeling, after half time when the game gets ugly, goldstein will kill it
mijg: Need you Goldy done me good last 3 rnds. More
Hawks_15: what with rockliffs disposal efficiency?
Ben_Gogos: Rockliff is doing it again. No touches, a hell of a lot of tackles
Ben_Gogos: @Hawks_15 only had the 3 touches mate, all inside stuff as well
iZander: put rocky captain, was dirty when both beams and hanely were out meaning he’d get the tag haha
Hawks_15: Thanks @ Ben_Gogos
boydshow: @Ben Bonti does the same thing when tagged
dipstick: so if rocky is tackling and not getting possies i guess hes a tagger
knickers: rocky 13sc. gody 31sc
iZander: no dipstick, i don’t think you grasp what a tagger is
mijg: Good knickers
J.Worrall: Bye bye Brisbane
circle52: umpiring is one way so far
Bazza2014: rocky -7 woohoo
Ben_Gogos: @boydshow very true
circle52: about time we got an in the back
mijg: 130 I will be happy goldy but 200 is good too
RooBoyStu: to the guy that said Birchall isn’t fantasy relevant hence no icicle, Ziebell icicle and owned by less
circle52: mitch robo hurt
Ben_Gogos: @RooBoyStu relevance has nothing to do with it champ
RooBoyStu: would say nobody here has Ziebell in any fantasy teams
zadolinnyj: Correct dipstick. If getting tagged, tag and tackle urself
RooBoyStu: well Birchall should have got something last night, a shocker
goodxx: @RooBoyStu Corey Adamson is owned by over 11% of the comp, he hasn’t played a game
RooBoyStu: Ben tell m0nty that, worse than Eddie commenting on Pie games he is doing hawk games
poolboybob: Ziebell is usually pretty good if they’re not wasting him up forward
Ben_Gogos: @RooBoyStu I have Ziebell mate, has averaged 100 for the last 10 weeks
Ben_Gogos: @poolboybob exactly, playing him fwd too much tonight for DT
RooBoyStu: @goodxx Corey Adamson is dpp def mid
dipstick: LOL triple M just found out petrie is called the dish. about 5 yrs too late
knickers: how does tarrant keep getting games.
Ben_Gogos: Stef getting hurt by the fact, Leuey now has 50% ruck time
circle52: I al
RooBoyStu: here we go again, we will stop for 30 mins, wake up North FFS
Hawks_15: @ Ben Gogos. Leuenberger has been great since he has been in the ruck and not moved around
lozdaleg: ur fucking shit ziebell
Ben_Gogos: @Hawks_15 most definitely mate, he’s deserving of a spot in his preferred position
Hawks_15: im only spewing i got rid of him early when he was going bad
mark621: what on earth is going on with rocky 20%
dipstick: @gogos agree. no point playing pure ruckman like leun and kreuz out of position
knickers: loving my gaj and rocky trades this week
luked98: lets go capt goldy
facebook23: dipstick, do u spend all day and night on here chatting… mate you got no life ey
LuvIt74: Take it slow goldy no need to go huge tonight just a 90 to 100 is ample son…lol
LuvIt74: lol@facebook
LuvIt74: Goldy 52sc
circle52: nice push in the back unseen by 2 umps
dipstick: @fbook23 haha. you monitoring every game? how sad. only been on last 2 games
LuvIt74: Kids today spend there whole life on computers or TV, rearly do they go outside ride there bikes and do stuff when we
LuvIt74: were kids
Redraptor: I’ve been on for all games…my eyese are going blurry…I mustn’t have a life either
circle52: auskickers showing better skills than lions
mace485: goldy 62sc
J.Worrall: Gogo Godly!
mijg: Woohoo just the thing to see goldy after cooking dinner. Ftw
mijg: Oh and roxky spudding up
circle52: just realized we won that quartet
J.Worrall: ftw? Fot the Wuck?
Monger: I have respect for taggers who outscore the guy they’re tagging… unless they’re tagging one of my players lol
Ben_Gogos: Have more respect for them @Monger, and fear
Monger: I wouldn’t care if they tag my player and they both score 140…
boges11: @J.Worrall FTW = for the win. Means it’s a good thing
J.Worrall: Is that gambler’s jargon?
Monger: harvey is a champ. I hope he breaks the AFL games record, that would be awesome!
iZander: if he doesn’t break it he will probably complain about it
J.Worrall: My mum doesn’t like me talking about gambling
knickers: missy lifting
Woosha 73: Thanks Boges. I thought it meant Flower The World
mijg: Goldy keep going.
mijg: Need to becat least 80 at 3qtr time to crack the 200 goldy
RooBoyStu: somebody give Martin a rule book for Christmas, only 7 months away
lozdaleg: pathetic rockcliff
RooBoyStu: *5 months
RooBoyStu: North was always gona keep Rockliff quiet remember last time him & boomer after siren
mijg: That rocky score and DE is just beautiful
Ben_Gogos: Rockliff with the muppet after giving away a free kick directly in front of goal
iZander: thanks rooboy, lord of hindsight
luked98: goldy tons up in sc
mijg: Nice news luked
dipstick: @luked tell me when he hits 140
J.Worrall: Gogo Godly!
mijg: Nice news luked just need another 50.
Mcswains: awesome news luked98 🙂
goes: Goldy HIGGINS and Lewis Taylor’s s c
luked98: yeah that would be great news
goes: Goldy 110 sc
desafinado: Higgins 75SC
Mcswains: couple sausages from Goldy will be great lol
luked98: rocky at least finish up with 75
desafinado: Taylor 60sc
J.Worrall: Carn Godly!
luked98: comon goldy comon
RooBoyStu: Go Roos and Boomer! Pies13 North are ahead
RooBoyStu: North 36pts & Skunks 32 pts
Jukes82: ziebell sc?
RooBoyStu: Go Roos!
luked98: goldy please get to 130
ben31215: martin sc?
luked98: martin 92
Ben_Gogos: 986 career running bounces for Boomer
Redraptor: Great 400th Boomer
LuvIt74: cmon goldya few clangers
LuvIt74: Goldy 118sc
RooBoyStu: beers gonna taste great tonight! Boomer!!!
J.Worrall: Go on going on, Godly!
luked98: goldy 122
luked98: still 200 points to be scaled
luked98: shit rocky
knickers: lol rocky