drapes15: Sub rule forever ruining debuts
wadaramus: Sub rule is gone next year isn’t it?
drapes15: lets hope so
wadaramus: Sub rule sucks.
AngryRyno: who else is keen to see young riley knight today?
wadaramus: He looked good last week.
AngryRyno: indeed, neglected caleb daniel this week hoping he can repeat last weeks efforts
Sloaneyyyy: i’ve tipped Port, but will be amazing if Crows can get the win today
rowdster88: nice start crows
colmullet: good to see ebert make another good start
ReaperRage: nice start thompson stronger than last weeks performace already.
AngryRyno: riley knight looks the goods
rowdster88: think everyone was a bit off last week Reaper and with good reason
Monger: really need Bsmith to do something
SaintsMan: c’mon lever
Solat: smith has been insipid this year
Sloaneyyyy: good work Thompson anything makes up for that stinker from last week
Jukes82: brodie smith has lost the plot since the concussion
Sloaneyyyy: no doubt everyone wants to earn the Phil Walsh medal
RooBoyStu: Go Boaky!
drapes15: get around big sauce
AngryRyno: statistics suggest brodie smith will be sufferkng depression
ryanbob: What position is smith these days, because he doesn’t look likes he’s in mid or def
zadolinnyj: Smith wing
ReaperRage: Thats true @Rowdster id almost forgotten the effect it had on the players last week…
Chelskiman: Getting really sick of Ebert.
Jukes82: you shouldn’t have ebert, he’s always been hot and cold
Sloaneyyyy: the clock is broken
Chelskiman: Lol, the clock has stopped working.
AngryRyno: someones stuffed the clock lmao
zadolinnyj: Smith 23 sc
Jukes82: that goal assist helped smith
AngryRyno: sauce 44sc
RooBoyStu: Penguin Ah Cee
Monger: need smith to pull out a big one
SaintsMan: Lobbe is such a spud
dipstick: penguin please
dipstick: and give ebert a donut coz im 0% pleased
RobHarves: Ah Chee just reached his BE!
gdshifty: gray and Ebert combine for 20 points in 40 seconds. Love it
Derekcraig: Should I take Steele 75sc or hope BSmith does better today?
AngryRyno: take your 75
ReaperRage: take steele
SaintsMan: Agreed Ryno
colmullet: bit late now Derek
RooBoyStu: you can’t edit anyway, game started
zadolinnyj: Smith sc good
Derekcraig: Not to late as I can swing Newnes and Mckenzie
Derekcraig: Have E on smith and Steele
Chelskiman: Ebert runs the ball out of play so much. He could have easily kicked that then. Ran like 5m to get to the line.
dipstick: take steele
Raspel31: I’m justhoping Danger steps up after Fyfe fluffer
RooBoyStu: wake up Boak, you’ve stopped
RooBoyStu: $ Knight
wtf???: N-one on the goal line for Adelaide = rookie mistake
Sloaneyyyy: don’t think Crows care when they’ve doubled port’s score
wtf???: only 15 points ahead at that stage
RooBoyStu: glad you’re not my accountant Sloaney
Jukes82: lol sloney thats stupid.
dipstick: ebert has gone fulll retard!
Raspel31: Now Sloaney’s correct
Sloaneyyyy: you would only have someone on the goalline when there’s a set shot for goal, not in general play
dipstick: noone goes fulll retard
poolboybob: wtf Dangerfield
casey22: Trengove a week off?
Hadouken: come on smith you useless turd. He will make or break me this week. MOVE IT
Sloaneyyyy: Talia down in the rooms, possible concussion sub
Raspel31: Groan-the one week I cap Danger
dipstick: @hado smith’s an astronomer. still seeing stars from his concussions
Sloaneyyyy: how on earth did the crows not rush that through
Sloaneyyyy: The Sneeze, going for the double penguin!
drapes15: sauce SC?
Jukes82: smith sc
Woodie: Sauce 79sc
poolboybob: Crows have too many players named Rory and Brodie
Jukes82: smith?
_wato: Uhhh Smith, we meet again. You hopeless piece of ****
Woodie: Smith 35sc
Jukes82: smith sc?
colin wood: Smith and wines gonna cost me 2600 this week in sc…
Jukes82: cheers woodie
zadolinnyj: Easy on smith. He is now on 41sc
poolboybob: Hard to complain about Smith costing you anything considering that his highest score since week 3 is 73.
Sloaneyyyy: Ryder leading the charge for the medal so far I’d say
_wato: Easy on him? Is that a joke? The man hasn’t passed 80 since Round 3.
banta: ffs lynhc you useless rang
colin wood: I want a big one from him cost me a premium price weeks back so duck him he owes his owners a big one!
Monger: Smith got 80 in round 12 and 15
Derekcraig: Keep Steele 75 or go for BSmith who is 41sc now?
colin wood: Agree wato
Raspel31: Who to drop for Gablett next week-Mitchell, Lewis, Armstrong ?
Monger: (or are you guys talking SC?)
zadolinnyj: yet you still have him and are complaining _wato. Questionable decision considering you know that stat???
Jukes82: if you have smith still your a muppet and your team is garbage. he’s done nothing but lose you money
_wato: I didn’t get him until a few weeks back. If you didn’t consider him after his peformances last year youd be crazy.
Jukes82: *you’re
_wato: Team is garbage sitting top 50 is is Jukes? Lol
Jukes82: i bet you’re in the “top 50” lmao
dipstick: @jukes how do you know hes not top 50? if he is your comment is plain stupid
Jodd: My son is also in the top 50
spangle: I’m 31st and have Smith 🙂
Jukes82: anyone can say anything to justify a player, i call bs
Raspel31: Everyone seems to have impossibly high scores-but I believe them all.
Sloaneyyyy: i hope Smith comes out with back to back supermans to shut you all up, lol
Jukes82: oh im first then, flogs
dipstick: just an idotic childish comment
Raspel31: Well done Jukes !
scrappers: jukes hes in my league( ff platinum ) and yes he is top 50
colin wood: Have a listen to the coach jukes.. Lol
zadolinnyj: Think he’s actually 49th. watos all stars. Respect and good luck
drapes15: Admittedly he does have a point, loads of people say they are in the top however many
dipstick: jukes the type of SC player who never gives his embaressing true rank i gather
colin wood: Agree dipstick.
colin wood: drapes prob why we’re all still interested in it coz we’re going pretty well…
dipstick: 14 degrees in adelaide that poor penguin must be cookin
drapes15: Not playing the blame game but ive seen people say theyre top 10 when theyre in my league
colin wood: Drapes lol well that’s just silly then haha
drapes15: yea i know, not having a dig at anyone just saying no one really knows 🙂
Raspel31: I’m about 1500th and I don’t have Smith-so there.
AngryRyno: 50,000, used 7 trades on sloane & rocky alone this year, and have traded all of my starting defenders, 3 trades left
shaker: Time to shut it Jukes I am in a league with Wato and his rank is 49
drapes15: im 12k and been ruined with injuries
frenzy: talia subbed out
OnTheRocks: laird you fat tub of shit, and lever, you’re both pissing me off
AngryRyno: got them both @OTR, annoying me too
rowdster88: talia loss is huge for the crows, expect port to finish strong now
AngryRyno: need a big second half from wines too, sauce & gray have held up their end
zadolinnyj: Wines looking for his nose
zadolinnyj: Loss of Thalia good be the defining factor in this game
drapes15: anyone has sauce SC?
AngryRyno: sauce 85sc
frenzy: any chance danger
drapes15: cheers
Hadouken: fm dreamteam. peace out
OnTheRocks: at least get to A.Pearce’s score Lever, sheesh, i could have loopholed him on 🙁
Monger: cmon smithhh
AngryRyno: are you me OTR? same scenario haha
OnTheRocks: i must be your doppelganger Angry or we log on to the same team. lol
Apachecats: I looped Touks 132 off the bench ,the only one I could get off was Wines ,lucky there I think.
colin wood: Smith and winery… Unreal
carlton_99: cmon wines and gray ton up
zadolinnyj: Knight looks ok
AngryRyno: 1 more goal and i can’t see crows losing
OnTheRocks: i ditched Touk almost 5 weeks ago
Apachecats: He can warm my bench for a bit longer at 132 OTR
frenzy: smith you decoy, do sum flowering thing
banta: lift danger lift go beast mode
Sloaneyyyy: yay for crows, but boo for ruining my tips, oh well
zadolinnyj: Muppet
poolboybob: Henderson muppet
wtf???: crows need to stay 5 goals up by 3qtr time
wtf???: port will come home hard
sticky12: Port will score more than 100 but they can’t stop adelaides attack.
Raspel31: Scored before I could agree wtf
_wato: Must feel good to be a flog like Smith
poolboybob: Crows are melting down
elk101: crows could really use that rory sloane run right about now
colin wood: What is he point of smith?
dipstick: bsmith nothing for 30 mins fuck wit
poolboybob: Stop booing you bogans, those were obvious frees
drapes15: just like goodes is an obvious flog 🙂
meka100: Smith doing J.Kelly
meka100: Smith doing J.Kelly’s role perfectly, just there to look pretty
sticky12: I’ve only seen young play twice and made heaps of mistakes both times
banta: do something lynch you ugly man
casey22: My starting rucks: Goldy & Sauce, very happy
colin wood: How does smith get a game? He doesnt actually
banta: danger off the field for extended periods again? quiet.
colin wood: Offer much
wtf???: Thats where we need tobe…5 goals up at 3qtr time
wtf???: Keep the status quo now till siren.
dipstick: here i was baggin ebert 40 pts behind gray and gray doing f all
Sloaneyyyy: u spoke too soon wtf???
OnTheRocks: f off Lever, going backwards and giving away goals is not a good way to earn SC points
Raspel31: From nowhere Danger still to ton up.
lozdaleg: go fuck yourself smith you fraud of a footballer
elk101: Big sauce back with a bang this week!
dipstick: smith not 1 pt in 45 ins you fucken stinkin slack hack fuck ya
drapes15: sauce SC?
Sloaneyyyy: Sauce, Thommo or Danger to win the medal today
ReaperRage: scotty T
ryanbob: Smith and wines you duds
frenzy: smith had a touch in the half ?
Jukes82: smith lmao, you muppets
gdshifty: ebert overtaken Gray…
OnTheRocks: has Sauce come back on?
colin wood: Need a sauce 150 and a big last q from Gray to make up for smith and wines pathetic effort today
RooBoyStu: wtf Ebert ying yang
ryanbob: How can smith and wines be so bad
Raspel31: Danger-power last 12
Apachecats: Can Gray ton up from here ?
Sloaneyyyy: danger injured shoulder
Chelskiman: Been watching the other so surprised to turn back and see a flame on Ebert. A nice surprise though.
colin wood: Great 5 players in this game and 3 have bandaids..
Raspel31: Missed that Sloaney-crossed to other game. Bad ?
colin wood: Ryanbob it’s because I’m trying to crack 2600 this week in sc mate
Sloaneyyyy: nah, copped a knee to the shoulder in a marking contest
Raspel31: Cheers
colin wood: Brodie smith laid a tackle!! Well I’ve seen it all now
ryanbob: Did wines die?
sticky12: Thought lobe was no chance…cmon port kick another quick 1
Chelskiman: Port need 3 goals in 5 minutes. Game on.
RooBoyStu: a lot are sour grapes with Wines lol
colin wood: Goal assist for wines that will help!
Raspel31: Broke his nose but still breathing
sticky12: Haha Brodie
daics1990: Trying to crack 2600 in Fantasy. My best score ever!! What do you guys believe I need to win weekly prize?
Chelskiman: Definitely game on now!
poolboybob: lol what are you doing Martin?
RooBoyStu: give Boak the Phil Walsh medal
Raspel31: Modesty daics ?
colin wood: 2900 for sc Daics at least
sticky12: This week Daics with goody captain score probably 2,800
AngryRyno: sauce 150sc, gun
AngryRyno: jacobs could get it if crows win
CamT: 2,600 would go close diacs1990
wtf???: ,need to eat up time now
RooBoyStu: Boak goal assist
Sloaneyyyy: Gray with 100 SC right there
gdshifty: raise the bat Ebert and Gray!!
Chelskiman: Wow, what a finish to this game. Port 3 points down with 1:06 to go.
zadolinnyj: 2700 to 2800 daics considering gaj and goldy
auxDT: B.Smith to kick the sealer
poolboybob: omg omg omg
sticky12: Wow port missed some get a ble kicks too this quarter they should be up by 2 goals
J.Worrall: at leadt 30 SC for that goal
Raspel31: Wouldbe a great score daics. Hang on Crows.
Apachecats: Gray tonned up ,you beauty
Costanza: good game
Chelskiman: Typical Ebert giving away a free kick.
Sloaneyyyy: stop booing bogan port fans
meka100: Ebert can shove the bat up his arse
zadolinnyj: Stop booing port feral crowd
colin wood: Terrible from the power supporters… Wtf!
Raspel31: A great and fitting game.
AngryRyno: booing disgraceful, power fans should be ashamed
gdshifty: lol Ebert is such a hack.
colin wood: Lol at wines sc… Was quite handy at the end there and still bugger all
Heater: Pleased with my Ebert to Ablett trade!!!!
AngryRyno: gray didn’t even get 20 for the last goal