Dangermaus: what happened to Hamling?
fleet007: They have just not named him on here, he is playing
Redraptor: Hamling named at full back on teams list
Dangermaus: ahh yeah, I can see there’s a player missing from the doggies list
colin wood: dale sub… what a day for my good old SC…
LuvIt74: I managed to have 18 players but Dale sub & brought in Edwards from Richmond who scored Jack S
circle52: 150 requirted from you Beams – Selected you as Captain over Goldy
dipstick: game start has been delayed
Dangermaus: bont, wallis, macrae, dahlhaus, feel free to go nuts tonight please
circle52: Picken on Beams
LuvIt74: thank u stringer $13 first goal kick
Dangermaus: anytime u wanna stick Hamling in the side m0nty
Dangermaus: I also look forward to seeing Beam’s hulk icon
LuvIt74: That was delicious
Grazz: Picken tagging NO, bought him this week
Dangermaus: nice LuvIt74
spudaroos: lol why are they not showing Hamling?
Andrew37: haha Picken tagging again
colin wood: grazz hes already had a touch dont worry, Tarrant for the Knags was on zero at the 10 minute mar kof the second Q!
Grazz: Congrats LuvIt
Grazz: Not funny Andrew 😛
casey22: Can anyone confirm Hamling?
Andrew37: I bought him in this week too 😉
DanBlack: Picken has tagged all year hasn’t he?
LuvIt74: thanx fella’s
dipstick: ffs bonts. pls i need your cover for the byes then you are my bench swing so lift
LuvIt74: @dipstick tell the bulldogs runner m8…lol
Grazz: ok you can joke about then haha
tamoz: Come one Redden!
LuvIt74: Generally yeah picken’s role has been a tagger for years
mijg: Talk about a heart attack wheres hamling?
dj9343: dipstick – why are you always on these chats?
J_Pinkman: i thought hamling was this week boys and girls. i brought him in, dumont sub, and now Dale. disaster!
dipstick: nice mboyd my new def recruit. you need a ton to cover tarrant
LuvIt74: hamling is playing
Grazz: monty hasnt put Hamlings name up i think
dipstick: hamling has 6DT so far
LuvIt74: m0nty doesn’t have him on for some reason.
J_Pinkman: ah right thanks Grazz
circle52: Can we have Hamling added m0nty is already on 6 AF points
DanBlack: Anyone watching the game? Is Hanley running off HB or in the middle
mijg: Just heard hamlings name phew. Now all I need is a lucky sub for dale
LuvIt74: wth dahlhaus
frenzy: Where is hauling
Dangermaus: Hanley looks like he is off halfback at the moment
frenzy: *hamling
Dangermaus: Anytime u wanna get a touch please, Macrae
DanBlack: Cheers Danger.
tamoz: Come on Bont, no tag this week
LuvIt74: The million dollar man
circle52: Nice dive Boyd
LuvIt74: who said pickens tagging lol
LuvIt74: great grab hamling
LuvIt74: hamling on 16sc
Dangermaus: I swear to god BT is retarded, can he pronounce anyone’s name properly
tamoz: Lift Zorko, Redden, and Bont!
dibbydobby: where is hamling on the list??
Grazz: Robertson hurt
Jackwatt$: Clearly m0nty doesn’t have Hamling and wants his opponent to believe he’s not playing
Redraptor: Hamling 22sc
Grazz: Tombstone Robertson by the looks
casey22: Thats new: Robinson to replace Robinson
dipstick: hamling on 29DT
J_Pinkman: hamling doing well. he’s on 26sc
J_Pinkman: make that 30sc for hamling
Tony9668: Thx Raptor n Dip
LuvIt74: trouble is everyone has hamling
mijg: So how does one simply forget to add hamling tobthe list?
Dangermaus: I don’t understand how Leuenberger is so bad.
Jackwatt$: Hamling needs to play well coz Morris is fit now
LuvIt74: mijg haven’t u ever made a mistake in life?
ryanbob: Lol no idea how Hamling is on 30 sc, surely two intercept aren’t worth that much. Cheap possessions for the other ones
thommoae: That’s Robinson for Robertson … close.
Roksta: Big Tommy gun
cusch1: I think that Zac Merrett is better than Bont
tamoz: Get involved Bont!
meka100: Captain Rich leading by example
Roksta: Lol cusch1 that’s funny
dipstick: wht are you luvit? a priest? asking such a deep question
Andrew37: Bont is a gun. He is a player that always gets scaled up too. Gotta keep him.
cusch1: Bont is a great player don’t get me wrong and has loads of upside, but Merrett looks to have more impact on games
thommoae: Bont is yet to achieve ‘Gun’ … ‘small sidearm’ atm, but rising.
Roksta: Merrit wouldn’t even carry the bonts bag
cusch1: Lol Roksta that’s funny
Roksta: When was the last time merrit got a tag… Oh never…
LuvIt74: Spewing I chose edwards over Murphy I had 2 options was gonna put murphy in defence but chose edwards FWD last minute
mijg: Dont worry luvit over your head
circle52: Robertson subbed out Robinson In
circle52: Robinson hopefully goes to murphy
casey22: Look out, here comes mad Mitch. Will be manic
IHateChat: Brisbane need to tag Murphy. Everything attack is starting throughout him.
cusch1: Why would he get a tag with Goddard Watson hepp Stanton in the team…seriously underrated
Roksta: Bont definitely getting tagged
Tony9668: Bont v Merrett, few trades left your stuck with one or the other
LuvIt74: Bont will be a star it’s his 2nd year, he will learn give him 1 or 2 more years and he’ll be a gun
spudaroos: Bont might be the most overrated player ive ever seen.
casey22: A whole game with Dermie & now BT, ffs
cusch1: Bont will be a star, but right now I think that Merrett is better based in form. He is a second year player as well
SaintsMan: Exactly LuvIt, wait for Hogan, Lonie etc, gotta give them more years to develop. Their just kids
auxDT: bontemsmelly
dipstick: pearce off hanley
Roksta: Bufontempelli
Roksta: The Bont def has better hair than merrit
LuvIt74: wth was minson doing
spudaroos: This is why Lewy Taylor won rising star and Bonts didnt.
cusch1: Bont has the same haircut as his coach
circle52: umps helping dogs – Rich held back noi free and then a htb in the forawrd 50 umpire both sides
Jackwatt$: Cripps is the best 2nd year player right now
Derekcraig: I went from no Dogs in my team to having 3 this week. Go Murphy, Dalhousie & Hamling
dipstick: start roasting again hamling and get on the flame
Andrew37: Incorrect. Cripps is just getting a complete free role in a terrible side.
Roksta: Haha spud who is Lewis Taylor?
cusch1: Cripps has potential but looks a lot better than what he. Would in a side with a functioning midfield
dipstick: pfft andrews. cripp just gets the most CP and CL in nearly every game hes played
Dangermaus: the umpiring in general has been horrible this whole round
Derekcraig: How is Beasley’s job security?
Roksta: Bont won players choice by 200 votes.
Dangermaus: paying marks that aren’t, bad free kicks with ducks, poor htb decisions
Jackwatt$: Ok point taken Andrew, it’s Hogan then
circle52: Not good Merrett and Gardiner both to come back
luked98: common captain beams
circle52: yet another dession was a throw but got a favourable decision
dipstick: whale oil beef hooked hanley you spud
Jackwatt$: Can any Dogs fans confirm whether Beasley is the son of Simon and if so why isn’t he on the other team
circle52: 2 goals to dogs now from dubious decisions
LuvIt74: cant wait for tonight/early morning to watch Brazen Beau & Wanjina in the Diamond Jubilee Stakes
Roksta: Dubious??? He tackled him without the ball!
Derekcraig: What time Luv?
Dangermaus: so Did RoBERTson get subbed ? cos RoBINson is on
LuvIt74: Dahlhaus on 39sc hamling hasn’tdone a thing
luked98: im with roksta here, it was a clear free kick
circle52: after he threw it out
LuvIt74: Agreeeee
Jackwatt$: Simon Beasley was before my time but my dad says hy the time he retired he looked the age normal people retire
LuvIt74: Wallis another kid who could be anything
LuvIt74: Stringaaaaaahhh Goallll
dibbydobby: lift beams 🙁 The C is on you!!!
LuvIt74: Stringer should be getting $2 Mil
LuvIt74: gr8 goal that
luked98: beams 41 sc
LuvIt74: beams is doing ok not fantastic but 41sc
masterhc2: @dibbydobby same. Ward was my next option, so if Beams beats his 80 odd can’t really complain
Roksta: Pretty exciting future for dogs
mijg: My god BT settle
dibbydobby: need a ton from him. Goldy was the opp. C
Jukes82: how many doggies frees inside 50?
Dangermaus: Goldstein SC scaled up to 154, lol
LuvIt74: @danger he was on 150 as soon as the game finished
Roksta: As many as infringements inside 50 jukes 82
luked98: goldy had 154 sc
dibbydobby: He’s good
LuvIt74: +4 points is nothing i thought he would reach 160 minimum once points were scaled
mijg: Thought I saw goldy 150 on my sc now 154.
luked98: i reckon the stats arent very accurate, ive seen a few tackles not counted
mijg: So he has been scaled then scaled again?
Tony9668: I’ll take 154 for capt Goldy
casey22: Rich should be getting possesions BUT?
Slashers: McLean in the back!? WTF?
LuvIt74: after each game is finished it takes between 15/30 minutes for points to be scaled/corrected, at the siren he was 150
meka100: Rich burger, he’s a fat useless cow
Derekcraig: The first scaling is usually to fix any errors, the second scale is to even out to 3400 total
Roksta: Umps clearly on dogs side slashers lol
luked98: luvit his final score is 154
cusch1: Are we going to ignore what Robinson just did?
Torz: Massive quarter ZOB. Handy Moneyball pick.
luked98: derek i think its 3300
sticky12: Love seeing the abuse players get from armchair critics. Would love to see how good ur be meka out there?
dipstick: hamling a massive fuck all 3 pt second qtr
LuvIt74: @luked yes 1 know hence why i said +4 points after correction his final score was 154
BennyCuzzy: Rich , jelwood , the Bont , newness are all on my chopping block
LuvIt74: I want Dale on he is my 18th player
Dangermaus: Robertson off to hospital with that shoulder
LuvIt74: Zorko may be worth getting as he has bottomed out & playing good today
LuvIt74: @BennyCuzzy hope ya have 20 trades left if your gonna correct all those m8
Redraptor: Just got Zorko in. Ox from SEN reckons Rich is playing the worst game by a player this year!
LuvIt74: I have no idea why u didn’t trade Rich out weeks ago when he peaked
Redraptor: I don’t have Rich and never was interested
frenzy: can’t understand dolshaus sc?
Andrew37: 4 tackles. Can’t be the worst.
LuvIt74: @Radraptor i was saying that to BennyCuzzy m8
dipstick: sen tore rich a new one
Redraptor: @Andrew37 I think they are talking about his attitude after he found out Picken was on him
dipstick: bonts must have hit a wall after the first 5 weeks
Dangermaus: Beams will get the hulk yet again tonight, one of the few decent midfielders who can break a tag
frenzy: c’mon bont ffs
dipstick: if bonts cant get the pill for 5 weeks time he spent a few weeks tagging
Roksta: Beams not being tagged
SaintsMan: stay down dalhaus
banta: yo’d think someone would have gone near bloody murphy by now
banta: stay down mboyd. sub 80 form you please
casey22: I reckon Murph is a senational player & will crack 300 games this year
Grazz: nice goal
Roksta: Bont starting to get a bit of inside pill
banta: taylor = gun
Roksta: Stringer is a freak
RooBoyStu: glad I traded you off Rich
RooBoyStu: target boyd
dipstick: make an arse crack icon for bonts for the next couple years
Roksta: Lewis Taylor on 45sc def no gun
auxDT: doggies paying 250k per goal from boyd
frenzy: ok, if Boyd aint a bluemoon, noone is
FlagDog: Go the Haus!
gdshifty: Tom Boyd for the blue moon
uptoolate: what is wrong with u Monty ?
LuvIt74: carn doggiessss
3rdstriker: give clarke the muppet, could have taken an uncontested mark, cost a goal
colin wood: Game over so bring on dale plz
Dangermaus: Minson subbed
willywalks: how good is picken when not tagging, on track for his 6th tonne in 7 games, glad i picked him up weeks ago
The39Steps: Richas one more SC point than Hanley.
banta: rich is so overrated
dipstick: skin flute been subbed
LuvIt74: hamling has done nothing for almost a half
uptoolate: lol Monty …. ur a moron
The39Steps: * Rich has
LuvIt74: Put Dale on Beverage
LuvIt74: Thank frogs for that
LuvIt74: Beverage doesn’t like Minson obviously
Roksta: Worth every cent auxdt
banta: bewick a witches hat and spud for the pathetic role against murphy
dipstick: isnt Daily Bale a greyhound
luked98: good quarter from beams
The39Steps: Presumably Cordy replaces Minson next week? Musical chairs.
masterhc2: you’re a superstar beams
dipstick: i guess minson leaving dogs at years end then
uptoolate: Rootboy and Dipstick related to Monty …. is why they get to commentate EVERY game in here ?
uptoolate: well stf up u two … this is my team not yours !
banta: ridiculously huge junk from paparone this quarter. wtf
colin wood: Uotoolate stop acting like an idiot…
dibbydobby: good boy beams ton it up
ryanbob: Wow bont is useless
dipstick: @tool-ate pretty sure u bag everyone and you also called m0nty a moron b4 you flog. nones here as much as u
luked98: lol hanley only 38 sc
Roksta: Atta boy mc stray
gdshifty: good quarter by dahlhaus
stakerz: fuck you bont
Roksta: Beams muppet
banta: flog off paparone this is ridiculous
tamoz: Will Minson from all australian to all is failing
RooBoyStu: my first comment on this gamne was late in the 3rd after having seafood Go Roos!
RooBoyStu: uptoolate got the shells of my prawns & oysters for you
The39Steps: A can of tuna is seafood.
uptoolate: u failed to print my comment again Monte ?
dipstick: lol
uptoolate: tellyour little brothet Dipnit he is not the expert on every game Monty …
RooBoyStu: lol @the39steps for you maybe
Grazz: nice grab
dipstick: @rooboy uptoolate ate-tool-up so i doubt hes hungry for seafood shells
RooBoyStu: lol
tamoz: At least get to 80 Bont
uptoolate: Dip if you and Roo would just leave and go ten pin bowling again together then we could have a reasonable discussion in
Roksta: Seafood is horrid
RooBoyStu: uptoolate is a perfect name for him, he struggles in 1:10pm games
Roksta: Give me a steak any day
uptoolate: get farkd u cunt !
wadaramus: Come on Bont.
Roksta: The package!!!
m0nty: back on the game please
wadaramus: Stef Martin 86% DE but SC score is not great?
Andrew37: more than just DE wad. Hitouts mostly to disadvantage,
bigbaddasa: middle of his name sums him uo…tool
Roksta: Wow flogging them now
MattyZ: Come on stefan martin i’m a few hitouts to advantage away from getting the 1st in Stadium
frenzy: if stefan was nic nat he’d be 140
bigbaddasa: smash the q Beams
Dangermaus: vandenberg to Macrae was a good move after all =)
auxDT: massive package
Grazz: The Package has a package of Goals
LuvIt74: Beams, Dahlhaus, Hamling Dale
LuvIt74: Sounds like BT has a man crush on the stringa
LuvIt74: hes delicious
frenzy: so boyd’s on target at 4.1 and stringa aint m0nty
auxDT: because hes getting the star
3rdstriker: bin for bont
luked98: bont, thankyou for making your score slightly more respectable
LuvIt74: has boyd kickd 3 or 4?
luked98: zorko yinyang
m0nty: nominations for star please
gusjojo: Bont junk time
luked98: beams gun
Torz: Stringer star
masterhc2: keep going beamer, good boy
Torz: Sorry “The Package” star
Andrew37: Can’t look passed Macrae. Done the hard work.
LuvIt74: Stringer star
gusjojo: Jake Stringer has been awesome
Dangermaus: Macrae Cherries
frenzy: Cutler star
Andrew37: bintompelli
wadaramus: Get into the garbage Bont!
m0nty: Stringer obviously had a gutful of Brian Talylor’s commentary
luked98: nooo beams
LuvIt74: lol Luvit m0nty…. lmfao
LuvIt74: what a pisser
luked98: bont what a quarter
Roksta: Well played monty
J_Pinkman: calm down Brian Taylor
LuvIt74: How many goals has Boyd kicked?
gusjojo: Beams’ injury “just a stinger” according to Richo
Brian: Oh boy wowee how about that, The Package, hoo ha, wey hey!!
Roksta: Boyd 4
Dangermaus: Surely Bont get’s the trash can
LuvIt74: beams 100sc
danmaio: BT thinks Beams injury is just a “stringer”
auxDT: hahaha Brian is here
colin wood: Chuck a star on Wallis, Minty. thanks darl
frenzy: don’t stop now Bont keep stinkin the trash
JoeBanana: $$$$ for Wallis
luked98: star stringer
Torz: Wallis is probably the biggest value going around. So cheap.
luked98: get on the field beams
gogonz: another junktime goal for dalhaus would be nice
Roksta: Wallis star
luked98: hamling comon mate
Andrew37: Wallis never BOG… 2 goals when the game was over. Load of crap.
Roksta: What happened to all the Bont haters
frenzy: Picken dogs BOG
gdshifty: hamling 16 points in 3 quarters…
gogonz: hamling hasnt seen the ball….. he’s playing in the lions fwd line
cusch1: Stringer bog surely
auxDT: jarrad grant star
masterhc2: yeah wallis cherry or something not star, stringer and mcrae better all day
phiz3: Gotta luv bonts junk time. But what is he on for SC? Surely bout 60?
cusch1: I never said I hated Bont…just said that I think Zac Merrett is better 😉 hahah
mijg: So Hamling got about 10 more points since the opening qtr.
colin wood: Wallis BOG
Roksta: Bont 87 sc
gogonz: bont gets the GAJ treatment from champion data… he’ll probably ton up
DanBlack: would love M.Boyd to get 2 more points. Tonnes are so much more satisfying than 98s
luked98: bont 89 sc
Roksta: All good cusch. Bont has had an off game
J_Pinkman: dumont with the vest twice over the byes and now dale has hurt me
Andrew37: How is Wallis BOG? Macare has most CP and clearnces. Did all the hard work. Wallis got involved on all the junk timegoal
cusch1: Roksta what is rmuphy
Roksta: Averages 10 more points than merrit too lol
Andrew37: Just to boost his score from 75 odd to crack the tonne.
DanBlack: Has christensen earned the cape this Qtr. Swear he was no where early
Roksta: Bobby 94sc
Jukes82: wallis bog? lmaoooo, muppets have no idea.
RooBoyStu: Minson back to the VFL next week boys?
m0nty: Even the goal umpires are diving for frees now.
cusch1: Wtf bt and his cow breeding talks….
LuvIt74: Now keep it up dogs for the next few weeks.
phiz3: This turned into a very boring ass game very quickly.
gdshifty: dahlhaus with the junk at the end!!
cusch1: Thanks rok
Roksta: Minson will play next week robot
wtf???: Beams gave away the free and the 50 metres but not registered in his stats
gogonz: @gdshifty.. very handy few points… but was pretty instrumental in that 3rd qtr too!
Roksta: Lol Lewis Taylor
frenzy: got outta jail thanks Bont
gogonz: cya boys
phiz3: Champion data is like gst. We all have to use it but no one really gets it. Bont = murph=????
mike944150: Erh Stringer was clearly BOG