RooBoyStu: traded Dollhouse in this week for Smith. Come On!
colin wood: poor hamling never gets a FanFooty gig lol
AngryRyno: hamling & nvbs sc score never turn up
luked98: wheres hamling
luked98: oh there he is
LuvIt74: An absolute disaster this week, brought in Hodge, Sloane & Lambert. Hodge done nothing, Sloane injured & Lambert crap
frenzy: dolly’s been good @ rooboy
heppelitis: hamling on 2pts lol
LuvIt74: Get in forward stringr
LuvIt74: The Bont $24 to 1 for first goal
luked98: the bont!
luked98: alright start steven
LuvIt74: What was that free for?
LuvIt74: in the back?
Derekcraig: Did same Luv. But had Lambert on bench with no E
danmaio: different day, different interpretation of ducking
Derekcraig: How bad is Sloanes injury
tamoz: Lift Savage!
The39Steps: Big function on at Essendon tonight. The powder room takes on a new meaning.
RooBoyStu: lol is Mitchell the PA
LuvIt74: What a sloppy game
Grazz: The Package almost
LuvIt74: Listen to BT when Stringer gets it
LuvIt74: lol @ The package
heppelitis: montagna back into a grade form
LuvIt74: If u kick the ball off the ground like Steven just did, how could that be a mark it it was kicked off the ground?
heppelitis: dont think it hit the ground after it left his boot LuvIt
tamoz: Lift Bont!!
Chelskiman: Lift, Dollhouse!
Torz: Of course I brought in Dahl this week..
heppelitis: dont sweat on dahl…gun..very consistant,,you will be happy over time
frenzy: $ for Mclean?
gdshifty: cmon dogs youre better than this
RooBoyStu: dollhouse useless
danmaio: Bonts hair is weighing him down
Derekcraig: How many people still got Newnes
Bazza2014: i have , waiting for him to drop in the a55
RooBoyStu: never traded newes out as all def are avg
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Gilbert is under pressure in the BP and tries a very low percentage kick, Grant intercepts and goals.
RooBoyStu: *newnes
frenzy: dolly keeps scoring but I aint seen him, calling bull
JDolling69: Reversed Macrae to get Sloane last minute. Sums up my season
Jackwatt$: In DT defenders are decent cos u have Mundy, Boyd & McVeigh also
Monger: Sloane made me spew today. WHYYYYYY!?! Need Dollhouse to dominate.
colin wood: How is Bailey Dale only on 11?
jalapenoh: The way my week has been I bet Steven gets injured and subbed before he hits 70 points
gdshifty: what a pathetic scoreline.
J_Pinkman: i’m hearin ya @jalapenoh been an absolute shocker for me too
jalapenoh: armitage vs steven…. who will score more?
heppelitis: Geepers Heizenberg and Pinkman regulars here…lol
J_Pinkman: need bonts, newnes and Dale to tear it up from now to have semblance of a decent score
J_Pinkman: yeah we never go away heppelitis
J_Pinkman: season after season…. lol
heppelitis: haha…just like batman and robin…only badass
JDolling69: do something armitage
Jair: Yep Sloane topping off a dismal week so far
HawkTalker: I took sloane over thompson tonight. FAIL
jalapenoh: where has armitage gone?
JDolling69: he realised getting 70 is ‘in’ this week
jalapenoh: hahahaha “its what all the cool cats are doing”
Monger: Cmon Wallis…. mark,kick,mark,kick
jalapenoh: armitage superman quarter please!! 60 points would be nice 😀
tabs: very happy wioth mcLean
frenzy: bont 55sc dolly 68 go figure
tabs: Minson subbed
SubOptimal: minson off
frenzy: minty fallen asleep
meka100: Newnes your about 6 weeks too late
colin wood: Looks like CD picked up Dalhouse this week goes he on 73…
The39Steps: No-one wants the Dog’s ruck job.
danmaio: so much for ducking head
luked98: steven being robbed only 70 sc
frenzy: give me sumthing Bont
auxDT: lol gilbert having a bad game
RooBoyStu: Newnes replaces Watson at 3
tamoz: Bont you’re killing me!
cartz411: what did Webb get SC for that goal?
auxDT: newnes for prime minister
Costanza: run roo run
luked98: bont usually a specialist in the last few min of a game, comon son
J_Pinkman: omg bonts in the 70’s sc,that’s about my average player score this week, lovin it
FlagDog: cmon haus what you doing for farken sakes farken
eski_liddr: come on saints
RooBoyStu: will be a draw
frenzy: Wood should be all Aussie
eski_liddr: come on
Costanza: best games are generally vic vs vic teams
eski_liddr: great end of game
Jukes82: Montagna has butchered the ball all night
willywalks: wood uluru, boyd star, joey magnet
luked98: steven robbed on sc only 81
frenzy: Lemontagna
danmaio: yeah Costanza, played by west aussies and south aussies
luked98: bont and steven, comon boys not good enough
scaryness: Montagna get the butcher icon?
rosty63: @costanza thT is the stupidest thing ive ever heard
eski_liddr: @rosty63 – obviously you havent watch carro speak on footy classified
frenzy: CD clearly has dollhouse