RooBoyStu: Gold Coast will win today, get on the $5
frenzy: Harley owes me big time
RooBoyStu: very surprised Harley has no icon, take your pick.
RooBoyStu: *different icon
iZander: who’s tagging abblet?
luked98: lets go capt ablett
Raspel31: Hadto pull out all stops to bring you in-come on Gablett
colin wood: Wonder what Brodie smith has installed for us today
snake_p: not much by the looks of it Colin
J_Pinkman: feeling 125 from Brodie smith today………….prease! lol
colin wood: What’s his actual role? Lol stay away from the footy?
J_Pinkman: seems like it colin. he’s very good at it though, kudos to him.
G.Soreness: Let’s hope Bennell can break the lines today, he’s good at those
heppelitis: Ablett in the middle today..or up forward?
teachrtony: Anyone else got no head to head SC scores on Live HQ? on
ballbag: about 15% of people have b smith still? no fucken idea
Woodie: Ablett gone, leg
Torz: Of course Gaz gets injured…
teachrtony: Noooooooo Ablett knee
Woodie: HQ not working
ballbag: first time ever i have seen RDT site with no live scores
wadaramus: Oh dear, Ablett in trouble.
grossn: How serious is Ablett’s injury?
Jukes82: seriously how is brodie smith getting a game though??
m0nty: of course I traded GAJ in this week
stakerz: hyper-extension. thank god i couldnt afford him this week
ballbag: cmon. seriously. ablett is 1 tackle away from missing the rest of the year. why trade him in??
myteamsuks: Oh geez all those that picked up Ablett. Bit nervous
Wends: Gablett down the race. Yep brought him in in SC, but not RDT thank god.
Yelse: i give up on SC this year so over replacing injured players this year.
heppelitis: same m0nty
Raspel31: And me Monty-stuffed.
iZander: i love it how people always act like they knew it was going to happen afterwards, didn’t see you saying that before..
Jukes82: My opp has gaj captain 😀
elk101: lol yelse only this year? try only 20 trades and no reversing over the years
ballbag: !izander people have been saying for 1 weeks 1 heavy tackle to GAJ shoulder and there could be probs
pies13: how bad is it?
LeFtBehinD: I swear to god is GAJ gets injured after I finally moved on Griffen!
MrWindow: so GAJ subbed?
Torz: Glenn Glenn not even warming up yet.
iZander: its not his shoulder ballbag?
m0nty: no sub made yet
ballbag: no knee knock will keep GAJ out though
wadaramus: Glenn stretching.
ryanbob: Smith is a complete spud
Raspel31: Not yet Mr Window but could be a medial-not shoulder ballbag
stakerz: it was more than a knee knock.
hbui35493: You have got to be joking…..first rocky and now GAJ..this game shits me
iZander: that sentence has two meanings depending where you put the , @ ballbag
MrWindow: ok cheers
ReaperRage: Dont think ive ever been happier to trade out a player than brodie smith!!!
IHateChat: Alett will be fine.
Jukes82: bennell has white line fever!
gdshifty: thank god i didnt make GAJ captain
Viscount: traded in Gaz this week at least I took hodge 140
AngryRyno: bring on glenn, he’s my only fyfe cover
ronl: lucky I made Jordan Lewis captain last night
Wends: Too gung ho in SC this rd, more trades left so threw caution to wind @Ballbag.
AngryRyno: sauce 37sc, good VC choice thus far
AngryRyno: gaz subbed ahaha
circle52: Gaz subbed and gone 3/4 weeks
wadaramus: Yep, GAJ subbed out.
Woodie: Ablett subbed
Viscount: sen reporting sub for gaz
Woosha 73: Sounds like a possible tombstone
Jukes82: This weekend just got heaps better
SwaggyP: traded jelwood for gaj this week. yay.
deanie: Almost pressed acccept on Wallis to ablett last night. So glad i didnt
AngryRyno: now that gaz is gone, fyfe can play good footy again?
Hawks_15: Adelaide will kill it for here on in
Redraptor: may as well log out and watch…none of my comments being posted….probably apart from this one
ballbag: @jukes and i thought it would be his shoulder that would haunt him. rocky will be the next to go before years end
shaker: wow that is big for SC lot of people burned there last trades for him
Viscount: I feel your pain Swaggy
G-Mo77: Glenn’s time to shine.
Woodie: Meniscus for GAJ, 3-4 weeks at best
AngryRyno: suns will fall in a heap from here
myteamsuks: Couldn’t afford GAJ . Phew
Chelskiman: Well that helps! In RDT two of my opponents have him as C. I don’t have him at all.
poolboybob: So who’s everyone trading in for Ablett next week? I’m leaning toward Beams or Hannebery
Chelskiman: I do have him as captain in AFL Fantasy though. 🙁
ballbag: @chelks it helps the 80% of coaches that dont have him
AngryRyno: happy Laird, Lever & Sauce owner
G-Mo77: Hannebery poolboy
Wends: How much $ will Gaz lose?
ballbag: he’ll drop about 33K
Raspel31: Had Ablett 2 rounds-this and opening game. Faaark.
Chelskiman: @ballbag, I traded hard early and had a complete team and only two trades left by the time he came back.
ryanbob: I hate supercoach so so much
poolboybob: I like Beams because he has Gold Coast and Carlton as opponents the first two weeks of Supercoach finals
G.Soreness: Brodie Smith has burst into double figures
Woodie: Only about 25K
G-Mo77: I can live with $33K. Got another spot to upgrade and $330K in the bank. Not ideal but I’ll be OK.
poolboybob: Either that or I’ll trade in Rory Sloane, watch him break his face, and trade him out for a third time this year.
mijg: Beams wont play the year out.
RooBoyStu: Matt Campbell says ” 5 game margin” absolute muppet, 5 points you mean
ballbag: BSmith HASNT got a possie yet. 3FF for his 3 touches. hahaha
johnoP: eski getting some today
OnTheRocks: Smith suckered you all in!
Dangermaus: Sam Day was 3rd pick in the draft in 2010…
JDolling69: @Ballbag, they were frees after the disposal, sorry to disappoint
Wends: He was too alluring Ontherocks.
ReaperRage: smith to gibson my trade bthis week @OnTheRocks, loving it hahaha
RooBoyStu: if you have Smith get Frawley lol
willywalks: fark… if I win this round it’ll be a miracle, just got home to check scores and see GAJ with the tombstone :O
Jukes82: dockers no change
Dangermaus: my opponent has GAJ and Goldy, like me except he has GAJ captain and I have Goldy cap =)
Wends: Thinking Gaz to Beams, running down 8 remaining trades quick as poss, with max $ as poss should win some prize.
willywalks: had him as captain and opp has lewis as captain, got fyfe and he doesn’t have him either
Torz: Why would you go to Beams? His shoulder is hanging on by a thread.
Dangermaus: Beams is supposedly having shoulder issues though…
colin wood: How does smith get a game?? He doesn’t actually offer anything
G-Mo77: Wouldn’t touch Beams. May shut down because of shoulder.
deanie: Beams got a dud shoulder, Might be a bad idea to get him in. Get Zorko as POD
RooBoyStu: no way beams as 50-50 shoulder
Wends: *$ loss
Jukes82: beams might not last the season
ballbag: hahaha great advice- Beams has a bad shoulder yet brought in GAJ??
ballbag: @danger why did you go Goldy C vs Leunberger and SMartin?
RooBoyStu: Gaz to Priddis
Dangermaus: will probably get Pendles as I don’t have him yet
OnTheRocks: @Wends: I guess the fluttering of the eyelashes and the NOB cup did it for some
Wends: Damn, no sarcasm icon.
OnTheRocks: thinking Hanners or Pendles for C, have SMitch as vc and 105 doesn’t cut it
Hawks_15: id go kennedy from swans, he’s cheap enough and scores well
ballbag: seriously for those who have BSmith. is he taking the piss or what? surely he is must be fucked in the head from hits
circle52: This is really good game of open footy
luked98: whats with kolo
circle52: I have the VC on Goldy Tonight and go Hanners or JP Kennedy
OnTheRocks: i guess Crows like going out of D via Laird
Dangermaus: @ballbag, Goldy will still smash it, just watch
Wends: He was just too pretty OntheRocks. That, Rocky MkII & Gaz today worst trades of 2015.
ballbag: @danger i have him VC but wouldnt be surprised if he only got 90 odd
Raspel31: Me too Onthe rocks. Guee C to Pendles as don’t trust Fyfe. Lewis would have been nice.
Hawks_15: sloane has gone to sleep
LuvIt74: Bloody hell i am glad I didn’t bring in GAJ this week what happened surly he isn’t right?
Dangermaus: I remember when Wright was a decent P.O.D … long time ago now
LuvIt74: Is it true GAJ looks to have torn his meniscus?
Raspel31: Medial meniscus-out for 3 or 4 Luvit-or season. And I did bring him in.
zadolinnyj: Was cursing myself for not picking up Ablett and now I’m lucky.
rosty63: New half time game, name a player whose surname can be a fist name
LuvIt74: I’m going VC on Fyfe & C on either Goldy or Priddis
LuvIt74: @Raspel sorry to hear it, I was going to go Beams to GAJ but thankfully went Krakour to Bartel
zadolinnyj: Jack Martin @rosty63
Raspel31: Me too Luvit-had the Gadj only 2 games this year-twice-and injured both times, groan.
rosty63: R Douglas
shaker: haha you mean first name
J_Pinkman: evryone who couldn’t or wouldn’t bring Gaz in, are breathing a hude sigh of relief. sadly I’m not on one of them
roo boys!: Luke Russell
Dangermaus: Jeremy Cameron
rosty63: J Cameron
MrWindow: I went beams to GAJ, but also bsmith to bartel
J_Pinkman: Sean Lemmens, wait! I lose
ballbag: just saw the tweet feed pic of GAJ below.So sad to see!!!!
Wends: KK waking up?
zadolinnyj: Could have @J_Pinkman but stupidly thought if I waited a week his price would go down. Looked like a dower head last wee
rosty63: j glenn
zadolinnyj: Let’s hope gaj has a injury free year next year as he is just great to watch.
myteamsuks: Brodie smith has not been the same since his 2 concussions
ballbag: brodie smith should get a darkness icon. seems to have his lights permanently knocked the fuck out
zadolinnyj: Smith a wing nowadays not half back. New coach might make the switch back
poolboybob: lift that efficiency danger man
scud98: Brodie it is not a crime to go near the ball
Dangermaus: I really hope Danger stays with Adelaide…
zadolinnyj: Lever and Thalia will be an awesome pair once lever does another prevseason
Wends: Darkness icon = Charlie Murphy icon.
zadolinnyj: Smith may get subbed?
ballbag: @wends fuck yo’ couch- you cold as ice darkness LOL
Wends: Heh heh, Smith: sometimes u just gotta go upside his head ballbag.
Dangermaus: need a captain’s goal crows
RooBoyStu: how’s Adel $1.08 on live tab odds
myteamsuks: Kolij goin nuts
ballbag: haha he already dazed like he been smokin the stickiest of the icky
RooBoyStu: 6 day break will kill adel, gc will win
LuvIt74: Loving Lever’s score as my D6
banta: lynhc you are the most useless ugly ranga footballer ever. get a kick. ST is such a pig
myteamsuks: Got it dangermaus
myteamsuks: Oh yeah forgot adelaide gave it to walker cause they knew danger is leaving
zadolinnyj: How did Matt crouch get dropped while wright still plays? Maybe a rest?
Wends: Enjoy yoself!
ReaperRage: @banta, as if youd have lynch in any type of team get your shit together hahaha
Dangermaus: Lever – rising star nomination today ?
ReaperRage: Just a bit of banter ;
zadolinnyj: If carlton_99 was on he would go spastic about the free
Tonche: Got Lynch in Ultimate Footy, been good this year
circle52: Lever as emergency for me but will replace Hamling on field – VC Loophole I had to set up.
Bazza2014: 15 second goal
Jukes82: have the crows made the sub yet?
Jukes82: oh i see it now
mijg: So Danger on same SC as DT but 50 DE. Typlcal crap
zadolinnyj: Anyone have danger sc
OnTheRocks: don’t stop Sauce
grossn: Douglas going to get 200sc this last qtr
Raspel31: Any news on Fyfe peeps-after Gablett either him or Pendles
poolboybob: Go danger, bin it up
myteamsuks: Danger was 92sc at 3/4 time
myteamsuks: Fyfe playing
pigden: I’ve got lever on the pine and hibberd on the field. Reckon it’s worth using Lever on field over Hibberd?
Raspel31: Cheersmyteam
iZander: no pig den, i traded out hibberd this week
Dangermaus: cmon esky at least get to 85+
myteamsuks: Danger disposal shit
heppelitis: its enough to make a grown man gazza in and making him captain
auxDT: jacobs SC?
danmaio: Thats what I did @hepp, only coz Shiels went down
Raspel31: heppelitis-been crying all arvo
zadolinnyj: 108 danger sc
circle52: Jacobs 109
Dangermaus: I find it hard to believe that the Suns can’t stop Danger and Thompson getting so many clearances
heppelitis: i feel for you all that are in the same boat…i didnt have enough trades to do it
auxDT: thanks circle
myteamsuks: Scores have stopped
m0nty: yep, out of my hands I’m afraid
Raspel31: Same hepp-left it till last minute-now stuffed
Dangermaus: well that’s the easy tips out of the way, the rest are quite hard to pick this week
Apachecats: Start recruiting for next year Heppel
heppelitis: yes lol
Wends: Gaz sharing circle about to come to a close.
heppelitis: nearly reversed this morning too..but the lure of his big scores gave me tunnel vision
Raspel31: At least we’ll have a good looking bench for the rest of the season Hepp.
Redraptor: I was going to get GAJ in for the SC finals but now I wont have to
banta: ST biggest pig, dt hall of famer, been great for a decade. justa ccumulates, nobody ever near him
Redraptor: Kept the faith with Selwood
zadolinnyj: Smith bought a garbage truck and he’s collecting junk
grossn: If anyone doesn’t have the scores, it’s 113-80
Apachecats: Got cold feet on Goldy just changed to fifty shades of …
heppelitis: lucky red
AngryRyno: cold feet on goldy – just use gold feet
heppelitis: nothing is working..its gazzas fault
zadolinnyj: Thinking the same Apache. May just take dangers if reasonable
AngryRyno: anyone watching the game? who’s getting the footy
Redraptor: @heppelitis feel for you…and for the others…just so unfortunate
banta: thompson will be on 125
Tonche: Bennell everywhere
zadolinnyj: Douglas, danger, smith, betts, laird AngryRyno
Apachecats: yes zed ,worried Goldy might get double teamed and a long way from home as well
Tonche: Danger, Sloane, Thommo, Laird
circle52: AFL Coffers just enhanced
zadolinnyj: Jacobs and Thompson as well
AngryRyno: cheers mate @zado
zadolinnyj: Correct circle52. Nice charitable donations
zadolinnyj: 19 contested from danger out of 35 possies
heppelitis: oh well its just a game…ill go watch the bombers now get smashed to top off my weekend
circle52: I am just about to get ready to go to the Gabba as well so now how you feel heppelitis
zadolinnyj: Feel for ya heppelitis but I’m sure your not alone
zadolinnyj: Enjoy circle52
heppelitis: gotta support our teams in bad times lol
heppelitis: yup them the breaks
Carnster: T lynch sc is bs
heppelitis: big score tom lynch?
Carnster: For Adrian
Carnster: For Adelaide
Carnster: He acryally
Carnster: He actually got 65
Jukes82: smith 76 tf lol