luked98: if brayshaw scores more than 81 i lose
circle52: Subs Luxford and Riley
desmondo: Cats by 8 goals…reckon brayshaw can scrape up an 85 😉
rosty63: well done Boris.
Derekcraig: Have Selwood as C. Plus Borris and Motlop
Derekcraig: I hope Motlop runs better than half pace like he usually does
meka100: Selwood tagged. Fuck me he’ll be lucky to get to 60
AngryRyno: prepare the capes, big fantasy qtr thus far
auxDT: if Selwood doesn’t reach his Fantasy BE, he gooone
colin wood: How boring are Melbourne…
drapes15: I have Selwood +75 v Motlop Gregson, heres hoping i can get up
colin wood: Get a kick MacDonald and lumumba FFS
mijg: Cmon Harry ffs pay back time.
luked98: if brayshaw gets more than 81 i lose
sticky12: I have Gawn, McDonald and Taylor vs 230 points to win…gonna be close i reckon
FlowerTime: McDonald + 28 vs Gawn
luked98: do you guys think brayshaw will beat 81?
auxDT: Selwood 1 disposal…..
circle52: My closest League 35pts+ Stretch v Lumumba
AngryRyno: promising signs for those who picked up ANB, and for dees fans in general
AngryRyno: the 35pts alone will cover lumumba @circle
bigbaddasa: Brayshaw has been pretty consistantly scoreing over 81, not by much though!
sticky12: Slow day for McDonald perhaps flower we might be in troublehhh
Breezey: Great start by the Dees
Derekcraig: I love seeing cats getting beat
drapes15: touch the pill selwood ahh
drapes15: thought i was getting a bargain picking him up under 500k a couple of weeks ago
luked98: i did the same drapes
Jukes82: he’s dropped in value becuase he’s been ordinary. What do you expect?
mijg: Big year for rucks in SC
auxDT: many capes, such game, wow
FlowerTime: Yeah sticky, who woulda thought…
drapes15: After a bad first 4/5 weeks thought he’d come out of it jukes
AngryRyno: jelwood 8sc, blicavs 42sc
AngryRyno: mcdonald 1sc, howe 2sc, gawn 59sc,
Jukes82: It’s risky though, he’s been hot and cold all season long
AngryRyno: wheel out the cape and the penguin
Perry95: anyone watching the game? is there a breeze favouring one side?
drapes15: Just thought he’d kick into some form, player like him doesnt usually stay down like this
Breezey: Does anyone have Nathan Jones in their side. Consistent but no one seems to have him
Breezey: I’d love the commentators to say Johnson instead of Stevie bloody J every time he gets near it.
Perry95: gee bit early for the star dont you reckon?
kangawalla: he just did
m0nty: oops! 😀
FlowerTime: Flower off Mcdonald
_wato: Gawn has 5 contested marks already, wow
auxDT: Selwood pathetic..
AngryRyno: blicavs on track to break jude bolton’s tackles record
mijg: Even though I have jelwood my opp has him cpt I went Goldy so all good
AngryRyno: if you have goldy cpt, you can’t complain about anything for the weel
AngryRyno: week*
cripdogs: selwood is a terrible payer
drapes15: put selwood at FF one out
drapes15: hardly a terrible player cripdogs, fantasy this year yes
casey22: Had Goldy on loop but changed to Gray
MattyZ: Gawn supercoach pls?
cripdogs: based on this year TERRIBLE
KingPetrie: gawny
Pokerface: spud for selwod
casey22: The once mighty Cats now look very ordinary
spiggs: Selwood is gonna be most selected mid pricer next season
colin wood: Surely an icicle for selwood
drapes15: considering how bad cats have been this game, they’re only 7points down
Pokerface: @colinwood, no an icicle means he is down. this is standard now
cripdogs: blue moon for selwood coz he actually touched it
mijg: 4 FA for blicavs but CD love him so he’ll be 80ish at HT
tiges4ever: blicavs, lumumba sc anyone?
Pokerface: he does have 10 tackles tiges…
LuvIt74: Selwood what a flop so glad I didn’t pick him, He could go below 400k
Pokerface: sorry, meant mijg
drapes15: gawn almost back to back capes wowee
LuvIt74: blic 68 & lumumba 35sc
tiges4ever: cheers luvit74
cripdogs: 80 points behind with selwood and motlop vs gawn. i think im gaaaawwwwnnn
_wato: Motlop SC please?
MattyZ: luvit wanna give me a little love and tell me gawn’s supercoach? <3
luked98: gawn 99 sc
LuvIt74: Selwood is going to cost me my moneyball game today
LuvIt74: im on 407 points and leader is on 447 at half time. If only i didn’t pick jelwood
LuvIt74: That kolodjashnij is worth keeping a eye on
Derekcraig: Why did I make Selwood captain? Why
LuvIt74: Theres a horse racing now called “Bontempelli
Breezey: I don’t care what he costs Blicavs is going to be in my side next week
bob81: Maybe selwood should tag vince
mijg: My opp had Blicavs and Jewood to choose cpt he went Jelwood 🙂
Derekcraig: I have Selwood C. 15SC at half time
wadaramus: I know Selwood has been underperforming, but this is just ridiculous.
sticky12: Woohoo finally a trade of mine paid off, Clark to Gawn
LuvIt74: Blicavas & Goldy are my rucks
wadaramus: I went Martin over Blicavs due to the bye.
heppelitis: could Blicavs win the Brownlow one day?…fantastic watching him
J_Pinkman: lovin Gawn, but selwood can go get stuff**
LuvIt74: Selwood u r a dud, straight to the opposition
Pokerface: muppet for selwood
Pokerface: put it next to his potato
wadaramus: Selwoods SC is so deplorable there’s no coming back.
RooBoyStu: unbelievable form Gawn, 3 games in a row now, can he keep this up?
Derekcraig: Is Motlop still playing
Jukes82: he’s avg 108 in sc before this game, doesn’t deserve the blue moon.
Jukes82: in the last 2 games that is
_wato: Motlop, DONT stop u piece
RooBoyStu: yeah his last 3 games have been awesome, blue moon no way
Pokerface: kick the winning goal Joel. all will be forgiven
Pokerface: if you look at his last 5 years, blue moon is deserved
colin wood: Doesn’t mean much in sc scoring system anymore poker
Pokerface: it doesnt mean as much as it used to. it still counts
RooBoyStu: did he get blue moon 2 weeks ago? that’s when he deserved it
iZander: terrible call on blue moon, was always set for a big one today, love playing geelong
Pokerface: he scored 67 dt 2 weeks ago. symbols seem to be on dt not sc scores
miner4pts: cant have a blue moon for 3 tons in a row
RooBoyStu: fair call
Apachecats: Icicle McDonald 3 touches 3tackles 3 quarters
Pokerface: they should be for sc though. most here seem to be sc-ers
SubOptimal: well played lolmumba
RooBoyStu: Pumpkin McDonald lol
RooBoyStu: I used to play Fantasy, the last 2 years website shower, concentrate more on sc now
auxDT: can Jelwood pull out the cape next qtr? find out on the next ep of dragon spud balls
Pokerface: same rooboy
Yelse: whats wrong with tom mac?
SubOptimal: bullant looking better in game two
Sloaneyyyy: Screw you Gawn… ruining Spencer’s score like that
DanBlack: There’s nothing wrong with Tom Mac, he’s a key position player. Not foing to get free every game
wadaramus: I heard he rolled an ankle Yelse.
RooBoyStu: Lang needs a blue moon
Sloaneyyyy: nothing wrong with Tom Mac, he has the job on Kersten and has been doing it well all game
heppelitis: joined my team this week yelse…sorry
Sloaneyyyy: Selwood will be under 400k soon
RooBoyStu: McDonald 14 sc and Kersten 41 lol
RooBoyStu: Gawn could beat Goldstein’s sc score he’s 121 at 3 qtr time
Jukes82: is harry taylor alive?
Drak: wasn’t he 100 at halftime?
RooBoyStu: yeah not sure drak as just got home halfway thru 3rd
SubOptimal: might be time to change that snowflake to an X
bigbaddasa: withh all the great scoring mids this year, not too sure why you would even want Selwood regardless of his price
mace485: i reckon some of these icons are a little unfair
auxDT: @bigbad ive had him from the very start
RooBoyStu: Fat Lady in the buidling
iZander: agreed mace, clearly doesn’t like melbourne
Apachecats: Melb 10 goal kickers .Good signs!!
drapes15: whos going to win the rising star?
Apachecats: Cripps if he’s eligible Drapes
kangawalla: Please Demons!!! Do it for me & the kids!!
man0005: Fyfe
SubOptimal: cloke watching the TV laughing at tomahawk
The39Steps: Given the Dees 41-sec implosion last week – this game aint over.
Sloaneyyyy: cmon and ton up already Motlop, what are you waiting for?
mace485: wonder if danger is watching this and considering his future
RooBoyStu: Geelong = too old too slow
Springyboy: @apachecats cripps already got one this year, i’d say maybe neal-bullen for nomination this week
Solat: @rooboy geelong has more players under 21 than north…
Tony9668: Dees going for percentage
Apachecats: I was meaning the 2015 award Sprindy
Apachecats: *Springy
RooBoyStu: more over 30 as well
drapes15: I think it’ll be between cripps and hogan tbh
drapes15: but cripps should win it comfortably
meka100: Get a touch Thurlow
RooBoyStu: so many milestones games this year the team loses, Sam Newman is right
Jukes82: Catters are a joke lmao
m0nty: nominations for star please
The39Steps: 23-scoring shots each.
goes: Where is Lang is he off
hatters: thanks for your brilliant last 1/4s Thurlow and Johnson !!
circle52: Vince for me
frenzy: Dawes star
SubOptimal: vince
rosty63: vince star
The39Steps: Gawn 19 disposals, 8 marks, five tackles, 40 HOs and a brilliant Q1.
RooBoyStu: 40 hit outs 19 touches and 5 tackles by Gawn deserves something better than a moon
DanBlack: Who was asking last week if Roos should be fired?
happytimes: Selwood GONE
circle52: Bin for Selwood 53 points in second half
The39Steps: @DanBlack – S.Goodwin.
Fury: How did Pies get pick 20 for spud Dawes?
Pokerface: vince star
AngryRyno: vince star, gawn price rise graph
Sloaneyyyy: why ask for star nominations if you ignore them all and choose Gawn anyway
AngryRyno: geelong finals GONE
RooBoyStu: ying yang selwood
frenzy: why bother asking noms m0nty, you do what U please anyway
beamen: ram for brayshaw
Drak: You should have a sandy bush icon for the people that keep having a cry m0nty
ryanbob: Lumumba ripped offf
cripdogs: vince clearly BOG
gdshifty: kolo slowed right down after qrt time